Ynuthe last fall 2012in the lov...

When I Fall In Love-The Real Group, When I Fall In LoveMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
When I Fall In Love
When I fall in love it will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love, in love
In a restless world like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun
When I give my heart it will be completely
Or I'll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you.
When I fall in love
it will be forever and has to be forever
Or i'll never ever fall in love
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you.
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关注虾米:6. “If you were coming in the fall.” Part Three: Love. Dickinson, Emily. 1924. Complete Poems
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& 6. “If you were coming in the fall”
Emily Dickinson&().&&Complete Poems.&&1924.
Part Three: Love
IF you were coming in the fall,
I ’d brush the summer by
With half a smile and half a spurn,
As housewives do a fly.
If I could see you in a year,
I ’d wind the months in balls,
And put them each in separate drawers,
Until their time befalls.
If only centuries delayed,
I ’d count them on my hand,
Subtracting till my fingers dropped
Into Van Diemen’s land.
If certain, when this life was out,
That yours and mine should be,
I ’d toss it yonder like a rind,
And taste eternity.
But now, all ignorant of the length
Of time’s uncertain wing,
It goads me, like the goblin bee,
That will not state its sting.
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你可能喜欢How Men Fall in Love - The Seven Stages of Love
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How Men Fall in Love – The Seven Stages of Love
The feelings of love may be the same for both sexes but the stages of love are an entirely unique experience. Understand how men think and how men fall in love.
When women fall in love, it’s filled with bursts of happiness and miss-you texts.
When men fall in love, well, it’s just different. So how do men fall in love and what really goes on in a man’s mind?
For men, falling in love is a happy experience, but love doesn’t really kick in for a while.
While women may experience an intense surge of affections as soon as they meet a guy they like, the mind of men doesn’t really work that way.
Find out how men fall in love and the different stages they experience here.
How men fall in love – The seven stages of love
Stage 1 – Appreciation
This is all about physical appearance and instant attraction. Now this should clear the doubts out for women though. Men are rather shallow when it comes to getting attracted at first sight.
While women may fall in love in the first conversation, men are attracted to a woman only for her physical aspects, and nothing else.
Physical appearance is paramount for men, but it may not necessarily be the entire package. Each guy has his own preferences in what he likes about a woman, be it her face, her legs, her smile or even the way she runs her hands through her hair.
A guy may not even know what it is about a girl that he likes, but if he finds something attractive in her, he may experience the appreciation stage. [Poll: ?]
Stage 2 – Infatuation
Men appreciate a lot of women on a daily basis. They try to steal second glances or get a girl’s attention all the time. But it’s not always a success, either because he’s not trying hard enough or because the woman’s just not interested in him. The infatuation stage of how men fall in love is also the wooing stage of love for men in the dating game.
A man may appreciate a lot of women, but he doesn’t really get infatuated by all of them. If he appreciates a woman, and is interested in wooing her or pursuing her, he enters into the infatuation phase.
A man may pursue a woman in various ways, but if she doesn’t accept his advances he usually forgets the girl as just another attractive girl he wanted to go out with. It’s easier for a man to like a girl one day and forget he ever liked her the next because he has so many stages to deal with before he even makes up his mind on falling in love.
Stage 3 – Attraction
If an attractive girl reciprocates to a guy’s advances, he enters into the attraction stage of love. Until this stage, a guy can walk away from a girl without any pain or heartbreak even if the girl rejects him. He’s not really trying too hard, and he’s not really fallen in love to care about a rejection when he’s just trying to get lucky.
But if a girl does show the slightest sign of reciprocation or interest in the guy, or even if he assumes she’s into him, the guy digs deep into this stage, the attraction stage. In this stage, he decides to pursue the girl and make her like him. [Read: ]
Stage 4 – Impression
Understanding how men fall in love is complicated stuff, but quite frankly, he’s nowhere close to falling in love right now even in this stage. All he wants to do is make the girl like him. He shows off his mating potential to her. He plans dates and splurges on gifts to please the girl. He’s definitely not in love, but he does want something good to come out of this stage of impressions.
Stage 5 – Conviction
If a guy’s successfully breezing through the different stages of love, he’d start to wonder if there’s something more in the air. But instead of falling in love with the girl, all he’s worried about is how to convince the girl to fall in love with him.
He would really like the girl in this stage and would definitely want to go out with her, but the uncertainty would still confuse him and he would not be at ease until he’s certain the girl likes him. [Read:
without really flirting]
This stage is especially prominent when a guy falls in love with a friend. He can’t really try to impress her by buying gifts or taking her out on dates, but yet, he wouldn’t be able to stop pondering over how to convince the girl to go out with him. In this stage, all a guy cares about is how to get the girl to like him.
Stage 6 – Reaffirmation
If he’s able to convince the girl and make her fall in love with him, he’s a happy man. He likes where the dating game is heading.
But until now, in his pursuit of getting the girl to like him, he’s not asked himself if he really likes the girl and whether he actually wants to go out with her. Until this stage of love, getting the girl to like him was a goal he’s been focused on. Once the girl is in love with him, only then does a man seriously start to consider if he wants to have a relationship with the girl who now loves him.
It’s a selfish move, but it’s something evolution has taught all male species. “Don’t waste time thinking. Spend your time searching for more places to bust a nut.”
Now that the girl is in love with him, he takes a couple of days to sit back and weigh the pros and the cons of being in a relationship with that girl. Does he really love the girl too? Will he be happy with her? Is she the woman he wants and needs?
Stage 7 – He’s ready to love
If a man’s convinced that he truly likes the girl and wants to be with her, he enters this final stage of love where he’s ready to fall in love with the girl. On the other hand, if he’s not really convinced that the girl is the right mate for him, he may start avoiding her or losing interest in pleasing her because of his confusion.
Ever dated a really great guy who started behaving like a jerk a couple of weeks into love? Well, you know what happened now, don’t you?
Turning the game in your favor
How men fall in love with a woman is annoying. And it’s more annoying to know that men have to actually make women fall in love with them before they even think about going out with you, but that’s the way men fall in love and they really have no choice about it.
But if you really want to beat the guy in his own game, don’t make it obvious that you really like him at the very first instant. Keep it simple and play hard to get for a while. [Read: ]
It’ll make him work harder to win your love, and when he does finally win you over, he’ll never ever want to leave you because you’re such a tough catch to get or let go! [Read: ]
Well, you may now know how men fall in love with women and the seven stages of love for a man, but if you want to win his heart over and make him want you, always remember to make him work for your affection.
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begin to experience feel
"She fell in love with her former student"
fall in love的用法和样例:
It is strange that he should fall in love with such a snobbish girl.
The prince fall in love with a fair young maiden.
You say you don't believe in marriage, but I bet you sing a different song when you finally fall in love.
It's my karma always to fall in love with brunettes.
我爱上的总是深褐色头发、 浅黑色皮肤的白种女子,这是我的缘分。
It is natural that he should fall in love with such a beautiful girl.
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