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Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter): Roberto Valenzuela: 8: : Books
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Picture Perfect Practice: A Self-Training Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Taking World-Class Photographs (Voices That Matter)
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Foreword by Skip Cohen Translating the chaos of the real world into a breathtakingly simple, beautiful photograph can often seem like an impossible task. With busy, cluttered backgrounds and subjects who don&t know how to pose, how can you take control and get a great shot no matter the situation? In Picture Perfect Practice, photographer Roberto Valenzuela breaks down the craft of photography into three key elements&locations, poses, and execution&that you can use to unlock the photographic opportunities lying beneath every challenging situation. Valenzuela stresses the need for photographers to actively practice their craft every day&just like you would practice a musical instrument&in order to master the art of making great images. With chapters that offer practice exercises to strengthen your photographic abilities, you&ll learn how to approach a scene, break it down, and see your way to a great photograph. The Location section features chapters that cover symmetry, balance, framing, color elements, textures, and much more. The Posing section includes the Five Key Posing Techniques that Valenzuela uses every time he&s shooting people, as well as a complete list of poses and how to achieve, customize, and perfect them. The Execution portion, with sections like &Lighting through Direction& and &Simplicity through Subtraction,& reveals Valenzuela&s overall approach to getting the shot. The book also includes an inspiring and helpful chapter on deliberate practice techniques, where Valenzuela describes his system for practicing and analyzing his work, which leads to constant improvement as a photographer. If you&ve been frustrated and overwhelmed by the challenges of real-world locations, posing your subjects, or executing a great image&or if you simply want to become a better shooter but don&t know where to start&Picture Perfect Practice gives you the tools and information you need to finally become the kind of photographer you&ve always wanted to be: the kind who can confidently walk into any location, under any lighting condition, with any subject, and know that you can create astonishing photographs that have a timeless impact.
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About the Author
Roberto Valenzuela is a Beverly Hills-based photographer, specializing in wedding photography. He has been recognized as one of the world's top wedding photographers by Junebug Weddings, and has won over 50 international print competition accolades from the Wedding and Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) association. He is an active speaker and teacher at photography conferences across the country. Learn more .
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Product Details
Series: Voices That Matter
Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: New R 1st edition (February 27, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-
Product Dimensions:
7.9 x 0.9 x 9.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds ()
Average Customer Review:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#36,503 in Books ()
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on March 16, 2012Format: Paperback
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on April 12, 2012Format: Paperback
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I almost didn't create a review for this product because I wanted to keep it as my own little best kept secret but it's just too good not to share. (If nothing else let this be my feeble way of thanking the author for creating it!)My husband and I have this longstanding theory that no artist is every really going to share all of his/her secrets with you
in a book, a workshop or otherwise, and based on every book and workshop I've ever taken I've found this theory to be alive and well. They give you just enough information to *think* you're going to learn a ton but you're left feeling like there was something missing--SOMETHING they just didn't share that would make all the puzzle pieces fit.Then in comes Roberto Valenzuela and Picture Perfect Practice. He covers so many aspects of good photography it will literally take me years to master all that he has provided for devouring. That's not to say the concepts he shares are difficult per se, it's simply that there are so many things he covers, that to practice them to a point of mastery is no easy task. The book is organized well, by topic, and he provides key tips for practicing. He's really opened my eyes to the notion that photographers see the world differently. Not just during a session but every day. Every object is transformed by the photographers eye and this is percicely what he helps you to develop: your eye.I can't recommend this book highly enough. I have paid thousands of dollars for workshops that have contained a third of what I've found in this book for under $30. With this workbook and dedicated practice to the craft, I defy you not to become the photographer you are destined to be.
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on November 29, 2012Format: Paperback
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 Language: Croatian?▼ [] : ?▼ DefinitionLanguageTextBretonLi?venn da eva?; termen na implijer ket evit an dour peurliesa?.BulgarianВсяка от различните течности за пиене.CastilianUno de varios líquidos para beber.DutchEen voor het drinken bestemde vloeistof.EnglishAny one of various liquids for drinking.FrenchLiquide fait pour être bu.GermanJede zum Trinken bestimmte Flüssigkeit.InterlinguaLiquido destinate a esser bibite.ItalianLiquido da bere.Japanese飲むための液体で、水以外のもの。PolishKa?dy rodzaj p?ynu przeznaczonego do picia z wyj?tkiem wody.Portuguese (Brazil)Qualquer tipo de líquido para beber.SlovakKtoráko?vek z r?snych tekutín ur?en?ch na pitie.SlovenianRazne vrste teko?in, ki so namenjene za pitje.SwedishVarje v?tska avsedd att drickas.?▼ Synonyms and translations ExpressionAnnotationLanguageSpelling&Afrikaans&Arabic&Basque&Bokm?l&Bokm?l&Breton&Breton&Bulgarian&Castilian&Castilian&Catalan&Czech&Danish&Dutch&English&English&English&English&Esperanto&Estonian&Finnish&French≈French&French (Canada)&Georgian&German&Greek&Gujarati&Hebrew&Hindi&Hungarian&Indonesian&Interlingua&Interlingua&Italian&Italian&Italian&Japanese&Japanese&K?lsch&K?lsch&Kyrgyz&Latvian&Lithuanian&Marathi&Persian&Persian&Piedmontese&Polish&Portuguese&Romanian&Russian&Slovak&Slovenian&Swahili&Swedish&Swedish&Tamil&Tamil&thieves cant of Stotzheim&Turkish&Walloon&Welsh&Yoruba?▼ Semantic annotationsPropertyValue?▼ Collection membershipCollectionSource identifier4d7dd7dc-a46b-102a-a03d-f?▼ Incoming relationsRelated toRelation typeIslam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!
Don Boys, Ph.D.
the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.
It is impossible to understand Islam and Muslims by listening to their protestations against terror and their proclamations of patriotism for America. Usually, it is wise and fair to give people the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to national safety and the future of America, we had better look twice, even thrice at Muslim patriotism. Why? Because Islam permits lying! It is called “Al-taqiyya.” One Muslim said that Al-taqiyya means dissimulation then he expanded it to diplomacy but he should have gone further to deception. Now some Muslims who do not follow the Koran are as faithful Americans as any of us, but the problem is, we cannot know.
Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die.
It seems our President and his advisors are clueless as to the desires, doctrines, and distinctives of Islam. While I feel a little audacious in giving advice to national leaders, it is necessary since no one else is doing it. Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die.
Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.
Muslims are permitted to lie: (1) to save their lives, (2) to reconcile a husband and wife, (3) to persuade a woman into a bedroom and (4) to facilitate one on his journey.
Muslims are even permitted to disavow Islam and Mohammed if it is not a genuine heart-felt rejection. Muslims will tell you that concealment of a truth is not an abandonment of that truth if it benefits Islam.
Mohammed gave permission for a follower to lie in order to kill a Jewish poet who had offended Mohammed. I could provide many examples of permissible lying from the Koran and Hadith and will do so when my critics accuse me of hatred and bigotry because of this column. My motives are not important but the truth is. However, many unprincipled people do not consider truth important. It is political correctness that sits on the throne to be worshiped.
Muslims may in fact, they are sincere, when they lie for their own protection or in the cause of Islam. They have permission to lie. Yes, Christians have also lied but never are they given permission to lie. However, a Muslim has no guilt since the Koran and Hadith permit his deception.
Muslims have no hope for eternal salvation without their good works, so they must keep working to advance Islam. If a few lies will accomplish that goal, then lying is not bad but good. If they can get good publicity for Islam by lying, then lying is acceptable, even desirable.
They will lie to make Islam more attractive to potential converts as they speak of “no compulsion in religion” while all of them know that verse was abrogated by later verses. They will quote verses that speak of tolerance and kindness knowing that those verses were written when Mohammed was desirous of “tolerance and kindness,” but when he climbed into the catbird seat, everything changed and he became a terrorist.
Muslims have no hope for eternal salvation without their good works, so they must keep working to advance Islam. If a few lies will accomplish that goal, then lying is not bad but good. If they can get good publicity for Islam by lying, then lying is acceptable, even desirable. The Muslim is earning his way to heaven by lying to a non-Muslim.
Unlike Christians who are saved once for all by the grace of God through faith in Christ’s propitiatory death, no Muslim knows for sure if his works are good enough for Heaven. The only Muslim who knows for sure that his eternal destiny is secure and he will drop into a delightful garden filled with 72 virgins on soft green cushions is the one who dies while “taking out” unbelievers in Islam.
Most Muslims will not have the “opportunity” to become a martyr in this war between Islam and the rest of the world and make no mistake every true Muslim must be involved in making America (or the nation where he lives) a Muslim nation. Since Muslims are limited in their ability to die for the cause, they can help the cause by supporting terrorists with money, succor, and cover. Sure, they are aiding terror against the U.S. but since they believe they are doing Allah’s will, then any deception is acceptable.
How should this affect America’s war on terror? Officials must look closely at every Muslim chaplain in the militar also look at those involved in the CIA, FBI, and o look at all Arabic translators,
look at all Muslim employees at the Pentagon, White House, atomic power plants, and in C look at all civilian M look at Muslim clerics in all U.S. mosques. In other words, get serious about this war before our cities are rubble.
Our President must stop playing the game of “Let’s Stop the Terrorists” and get serious by going to the heart of the matter. This war on terror is a religious matter and could become a Hundred Years’ War. To resurrect an old slogan: You can trust the Muslims to be Muslims. They are lying their way to world domination!
Watch al-Taqiyya in action as it pours from the lips of Altaf Ali, Executive Director of C.A.I.R. in Florida as he gives sidewalk interviews next to a demonstration against C.A.I.R. sponsored Islamic Propaganda on appearing in ads placed on county buses.
Another good example of al Taqiyya (al Taqiya)
A Muslim woman deceived a Christian school by not wearing a Burqa to the job interview, but showed up to work wearing one.
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Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.
Have American Christians misread or misinterpreted historic Islam? I am afraid many have, and as a Bible-believing Christian concerned with the truth, I want to challenge their thinking.
Those with an understanding of history will also realize that we are in a Hundred Years’ War between Muslims and the rest of the world.
According to the Koran, every Muslim is obligated to make the nation in which he lives a Muslim nation.“If You Can’t Say Something Nice… Don’t Say Nothing at All. “
"If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all. "
By Isis WinFamous quote from the G movie Bambi. But I am not talking about the animated film nor about a G family issue. I am referring to the constant and recent stream of public addresses and comments by a few of the politicians in power and those who aspire to higher office. No need to mention names because if you don’t know them, likely you don’t truly care of what’s going on in that realm, nor what the newspapers and some TV stations broadcast. However, it is worth to mention in case you care to know. What I am talking about: words that had come out from conservatives or . . . republicans in the recent weeks.Perhaps preparation to a full presidential campaign requires to address every single issue that is in the news or the minds of the American voters. But only a prepared, well-educated and conscious politician or candidate for higher office, will focus on the matters that are of vital importance and the future of the nation and the concern about the direction they will tak or offer. That in order to take the country in the correct direction. However, these comments I am thinking about, although they reflect a reality of a pathological issue in our country, in their view, are comments address issues that have no turf in the public arena as a political platform. Even if they bother to a few Americans.
Nevertheless, those comments had been made with the intent to stir a negative and toxic outcome, in an already conflicting situation. Those who comment negatively against gay and transgendered issues, in such a toxic demeanor, are saying: Not only that they are partial to a sector of the population, but they disregard the fact that LGBT people are as American as they are &question mark here&. LGBT people are as good contributors to our country – as they are . And! . . .  As well, they are human beings deserving of support. compassion and sympathy.These types of comments go beyond the threshold of inflammatory, toxic and a clear declaration of bigotry. These are comments clearly state: Those who dare to make them, are emotionally and psychologically ill. As well, since the forum they had used to express theirs sickness is the political and public view. What’s that about a patriotic promise? As well, they are telling the rest of the population that they don’t deserve their vote because that. As well that power in their hands, will become a destructive force against their own people. A minority of Gay and  transgendered people. Therefore, a potential of stigmatizing the average citizen that doesn’t comply with their views.Correct me if I am wrong: Isn’t that a political officer suppose to address all issues that concern the well-being of ALL the American people? Even those that didn’t vote for them? Something is wrong with this picture and frankly the signs, are highly alarming. There is not difference with the skinheads and those anti racial groups we know had existed among us for centuries and still exist in the 21st century. Is Supremacy Discrimination a part of the political panorama today? OK, they have the right to be who they are and as they are but what gives them right to demand that the rest of the people should be like them? Their job, the reason they may become elected, is to carry through their policies protection, respect and honor all law-abiding citizens. Perhaps the most scary and concerning aspect of this is: There is no different of what happened before and during II WW in Germany. A general and popular consent to carry out annihilation of the Jewish people created the worse monster in history. Almost with full consent of the entire country! We all know the results. Besides the victims of this genocide, the German people are still paying a high price for supporting their ill minded ruler. We all know that his power was so overwhelming, that he was totally capable of seizing the entire power of the military forces and all government agencies and offices. If we look at many of this politicians of today, it is clear that they are seeking for as much more power they can gather and at the cost of ANYTHING.I can understand the possible effects of gay and transgendered issues on some people. But it is irresponsible to the highest level, to rule that because they are unable to understand it, they fear it and despise it. Whoever bigots them is plainly wrong, is bad, ill and a threat to the rest of the population. Those that don’t side with them – in their terms.
Of course a rotten apple maybe found among any minorities, but the proportion in regards of those numbers, is much smaller than the rotten apples among the mainstream world. In fact, one the most unbelievable aspects in the criminal justice system and social services, is the overwhelming disregard of what the main source is as well responsible for “creating” bizarre criminal minds. It is nothing less, than the result of alcoholism, drug abuse, physical and emotional abuse and the lack of opportunities for them – to find a way of life. A single way to pull out of it. A way to be safe, survive and have access to any mechanism, so they can work towards the nurturing of their self-esteem and self-appreciation. A way to find out that working towards a sound education and dedication, will render the best outcome. The result? It will render exactly what they need and want – to become a respectable citizen and a law-abiding individual.That way they will receive all the support, resources and benefits, most people receive through their entire life and many take for granted. It is absolutely ridiculous that instead, massive amounts of our tax dollars are used to persecute, prosecute, incarcerate and stigmatize unprivileged people. It would be much cheaper if the government and social services take care of them from the beginning. So they have a chance to become a law-abiding person and to take what has been taken away from them by their parents and society. In reality crime is the result of poor opportunities and the denial of their rights. Society is largely responsible for this serious problem in the US. But more importantly, politicians fail to address this issue.
Just like in the case of alcohol or drug abuse. Many countries had addressed this horrendous and unfair issue. The results in those countries consistently show a positive outcome. Less crime, less incarcerations, a much lesser cost and on the long run, they become average contributors to the formation of their nation. So, what do we need to do? so our politicians figure out that our judicial system and jail apparatus cost to tax payers an unjustified amount of dollars? Perhaps as much as running our already expensive government? To make matters even worse, the statistics clearly show, that only a few of those criminals can not be re-incorporated into society in a safe way. Talking about different countries within our country? . . . perhaps would be safer and more financially reasonable, to create a country exclusively for them. Where they can be taught how to survive in our world civilized and get the opportunity of believing in themselves.Don’t believe me being a romantic, naive, idealistic and ignorant being. I am well aware that many individuals simple have no recourse. regardless of anything, they will always be criminals and will hate the world and society. But those are the only ones that need to be removed even from the existing jails because any other “criminal” that shares time with them, will end up being as toxic as they are. It has been proven that many first offense criminals, once they are released, their criminal behaviour escalates and they become as bad as those they related to in prison. Jail has been their only school in life. But this is not about that so let me get back in track.The basic rights that LGBT people had been advocating for through decades are the very same rights any american citizen receives by default. Even those that often break the law, receive those very same rights. But because LGBT people are not exactly like the rest of the world, those rights are stripped out their hands and just because they are different? Because not everyone understands them? Nevertheless, I question anyone there, what do you know about compassion? If the founders of our nation never figure out something like this in the future of our nation . . . If they would . . .  am sure they would become more specific as what excludes any American of any of these rights. In fact, our constitution was modeled after the very best principles found in the Greek and Roman empires. But neither culture denied or ostracized gay and TG people. But lets take a quick look at hypocrisy too. It has been reliably discovered and exposed, many of our higher office representatives are either gay or transgendered. Ironically, those the very same, not only are in a deep denial, but they have clearly antagonized all initiatives in favor of LGBT rights. Many LGBT attempts and initiatives had failed once they reached their vote.  If we look at their agendas, we can find that their performances in office, had exclusively been dedicated to the benefit of their corporate and affluent supporters. Where are the rest of the voters?If we can’t change these unfair, illegal and inhuman policies of denial of basic principles towards LGBT people, the least we can do is to stop politicians and political runners for office that antagonize civil and human rights. So they can’t use their ignorance, bigotry and fear, for the sake of gaining support among  those that as well, need very badly a light in their darkness.
Making unsubstantiated assertions against anyone as it has been done of late, is against the law and they should be sue in the Court of Law. However, it is clear not even his/her opponents would do that. So “justice” turns its blind eye in their favor. Justice seems to state, I see no evil, hear no evil and say no evil. So what does justice see?Las,t I question to those parents that teach their kids to be responsible, loving and
Why would you teach them that, when you are not even able or willing to represent your love and appreciation for ALL others? What happened to you? Whatever it is, I truly wish you to find peace and harmony before you check out, because when you do so, it is unavoidable to see all the wrong you’ve done and at that point, it is too late to make amends.
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