
(1)没有一张纸可对折超过9次;   (2)根据统计每年骡子所杀的人比飞机失事所死的人还多;  (3)人睡觉比坐着看电视所消耗的卡路里还多;  (4)第一种有条形码的对象是香口胶;  (5)Wright’s Brother发明飞机后第一次试飞的路程比一架波音747飞机的飞机翼还短;   (6)1987年,美国一家航空公司将每个头等机位的飞机餐减少一粒橄榄后,节省了约35万美元;  (7)很多人每朝起来都喝一杯咖啡提神,但其实一个苹果比一杯咖啡还有效;   (8)你的家中多数尘埃都是你的死皮;  (9)洋娃娃Barbie全名是BarabraMillicentRoberts   (10)希特勒的妈妈在怀有希特勒时曾认真地考虑堕胎,不过被医生说服,结果把他生了下来;  (11)玛丽莲梦露有6只脚趾;  (12)电影里,ET的脚步声是由一位工作人员用手将啫哩榨烂造成的;  (13)珍珠在醋中会溶;   (14)在寻找情人广告中,有35%是已婚人士;   (15)你有可能将一只牛拉上楼梯,但牛是不懂下楼梯的;   (16)猪不能仰头望天空;   (17)“quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”这句话可以用尽26个英文字母;   (18)鸭的叫声是不会有回音的,而且暂时没有人知道这是为何;  (19)蜗牛可不吃东西睡3年;   (20)著名影星Tommy Lee Jones与美国副总统曾经是哈佛大学室友;  (21)如果一个月中,第一天是星期日,那个月便出现黑色星期五;   (22)把石头放在微波炉中加热会爆炸;   (23)1 111 111 × 1 111 111 = 1 234 567 654 321;   (24)惟一一个有15个英文字母而又不会重复的英文字是“uncopyrightable”;   (25)猫可发出超过100个音,狗却只能发10个音;   (26)愈黑的环境下,猫的排尿次数愈多;  (27)将一个硬币向上抛1 000次,字向上的次数是495次,不是500次,因为有图案的那面较重;   (28)根据牛顿字典,世界上最长的英文单词是:  “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis”  (29)人体的胃每2个星期便会更新一次分泌物,否则它会自我消化掉;  (30)可乐原是绿色的;   (31)夏威夷文只有12个字母;   (32)走路上班的人最高比率的省是阿拉斯加;  (33)如果Barbie是人类,她的三围是39-23-33;   (34)美国平均每小时在空中的人有61 000人 ;  (35)只有一种食物不会变坏:蜜糖 ;  (36)在加勒比海附近有一种蚝是会爬树的;   (37)世界上最年轻的父母在1910年出现,是一个8岁及另一个9岁的中国人;   (38)人类的鼻子及耳朵毕生都在不断长大;   (39)日本有一种正方形的西瓜,为的是方便收藏;   (40)海星有8只眼,每只脚都有一只;   (41)有些昆虫的眼睛里长毛;   (42)一条长颈鹿的舌头有2英尺长;   (43)大象可用头来站立;  (44)蚂蚁早上醒来会抓痒;   (45)伟大发明家爱迪生是怕黑的;   (46)世上最老的金鱼是41岁,名叫Fred;  (47)爱因斯坦9岁时不能流利说话,他妈妈曾经一度以为他是弱智;   (48)阿拉伯的女人可以因为丈夫不为她倒咖啡而提出离婚;   (49)只有55%的美国人知道太阳是一个星体;   (50)多数唇膏是有鱼鳞的;   (51)长颈鹿没办法咳嗽;   (52)猫头鹰是惟一能够分辨蓝色的鸟类;   (53)一只鲸鱼一分钟心跳只有9下;   (54)我们喝到肚子里头的水已经有3亿岁了;   (55)只有30%的人可以放大缩小自己的鼻孔;   (56)一只牡蛎的性别会由男变女,此后一生中还会变个几次;   (57)根据一项1845年由英国通过的法律,自杀是非常严重的罪,最重可以处以吊死的极刑;  (58)在太空中航天员是没办法哭的,因为没有地心引力,眼泪流不出来;   (59)一只变色龙的舌头是它自己身体的两倍长;   (60)最常用牙签的人是美国人;   (61)一个正常人的眼部肌肉一天平均要动上10 000到15 000次;   (62)大象死后还会保持站立姿势;   (63)有些昆虫没有头还可以再活上一年;
&&& 64)达芬奇光是画蒙娜丽莎的嘴唇就花了12年;   (65)玻璃破掉时,玻璃碎片的时速最高可达每小时3 000英里;   (66)乳牛听音乐时可以供应更多牛奶;   (67)下午摘下的玫瑰比清晨摘下的玫瑰更能持久不枯萎;   (68)虎鲨的胚胎在母亲的子宫里需经过激烈的搏斗,胜利者就是可以活着出生的小虎鲨;  (69)一只70磅的章鱼可以穿过一个仅一枚银币大小的洞,因为它没有脊椎;   (70)印度尼西亚竹节虫是全世界最大的昆虫,有些光是身长就有1英尺长;   (71)其实,河马跑得比人快;   (72)降落伞的发明人把第一次乘坐降落伞的机会让给了一只狗;   (73)一只日本大螃蟹可能长达12英尺;  (74)刚出生的小火鸡要有爸爸妈妈教导如何吃东西,不然会饿死;   (75)一只鲨鱼可以侦测到水中仅百万分之一含量的血液;   (76)桑巴舞的森巴原来的意思是“一起磨肚脐吧”;   (77)小孩子在春天长得比较快;   (78)蝙蝠是惟一能飞的哺乳动物;   (79)一只毛虫身上有超过2 000条的肌肉;   (80)人的心脏可以产生把血液喷出30英尺高的压力;   (81)当头还在身体上的时候,雄合掌螳螂没办法交配,所以,雌合掌螳螂在进行交配之前,先要把雄的头砍掉;   (82)虾米的心脏在头部;  (83)你永远不可能用你的舌头舔到你的手肘;   (84)世界上有50%的人从来都没有接过电话;   (85)老鼠和马不能呕吐;   (86)“SixthSickSheik’sSixthSheep’sSick ”是英文中最难以发音的一个句子;   (87)打喷嚏过于强劲了,会导致胸腔破裂,但是如果你想要将这个喷嚏强行忍住,却会导致你头或者是脖子中某个血管的破裂;   (88)如果你打电话超过一个小时,那么你耳朵里的耳屎会增加大概700倍左右;   (89)打火机是比火柴更早发明出来的;   (90)据说,在你睡觉的时候,在你不知不觉中,你会吃入70多种虫子和10多只蜘蛛;   (91)人类全身上下,最强韧有力的肌肉,竟是舌头;   (92)张开眼睛打喷嚏是不可能的;   (93)憋气自杀也是不可能成功的;   (94)每一次你舔一张邮票的背胶,你就吸收了1/10卡路里热量;   (95)右撇子平均比左撇子多活9年;   (96)鱼无法伸出它们的舌头;   (97)北极熊都是左撇子;   (98)鸵鸟的眼睛比脑袋大;   (99)海星至今还没演化出脑;  (100)跳蚤可以跳过它们350倍身长的距离,相当于一个人跳过一个美式足球场。  &&&
(1) no piece of paper can be folded in half over 9 times,According t (2) the mules to kill people than plane crashes more people,(3) people sleep than sitting and watching TV consume more calories,The first kind is (4) the object code is gum,(5) 's Brother Wright invented the first flight of a Boeing 747 planes wing is short,(6) in 1987, an American airlines flight each class will reduce the plane after a meal, save the olive about 35 million us dollars,(7), many people have towards each drink a cup of coffee, but in fact an apple is a cup of coffee is effective,(8) your home most dust you are dead skin,(9) Barbie doll name is BarabraMillicentRoberts(10) Hitler's mother has had seriously considered when Hitler, but the doctor persuaded by abortion, the results were born to him down,(11) Marilyn Monroe six toes,(12) films, ET footsteps is made by a staff with the hand will squeeze caused by bad scrub miles,(13) pearl in the vinegar will dissolve,(14) in search of advertising, there's 35% is married people,You may (15) will be a cow pull up the stairs, but the cattle are not understand down the stairs,(16) pigs can look upward sky,(17) "fox jumps over time the momentary lazy dog" this sentence can be used in 26 letters,(18) duck is not cry echoes, but no one knows it is temporary,(19) snail don't eat sleep for three years,(20) Tommy Lee actress with vice President of the United States had a flop harvard roommate,(21) if a month, on the first day was Sunday, the month appear black Friday,The stone (22) in microwave heating will explode,(23) 111 111 x 1 January 111 111 = 1 234 567 trilogy 321,(24) only a 15 English letters and won't repeat the English word is "; uncopyrightable."(25) cat can give more than 100 notes, but only 10 dog hair,(26), the black cat urine under the environment of the more times,(27) will be a coin upwards 1 000 times, the word is up, not 500 times forecast, because it has pattern is heavier,According to Newton's dictionary (28), the world's longest English words are:"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."(29) human stomach every two weeks will be updated once, otherwise it will discharge self digest,(30) coke is green,(31) in Hawaii only 12 letters,(32), the highest rate of people walk to work the province is Alaska,(33) if Barbie is human, her measurements would be 39-23-33,The average American (34) per hour in the people there were 61 000 people,(35) is a kind of food, not bad: honey,(36) in the Caribbean sea near an oyster is lumbering,In the world (37) young parents in 1910, is an eight-year-old and another nine Chinese,(38) human nose and ears continue to grow throughout all,(39), Japan has a square watermelon, so convenient collection,(40) starfish have only 8 eyes, each foot are one,(41) some insects in the eyes of the hair,(42) a giraffe's tongue is 2 feet long,(43) the head elephant(44) ants scratch will wake up in the morning,(45) great inventor Thomas Edison is afraid of the dark,(46) the world's oldest goldfish is 41 years old, was Fred,(47) Einstein at the age of nine, he can speak fluent mother once thought he was retarded,(48) Arab woman for her because her husband can not pour coffee and put forward a divorce,(49) only 55 percent of americans know that the sun is a star,(50) most lipstick is the scales,(51) the giraffe can't cough,(52) owl is only can discern blue birds,(53) a whale heart only nine minutes.(54) we drink the water to the belly has 3 billion years old,(55) who can only 30% of their nostrils zoom-in,(56) an oyster sex will change by male and female life will change after a few times,(57) according to a study by British 1845 by law, the suicide is very serious crime, the heaviest may be hanged uneasiness,(58) in space is not to cry astronauts, because there is no gravity, tears,(59) a chameleon tongue is twice the length of your body,(60) is the most common toothpicks are americans,(61) a normal eye muscles to move on an average day 10 000 to 15 000 times,(62) after the death of elephants are expected to remain standing posture,(63) some insects no head can still live again last year,
64) leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa's lips alone took 12 years,(65) glass broken pieces of glass, the maximum speed 3 000 miles per hour,Listen to music (66) cows can supply more milk,(67) at the rose early than pluck rose morThe tiger sharks) (68 in the mother's womb embryo to after fierce struggle, winners are born killer sharks can live,(69 70 pounds) a 70-pound octopus can only through a hole in the size of silver COINS, because it has no spine,(70) shows Indonesia is the world's largest insects, some light height is 1 feet long,(71) actually, hippopotamus run faster than people,(72) inventor of the first parachute on the parachute opportunities to the dog,(73) a Japanese large crab may be 12 feet long,(74th) newborn Turkey will have small mom and dad taught how to eat, otherwise will starve to death,A shark (75) can detect water only one millionth of the content of blood,(76) samba's original meaning "and"; navel grinding together,(77) children grow faster in spring,(78) bats are the only mammals can fly,(79) a caterpillar has more than 2 000 of muscles,(80) the person's heart can produce to squirt blood 30 feet high pressure,(81) pledge in body, males to mate praying mantis, therefore, the female praying mantis in mating, before the male's head to cut,(82) in the heart,(83) you must never use your tongue lick your elbow,(1984). The world is 50% people never answered the phone,(85) mice and horse cannot vomiting,(86) "SixthSickSheik 'sSixthSheep' sSick" is the most difficult English pronunciation of a sentence,(a) sneezed too sturdy, will cause chest break, but if your wanting to is strong this sneeze line endure, but will cause you head or is a certain blood vessel in the neck fracture,(88) if you call for more than an hour, so the your ear would increment probably 70000% or so,(2000) is lighter than the match earlier inventions,(90) said, while you sleep, when you imperceptibly, you will eat to go into 70 variety insect and more than 10 spider,(91) human body, the strongest, powerful muscle tongue,(92) open eyes sneezing is impossible,(93) suffocating suicide is not likely to be successful,(94) every time you lick stamp back glue, you will absorb the 1/10 calories quantity of heat,(2006) than left-handed right-handed average 9 live(96) fish cannot stick out their tongues:(1997) all polar bears are left-handed,An ostrich's eye (98) than the big head,(99) starfish haven't evolved in the brain,(100) flea can jump over long distances are 350 times, equivalent to a man over a football.
其他回答 (2)
(1)没有一张纸可对折超过9次;   (2)根据统计每年骡子所杀的人比飞机失事所死的人还多;  (3)人睡觉比坐着看电视所消耗的卡路里还多;  (4)第一种有条形码的对象是香口胶;  (5)Wright’s Brother发明飞机后第一次试飞的路程比一架波音747飞机的飞机翼还短;   (6)1987年,美国一家航空公司将每个头等机位的飞机餐减少一粒橄榄后,节省了约35万美元;  (7)很多人每朝起来都喝一杯咖啡提神,但其实一个苹果比一杯咖啡还有效;   (8)你的家中多数尘埃都是你的死皮;  (9)洋娃娃Barbie全名是BarabraMillicentRoberts   (10)希特勒的妈妈在怀有希特勒时曾认真地考虑堕胎,不过被医生说服,结果把他生了下来;  (11)玛丽莲梦露有6只脚趾;  (12)电影里,ET的脚步声是由一位工作人员用手将啫哩榨烂造成的;  (13)珍珠在醋中会溶;   (14)在寻找情人广告中,有35%是已婚人士;   (15)你有可能将一只牛拉上楼梯,但牛是不懂下楼梯的;   (16)猪不能仰头望天空;   (17)“quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”这句话可以用尽26个英文字母;   (18)鸭的叫声是不会有回音的,而且暂时没有人知道这是为何;  (19)蜗牛可不吃东西睡3年;   (20)著名影星Tommy Lee Jones与美国副总统曾经是哈佛大学室友;  (21)如果一个月中,第一天是星期日,那个月便出现黑色星期五;   (22)把石头放在微波炉中加热会爆炸;   (23)1 111 111 × 1 111 111 = 1 234 567 654 321;   (24)惟一一个有15个英文字母而又不会重复的英文字是“uncopyrightable”;   (25)猫可发出超过100个音,狗却只能发10个音;   (26)愈黑的环境下,猫的排尿次数愈多;  (27)将一个硬币向上抛1 000次,字向上的次数是495次,不是500次,因为有图案的那面较重;   (28)根据牛顿字典,世界上最长的英文单词是:  “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovol(1) not a piece of paper can be folded
&(2) According to statistics of people killed each year than the mule
&(3) sleep than people sitting watching television co
&(4) the object of a bar c
&(5) Wright's Brother invented its first test flight after the plane journey than a Boeing 747 a
&(6) In 1987, an American Airlines first-class each meal to reduce the aircraft after an olive, saving about 350,000 U.S.
&(7) a lot of people together every refreshing drink a cup of coffee, but in fact an apple than a cup of coff
&(8) the majority of your home are
&(9) the full name is Barbie doll BarabraMillicentRoberts
&(10) Hitler's mother Hitler have had to seriously consider abortion, but to convince the doctor, th
&(11) Marilyn M
&(12) films, ET's footsteps by a staff member will hand gels cause
&(13) pearl disso
&(14) in the search for Valentine's ads, 35%
&(15) Do you have a cow may be up the stairs, but do not cow do
&(16) pigs can not look仰头
&(17) "quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" this sentence could be exhausted in 26 let
&(18) duck call there is no echo and no o
&(19) snail can sleep do not eat anything for 3
&(20) famous movie stars Tommy Lee Jones and Vice-President of the United States used to be roommates at Harvard U
&(21) If the month, the first day is a Sunday, it appeared that on B
&(22) on the microwave oven to heat the
&(23) 1 111 111 × 1 111 111 = 1 234 567 654 321;
&(24) only 15 letters of the alphabet and will not repeat the word "uncopyrightable";
&(25) cats may be issued more than 100 sound, dogs are only 10
&(26) and more of the environment, the more the
&(27) will throw up a coin 1,000 times, the number of characters is up 495 times, not 500, because there are patter
&(28) According to Newton's dictionary, the world's longest word in English is:
1) did not fold a piece of paper can be
(2) According to statistics of people killed each year than the mule (3) sleep than people sitting watching television co (4) the object of a bar c (5) Wright's Brother invented its first test flight after the plane journey than a Boeing 747 a (6) In 1987, an American Airlines first-class each meal to reduce the aircraft after an olive, saving about 350,000 U.S. (7) a lot of people together every refreshing drink a cup of coffee, but in fact an apple than a cup of coff (8) the majority of your home are (9) the full name is Barbie doll BarabraMillicentRoberts (10) Hitler's mother Hitler have had to seriously consider abortion, but to convince the doctor, th (11) Marilyn M (12) films, ET's footsteps by a staff member will hand gels cause (13) pearl disso (14) in the search for Valentine's ads, 35% (15) Do you have a cow may be up the stairs, but do not cow do (16) pigs can not look仰头 (17) "quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" this sentence could be exhausted in 26 let (18) duck call there is no echo and no o (19) snail can sleep do not eat anything for 3 (20) famous movie stars Tommy Lee Jones and Vice-President of the United States used to be roommates at Harvard U (21) If the month, the first day is a Sunday, it appeared that on B (22) on the microwave oven to heat the (23) 1 111 111 × 1 111 111 = 1 234 567 654 321; (24) only 15 letters of the alphabet and will not repeat the word "uncopyrightable"; (25) cats may be issued more than 100 sound, dogs are only 10 (26) and more of the environment, the more the (27) will throw up a coin 1,000 times, the number of characters is up 495 times, not 500, because there are patter (28) According to Newton's dictionary, the world's longest word in English is: "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" (29) the body's stomach every two weeks will be updated every secretions, otherwise i (30) Coca Cola
(31) Hawaiian alphabet only 12; (32) of people walking to work the province is the highest rate of A (33) If Barbie is human, her measurements are 39-23-33; (34) United States an average of one hour in the air, 61 000; (35) not only a deterioration of food: (36) in the Caribbean there is a near Ho will climb a tree's; (37) the world's youngest parents appeared in 1910, is an 8-year-old and another 9-year-old C (38) human's nose and ears cont (39) Japan has a square watermelon, in order to facil (40) Starfish have eight eyes, (41) eyes of some long- (42) of the tongue of a giraffe and 2 (43) can be used an
(44) ant the morning wil (45) is the great inventor Thomas E (46) the world's oldest goldfish was 41 years old, named F (47) Albert Einstein 9-year-old can not speak fluently, his mother was once thought that he was
(48) Arab women can not because her husband for he (49) Only 55% of Americans know th (50) Most l (51) g (52) The owl is the only birds able to t (53) of a whale, only a minute heartbeat 9; (54) We drink the water inside the stomach have been 300 (55), only 30% of the people can zoom in to n (56) a sex oysters from male-to-female, then life will (57) in 1845, according to a law adopted by the United Kingdom, suicide is a very serious crime can be sentenced to hang (58) in space, astronauts can not cry is because there is no gravity,流不出 (59) a chameleon's tongue is twice (60) the most commonly used are toothpicks A (61) of the eye muscles of a normal day moving average of 10 000-15 000; (62) after the death of the elephant will rem (63), some insects can not re- &&&& 64) Da Vinci painting Mona Lisa's lips just spent 12 (65) broken glass, the glass fragments Hourly 3 with a maximum speed of 000 (66) listening to music when co (67) off the afternoon than the morning rose off the withere (68) Tiger Shark of the embryo in the mother's womb to be after a heated battle, the winners can be born alive is a small Tiger S (69) 1 70 pounds of octopus can be only through a hole the size of a coin, because it doe (70) Indonesia is the world's largest stick insect, and some just have one (71) In fact, people quickly跑得比H (72) parachute inventor of the first opportunities to take (73) of a Japanese crab may take up to 12 (74) born small turkey just to have to teach parents how to eat, (75) can be detected by a shark in the water content in the blood of on (76) of the samba samba original meaning "navel grinding it together"; (77) children grow
(78) to bat is the (79) of a caterpillar who has more than 2 muscle 000; (80) the heart can produce the 30 feet out of (81) on the head when the body is still male Gassho mantis can not mate, so during the mating female mantis Gassho before the firs (82) the heart o (83) you will never use your tongue to your elbow舔到; (84) 50% of the world's people who have neve (85) rats and
(86) "SixthSickSheik'sSixthSheep'sSick" is the English pronunciation of the most dif (87) sneezing too strong, and will lead to the breakdown of the chest, but if you want to be forced to hold back the sneeze, but will lead to your head or neck of a r (88) If you call more than 1 hours, then your ears will increase the cerumen probably about 700 (89) is lighter than the earl (90) It is said that when you go to bed, knowing you, you will eat into the more than 70 kinds of insects and spiders over 10 (91) human body from top to bottom, the most powerful muscle strength, (92) with open eyes and snee (93) is also impossible to feel suffocate (94) Every time you lick a stamp of gum, you will absorb the 1 / 10 (95) right-handed than left-handed live an average of 9 (96) fish can not be stretch (97) polar bears are left- (98) than the eyes o (99) and no one has yet ev (100) flea can jump 350 times their body length distance, which is equivalent to a person skip an American football field.
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