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简明英汉词典hunt[hQnt]v.打猎, 猎取, 搜索, 搜寻, 猎获n.打猎, 猎取, 搜索, 搜寻, 狩猎基本词义Hunt[hQnt]亨特(姓氏)美国传统词典[双解]hunthuntAHD:[h?nt] D.J.[h(nt]K.K.[h(nt]v.(动词)hunt.ed,,及物动词)(1)To pursue (game) for food or sport.打猎:追捕(猎物)作为食物或作为体育运动(2)To search through (an area) for prey:于…狩猎:搜索(某一地区)寻找猎物:hunted the ridges.在山间狩猎(3)To make use of (hounds, for example) in pursuing game.在追猎猎物时使用(猎狗)(4)To pursue intensively so as to capture or kill:追捕,猎杀:为抓获或杀死而努力追逐:hunted down the escaped convict.追捕逃犯(5)T search for.See Synonyms at seek 搜索;寻找参见 seek(6)To drive out forcibly, esp chase away:强行驱逐:用强迫的方法赶出,尤指用折磨的方法;赶走:hunted the newcomers out of town.把新来的人赶出城去v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To pursue game.追逐猎物(2)T seek.寻找;搜索(3)Aerospace 【太空学】 (4)To yaw back and forth about a flight path, as if seeking a new direction or another angle of attack. Used of an aircraft, a rocket, or a space vehicle.前后摆动:沿一条飞行路线来回摇摆,似乎在寻找一个新的方向或进攻角度。用于飞机、火箭或空间飞行器(5)To rotate up and down or back and forth without being deflected by the pilot. Used of a control surface or a rocket motor in gimbals.上下前后摆动:离开飞行员的偏转控制而上下或来回地转动。用于控制平台或火箭发动机的万向节(6)Engineering 【工程学】 (7)To oscillate about a selected value. Used of a machine, an instrument, or a system.在一特定值的附近摇摆:在某一选定值周围振荡。用于机器,仪器或系统(8)To
oscillate. Used of an indicator on a display or an instrument panel.来回摆荡:来回摇摆;振荡。用于显示器上的指示器或仪器的仪表板n.(名词)(1)The act or sport of hunting:打猎:狩猎的行动或运动:an enthusiast for the hunt.爱好打猎者(2)A hunting expedition or outing, usually with horses and hounds.狩猎旅行:远征或郊游狩猎,通常骑着马、带着猎犬(3)Those taking part in such an expedition or outing.参加狩猎旅行的人:参加这种远征或郊游的人(4)A diligent search or pursuit:积极地寻找:努力的寻找或追逐:on a hunt for cheap gas.寻找廉价汽油语源(1)Middle English hunten 中古英语 hunten (2)from Old English huntian 源自 古英语 huntian 基本词义HuntHuntAHD:[h?nt] Harriot Kezia () D.J.[h(nt]K.K.[h(nt]NONE(无词性)American physician and reformer who emphasized prevention and education for the maintenance of health.亨特,哈里奥特?凯奇雅:() 美国医生和改革者,强调通过预防和教育来保证健康现代英汉词典hunt[hQnt]vt., vi.(1)打猎,狩猎(2)骑马猎狐;追捕(3)(与after, for连用)搜索;追寻I hunted for my book everywhere.我到处找我的书。Wolves hunt in packs.狼是成群猎食的。We've been hunting for the lost boy all over.我们一直在到处找那失踪的男孩。(4)(发动机)运转时快时慢词性变化huntn.(1)狩猎,打猎(2)猎狐;猎狐的人(3)追寻;搜索 hunt down 追捕到;搜索到 (= hunt out)Our hunt for a cheaper but larger house is at last at an end.我们想寻找一幢便宜些但要大些的房子的事终于有了结果。hunt out(1)= hunt down(2)仔细寻找 (= hunt up)现代英汉综合大辞典hunt[hQnt]vt.(1)打猎(2)在(某地区)打猎, 搜索(猎物)(3)追寻, 搜索(up, out)(4)(用马, 狗)打猎(5)捕捉; 追逐(from, down)hunt the county在这郡中打猎hunt the hounds用猎犬打猎hunt the cat out of the kitchen把猫赶出厨房They hunted him down and strung him up.他们把他捉住然后将他捆起来。词性变化hunt[hQnt]vi.(1)打猎(2)寻[探]求, (仔细)搜索[寻](after, for)(3)(兽类等)猎食(4)(机器等)不规则地摆[振, 波]动, 振荡, (仪器指示与实测值间的)不稳定关系hunt for a lost book寻找遗失的书Wolves hunt in packs,狼成群猎食。hunt[hQnt]n.(1)打猎(2)追寻, 搜索(3)打猎队; 猎区(4)猎人会(5)摆振a member of the hunt打猎队中的一员rainbow hunt痴心妄想, 追求不可得的事物treasure hunt寻宝(一种儿童游戏)继承用法huntaway[`hQntE9weI]n.牧羊犬词性变化hunt[hQnt]adj.(狗)经训练可牧羊的huntress[5hQntrIs]n.女猎人, 女猎神(Diana); 母猎马huntableadj.huntedlyadv.习惯用语on the hunt (for)正在寻找still hunt暗中调查; 以埋伏方式狩猎the hunt is on (for)正在搜寻...witch hunt【史】搜捕女巫; 政治迫害hunt about for搜索, 寻求hunt after追猎, 搜索hunt and peck[美口]看着键盘打字hunt counter(狩猎时)背兽迹而追踪; (指)做事背道而弛(不按规律办事)hunt down(1)追捕...直至捕获(2)搜寻...直至找到hunt for追猎; 寻找, 搜寻hunt out找出; 调查出hunt up寻找, 找到基本词义Hunt[hQnt]n.亨特(姓氏)用法词典hunt中古英语 huntern<古英语huntain 抓住英文相关词典huntchase&&&&look&&&&pursue&&&&search&&&&seek&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典hunt打猎[七国语言]英汉生物学大词典hunt嵩美国传统词典hunthuntAHD:[h?nt] D.J.[h(nt]K.K.[h(nt]v.hunt.ed,, pursue (game) for food or sport.(2)To search through (an area) for prey:hunted the ridges.(3)To make use of (hounds, for example) in pursuing game.(4)To pursue intensively so as to capture or kill:hunted down the escaped convict.(5)T search for.See Synonyms at seek (6)To drive out forcibly, esp chase away:hunted the newcomers out of town.v.intr.(1)To pursue game.(2)T seek.(3)Aerospace (4)To yaw back and forth about a flight path, as if seeking a new direction or another angle of attack. Used of an aircraft, a rocket, or a space vehicle.(5)To rotate up and down or back and forth without being deflected by the pilot. Used of a control surface or a rocket motor in gimbals.(6)Engineering (7)To oscillate about a selected value. Used of a machine, an instrument, or a system.(8)To
oscillate. Used of an indicator on a display or an instrument panel.n.(1)The act or sport of hunting:an enthusiast for the hunt.(2)A hunting expedition or outing, usually with horses and hounds.(3)Those taking part in such an expedition or outing.(4)A diligent search or pursuit:on a hunt for cheap gas.语源(1)Middle English hunten (2)from Old English huntian 基本词义HuntHuntAHD:[h?nt] Harriot Kezia () D.J.[h(nt]K.K.[h(nt]NONEAmerican physician and reformer who emphasized prevention and education for the maintenance of health.英汉船舶大词典hunt n.搜索,寻线;n.振荡 朗文英汉综合电脑词典hunt 查寻;寻找;振荡;跟踪 英汉航海大词典hunt n.搜索,寻线 英汉航空大词典hunt n.摆动,振荡 英汉化学大词典hunt vt.打猎,追踪;n.打猎,不规则振动 英汉海运大词典hunt 寻找,搜索(机器的)不规则震动(仪表的)摆动,(同步电机的)追逐(电)搜寻 基本词义hunt 追随,振荡,寻找,搜索,(机器的)不规则震动,(仪表的)摆动(同步电机的)追逐,(电)搜寻 基本词义hunt 追逐,追随摆动,振荡 基本词义hunt 追逐,追随寻找,搜索摆动,振荡 英汉计算机大词典hunt vt.打猎(追踪);n.打猎(不规则振动) 英汉机械大词典hunt n.搜索,寻找 英汉农牧林大词典hunt n.寻找,猎取,搜索
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& 珍藏的意思,含义,拼音,读音,珍藏的解释
繁体 珎藏拼音 zhēn cánɡ注音 ㄓㄣ ㄘㄤˊ词语解释珍藏 zhēn cánɡ1.珍贵的收藏物。
2.珍视并收藏。词语解释珍藏 zhēn cánɡ(1) [treasure]
(2) 珍重地收藏
(3) 珍贵的收藏物
罕见的珍藏珍藏 zhēn cánɡ(1).珍贵的收藏物。 汉
班固 《西都赋》:“陆海珍藏, 蓝田 美玉。” 宋
陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷三:“后有内府印标题品,次皆宸翰也。舍此褾轴,悉非珍藏。” 元
刘祁 《归潜志》卷一:“工於尺牘,辞简而甚文,朋友得之,輒以为珍藏。” 徐迟 《火中的凤凰》:“书市活跃,国家珍藏陆续出现。”
(2).珍视并收藏。 宋
苏轼 《答吴子野书》:“扶劣膏不识其为何物,但珍藏之,莫测所用,因书幸详以示諭也。” 明
王鏊 《震泽长语·仙释》:“此卷迺 至元 六年五月五日为余作也,吾珍藏之。” 清
郑燮 《四子书真迹序》:“ 黄涪翁 有 杜 诗抄本, 赵松雪 有《左传》抄本,皆为当时欣慕,后人珍藏,至有争之而致讼者。” 罗广斌 《在烈火中得到永生》:“有一些文件太宝贵了,谁也舍不得烧毁,人们冒着危险,把它珍藏下来。”
收藏宝物的府库。 南朝
范晔 《宦者传论》:“南金、和宝、冰紈、雾縠之积,盈牣珍藏;嬙媛、侍儿、歌童、舞女之玩,充备綺室。”
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简明英汉词典fortune[5fC:tFEn]n.财富, 运气, 大量财产, 好运, 命运vt.偶然发生vt.给...以大宗财富美国传统词典[双解]fortunefor.tuneAHD:[f?r“ch…n] D.J.[6f%8rt.*n]K.K.[6f%rt.*n]n.(名词)(1)The chance happening of fortuna luck:运气:好事或坏事的偶然发生;运气:He decided to go home for the holidays, and his fortune turned for the worse.他决定回家度假,没想到他的运气变坏了(2)fortunes The turns of luck in the course of one's life.fortunes 时运,命运:人一生中运气的转变(3)Success, especially when at least partially resulting from luck:成功:成功,尤指运气在其中至少起部分作用的成功:No matter what they tried, it ended in fortune.无论他们是怎么做的,最后都成功了(4)A person's condition or standing in life determined by material possessions or financial wealth:财产:由财产或金钱而定的某人的身份或地位:She pursued her fortune in another country.她到他乡寻求她的财富(5)Extensive amounts of material
wealth.庞大的财产:大量财产、金钱或财宝;财富(6)A large sum of money:大笔钱:spent a fortune on the new car.花一大笔钱买了这辆新车(7)Often Fortune A hypothetical, often personified force or power that favorably or unfavorably governs the events of one's life:常作 Fortune 命运之神:一假想的且通常拟人化的力量,或好或坏地决定人生中的事件:We believe that Fortune is on our side.我们相信命运之神是会眷顾我们的(8)F destiny:命运:told my fortune with tarot cards.用纸牌来算我的命运(9)A foretelling of one's destiny.算命:预测人的命运v.(动词)for.tuned,,及物动词)(1)Archaic To endow with wealth.【古语】 给…以大宗财产(2)Obsolete To ascribe or give good or bad fortune to.【废语】 给…好运或坏运v.intr.Archaic (不及物动词)【古语】 T happen.偶然发生;碰巧语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old French 源自 古法语 (3)from Latin fort?a 源自 拉丁语 fort?a (4)from fors fort- [chance] 源自 fors fort- [机会] 现代英汉词典fortune[5fC:tju:n, 5fC:tFu:n]n.(1)命运;运气;机会She had the good fortune to be free from illness.她运气好,没得病。Through all his changing fortunes, he never lost courage.任凭命运变换,他从不丧失勇气。It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year."而且,据说放鞭炮还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气。"(2)幸运;成功Fortune smiled on him.他万事如意。(3)财产,财富He made a fortune by selling houses.他靠卖房子发了财。现代英汉综合大辞典fortune[5fC:tFEn]n.(1)命运, 运气, 幸运(2)富; 产业(3)命运, 机会(4)[Fortune ]司命运的女神a man of fortune财主marry a fortune和有钱的人结婚fortune cookie占卜饼(一种夹层饼, 其中夹有写着预言吉凶祸福或格言等的小纸片)fortune hunter想与有钱人结婚的人; 淘金者词性变化fortune[5fC:tFEn]vt.[古]给... 以大宗财富; 给...带来幸福vi.[古 、诗]偶然发生; 偶然遇见(upon)It fortuned that ...偶尔继承用法fortune-huntingn.为了财产而追求有钱女子fortune-tellern.给人算命的人fortune-tellingn.算命fortuneless[`fR:tFEnlIs]adj.习惯用语a small fortune[口, 谑]一笔巨款be in good fortune运气好[坏]be in bad fortune运气好[坏]by good fortune幸好, 由于幸运come into a fortune继承一大笔财产have a fortune有财产have fortune on one's side走红运have good fortune运气好[坏]have bad fortune运气好[坏]have the fortune to do幸而...(做)...He dances well to whom fortune pipes.[谚]时来百事顺。if fortune favours如果运气好make a fortune发财致富make one's fortune发财致富push one's fortune追求名利,努力抬高自己的地位;力图发迹read sb.'s fortune给某人算命tell sb.'s fortune给某人算命run a fortune冒风险seek one's fortune找出路spend a small fortune on (books)[口]把一大笔钱花在(书)上tempt one's fortune蔑视命运, 冒险the fortune of war战争的风云变化try one's fortune碰运气Fortune favours fools.[谚]傻人有傻福。Fortune Fools have fortune.[谚]傻人有傻福。Fortune God sends fortune to fools.[谚]傻人有傻福。Fortune favours the bold .[谚]勇者成功; 命运之神保佑勇者。Fortune favours the brave.[谚]勇者成功; 命运之神保佑勇者。Fortune is blind.[谚]命运是盲目的。Fortune is easily found, but hard to be kept .[谚]找到幸福易,保持幸福难。Fortune is variant.[谚]命运变幻莫测;天有不测风运,人有旦夕祸福。Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.[谚]人生一世, 至少会碰上一次好运气。用法词典fortune源自拉丁词fortuna英文相关词典fortunechance&&&&destiny&&&&fate&&&&lot&&&&luck&&&&prosperity&&&&riches&&&&treasure&&&&wealth&&&&misfortune&&&&美国传统词典fortunefor.tuneAHD:[f?r“ch…n] D.J.[6f%8rt.*n]K.K.[6f%rt.*n]n.(1)The chance happening of fortuna luck:He decided to go home for the holidays, and his fortune turned for the worse.(2)fortunes The turns of luck in the course of one's life.(3)Success, especially when at least partially resulting from luck:No matter what they tried, it ended in fortune.(4)A person's condition or standing in life determined by material possessions or financial wealth:She pursued her fortune in another country.(5)Extensive amounts of material
wealth.(6)A large sum of money:spent a fortune on the new car.(7)Often Fortune A hypothetical, often personified force or power that favorably or unfavorably governs the events of one's life:We believe that Fortune is on our side.(8)F destiny:told my fortune with tarot cards.(9)A foretelling of one's destiny.v.for.tuned,, To endow with wealth.(2)Obsolete To ascribe or give good or bad fortune to.v.intr.Archaic T happen.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old French (3)from Latin fort?a (4)from fors fort- [chance] 朗文英汉综合电脑词典FORTUNE = FORtran TUNEr,FORTRAN调整程序 英汉法学大词典fortune n.财产 英汉纺织大词典Fortune n.福琴混合股线织物 英汉航海大词典fortune n.美幸福杂志,富翁 英汉化学大词典fortune n.运气,财产 英汉经贸大词典fortune n.美幸福杂志,富翁,财产 英汉计算机大词典fortune n.运气(财产) 英汉能源大词典fortune n.财产,运气 英汉心理学大词典fortune 命运 英汉医学大词典fortune n.命运,运气 英汉中医大词典fortune n.命运,运气,好运
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treasure: [ 'tre&#658;&#601; ]& &n. 宝物,财富v. 珍爱,重视,储藏词形变化:形容词:treasurable 动词过去式:treasured 过去分词:treasured 现在分词:treasuring 第三人称单数:treasures &例句与用法:1.This museum has many art treasures.&这家博物馆收藏了许多艺术珍品。2.Such a lesson should be treasured in our memories.&这样的宝贵教训应该铭记在心。3.My dearest treasure!&我的宝贝儿!4.I shall always treasure the memory of our meetings.&我将永远记住我们相聚的情景.5.Our new secretary is a perfect treasure.&我们新来的秘书十分能干.6.The police found the lost treasure in an abandoned well.&警察在一口废弃的井里找到了丢失的财宝。7.Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.&【谚】是宝库,实践是钥匙。8.The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art.&这个画廊是中世纪艺术的宝库。 英英解释:名词treasure:1. accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.同义词:hoarded wealth2. art highly prized for its beauty or perfection同义词:gem3. any possession that is highly valued by its owner4. a collection of precious things动词treasure:1. hold dear同义词:prize, value, appreciate2. be attached to同义词:care for, cherish, hold dear
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