describe的名词 a good stu...

Stupid is not the same thing as slow: All the words teachers use to describe student failure.
What Does a Teacher Mean When He Calls Your Child Slow, Weak, or Struggling?
Failure is diverse. Our language should be, too.
Photo by Marek Slusarczyk/iStockphoto/Thinkstock
I know a teacher&a great one, actually&who, in private, refers to his students as &bricks.& As in, &dumb as a brick.&
You almost never hear that level of candor among teachers, and not just because every parent&s got a lawyer on retainer. Teachers avoid words like stupid because they know how badly labels can sting, and how long the bruises linger. School shapes you, and no teacher wants to leave scars.
On the other hand, you don&t educate kids by sparing their feelings and reciting politically correct mantras. You do it by confronting their challenges head-on, and showing them how to overcome them.
So when talking to failing students, teachers can&t be too blunt or too circumspect. They&re caught between a rock and a euphemism for a rock.
So how do teachers frame failure for their students? What words do they use?
I&ve heard slow, weak, struggling, behind, and other words too numerous to list. Students manage to fail in thousands of ingenious ways, and we teachers have developed a vocabulary to match. These words aren&t interchangeable. Each one embodies different assumptions about the engines of success, the nature of failure, and how students& minds operate. Each word is a bite-sized piece of educational ideology.
Consider slow. Its antonym is quick, or in less guarded moments, bright.
Usually, slow is used to mean &slow to understand.& It implies, &He doesn&t get it, even when everyone else does.& It says, &I&ve run out of ways to explain what an improper fraction is, and I don&t want to bore the other students with another futile attempt.&
In short, slow has become a stand-in for &a little bit stupid.&
That&s too bad. Of course, it shouldn&t be taboo for teachers (or anyone) to talk about intelligence. Some people learn to read and multiply at age 3. Some of the mentally retarded never manage to dress themselves, even as adults. Words like smart and dumb can be useful&if crude&catchall terms for the spectrum of human abilities. But intelligence consists of many cognitive skills, from spatial reasoning to word fluency. Slow refers to only one of these: processing speed.
I taught a student, Roberto, who quite literally thought slowly. Lectures whizzed past him, and my homework assignments overwhelmed him. &After an hour and a half, I just go to bed,& he explained to me once, handing in another incomplete assignment. &It would take me two or three hours to finish.&
The work he&d done was excellent, his reasoning beautiful and precise. He was plenty intelligent&just slow.
When we use slow to mean dumb, we conflate speed with intellect. That&s a dangerous move. Our system of time-pressured tests and overscheduled afternoons already favors quick thinkers over deep ones. We ought to reserve the word slow for those specific students with slow processing speed, regardless of their other strengths and weaknesses.
Roberto is slow, but he sure isn&t stupid.
Next, consider weak (along with its opposite, &strong). At first, such language offers promise. If the brain is a muscle, then exercise&homework and studying&ought to build its strength.
But in practice, weak often carries a tone of resignation. &He&s a weak math student,& we sigh. &The sophomores are a weak group this year,& we mutter, shaking our heads. Such weakness lies beyond our control. It feels inevitable that the strong will thrive and the weak will flounder, no matter what we do. There&s Darwinian law at work, and even the most supportive teacher is powerless to resist. Sorry, it&s survival of the fittest.
We forget that weakness isn&t universal. Take Rafaela, who struggled in my highly verbal, proof-heavy Trigonometry class. (&I don&t like math anymore,& she once blurted out in frustration. Not a teacher&s favorite phrase.) But she&s a swift problem-solver with excellent geometric intuition, and has thrived in other math classes, both before and since.
Rafaela wasn&t weak overall&just in the particular muscles I was asking her to flex. Different students will appear weak or strong, depending what obstacles we set before them.
Applied to a student&s mathematical abilities as a whole, the word weak is too broad, like telling a young athlete, &Sorry, you&re not good enough.& Sure, not everybody will make the NBA. (I certainly came up short&about 9 inches short.) But everybody can improve, whether it&s working on your jump shot, your crossover dribble, or your trigonometric identities. A word like weak serves best for labeling specific areas of need&not for writing off a student altogether.
Next up: Low. A low kid is one with low grades. That&s all. No embedded assumptions, hidden agenda, or implied explanations.
Low is harmless, but also not very helpful. Kids are low for a variety of reasons. Ernesto failed my class because I caught him cheating on exams. Alberto failed because he slept through lessons and never did homework. (Eventually he revealed that he was working 5&10 p.m. daily at the family store.) Gabriela failed because she skipped school often, and when confronted with an unfamiliar problem, she wilted.
Calling all these kids low is like calling all the patients in a hospital sick&technically true, but not terribly insightful. They need individual diagnoses, individual treatment.
The problem here isn&t with our language. The problem is that teaching 100 or 150 kids each day doesn&t leave much time for heart-to-hearts with failing students. Unable to develop real insight into their academic ailments, a content-free word like low is sometimes the best that teachers can muster.
My personal favorite is struggling. It dramatizes the situation&as if the student is swimming against whitewater currents, doing her noble best to stay afloat.
Monica was a student who struggled. Every night of ninth grade, she slaved over her homework, barely sleeping, fighting against the rapids, straining to tread water. I admired her tenacity, and did my best to throw her life preservers&test corrections, tutoring sessions, extra credit. In the end, though, it wasn&t enough. She failed my geometry class, and the rest of her subjects, too. (She passed freshman year the second time around.)
My preference for &struggling& betrays my own biases as a teacher. I like to think that my students are trying their best, but are stuck, and only need my clever explanations to loosen the soil. Mr. Orlin to the rescue! (Or at least, in cases like Monica&s, the attempted rescue.)
But some students just don&t care. Math strikes them as pointless, or impossible, and they&re perfectly content to surrender to the river without a fight. David, for example, didn&t struggle at all. He eyed trigonometry, decided it wasn&t for him, and promptly failed, my pep talks doing nothing to revive his interest.
I apparently am not. I do all right with struggling students, but I don&t know how to persuade the unmotivated that the struggle is worth their effort.
The meaning of behind (antonym: advanced) varies with the seasons.
In the spring, &She&s behind& means, &She&s missing key ideas or assignments from this year.& But in the autumn, when behind is most often heard, it means, &She entered my class unprepared. I&ll do my best, but it won&t be easy.& It means, &Her schools so far have failed to teach her.& It means, &I don&t know when&maybe last year, maybe the year before, maybe earlier&but she fell off track, and I&m not sure if I can bring her up to speed.&
&She&s behind& means &Time is running out for her.&
Jonathan entered ninth grade as far behind as any student I&d ever taught. One day, as he stared in confusion at the fraction 8/3, it became clear that he didn&t know what 1/3 meant. &Here,& I said, drawing a circle. &Cut this into three equal pieces.&
He couldn&t do it&the pieces kept coming out dramatically different sizes. After his fourth attempt, I gave him a hint, and on his sixth, he got it. I forced a smile.
In moments like that, I tell myself that high school is simply too late. By age 14, too many students have slipped through the cracks. Too many never properly learned to read. Too many suffer from misconceptions that would take years to unravel&never mind teaching them new content. By age 14, it&s too easy to be so far behind that you&ll never fully catch up.
And the saddest part? I&ve heard third grade teachers say the same thing.
Behind, in this sense, is a word of humility for teachers. (More darkly, you could call it defeatism.) It&s a confession that, for each student, I am only one teacher in a long lineage. You do your best with a kid like Jonathan, but even your best won&t heal him completely. And you learn not to blame his parents or past teachers, because next year&s teacher could just as easily blame you.
So: What&s wrong with unintelligent? Do we really have to beat around the bush, trafficking in politically correct euphemisms?
There are three dangers. First, even if we limit our usage of words like dumb to the conspiratorial privacy of the faculty lounge, kids can tell. Such judgments seep into our interactions with them. It hurts to know that the teacher thinks you&re stupid.
Second, our judgment can falter. We don&t always know our students as well as we think. It&s easy to overlook latent talents or hidden obstacles. Years ago, my wife Taryn&s second-grade teacher saw her stumbling to read an easy sentence aloud, and immediately labeled her a low kid. It was only weeks later that she noticed Taryn could comprehend and summarize text with the best of them. Pronunciation was her only problem. &Sorry!& the teacher said, and shuffled the future Yale and Berkeley grad out of the remedial reading group.
Third, even if a kid does have low IQ, it&s more useful to focus on one area at a time. If a basketball coach told me, &You&re terrible,& (which is accurate), I&d want to give up. I&d rather hear: &Today, we&ll practice you tomorrow, we&ll the day after, we&ll work on free throws && Sure, I might not improve much, but even dwarf trees grow a little.
Unsurprisingly, teachers have few qualms about praising students& intelligence, tossing around words like bright and brilliant and smart. That&s innocent enough (although I wonder how it sounds to the students not earning such accolades).
The problem with such language is that it fuels a simplistic view of educational success and failure. We imagine that grades come from a straightforward combination of intelligence and work ethic. &She&s clever, but lazy,& we say. Or, &He&s not too sharp, but he works hard.& Or even, &You made some mistakes, but A for effort.&
But those two variables&intelligence and work ethic&encompass multitudes. Weak, slow, and behind aren&t just PC synonyms for stupid&they each highlight different facets of education, different causes for failure. Just as doctors don&t settle for classifying various forms of abdominal pain as tummy aches, we need a rich vocabulary to describe what happens in our classrooms.
Failure is diverse. Our language should be, too.
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Rachael Larimoregood是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
好的,优质的,符合标准的,令人满意的 of an satisfactory
[P]善于使用某物、处事、待人或用人 capable when using, dealing with, etc. sth/sb
乐于助人的,好心的,仁慈的 wi kind
[A]无病的,健康的,强健的 strong
合适的,恰当的 right or suitable
[A]彻底的,着实的,完全的 sound
有偿还〔借款〕能力的 such that he will be able to repay (a sum lent)
(用以表示愉快或满意的) a word that you use when you are pleased
[U]有道德的事,善 that which is morally right or acceptable
[C]好处,利益 that which gives benefit, profit, advantage, etc.
good&:&善 ...
good&:&好的, 能胜 ...
good&:&(better, b ...
good&:&(better, b ...
good&:&好处, 利益 ...
"for your own good"
"what's the good of worrying?"
moral excelle
"there is much good to be found in people"
that which is pleasing o
"weigh the good against the bad"
"among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"
articles of commerce
having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable f
"good news from the hospital"
"a good report card"
"when she was good she was very very good"
"a good knife is one good for cutting"
"this stump will make a good picnic table"
"a good check"
"a good joke"
"a good exterior paint"
"a good secretary"
"a good dress for the office"
having the norm
"gives full measure"
"gives good measure"
"a good mile from here"
morally admirable
deserving o
"all respectable companies give guarantees"
"ruined the family's good name"
promoting or enhancing well-
"an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries"
"the beneficial effects of a temperate climate"
"the experience was good for her"
"we all had a good time"
"good manners"
"a genuinely good person"
"a just cause"
"an upright and respectable man"
having or showing knowledge an
"adept in handicrafts"
"an adept juggler"
"an expert job"
"a good mechanic"
"a practiced marksman"
"a proficient engineer"
"a lesser-known but no less skillful composer"
"the effect was achieved by skillful retouching"
"had a good workout"
"gave the house a good cleaning"
with or in a close or i
"a good friend"
"my sisters and brothers are near and dear"
"a good investment"
"a secure investment"
most suitable or right for
"a good time to plant tomatoes"
"the right time to act"
"the time is ripe for great sociological changes"
"it's a good thing that I wasn't there"
"it is good that you stayed"
"it is well that no one saw you"
"all's well that ends well"
"the law is effective immediately"
"a warranty good for two years"
"the law is already in effect (or in force)"
"good looks"
"good music"
"a serious book"
in excellen
"good teeth"
"I still have one good leg"
"a sound mind in a sound body"
tending to promote physical well-
"beneficial effects of a balanced diet"
"a good night's sleep"
"the salutary influence of pure air"
"a good dollar bill"
"the meat is still good"
"good taste"
(often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well');
"the children behaved well"
"a task well done"
"the party went well"
"he slept well"
"a well-argued thesis"
"a well-seasoned dish"
"a well-planned party"
"the baby can walk pretty good"
completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly');
"he was soundly defeated"
"we beat him good"
用作形容词 (adj.)
A good video camera will cost you a lot of money.
My one good suit is at the cleaner's.
If you train hard, you'll make a good footballer.
用作名词 (n.)
Complaining won't do you any good.
用作形容词 (adj.)
She had a good opinion of him.
We had a very good time last night.
A good student of science can't be an unobservant person.
The car has very good brakes.
A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement around.
Do you know of a really good hotel in this city?
Have you heard the good news about my award?
He is envious of my good fortune.
Her name is fragrant with good deeds.
My good wife,I bless you!
My good man, why should I help you?
He is a good friend of mine.
You were a good girl to help in the shop.
Fresh air is fundamental to good health.
The firm has had good times and bad times.
What good weather we're having!
Treatment with medicinal herb is attended with good results.
All traitorous persons and cliques came to no good end.
We had a good laugh at that.
I gave him a good scolding.
We had a good swim in the Yangtse River.
Last year was a good year.
It took me a good three weeks to do it.
He had to buy a good many things.
A good many people were present at the rally.
There I got to know a good many of the students.
His English is not so good.
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
Exercise is good for the health.
Milk is good for children.
His credit is good for 500 pounds.
The healthful air at the seaside is good for you.
She has always been very good to me.
A car's not much good to me,I can't drive.
Beef is good to the taste.
He is good at arithmetic.
Pork doesn't keep good in summer if you haven't got a refrigerator.
He's very good with children.
S+be+~+to- v
Is the light good enough to take photographs?
Would you be good enough to carry this for me?
It is/was+~+(for/of sb) to- v
It's good to be home again.
It was good for him to help me.
It's good of you to help me.
Through the good and bad, we'd get along .
He thought that aim of philosophy was to discover the good, the beautiful, and the true.
用作名词 (n.)
Is religion always a force for good?
I'm giving you this advice for your own good.
Do social workers do a lot of good?
What's the good in going to parties?
What good is it asking her?
It's no good talking to him.
Was his advice ever any good?
This gadget isn't much good.
用作形容词 (adj.)
a good few
相当多(的),几个 a considerable number (of); several
There are still a good few empty seats.
as good as
几乎,实际上 almost, practically
He as good as said I'm a liar.
The matter is as good as settled.
I bought a secondhand chair which is as good as new.
She claimed that he as good as promised to marry her.
You may trust him, he is as good as his word.
The old machine is well maintained and looks as good as new.
good and ...
〈美口〉完全,彻底 completely
good and+adj.
I won't go until I'm good and ready.我完全准备好了才去。
She made me good and mad.她使我如痴如醉。
She was good and angry.她非常生气。
I was good and tired.我很累。
He knew good and well that she had stolen his watch.他清楚地知道她曾偷了他的表。
The melon was good and sweet.这瓜很甜。
good for sb
某人干得好(用以祝贺某人) doing well (used when congratulating sb)
She passed the exam?Good for her!
You mean you've arranged for a car to pick me up at 2 this afternoon?Good for you!
Dare you pick fault with cousin Linda? if so, good for you.
用作名词 (n.)
有用的 useful
This cough medicine tastes nice but it doesn't do much good.这咳嗽药不难吃,但作用不大。
有益于某人 benefit sb
do sb good
Eat more fruit, it will do you good.多吃水果,对你有好处。
Much good may it do you.但愿对你大有好处。
do good to sb
You should do good to others.你应该对别人行善。
for good (and all)
永久,永远,决定性地 finally
Louise is determined to stop smoking for good and all.
We thought she'd come for a visit, but it seems she's staying for good.
to the good
(用以记述某人的财务状况)盈余 (used to describe sb's financial state) in credit
We are 500 pounds to the good.
We may have ordered too many bricks, but that's all to the good, we can use any that are over to build a garden wall.
up to no good
做坏事,淘气,恶作剧 doing sth wrong, mischievous, etc.
Those children are very quiet,I bet they're up to no good.
用作形容词 (adj.)
用作名词 (n.)
If he had employ'd Those excellent gifts..Vnto the good, not ruin, of the State.
What is the good of Greatness but the Power.
出自:N. Rowe
A prayer-meeting..has become a power for good in the College.
出自:W. S. Tyler
No good..building docks unless there were ships to load in them.
出自:W. S. Jevons
One half of us slept on shore by a good fire.
出自:W. Bligh
A good history of our foreign policy would be very useful.
出自:M. Pattison
I..shot him the third time, which killed him good.
出自:D. Crockett
My mother could never cook this good.
出自:J. P. Donleavy
good惯用于词组the good ship和the good town of中,一般不表示特别含义;
good to表示“和善”,而good for表示“有益于”。
He is good to her.他对她很和善。
表示“做某事没有用,无效”时,可用句式it is no good doing something来表达。
He is not good at the game.句中good作形容词指“擅长的”。
He is no good at the game.句中good作名词指“益处”。
Somebody is not very good at something.There is no good in doing something.
Somebody is not much good at something.There is not much good in doing something.
可以存在most good,表示“很好的”,不可改为best。
It is most good of you to come.你来这里表明了你的好意。
比较more good与better的意思:
He looks more good than you.他比你好看。
He looks better than you.他身体比你好。
区别for good和for ever:两者都指“永远”,但for good表一次动作带来的永久性结果。
Philip left the country for good.菲利普永远离开这个国家了,再不回来了。
I shall love my work for good.该句的表示是错误的,应改for good为for ever。
可以省略good morning中的good,但不可省略good afternoon, good evening和good night中的good;as good as是状语短语,表示“几乎”的意思。
He as good as said so.可以算他这样说了,虽然他实际上没这样说。
good and+形容词,在美国口语中常用来加强语气,表示“很”,等于very。
It's good of sb 和It's good for sb 都可接to do sth,但含义不同。前者重在“人”很好,后者重在“事”很好。
the good常可表示一类人或事。
a good many〔number〕的意思是“好些”“许多”,跟可数名词连用。
a good可表示“足足”“至少”。
good修饰名词时常有两种含义,如a good writer可指人品好,也可指文笔好; a good soldier可指人品好,也可指善战。
good表示“有道德的事,善”时,是不可数名词; 表示“好处,利益”时是可数名词。
be good for sb, be good to sb good for sb 表示“有益于某人”, be good to sb 表示“待某人好”。 good for还可接sth/to- v ,而be good to不可。
good at, good to, good with
1.good at的意思是“善于,擅长”; good with的意思是“善用(某物)”“善待(某人)”; good to的意思是“对…慈爱友善”“对…有益”。
2.good at后主要接表示科目、活动的名词或动名词, good with后主要接表示工具、人体器官、人的名词; good to后主要接表示人或人格化的名词。
3.good at的反义词是bad at。good at中的at可换成 good to作“对…有益”解时介词to可换成for。
good, fine, nice, well
这组词都有“好”的意思。其区别在于:good意为“好”,常用词,含义很广,一般用作定语和表语; fine主要指质量、特点、能力方面的“好”,语气比good强,也可指健康状况,相当于 nice指某人或某物能取悦他人的感官,使人感到喜悦,感到舒适; well主要指人的健康状况好,只用作表语,有时也可指情况状态正常,良好。例如:
He is a man of good family.他是一个家世很好的人。
He is living in a fine house.他住在一幢华丽的房子里。
We had a very nice trip to the Jiangnan Park yesterday.昨天我们去江南公园畅游了一番。
good, goodly, well
1.good可指人或物的“好”,使用广泛; well专指人身体“健康的”,也指“良好的”“幸运的”; goodly指某物是“质量好的”“极好的”,也可指某人或某物是“好看的”“漂亮的”。例如:
I am very well, thank you.谢谢你,我身体很好。
So far as I know, things are well with them now.据我所知,现在他们事事顺利。
A beautiful car is a goodly gift.一辆漂亮的小车是上等礼品。
The table spread with food made a goodly sign.摆满了食物的桌子显得非常美观。
John is a goodly youth.约翰是一个漂亮的青年。
2.good可作表语,也可作定语; well只能作表语。
She looks good.
She looks well.
good for, for good
1.good for中的good是形容词,也可作为名词; for good中的good是名词。
2.good for的意思是“对…有用〔益〕”; 而for good的意思是“永远”“永久”“为…利益”。
3.good for作形容词性短语时,在句中作表语或后置定语; 而for good是副词性短语,在句中作状语。
4.good for作“价值为…”解时后接表示币值的名词,仅用于口语中,而for good无此意。
good, goods
误 They asked me a good deal of questions.
正 They asked me a good many questions.
析 a good deal (of)应和不可数名词连用,修饰可数名词用a good many。
误 Drink it down.It will do good for you.
正 Drink it down.It will do good to you.
正 Drink it down.It will do you good.
析 “(对某人)有好处”可以说do sb good。如果间接宾语sb 后移,则应该加介词to而不用for。
错句:it is no good to blame him.
纠正:it is no good blaming him.
分析:表示“做某事没有用,无效”时,可用句式it is no good doing something来表达,而非不定式。
☆ 直接源自古英语的god,意为有权,或者好质量。
[海词讲解]good和well用法上的区别:几乎所有用well的地方都可以用good代替(大概除了well done),但well不能代替good
good&:&优质的;符 ...


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