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please enter a valid email address ERROR ????
i cant even make an account on this game and have tried 3 diffrent emails it says the same thing for everyone LOL wtf anyone know how to fix ?
26 Aug, 2015 @ 1:20pm
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26 Aug, 2015 @ 1:18pm
It gives you this error when you try to login or use the email when making an account? clearly i siad this - i cant even make an account on this game and have tried 3 diffrent emails and then you asked me that lol ...
Originally posted by :It gives you this error when you try to login or use the email when making an account? clearly i siad this - i cant even make an account on this game and have tried 3 diffrent emails and then you asked me that lol ... It's confusing when you have 72 hours on record in the game - if you can't make an account to play then the game then how would you have 72 hours, so naturally i thought, he must be trying to login rather than make an account.I thought i would ask you to clarify this instead of giving you useless information but you decided to instead act with dissrespect.I will leave you to your own devices now - but i am making sure that you understand it isn't hard to show people respect.
thats sooooo off topic did i say anything about that no ... your over thinking ???? man read what i said go from there dont look at my account and be like hmmm but he has hours Actually that's not off topic, you said you can't make an account but if you have hours played that means you already HAVE an account. Don't be a prick and you get better help.
you sound like the troll who noone fed into last night on general chat while playing... was your handle name superbadguy ?? Perhaps Gaz decided to ban your account if this was you or you simply got yourself banned.. write your information down next time like you should of instead of bitting peoples hands who were gonna try and help. lol i HAVE my other account that i can play i tried to make an account for my gf so she could play with me her email did not work and i made 2 others and they did not work ... YOU GUYS are the ????n TROLLS can you all not read ??? like ???? son all you people do is over think things my forum was very simple ... and NONE of you have stayed on topic about it talkn about my game time and my account ... now this dumb ???? called WOLFHEART316 is adding more bs thats off topic lol none of you know what you are talking about ... i did not play last night i played today and before that i have not played in a year or more ... like wtf is wrong with you people lol and im the troll LOL
i cant even make an account on this game and have tried 3 diffrent emails it says the same thing for everyone LOL wtf anyone know how to fix ? This means the email address is invalid meaning that its in use ..Also try to make new hotmailaccount if you trying ot make a new account..Unless you want me to give you my second account which i hardly use atm. :)
26 Aug, 2015 @ 8:22pm
Originally posted by CAST AWAY:i cant even make an account on this game and have tried 3 diffrent emails it says the same thing for everyone LOL wtf anyone know how to fix ? This means the email address is invalid meaning that its in use ..Also try to make new hotmailaccount if you trying ot make a new account.. OMG
some one with a brain thank you for your info :) but what i dont understand is 2 of those emails that i tried that were brand new did not work so idk what the problem is even wrote a ticket but who knows how long that will take and thx again for some logic
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Date Posted: 26 Aug, 2015 @ 1:10pmPosts: 21
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View mobile websiteYour email address is invalid. Please enter a valid address.
This blogpost has been posted over two years ago. That is a long time in development-world! The story here may
not be relevant, complete or secure. Code might not be complete or obsoleted, and even my current vision might
have (completely) changed on the subject. So please do read further, but use it with caution.
Posted on 28 Dec 2009
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Error: Your email address is invalid.
Every time I see those or similar words when I fill out a registration form I start to cry a little. It’s not
my email address that is invalid, it’s the websites email validation functionality and it’s a great and
effective way to loose visitors and/or customers quickly.
Maybe the biggest problem with validation of user data is that not a lot of people ask the question: why are
we validating this data for anyway? Do you want to validate an email address so you can send emails to the
person? Is it because you don’t want people to apply multiple times? Do you want to check if somebody
actually owns an specified email-address? All these questions cannot be answered by checking if an email
address is syntactically correct. Even sending an activation email doesn’t say much. There are a lot for
disposable email address providers (like mailinator etc) where you can receive such emails so the only thing
you will know it that you have a lot of people in your userbase where you will never receive your email.
Especially when you outsource mailings this can become costly as well.
So, what’s wrong with my address then?
There are a lot of tricks people nowadays perform to “protect” their email addresses. Spam filters are
probably the most common one, but a lot of people use sub-addressing. Sub-addressing is a specific way to use
different mailboxes in one account. For instance, i could have an email address like this:
jthijssen+discussiongroup1@example.org and jthijssen+discussiongroup2@example.org
Both will be send to the jthijssen account, but in 2 different mailboxes or directories. Some mailers like
gmail will just send everything just as it was send without the + part. This would make it possible for me to
use jthijssen+ebay@example.org, jthijssen+reddit@example.org, jthijssen+privatemail@example.org without any
hassle. When somebody starts sending spam, i could easily detect which site is the bad guy and act
accordingly (block everything from jthijssen+ebay for instance).
Now.. the catch is.. many.. way to many sites do not like me to add a + sign, or any other “tropical”
character for that matter with no obvious reason except for stupidity. Not only is incorrect and bad
behaviour, but the only thing you will loose are potential customers. A lot of people, including yours truly
will not hesitate to go to another site and buy products there..
My advice on validating addresses: don’t.
As said, it’s far too difficult to validate them. There are so many catches that are well defined, yet
complex (take a look at RFC 822, , 5322 to name a few). Did you know that in some cases
JTHIJSSEN@example.org and jthijssen@example.org are 2 different addresses? Or that "This is
completely valid"@example.org is correct. Or even jthijssen (this is joshua thijssen's private
emailbox)@example (not affiliated ).org
Even if you are able to force users into your way of having an email address, you will still know nothing.
Especially the larger user bases will have a very high rate of
’s in them (and trust me, he isn’t visiting your site). Not only will it agitate your
customers, it will only trick you into thinking you have a very solid email list.
Some sites will provide validation because they can catch typo’s. Sorry to say this: but you can’t. You can
never validate if the local part of an email address is available (without sending authentication emails).
You could theoretically check if the domain-part exists (is
registered?), but that would take
time and all typo-variations like htmail, hotmial etc also exists.
Even checking the TLD is not safe.. Mali has got the .ML tld, while the Netherlands are using .NL tld. Very
close on the keyboard and they look also very similar (mysite.nl and mysite.ml).
A better way is to let the visitor typing in the address twice. From experience I know that a lot of people
don’t check their list (let alone checking it twice), so letting the visitor typing it twice will catch
typo’s many times.
So what to do then?
Registration onto your site should never be mandatory. It would only scare away visitors and unless you have
a good reason it’s not very polite either. When you let users register (because they get extra benefits etc),
let them register without too much mandatory data. Don’t make it mandatory to let them fill in their email
address just because you can send them every month updates on your site and products. When customers are
interested they will provide you their (correct) email address anyway and you will KNOW that those customers
are sincerely interested in your site of products.
On e-commerce systems, if users want to buy products, there are better ways of checking their credibility
then an email address. A lot of my friends only have an hotmail address, which is banned on some sites. There
are a lot of other (and better) sites for getting a free and disposable email address and by the time you
have entered one into your filter, 10 more already are born..
In conclusion: don’t think you can outsmart your visitors. When they really want to enter your site or
register with a false email address, they can do it and in the end you will only hurt your “normal” user
base. When you need to: ask for their address, not force them into handing over something that you would like
to hear, which is probably never the truth anyway..当前位置: &
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