
leave sb. to his own devices的中文释义
沪江词库精选leave sb. to his own devices是什么意思、英语短语。
leave sb. to his own devices的中文翻译:动词 听任某人做
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king arthur and his knights是什么意思
中文翻译亚瑟王和他的骑士亚瑟王与圆桌骑士:&&&&n. 1.王,国王,君主 (opp. subject); ...:&&&&n. 亚瑟〔男子名〕。 King Arthur 亚瑟王〔 ...:&&&&短语和例子 dance and delight = de ...:&&&&pron. 1.〔he 的所有格〕他的。 2.〔he 的 ...:&&&&n. 1.(欧洲中世纪的)骑士;武士,勇士〔尤指打仗或比 ...
例句与用法1.In the legends of king arthur and his knights流传于亚瑟王和他的骑士的传说中2.In the legends of king arthur and his knights流传于亚瑟王和他的骑士的传说中3.King arthur and his knights killed the five kings亚瑟王和他的骑士们杀死了五位国王。 4.King arthur and his knights left britain to go to war . but mordred was not loyal . he wanted to take king arthur ' s place . he wanted to be king of britain亚瑟王和他的骑士们离开了不列颠去参加战斗。然而莫德雷德并不忠诚,他想要占领亚瑟王的土地,成为不列颠之王! 5.The enemy armies were confused without their leaders . they all left britain . king arthur and his knights were again victorious . they saved britain from a dangerous invasion敌军无首自乱,然后全军撤出了不列颠。亚瑟王和他的骑士们再次获得了胜利。他们将不列颠从危难关头拯救过来。
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he left his home是什么意思
中文翻译离开家乡:&&&&n. 希伯来文的第五个字母。 :&&&&adj. 1.左的,左边的,左侧的。 2.左翼的;〔L- ...:&&&&pron. 1.〔he 的所有格〕他的。 2.〔he 的 ...:&&&&n. 霍姆[休姆]〔姓氏〕。
例句与用法1.He left his home ; he ' s on his own他离家;踏上自己的人生旅程。 2.He left his home and went deep into the mountains to find a teacher他离开了家到深山里去拜访名师。 3.Tam kai - chang , aged 81 , has failed to return after he left his home in tsz ching estate , tsz wan shan at about 4 . 30 pm on july 10八十一岁的谭启章自七月十日下午约四时三十分时离开慈云山慈正?的住所后便一直没有回家。 4.The man was intercepted by officers of the commercial crime bureau ( ccb ) when he left his home in wah fu estate , aberdeen at about 2 pm yesterday ( february 17 ) . upon searching , two counterfeit credit cards and five pieces of paper containing 50 sets of credit card account data were found in his possession商业罪案调查科探员昨日(二月十七日)下午约二时在香港仔华富?截查该名男子,当时他正离开寓所,探员在他身上搜出两张伪造信用卡,以及五张载有五十个信用卡户口资料的纸张。
相邻词汇热门词汇He has built up his own business的中文解释
沪江词库精选He has built up his own business是什么意思、英语短语。
He has built up his own business的中文释义: 他已建立起他自己的事业
2014He has built up his own business是什么意思由沪江网提供。当前位置: &
he is careful in his speech是什么意思
中文翻译他说话谨慎:&&&&n. 希伯来文的第五个字母。 :&&&&be 的第三人称,单数,现在时,陈述语气。 :&&&&adj. 1.注意的,小心谨慎的,周到的。 2.重视〔关 ...:&&&&In =【化学】 indium (铟). :&&&&pron. 1.〔he 的所有格〕他的。 2.〔he 的 ...:&&&&n. 1.言语;说话;谈话;说话能力(或方式)。 2.民 ...
例句与用法1.He is careful in his speech他说话谨慎。 2.He is careful in his speech他说话谨慎


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