歌词i want to dolive enti...

I Want to Live-Naked City, I Want to LiveMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
I Want to Live
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I Want to Live
Johnny Mandel专辑介绍:by
Stephen CookParalleling Henry Mancini's own late-'50s, West Coast jazz noir backdrop to the detective TV series Peter Gunn, Johnny Mandel's I Want to Live soundtrack works both as high-end mood music and swinging jazz. And while straight jazz workouts like "San Diego Party" are fine, the most intriguing cuts are those that seamlessly combine jazz, Latin percussion, and strains of Max Steiner's dramatical Mandel creates an especially provocative and calamitous mix of it on tracks like "Stakeout." And as far as murky ambience goes, he delivers some of the best (next to Mancini) with numbers like the subtly sinister "Preparations for Executions." Mandel further demonstrates his ease with a variety of forms on marriages of high and low art like the avant-garde classical and Las Vegas grind/lounge mix "Trio Convicted," the spookily claustrophobic "Gas Chamber Unveiling," and the into-the-light-of-day "Letter Writing Sequence." To help navigate the vast terrain, Mandel enlists a cadre of top West Coast players like trumpeter Jack Sheldon, trombonist Frank Rosolino, reed player Bill Holman, bassist Red Mitchell, and drummer Shelly Manne. And topping off Mandel's original score, Rykodisc has included Gerry Mulligan and Art Farmer's combo interpretations of a handful of Mandel's original themes from the movie (Mulligan and company appear in the movie's bar scenes). One of the best jazz-inspired soundtracks around.
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disc 1 [I Want to Live]
I Want to Live 原聲帶 劇情我已經忘了 但配樂可是超級讚的 標準的 cool jazz
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Johnny Mandel的其他热门专辑
关注虾米:i want to live ( ) when i retire someday的live是什么词?那个空答案是somewhere quiet 为什么不是somewhere quietly?
to live是动词不定式,作动词want的宾语.单独的live这里是动词,意思是“生活;居住”.【somewhere 副词】【quiet 形容词,做后置定语,修饰前面的副词】,意思是“宁静的某个地方”.替换理somewhere quiet=somewhere 【which is quiet 】. 祝你开心如意!
动词。live 可以用做动词,表示过一种。。。的生活。比如。live a happy life。。从你这个选项看的话,这里live的用法是居住。。。的意思。。住在一个安静的地方。。。somewhere 当然要用形容词修饰啊。。。somewhere指代一个地方。。
那个空答案是somewhere quiet ,为什么不是somewhere quietly?
扫描下载二维码I Want to Live-John Denver, I Want to LiveMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
I Want to Live
There are children raised in sorrow
On a scorched and barren plain
There are children raised beneath the golden sun
There are children of the water
And children of the sand
And they cry out through the universe
Their voices raised as one
I want to live I want to grow
I want to see I want to know
I want to share what I can give
I want to be I want to live
Have you gazed out on the ocean
Seen the breaching of a whale?
Have you watched the dolphins frolic in the foam?
Have you heard the song the humpback hears five hundred miles away
Telling tales of ancient history of passages and home?
I want to live I want to grow
I want to see I want to know
I want to share what I can give
I want to be I want to live
For the worker and the warrior the lover and the liar
For the native and the wanderer in kind
For the maker and the user and the mother and her son
I am looking for my family and all of you are mine
We are standing all together
Face to face and arm in arm
We are standing on the threshold of a dream
No more hunger no more killing
No more wasting life away
It is simply an idea
And I know its time has come
I want to live I want to grow
I want to see I want to know
I want to share what I can give
I want to be I want to live
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