how do you thinkk travel...

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信息来源:新思达国际英语学校官网 发布时间:
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who are 18 years old are not mature enough to vote.
I think that 18 is a suitable age at which individuals have the necessary capacity to independently decide how to cast a vote. First of all, at 18, most people have finished their high school, which means they are literate and have the reasoning ability, and this is the prerequisite for voting. Secondly, at 18 a person can have his/her driving license. If we allow them to drive, we should also recognize that they are mature enough to vote. Finally, in today’s society 18-year-olds are more mature than ever before and there is no significant gap between an 18-year-old’s ability to vote and people who are older. In fact many 40-year-olds are incapable to make informed decisions.
S1: Our society is now facing very serious environment problems. Choose one approach that you believe to be useful to save our planet.
In my opinion, every one of us, including myself, of course has the obligation to contribute to the welfare of our planet earth. In fact, there are simple ways that can make a big difference. The one on the top of my priority list would be to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of electrical goods. There are many ways to achieve this. For example, we can change the light used in our home. If every household in China replaced one regular light bulb with one of those new compact fluorescent the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road.
S2: Are you willing to carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?
I'd rather find out what the person is interested in and present the gift accordingly. For one thing, I think that when it comes to gift-giving, it really is the thought that counts. A gift that is to his or her liking demonstrates that I have given some thought to the person and his or her interests. Second, I might actually offend a friend by giving him or her the gift he or she does not like. This is especially true when it comes to foreign friends. For example, I won't give a book that contains ox-slaying content book to a friend from India because an ox is considered a sacred animal in Indian culture.
S1: Among the following three types of books, which do you like the least? Mystery novel, science fiction, biography.
I have to admit that I really don't like science fiction at all! In my opinion, most science fictions are basically about a bunch of supernatural human beings doing weird things in a fantasy world. You never see people like them in real life, not to mention the things they do, so unless you like daydreaming, you'll find sci-fi stories anything BUT interesting! Another reason I dislike science fictions is that sometimes they are written without common sense! For example, there is actually no sound in space because there is no air and sound needs air to travel. Yet some science fictions depict scenes of aircraft landing and taking off making loud noise!
S2: Do you like to travel alone or travel with your family members? Explain why.
I like to travel alone. I' m a pretty independent person. Although I don't mind doing things with friends or family, I don't like to be tied to someone else's schedule all the time. If I travelled with my parents, for example, I would be dragged out of bed at 6 o' clock in the morning and spend most of the day walking, sleepy and exhausted. What's more, the more people you travel with, the more tastes and interests you have to bear with. Like if I travelled with my sister, I would be wandering in jewelry stores or souvenir shops wherever I travel, which gets me bored. So I would rather travel alone, even if it means a lonely or a more costly trip.
S1: What kind of music do you like the least? Give reasons why you do not like this kind of music.
I honestly can't stand hard rock. First of all, they are really loud. I can't concentrate at all with the rock music in the background. It seems to me that the only purpose this type of music serves is to make people go deaf. In fact, I read in the newspaper that there are quite a few teenagers who actually lost their sense of hearing listening to this type of music on headphones all day. What's more, I really don't like the hard rock singers, the clothes they wear are really weird. To make things worse, many young people are crazy about them and try to imitate them.
S2: Some college students like to spend their free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoy club activities. Which do you think is better and why?
Whenever I find some free time at university, I always engage in some sort of activity. There weren't many clubs in the university where I was studying. But I know there are many in the U.S and Canadian universities, and I think it's a good idea to join a club and enjoy club activities. First of all, a club is a great way to find friends. Students can meet others who share your interests. They can explore their physical, creative, social, political, and career topics with like-minded people. What's more, many activities take place in a relaxing environment and begin with warm-up techniques or exercises. These promote healthy methods for dealing with stress.
S1: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should learn how to manage their time more efficiently.
As a university student, I think the skill of time management is extremely important. Like many other students, I often get to the end of the day and feel like I worked hard but actually didn't get anything done. This must be due to the lack of time management skill. I mean, university students nowadays have so many things to do each day, like going to classes, doing sports, socializing, the list goes on, so we must learn how to make a schedule and manage our time efficiently to keep to this schedule. Also, the skill of time management will be useful when we graduate and enter the workplace because an employee will have even more tasks to deal with and even more deadlines to meet.
S2: Some people think it is better for students to study in a classroom building. Others think that it is better for students to study on the Internet. Which do you think is better and why?
I think it's probably wiser for students to study in classrooms and buildings on campus. The internet is full of too many distractions. A simple assignment that should take an hour can easily stretch into several hours if there are funny videos to be watched and blogs to be read. It's better to go into a quiet room on campus and just study there. Everything about the setting, from the nearby textbooks to the rustling of other people's papers, will remind you to stay diligent to your work. And if you're slightly uncomfortable or bored, that actually helps too! It will make you want to get the work done faster and just get it over with already, so you can be free to do whatever you want. You will be more focused and more hard-working.
S1: Describe a performer, an actor or a musician, etc. that you think is great. Please give specific reasons why you think he/she is a great performer.
There are countless world-famous actors or musicians but the one person that 1 admire the most is Liu Wei, a Chinese disabled pianist from Beijing. He won the first series of China's Got Talent at the age of 23 by playing the piano with his toes. Liu Wei lost his arms in his childhood, but he started playing the piano at age or 18 to pursue his childhood dream of being a musician. He persisted and taught himself how to play, despite cramps and abrasion, often practicing seven hours a day. I watched his performance on TV the final of China's Got Talent and I was moved to tears.
S2: 13年3月24日已考
S1: What are some of the benefits that cell phones bring to people?
I think cell phones have greatly changed the way people communicate with each other that they are an integral part of our lives. They keep people in constant contact with each other, which is a great convenience, especially when there is an emergency situation. Secondly, as mobile phones nowadays are equipped with an assortment of ingenious functions, people never feel bored anymore. For example, while waiting for a bus or queuing to see a doctor, people can listen to one’s favorite music as well as watching movies.
S2: Do you agree or disagree that students should be required to go to school before they are 16.
I support the idea of compulsory education for students before they are 16. Without it, it is likely that there would be more illiteracy and more ignorance among citizens, which is detrimental to a country's social and economic development. Secondly, compulsion is the only way to ensure that all children have equal access to education. Without it, the poorest and most underserved students in the nation would be the ones to suffer without an education, without proper education, how are they supposed to make a living?
S1: What are some important effects of the worldwide availability of the Internet on modern people’s life? Use specific details and examples to support your response.
The increasing use of the Internet has had both positive and negative effects on modern people. On the one hand, with the help of the Internet, communication among people is much faster and less costly. For example, Skype and Gmail enable us to communicate instantly with our friends, family members or business colleagues in almost any part of the globe where Internet service is available. But on the other hand, the Internet has created online games that can be addictive to children and young adults. This can take away precious time which otherwise should have been used for something more productive, like reading or exercising.
S2: Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown. Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
Studying overseas has a number of advantages. Firstly, it may give students access to knowledge and facilities such as laboratories and libraries which are not available in their home country. Furthermore, by looking abroad students may find a wider range of courses than those offered in their home country, and therefore one which fits more closely to their particular needs. Finally, students learn to be independent and more adaptable to a new environment. These are important qualities for future success. So I would say it is good for students to study in a foreign country.
S1: People often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with home sickness?
I think the key to beating homesickness is keeping a positive attitude. More specifically, find an activity to do when you miss your family. Painting is a good choice. You can always send your creation back home so a part of you will be with them. This also helps you from focusing on home too much. More importantly, make sure you have a friend. You will be homesick much more often if you’re lonely. Having a friend provides a distraction from feeling bad, and it also gives you someone to talk to about it who can comfort you and make you feel better. If the above two solutions don’t work. Try think this way: you are indeed lucky to have a place or people that are worth missing. Wouldn’t it be worse if you didn’t miss them at all?
S2: Do you prefer to take courses related to a specific career, or do you prefer to take a variety of courses?
Given the choice, I would prefer to study a variety of courses even if they are not related to a specific career. As a university student, I really don’t know what kind of career I will enter into when I graduate. The courses we are learning, and the types of job that we do may not and do not have to be closely related. It’s not surprising nowadays to see an engineering student doing sales and marketing in a consumer goods company. Moreover, just like the old saying goes, variety is the spice of life. By taking a variety of courses my life would be more varied and my curiosity will be greatly satisfied.
S1: 130928已考
S2: Do you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date?
I like to prepare for something way beforehand instead of putting thing off till the last minute because you can have more time carrying out careful and extensive research. For example, I usually have to devote weeks to gathering research for a term paper, reviewing many contradictory opinions before I can perform my own analysis and offer my own perspective on the subject. Another reason is that early preparation in the beginning can help me see ahead of lime the weaknesses make provisions to remedy those weaknesses. For example, after finish my paper I can have time to proofread it and make some changes so that in can tum in a paper that is satisfactory.
S1: One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend?
I would suggest this friend of mine to be diligent and strategic. It’s important to be diligent because studying math is tough and takes a lot of time and effort. Unless you are a genius, which most students aren’t, you will have to work hard trying to understand abstract concepts and memorizing complicated formulas. Next, be strategic. By this I mean using time efficiently, because if you do not know how to use your time wisely, you will only find yourself buried in books all day long and exhausted without achieving anything. The best math students usually know how to combine these two qualities well, so these are what I would suggest my friend to do if he is considering studying math as his/her major.
S2: Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up money until they can afford it. Which would you do and why?
I would definitely save up enough money before making the decision to purchase something. I think this is what every wise and responsible individual should do. Firstly, suppose I have purchased an expensive item, say the latest Apple computer, with money borrowed from others. I would have a feeling that this computer doesn’t really belong to me yet, not until I have repaid the money. This kind of thought will somewhat reduce the pleasure and enjoyment I could have derived from this item. Secondly, getting into the habit of borrowing money to satisfy one’s needs will lead to increased debt and will make the borrower bankrupt sooner or later.
S1: Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular and how they are different.
I would like to talk about Leehom Wang and Teresa Teng, two immensely popular and influential Chinese pop singers but with clear differences both in terms of their musical style and their audience. Leehom is an American-born singer. His musical style is known for fusing Chinese elements with hip-hop and R&B. On the other hand, Teresa Teng was known for her folk songs and romantic ballads. Many became standards in her lifetime, such as “The Moon Represents My Heart" In terms of audience, Leehom has become an idol for the younger generation in China who love pop music while Teresa Teng, although she passed away nearly 20 years ago, still enjoyed great popularity, but mainly among older people born in the 50s or 60s.
S2: When they meet a problem, some people prefer to seek advice or help from people who are older than they are, while others prefer to seek advice or help from people of the same age. Which do you prefer and why?
I think it all depends on what types of problems you are dealing with. I encounter many different kinds of problems every day. Some of them are really small and may be too personal so I only ask my close friends for help. For example if I am extremely sad about my girlfriend breaking up with me, I would never turn to my parents for help. Instead, I would talk with my friends who can offer me comfort. However, on other occasions, there may be complicated problems and to solve them requires skills and experience far beyond my own knowledge or capability, and it is at this moment that I think older people's help or advice is much more valuable.
S1: Is it a good idea to keep a pet such as a dog or a cat? What can you benefit from such an experience?
I think keeping small animals such as a dog or a cat can bring a lot of benefits. Pets can substitute for the absence of other family members. Sometimes a couple who is unable to have children will adopt pets and treat them like babies. They shower on their pets the love that they might have provided a child and receive affection and companionship in return. Many people who live alone enjoy the companionship of a pet instead of loved over who are at a distance or have passed away. The pet becomes a family member for these people and deserve the same kind of treatment that a member would receive.
S2: Should students start to plan their career before entering college, or should they do so until they have entered college and studied for a period of time?
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions during one's life time and therefore should not be rushed. Before entering college, most young people have no idea of what they want most and where their interest and passion really lies. So it might be a good idea to wait until they have studied a number of college courses before deciding upon which line of work they really like to pursue, it avoids reckless decision based on unfounded assumptions about a career. What’s more, college also provides a lot of internship positions during vacation for students to have a real taste of what a particular job involves, after getting a comprehensive picture, students are in a position to make informed choices
S1: What suggestions would you give to your friend who wants to improve his/her scores in class?
To improve your scores, first of all, be sure to take notes during class! No matter how well you’re paying attention and think you’re going to remember what your teacher says, you’re not going to remember everything. So write it down, clearly and quickly. And use a pen! Pencil smears after a while and becomes really hard to read. Also, try to study in a place that is free of distractions. If you’re in your living room and using your laptop, it can be way too tempting to watch some TV or slip on your earphones and listen to music. All these things do is slow you down when you’re trying to read something. Try studying in the library or an empty classroom and see if you’re able to focus more.
S2:Some people play games for enjoyment. Others play games in order to win. Which do you prefer and why?
I like to play games just for enjoyment! So many things in life are s I think it’s really important to just relax sometimes and do silly things simply because they are fun. Of course, if I’m playing something intense and fast like air hockey, I try to win. But I don’t care if I lose! Honestly, all I’m doing is sliding a little piece of plastic across a table. How could I possibly be upset if someone does it better than me? The whole point is to enjoy being in the moment, laughing with friends. Years down the road, that’s what you’ll remember. You won’t remember who won or lost, nor should you care. Focusing on the joy of the action is what’s important.
S1: Are the living standards of people today better than the past?
Well, I can't generalize for every part of the world. But so far as china is concerned I' II have to say our living standards are definitely better than previous generations. First of all, people's income has increased, this means they have more money in the bank and they have more money to spend on things other than daily necessities. They spend more on leisure activities such as watching movies and traveling to other places. Secondly, the poverty rate has lowed considerably. If government figures are to believe, poverty rate decreased from 10.2% in 2000 to 3.8% in 2009, that's huge step forward.
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The Internet plays an important role in your life. Use specific examples and details to support your answer.
Well, I am a college student, and for me, the internet has become an indispensable tool for my academic life. Over the internet, I can retrieve information and databases from every networked library around the world in seconds. The World Wide Web provides an easy way to access hard-to-find information. I can now reach any library through the global network and find what they want. Besides that, the internet is also a fabulous entertainment facility. I can listen to the music, watch TV and do many other interesting things, and actually I can't imagine life without the internet.
S1: 13年6月8日已考
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students nowadays work harder in their study than students in the past.
I definitely agree 11ith the idea that students no11· it is especially the case in china where there is an ever increasing population. Here in China, Parents are eager to maize their only child a versatile genius capable of multiple skills such as playing pianos, calligrap so students have to worker like crazy to meet their parents high expectations for them. It is also due to the gloomy economic prospect for the whole world. It is not uncommon to find a vacancy with a hundred graduates competing for. Therefore, each student has to work harder to distinguish themselves from the rest.
S1: One of your friends has suddenly received a large amount of money and has asked you for advice on how to handle this money. What advice would you give to your friend? Give reasons for your answer.
I would advise my friend to save most of the money for a rainy day because the economy is really bad at the moment with students finding it very difficult to find jobs, and people are even talking about a recession in the USA and Europe. So the money could come in handy if she needed some money to fall back on at some point in the future. Another reason I would suggest saving the money is that she could put the money towards buying a flat. Property prices are rising all the time, so buying a house or t1at would not only be a good investment, but would also ensure that she would always have a place to live, without paying extortionate rent.
S2: Do you agree or disagree with this statement? People should dress according to the latest fashion.
I disagree for a couple of reasons. Firstly, because dressing according to the latest fashion is incredibly expensive and people should not be expected to buy fashionable clothes just so that you can be seen by others to be ' cool' or ' trendy'. Most people probably wouldn't be able to afford the exorbitant prices anyway. Moreover, not only would the price of the clothes themselves be unreasonable, but fashions are constantly changing and so dressing according to the latest fashions would mean buying a whole new wardrobe every few months, which is also unrealistic for the average working girl or man. Finally, the clothes we wear are often an expression of our individuality and everyone dressing according to the latest fashions would limit the possibilities for this expression, and instead everyone would wear the same clothes, which would be incredibly boring.
S1: Many regions in the world face problems with air pollution. What can be done to decrease the amount of air pollution in these regions? Use details and examples in your response.
Not that I’m an expert on the subject, but I know that car exhaust is one of the major causes of air pollution. Of course cars are necessary a lot of the time, but carpooling or taking the bus when you can certainly must help things! With more people in a single vehicle, there are fewer total vehicles on the road and less exhaust being produced. It seems to be easier to take the bus when you incorporate it into your daily routine, memorizing the times and routes and committing yourself to them. I, for instance, take the city bus to and from my college. And I have friends who ride their bikes to work or to school. If everyone did little things like that, it might not get rid of air pollution, but it would at least help make it better.
S2: Given the choice, many people would prefer to live in an older or more historic building or house. Others would prefer to live in a more modern building or house. Which would you prefer, and why?
I would prefer to live in an older house! I love the sense of history they have…The creaky stairs, the fireplaces, the mud rooms and attics and basements. You can just feel all the different stories that have taken place in them over the years. When you live or spend a lot of time in an older house, you are reminded of the past. Newer houses, on the other hand, I find very boring. They’re all similar to each other. It’s like they were factory-created, not lovingly designed by a person. The wood cabinets always seem cheap and flimsy, everything is in the same color tones. They’re just so lame! I would take a funny, interesting old house any day.
S1: Which challenge in the list do you think is the most difficult for university students? Being far away from families, finding time to relax, making new friends.
As I am prepared to go to study in a foreign country, I can imagine that home sickness must be the biggest difficulty for me to overcome. I think that holds true for most young people of my generation. Most of us are the single child in the family and we are very much attached to our family members which we could normally rely on for help. I guess I may have to interrupt a lot of personal relationships or even break them off to come overseas, so I might feel lonely, unhappy, unmotivated and unable to concentrate on studying. However, I am also a very resilient and optimistic person and I am sure I will pass this difficult stage just fine.
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful, a person should study in the university.
I think in this increasingly competitive world, a college education is a must for a person to succeed. One important answer to this question is more opportunity. As opposed to generations of the past, high school graduates today are unable to obtain the number of high-paying jobs that were once available. The Chinese economy has been transformed from a manufacturing-based economy to an economy based on knowledge, and the importance of a college education today can be compared to that of a high school education forty years ago. It serves as the gateway to better options and more opportunity. There are additional reasons as to why it is important to go to college. When students experience a post-secondary education, they have the opportunity to read books and listen to the lectures of top experts in their fields. This stimulation encourages students to think, ask questions, and explore new ideas, which allows for additional growth and development and provides college graduates with an edge in the job market over those who have not experienced a higher education.
S1: Among the following three professions, which do you respect the most: photographers, musicians, painters. Explain why.
As far as I am concerned, I have to say that compared with painters and musicians, the photographer is the person that I admire most. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, being a photographer is never an easy job, since most of the photographers especially those who take photos of animals have to stay outside for several hours, even several days, in order to take the pictures they want. Secondly, different from painters and musicians, the photographer is closer to the life of common people. For example, photographers can take photos in the weddings to keep the important memo young girls will like to go to photographic studios to take beautiful photos for themselves. So in conclusion it seems that photographers are everywhere in people' daily life.
S2: Which do you prefer, reading paper books or reading electronic books? Explain why.
I prefer to read e-books for two reasons. Firstly, reading e-books is much cheaper. Instead of spending a great amount of money buying paper books in the bookstore, downloading thee-books costs me almost nothing. Since I am still a student now, I do not have much extra money to be spent on buying books, so reading e-books can save me a lot of money. Secondly, reading e-books is environmentally friendly. As the production of paper consumes huge amount of water and tree resources, choosing electronic books over paper books will help preserve valuable natural resources and help protect our fragile environment.
S1: Describe a change in your country. It could be a social, economic or political change. Explain how this change influenced people in your country.
The most noticeable change in my country is that people, especially young people are getting more and more interested in celebrating the so called "imported festivals" such as Valentine's Day and Christmas Day. There festivals are really catching on among young people. Actually, they are keener to observe those holidays than the traditional Chinese festivals such as Spring Festival. I remember on the Valentine's day this year, I took my girlfriend to KFC because they ran this " love song" promotion in which people can go online and select a song of their choice, a date and a time and a specific KFC, and when we arrived, the restaurant played our song. My girlfriend got such a surprise that she almost cried. It was really a memorable occasion.
S2: Some students prefer to live alone or live with their friends when they study abroad. Other students prefer to live with local family when they study abroad. Which way do you prefer and why?
As a would-be overseas student, I would definitely choose to live with the local family. There are actually quite a few advantages to it. First of all, through communications with the host family in English, I can practice a foreign language with therefore, my language skills could be developed. What's more, by living with the local people, I can get valuable information such as where to fi what are the local tourist attractions and you have a more secure, home-like environment while living with the local family.
S1: What personal quality do you admire most? Creativity, courage or intelligence? Explain why? Please include details and examples in your response.
I would consider creativity as the most admirable personal quality in the modern world because it can be the difference between success and failure. Because of intense competitions in the market, every enterprise and venture needs creativity to succeed, whether they are car manufacturers or software companies, large scale engineering projects or financial service providers. For example, Apple would never have been successful without its founder Steve Jobs, a creative genius who launched a series of innovative products. Another great person known for creativity is Deng Xiaoping, the designer of the innovative "one country, two systems" solution to resolving the Hong
Kong issue.
S2: Some people prefer to listen to music while they are studying or working. Others prefer to stay in a quiet place while they are studying or working. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response.
I preferred listening to music while I was studying or practicing some easier subjects such as geography or English. I found I could concentrate much better when I was listening to music. It also helped me relax and not go to sleep. But that was only when I was doing these subjects. If I were doing some difficult subjects like economics and mathematics while listening to music, I easily get distracted and my concentration would definitely be on the song, which would play over and over again long after the music has actually stopped playing, which is really distracting. So it really depends on what I am studying.
S1: Many schools do not allow students to take their laptop computers into the classroom. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having laptop computers in the classroom? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.
In my opinion, taking laptops into the classroom has more negative than positive effects on students’ study. Computers, of course, do bring convenience and updated information into the class. Sharing information such as presentations from teacher becomes much easier and faster. However, students may get lost and become addicted to computer games either in class or outside. Considerable evidence has proved that students do not yet have the will power to control themselves. What’s more, with computers, it would be difficult for teachers to observe students’ true performance. For example, a student with a laptop on his desk can pretend that he is listening attentively to the teacher while he is only chatting with his friends online.
S2: Some people like to move about and live in different places. Others like to stay at one place all their lives. Which do you prefer and why?
Personally speaking, I would prefer not to stay in one place but to move to different places, to work or to live. Firstly, moving around will enable me to broaden my horizons and enrich my knowledge. Within the diverse living environment, I will have more opportunities to make new friends in different places and observe and experience their different cultures. For example, I was used to having noodles as my main food when I was living in Tianjin, a city in northern China. But now rice has become my staple food when I am in Shanghai. Besides, you will be easily bored if you live in one place for too long. In this case, withdrawing from the old environment would be a great idea to liven up your life. The new neighborhood and working environment could effectively refresh you, getting you back to life again.
S1: Among the following three types of work, which would you enjoy doing the most? Helping children with communication problems, doing community work, growing plants in the garden.
Actually, I am not really good at handling children or growing plants, so I'd rather choose to do some community work. I once volunteered to take good care of some elderly people in the nursing house. We went there early in the morning because we had a lot of work to do. We cleaned the room, did the bed, after that we sat with them listening to their interesting life stories. I quite like this kind of activity because it enhanced my personal skills, I learnt how to communicate with other people, how to listen to other people
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching sports programs on television is not a good use of time.
Well, personally, I think both the classroom and outside facilities such as museums or zoos are OK. I mean it all depends on ·which subject or which class you study and it also depends on my age. For example, if I study theoretical subjects such as mathematics or languages, I think the best location would be in the classroom, a qualified teacher, a whiteboard and a pointer would be sufficient. However, if I study subjects such as botany or zoology, I'd prefer to visit museums or zoos while studying, because through viewing or even touching these samples, I can have a more direct experience with the subject content under study instead of just pages and pages of textbooks.
S1: If you are given an assignment, what would you do to make sure it is finished on schedule? Give specific details and examples to support your answer.
Well, from my point of view, there are two things to check before getting down to the assignment. First of all, I would go through the task thoroughly to make sure that all the detailed requirements are well understood. For example, my English teacher always has strict rules about the spacing that we should use in our essay layout, so to avoid the extra re-editing work I always pay attention to every detail of the assignment. Just as what a proverb goes, you can’t make something out of nothing. Having everything ready before taking off lays a solid foundation for the task. Besides, it is always helpful to have a timetable that breaks the assignment into different sections or different phases. A practical and realistic schedule can help me double the speed with half the fuss. When things above are ready, all I need to do is to stick right to the plan, following the timeline step by step.
S2: Some people prefer outdoor activities such as basketball. Others prefer indoor activities such as yoga. Which would you prefer and why?
Some people prefer indoor activities because they think it's less physically demanding.
However, I think outdoor activities like playing basketball with my friends in an open basketball court are much better. First, outdoor activities are often more strenuous and so they can exercise your body more. If you stay indoors to do yoga, it probably consumes less energy than playing football or badminton. Secondly, many outdoor activities are team sports, in which a team of players work together for the same goal, i.e. to win the game. So you are more to make new friends and develop interpersonal skills better. Last but not least, you can ha1·e more chances to get close with the nature, which means sunshine, fresh air and more space. This is something indoor activities can never provide.
S1: Many schools require their students to complete at least 40 hours of community service. Do you agree or disagree with this requirement? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.
I am totally supportive of this requirement for the following reasons. First, a university is often called the ivory tower. Most of the time students are well protected from the society. This leads to students being detached from social surroundings. Students in my school, for example, seldom know much about events beyond their textbooks. However, being engaged in community service could provide them with the chance to be more informed of the outside world. The second reason is that some types of community service teach students about love, care and sympathy. For example, if students perform their community service in a nursing home, they will be given a chance to offer care and emotional support to the aged people there. Anyway, what community service teaches students could never be obtained from the class.
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The success of a school largely depends on the resources it has such as textbooks and journals.
Nowadays, schools are trying every means to achieve success in fierce competition. Resources a school possesses play an important role in accelerating this process. For instance, textbooks with updated information refresh students in academic study. Those journals dealing with current trends and demands really broaden students’ horizons. However, there are other decisive factors besides textbooks and journals. In my opinion, teacher is actually the key to success. When most people now choose, they will weigh and consider the faculties of a school as a crucial aspect. Star teachers are increasingly appealing to students than mere facilities. This can be explained by an old saying that the best way to learn is to learn from the best. Only when a school is staffed with well-known teachers can it make full use of all resources. For example, teachers with appropriate teaching methods can support students to implement self-exploration. In this way, students with high quality represent the success of a school.
S1: Describe the differences between two cities that you have visited before. Give details and examples to support your response. My two most memorable visits to cities were probably the times I went to [A] and [B] . Yes, they were very different experiences! [A] was gigantic and bustling. There were people and lights and skyscrapers everywhere. I took the city train to get around. There was such an air of excitement and energy to everything! When I went to the art museum, there was a line out the door. Afterwards, as it got dark, a jazz band was playing on the street corner. It was like a crowded, non-stop party. [B], meanwhile, was enjoyable in an entirely different way. It was quiet and sleepy and freezing and much smaller than [A], but full of charming and bright shops and restaurants that made you feel cheerful. It’s so isolated. It’s like a magical little wonderland more than anything. It was very special in its own right.
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should encourage students to start using computers from primary school. Give details and examples to support your response.
I agree with this. Computers have become such an everyday tool in the 21st century that children need to be extremely comfortable in their use of them, with the same ease that they can read or write. Waiting until the kids are older to get them familiar with computers isn’t helping anyone. We’ve all heard about how kids absorb information the best when they are quite young. So get them started young and give them that skill set! When I was six, I went to a really good school that put all of us on computers and had us complete a typing program over the course of several weeks. To this day, I type very fast. It just comes naturally to me because I learned it so young! Compare this to people of older generations, who didn’t have such training and generally type slowly. The early education really helps.
S1: Talk about an organization or club you want to join and why.
I want to join an organization called Pedal Power. It’s an international charity based mainly in the UK. It sends bicycles to some of the poorest regions in the world. I want to join this organization because with a bicycle, people can get wherever they want to go
this enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives. In this way, I can make a difference in other people’s lives. What’s more, I think as a Chinese national, I have more resources to contribute to this organization because, as you know, china is virtually a “Kingdom of Bicycles”, where a lot of unwanted bikes are discarded each year, if they can be collected and repaired, Pedal Power can have a constant supply of bikes to send.
S2: Some students prefer to study for only one long time during a week. Other students prefer to study for several short periods of time during a week, which do you prefer?
I definitely prefer breaking down a long study session into several short chunks because there is research that shows that after an hour of intense focus, the brain needs a break. it needs to shift gears a while. The brain’s ability to absorb information starts to decline after about the first hour, so for example, you are dealing with a lot of new concepts and vocabulary, if you just reviewed your notes, even 20 minutes a day, it would be much better than studying for 5 consecutive hours during the week before the exam.
S2:Do you agree or disagree that assignments handed in after the deadline should receive a lower score?
I think it depends on the reason for delaying handing in the assignment. If it is because of some unpredictable cause that is beyond one's control, then I think exceptions can be made. For example, if a student gets flu and can hardly get out of bed, the doctor advises him to stay in bed for a few days
I think in this situation, the reason given is valid and reasonable. However, if a student can't submit his assignment simply because of his procrastination or poor management of time, then a certain amount of score should be deduced because that would make him realize that late submission carries penalty and he should be careful about it next time.
S1:What suggestions would you give to a foreign friend who is coming to your country to study?
I would give three pieces of advice to my friend who is to become a foreign student in my country. First, try to learn some Chinese. The Chinese language is becoming increasingly important in the world, and if you are fluent in Chinese you have more chance to be hired by a local firm. Second, be aware of the cultural differences between China and the western world. China is a large country. Different places have their own unique cultures and it is better to know them to avoid misunderstanding or even troubles. Finally, learn how to cook before coming to China because it takes a while to get used to Chinese food, so until then you should be prepared to cook for yourself.
S1:In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good school? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.
Well, in my opinion, a good school should consist of at least two important characteristics. The first characteristic is the facilities and equipment that are required for different kinds of subjects. For example, many famous universities in the US have their well-renowned laboratories, which enable students to pursue advanced studies in various fields of study. Secondly, I believe the atmosphere of a particular school is also very important because it is the spirit and soul of it. Without a good atmosphere, the school will become no more than a factory producing talents that only know how to operate a certain machine.
S2:Do you prefer to be friends with people who share the same opinion as you do or with people who hold different opinions?
I will definitely choose the second one-a job through which I can obtain great personal satisfaction. I have two reasons for this choice. To begin with, a job takes up at least eight hours per day, which is one third of our lives in total. If I am assigned to boring tasks or things I don’t like to do, I feel unhappy all day and that is the last thing I want. Moreover, money plays only a minor role in my life, compared with personal satisfaction and leisure. So basically I will try my best to find my “labor of love”, because once I do so, my job will become my leisure and I feel happy and contented all day long.
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