
Pauline Reage   Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,Augusten Burroughs   The Rule of Four,Dan Brown   The Food of Love,Rattawut Lapcharoensap   Da Vinci Code,Irvine Welsh   The Alchemist,Ian Caldwell &#47,Zadie Smith   On Beauty,Zadie Smith   The Elder Gods,Malcolm Gladwell   The Five People You Meet in Heaven,Mitch Albom   Story of O,Paulo Coelho   Running with ScissorsThe Little Princess   White Teeth,Archie Comics   Glue,Roald Dahl   Sightseeing,Elliot Perlman   S Dustin Thomason   Seven Types of Ambiguity: The Power of Thinking Without Ts Double Digest,Anthony Capella   Archie&#39,David & Leigh Eddings   Blink
罗尔德·达尔观光小公主洁白的牙齿,丹爱的食物,戴维·艾丁斯眨眼,Rattawut Lapcharoensap 达文西密码,马尔科姆-格拉德威尔你在天堂遇见的五个人,罗尔德·达尔观光,安东尼卡佩拉阿奇的双月刊,保罗科埃略用剪刀办学,埃利奥特帕尔曼雪,rattawut lapcharoensap达文西密码,阿奇漫画胶水;达斯廷托马森七种类型的歧义,奥古斯丁巴勒斯四个规则,戴维·艾丁斯眨眼:潜意识思考的力量,保林·里格查利和巧克力工厂,奥古斯丁巴勒斯四个规则,伊恩&#47,伊恩&#47,保罗科埃略用剪刀办学,阿奇漫画胶水:潜意识思考的力量;达斯廷托马森 小公主洁白的牙齿,威尔许炼金术士,阿尔博姆o的故事,扎迪·史密斯在美容,安东尼卡佩拉阿奇的双月刊,阿尔博姆娘的故事,保林·里格查利和巧克力工厂,马尔科姆-格拉德威尔你在天堂遇见的五个人,扎迪·史密斯美丽,扎迪·史密斯上古神,威尔许炼金术士,丹爱的食物,扎迪·史密斯古神
马尔科姆-格拉德威尔你在天堂遇见的五个人,罗尔德·达尔观光;达斯廷托马森七种类型的歧义,扎迪·史密斯在美容,威尔许炼金术士,丹爱的食物,阿尔博姆娘的故事,扎迪·史密斯上古神,奥古斯丁巴勒斯四个规则,安东尼卡佩拉阿奇的双月刊,伊恩&#47,戴维·艾丁斯眨眼小公主洁白的牙齿,埃利奥特帕尔曼雪,保罗科埃略用剪刀办学,阿奇漫画胶水,rattawut lapcharoensap达文西密码,保林·里格查利和巧克力工厂:潜意识思考的力量
小公主洁白的牙齿,扎迪·史密斯美丽,扎迪·史密斯古神,戴维·艾丁斯眨眼:潜意识思考的力量,马尔科姆-格拉德威尔你在天堂遇见的五个人,阿尔博姆o的故事,保林·里格查利和巧克力工厂,罗尔德·达尔观光,Rattawut Lapcharoensap 达文西密码,丹爱的食物,安东尼卡佩拉阿奇的双月刊,阿奇漫画胶水,威尔许炼金术士,保罗科埃略用剪刀办学,奥古斯丁巴勒斯四个规则,伊恩/达斯廷托马森
出门在外也不愁这个可恶的美国人讲的是什么啊,他的要求怎么这么多!请大家帮我翻译一下,谢谢!I have viewed your pictures.
I just want to make sure the straps around the bottle are elastic and not a set width.
We need a tight elastic to hold whatever size bottle our user has.
It cannot be a set width.
It has to be an elastic band.
Please confirm.If you make a 2 inch elastic band with a 2 inch solid band underneath, that would be sufficient.
Please send me a picture of how you are attaching the band.就是以上两段话,请帮忙翻译一下 ,谢谢大家!(请不要使用翻译器)
民族情绪是假 不想学英语是真 其实我也学不好英语 哈哈哈
I have viewed your pictures.& I just want to make sure the straps around the bottle are elastic and not a set width.& We need a tight elastic to hold whatever size bottle our user has.& It cannot be a set width.& It has to be an elastic band.& Please confirm.&我看了照片,我只是想确认一下缠绕瓶子的带子是否有弹性并且没有固定的宽度。我们需要一种紧紧的能提住我们客户任何尺寸瓶子的带子。 一定不能有设定的统一宽度,而且是弹性的,帮忙确认一下。If you make a 2 inch elastic band with a 2 inch solid band underneath, that would be sufficient.& Please send me a picture of how you are attaching the band.&如果你能够做一个2英寸的弹性带,而且下面还同时连有一个2英寸的非弹性带,那样就足够好了。请帮忙发给我一张显示你怎么贴附(缠绕)带子方法的照片
扫描下载二维码第三方登录:请大家发表一下高见,“心有余而力不足”该怎么翻译比较好呢?  在此先谢过了啊
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  though I want to do it but have not enough ability
  more than happy to offer help but not capable to do so.
  u can say,  The spirit is willing while the flesh is weak.
  I wanna do it more than I can
  1. The mind writes cheques the body can’t cash!  2. The heart is more willing than the flesh is strong!  
  i want but i cannot
  i am dying to help you,but it’s out of my ability
      1&直接译文:unable to do what one hopes to do    2&英语语言本身固有一成语:  bite off more than one can chew
  unable to do what one hopes to do
    2&英语语言本身固有一成语:    bite off more than one can chew    贪多嚼不烂
      我推崇下面一句:      one’s ability falls short of one’s wish      还有一句:  The spirits is willing,but the flesh is weak.
    I want more than I can do.
  bite off more than one can chew  这个就是
  i wish more than i can do
  The spirits is willing,but the flesh is weak,好像是一句谚语,对吧?再此,先谢过各位才子才女了啊。
  The heart is willing, body not able.     艰难时代啊
     作者:紫菱洲 回复日期: 11:34:54 
    I wanna do it more than I can   ---------------------------------------  我觉得这个说起来比较自然一点
  a Pentium heart and a Microsoft ...
  my willingness is beyond my capability.      ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮鄙视你!(⊙⊙?)  
  i hope i could,but i'can't.
  i hope i could,but i can't.
  I am more willing than capable to help.
  The lust of an impotent man.
  I wish I could
  Beyond my ability
  作者:紫菱洲 回复日期: 11:34:54 
    I wanna do it more than I can       这个好
  That&s out of one&s
i think there are many ways  


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