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PS4 sales continue to crush Xbox One despite price cut
The official NPD numbers for September haven’t been released yet, but it looks like Sony had another whopping victory last month despite some important moves by Microsoft to try to put the Xbox One back on top. According to VGChartz, Sony sold 178,000 PlayStation 4s globally during the week of September 14th while Microsoft only moved 94,000 Xbox One consoles in that time.
| Well said
Nothing new here. PS4 raped xbox one in US 8 months in a row
PS4 outsells Xbox One in U.S. for 8th consecutive month
plus it won 9 out of 10 NPD's losing only in december because shortages.
september NPD Will be bloodbath
Did anyone expect September to be any different? The most significant event in September was the launch of Destiny, and all it's PS4-marketing splendour.
If any month this year will tip the other way it will surely be November. COD and Halo marketing blitz, if MS can't get a lead in November that will be a more significant point of discussion.
I though MS might have had a chance of winning September WW, due to the new 29 country launch.
Launch numbers are ALWAYS heavily inflated just like holiday numbers if not more, so there was a chance.
The PS4 had been selling around 140k per week, which would put them in the 550k range per month give or take.
I expected Destiny to double sales for the week of launch, and provide a nice boost through the rest of the month which would have put them in the 770k range.
I didn't expect it to more than triple the sales (3.5x).
Prior to that the XBO was averaging about 50k per week, so around 200k per month.
They were about to more than triple their current market from 13 to 42, with Tier 2 countries and since it was a first time launch (aka launch inflation) I felt they had a chance of actually tripling their numbers, on top of all the bonuses and promotions they were throwing around, with China being their wild card.
So I expect MS to sell between 600k - 700k+ depending on the sales in China.
Long story short, the PS4 exceeded my expectations, and proved this generation is the second coming for the PS2.
The Xbox One should still be in the range for the month after all is said and done, which is good, but their numbers are going to drop big time, now that the launch inflation sales are over, and will probably average around 300k per month now (up from 200k), when means a $329 - $349 price drop is in the future for the XBO soon if they don't want Sony to take away more than 60% of the market share for this generation, which would be detrimental to the next Xbox (price cut November - April 2015).
well, you never know ...sales always change..i doubt it that xbox will overtake ps4 any time this whole gen though
but what really bother me though
is the &59 vs 13 country& that xbox fans love to play sooo much this gen
&Ohhh ps4 is only outselling xboxone because ps4 is in 59 country while xbox is in only 13 country&
even though Ps4 is outselling xbox in those 13 country
and every time someone had to point this out for them for the 1million time
they don't care about sales but yet look at them in every sales article
they don't care about Res/Fps and yet look at them in Res/Fps articles
just look at how they acted when they thought Shadow of Mordor is the same on both ps4 and xbox one untill DF Face off proved them wrong
also i doubt Halo or COD will do much
didn't the ps4 version of the latest COD outsold Xbox version ?!...correct me if i'm wrong on this one
The PS4 version of COD Ghost definitely outsold the One version when the consoles were new. Ghost has been in the charts ever since though, and honestly I wouldn't be able to tell you who it is still going out and buying it.
Next gen was relatively small numbers though, most people bought the 360/PS3 versions. It still pushed huge numbers overall, so it is still a significant title as far as marketing goes.
@Abizzel good point on the launches, must admit I assumed it was a US-centric article.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
Good points
MS made some really dumb moves early on with policies that they haven't been able to recover from since as far as sales. However, the moves they have made since Spence took ove has been nothing but stellar. MS may have to take this generation on the chin, but as long as they continue to provide a next-gen gaming/entertainment experience like they've been doing, ill be a happy gamer.
They will sell enough to make X1 a success, even if its not as much as the PS4.
Who cares? Both consoles have games that make them worthy of purchase. All this bickering is moronic. You all act like this is a horse race. Just get whatever console you like -- or BOTH -- and then just play it. I own Sony stock (yeah, I know) and MS stock, and even I don't take a squat and squeeze like you surly lot. (I know there are actually some reasonable folks here, but they're vastly outnumbered)
@bennissimo but this is quite a calm and reasonable discussion, at least from the post you replied to.
I agree with you about the people that bitch and/or brag about sales though. Or consoles in general for that matter.
That's very true, good point.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
@ABizzel1 I like how you say XBO instead of XBONE.
That is more respectable to xbox one fans.
&Slaughtered& , &raped& , &bloodbath& &crushed&.
& dominating&.
I love seeing these words online. When we are only 10 to 11 months into this gen. What was it about 27-30 months last gen before the competition caught up? If both companies are turning a profit what does it matter? Especially to us consumers?
I hardly see either company panhandling for change. Just because one company sells more does not mean I automatically prefer the top sale over the competition. It just means they are selling more.
These machines offer different experiences and some even more experiences than the other. Constantly bragging about sales numbers seems rather redundant. Especially when we have only last gen to truly compare anything to. When 27-30 month have gone by sales comparisons seem to only be a constant security bragging blanket. If PS is still dominating hoorah. Its never going to change the fact that some people just prefer it over the other. They are different companies and different machines.
Some people prefer android over apple. Some prefer ketchup to mustard. Now that I think of it holding a bottle of ketchup on the street corner of every newstand seems rather embarrassing.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
Different companies that are fighting for the same gamer/casual crowd which also for the most part offer the same 3rd party games. Only difference is the exclusives and controls. This is not apple to oranges we're comparing too here but rather green apples to red apples.
And who are we kidding, the xbone is not gonna ever catch up and make a comeback like how the ps3 did last gen. It doesn't take a magic ball to predict this gens outcome.
@army of darkness
Do you really ultimately care who &wins& though? If these companies start handing out trophies for the best/most bruised green or blue lips when its all said and done. Are you gonna proudly hold that trophy on high? I know I'm not.
The comments can post all the pictures they want of their successful free marketing of corporate blow jobbery. I will just be playing games.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
& I will just be playing games.& Go play your games then instead of making a wall of text rant every time things aren't looking good for MS, for someone who cares so little about sales or res you seem to spend an awful lot of time defending MS or attacking PS fanboys.
I can say without a doubt, I care what sales the ps4 gets compared to the xbone, for one giant main reason mostly but a few others as well, the giant reason tho is the support from devs, I know that a good chunk of devs will put effort into the PS4 version compared to last gen where they didnt give a crap how a game turned out on PS3 when it was multiplatform.
PS4 will either get the better version or worst comes to worst they try to take it down to the xbones lvl and make them equal, I dont like parity (because its a known fact the ps4 can do more so devs are trying for parity on purpose) but its better than it being worse.
Proud of you. :) Thanks for adding to more useless information to me. Whatever will I do that MS a company I own no stock in or servitude for is doing so horrendously in? Maybe I will just go play some PS4, or Xbox One or even PC. Although my hands are starting to cramp because of all the time it takes to write a couple &walls& (sentences) of text online.
Next time you pick up a box of cereal. Don't waste your strength reading the back of the box. Its awful heavy reading and I wouldn't want you to pull a muscle. You sure do take all this far too seriously.
I wish you great merit badges on your quest for independent corporate financial security.
Have a nice day feller. :)
Edit: sorry to try and add a little humor into the much needed landscape of these dismal yet important sales reports about boxes we will never be able to marry or sexually embrace.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
People are glad to see their favorite system doing best because it represents things they like in the industry...that really a problem?
You seem more perturbed than most of them seem glad.
@DLConspiracy, Last gen it was close from the start, it has not been this big a difference since PS1, and PS2.
What does does the sales matter?
Are you kidding me you dont know?
This is what matters.
Forget about people abandoning the console in this case.
But sales does tell you if a machine will get abandoned.
But lets assume that will not happen to xbox this gen.
The other reason sales matters is, DEVELOPERS AND PUBLISHERS decide which machine they will put there games on based on install base.
Remember how has ps2 sold more than xbox(1) it had more than 3 to 1 ratio of games released on it(3,800 to compared to 999).
That's right it was not just the first party, and special deals that made games exclusive to PS2, but MUST of the games where by default exclusive to PS2!
If you where a publisher which would you develop your game on
The one with 5 million machines to sell to(with launch bundles still available)?
Or the one with 10 million machines to sell to?
If there is a big lead like in the PS2 era, publishers will not bother trying to make it for a machine with an install base.
And having to spend a lot of money just to get it to 720P or 900P.
Instead they will use that money on the sequel like they did for PS2.
Dont believe the xbox(1) had 999 games.
And PS2 over 3,800 games.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
Don't twist my words into your fanboy crap. Your whole purpose is to preach the gospel of Sony. Mine is about community.
I get the obvious points of why it would matter. But Why on earth are we as gamers living in sales charts?! Seriously. I would have been saying this last gen if I was around. So anyone else can save their fanboy comments for someone else.
Why are people rallying behind corporations now? I may have a preference but some people online have completely lost their sense of humor online over this. Its become a job for them. Tirelessly pushing their winning console in peoples faces? Why on earth do people need to push a console that's doing spectacular to bury another one is also beyond me. Its like these people are paid. Yet they are not. I understand trust me, but when did we become slaves to these machines? Shouldn't it be the other way around.
I was just trying to poke fun and make a few points. Let me be the first to say people can disagree with me. I expect it because popularity rules this website. In fact I said almost the same thing paprika said word for word below. Yet because I said it. I get more disagrees. Hmmm wonder why?
because I am not afraid to speak my mind in a sea of agreeers.
People call me fanboy or defender. I crack up when I hear it. What I am trying to say is so much more beyond fanboy. Its the mindset of people online. Its the community. &Can't laugh, must down vote or down bubble. Its my duty.& Meanwhile these authors put out the same reports every week/month and the same comments come out like clock work making puppets of us all. Its all one big joke. Just poking fun at the strings. :)
(Edited 83d ago ) |
It would be nice to see you actually respond to one of my comments someday, instead of just calling me a fanboy.
I really would have liked to know why you think it's such a problem that people are happy that a system - that represents things that they like in the game industry - is doing well.
And don't tell someone with 9 bubbles that they aren' I got to where I am in this community because I'm a level headed gamer whose prime concern is the industry.
WiiU and X1 are trying to survive, while PS4 is cruising on top of the charts.
For future reference, you should probably be more conservative with your wording. &Raped&? Seriously, that's immature and inappropriate. I'll probably get disagrees for it, but really, for your own benefit, you should find better alternatives. Nails on a chalkboard even reading it.
On topic, given the Xbox 360 presence last generation, this is quite surprising. I wonder why though. Maybe people want a more powerful games console first with a great starting price or friends are already invested in PlayStation 4. Maybe the world won't forgive Microsoft just yet. I'm really curious to know what the big reason is. Whatever it might be, it's pretty interesting.
On a side note, I held an Xbox One controller in Target today. I like it a lot. PlayStation 4 still had a great controller though so that alone is a non factor.
Just to remind you Xbox 360 raped PS3 38 months in a row in usa
Yeah, while PS3 crushed it everywhere else for 8 years straight, this time? PS4 is crushing XBox One everywhere including your precious U.S.A., isn't that right?
(Edited 84d ago ) |
&Raped&. Not the best use of the word, stay classy.
It's posts like this that truly make me ashamed to call myself a gamer alongside someone like you. The post has been voted by the community as 'well said' while making light of rape. Just disgusting.
Mentioning DRM killed the XB1 sales.
Well, good luck Microsoft. You'll need it.
in US: 750k lead
in japan: 700k lead
in UK: 300 lead
in germany: 300k lead
this is before september when PS4 raped xbox one .
over 2 million gap in 4 countries
Some more -
France 2013
100k+ in 2 weeks
50k in 3 weeks
Spain early this year -
5:1 ratio overall
15:1 for second week of December
I agree kalimero but I would prefer you left the word &raped& out of it, there are plenty of words that could be chosen to describe the sales disparity for e.g Smashed, crushed, beaten and dominated.
Why can't people just enjoy there consoles anymore why does it have to about which is better.... both consoles are great arguing about them is pointless it is all opinion based.
Welcome to gaming. We used to argue about the Genesis and Super Nintendo, too.
Not to this extent. It's just gotten downright sad. At 1st I thought the console war was kind of fun but now it's pathetic. The worse part about it is half the main culprits are grown people even in their 30's and 40's going back and forth over these machines like they have stocks invested in them. Microsoft and Sony are both large corporations in it to make money, period. The perception people have that one company is good and the other bad is just plain false.
(Edited 85d ago ) |
| Well said
it is not just gaming. You can witness grown men turn to violence discussing their favourite sports teams that they are no part of what-so-ever.
People without anything significant to focus their passion will direct it on the most trivial things. Especially if they're stupid.
Sh$t was never this sh$tty
Amiga vs Atari
Where there isn't a monopoly, there is conflict.
Now we are just more exposed to the conflict....luckily there is a beautiful kill switch
when things get too annoying.
Its involes 'not clicking' on things you find annoying....
Regardless of what vgc says I'll never see them as anything more than a guestimation site. Their practices have been questionable.
Microsofts silence is more indicative of their current situation. Those who witnessed last gen know ms and their reps love to sing when they think they're winning.
Remember how vocal greenberg was especially around npd hes on the side of milk cartons... (do you still do that out there?)
(Edited 85d ago ) |
Volkama made a great point. Also, the winning side of the console war always has the greatest support with the amount of games it receives like during the years when the PS1 and PS2 dominated, the early life of 360 till kinect, and now the PS4.
Seems like you get it. People fight over everything. Android vs ios, iphone vs galaxy, my team vs your team, my player vs your player...nothing makes gaming any different from this.
Ah hell i chose genesis . Chose xbox over ps up untill 2 years ago now im for ps. Im an individual outa millions that are individuals as well. Few years i might grab a x1 and a wiiu. Does anyone give a shit? If you dont drop xb and come to sony ill fkn behead you . blasphemous
(Edited 84d ago ) |
Not me and I am actually old enough to remember. I can almost guarantee you the only people who really entertained the idea of arguing over one another was the companies themselves.
I had a Nintendo and my buddy down the street had a genesis. Want to know how we fought to the death about the situation? We brought the damn consoles to each others house and played on both. So much blood and hatred back then. *sarcasm*
Not like this lol. I used to say SNES was better.... mates would say no wayyyy Sega is! We all ended up playing sonic of Mario regardless lol!
I'm old enough to remember too, it was friendly banter between mates back then just like it's friendly banter BETWEEN MATES now.
The addition to todays gaming environment is the internet. Do you honestly think the trolls and fanboys you encounter here talk the same way to people that can see their face, if indeed they ever leave their mums basement long enough to come face to face with real people.
I don't, seems different to me. People actually hang out in real life now? I thought they all just spit vitriol online about electronic devices.
I get your point but why even pretend online? Seems disconnected from real life if you ask me. Perhaps my sarcasm is a bit of an acquired taste online.
And people have been killing each other in pointless wars for thousands of years too, but that doesn't make it right. One would hope that humanity would rise above that kind of nonsense.
@KakashiHotake Im over 50 years old, and I severely disagree with you about it not being to this extent.
Many people did not hang with you if you didn't have a
genesis, if you had a genesis.
Or vise versa if you had or didnt have a Snes!
Back in my day it was so bad random fan boys would yell HATEFULLY how this blank sucks why are you buying that blank, right in the store, on a regular bases.
It is much nicer on the modern print(internet) then it was on paper back then.
You would be called the fa* word for having the opposing console game in your hand.
Now days I don't even try to hide what game I have in my hand, because I don't have to worry about what machine the fan boy next to me hates.
It's not about which is better, and more people would enjoy their consoles and be happy if people like @Foehammer simply moved on and let it go.
I have all 3 consoles, a 3DS (actually a 2DS, but I plan on upgrading to the new model as I always do), a Vita, and a gaming PC.
All the platforms are enjoyable.
However, when it comes to sales (excluding the PC), the PS4 is the run away success, and it is the more powerful of the 3 consoles.
Does that affect anyone with an Xbox One only, No.
And they shouldn't be upset with Sony, the PS4, or PlayStation fans because of it.
People like Foehammer are taking their fanboy anger out on the majority of the gaming community, because they decided to buy a PS4 over an XBO first.
Who the flip cares what someone else spends THEIR money on.
I understand recommending the XBO, because it's still a good console, but stop coming in here preaching this same old tired mess, and spend more time enjoying your console.
I can't think of his name (I think it's Chirsoculus or something), but he's an Xbox fan and has a Sunset Overdrive avatar for his icon.
If anything be more like him, he stays in XBO articles, and promotes the console when he can, never really attacking or saying anything about sales or the PS4.
I just told KWNS the same thing.
The sooner you can move on, and get over it the more you can enjoy your console and games (I wouldn't be surprised if they're all the same person, or n4g troll account to get more comments in the sections).
The Xbox One is losing in sales, and is a weaker console than the PS4.
Does that make it a bad console?
No, so why should you care about anything else beyond that.
Even Nintendo fans on here have moved on, and simply don't care about the positioning of their console, because they're enjoying it (although I personally have some gripes with Nintendo).
If you don't like to see sales numbers, don't go in an article that literally has &sales& in the headline.
If you don't like to see the same old trolls, go to their profile and click the ignore button.
You only want to see Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo news, then only click on those tabs.
These people love being miserable trolls, because there's so much you can do personally to make n4g a better place for you.
Not complaining about you, just pointing out the situation.
100% agree, many of these people are just stupid, and beyond help.
(Edited 85d ago ) |
If that isnt a well said I dont know what is. Every single point I have ever made in all the articles have been summed up in this one post.
If you are a xbone fan and dont wanna see the sad state of the xbone in sales read the above post it will change your life.
Foehammer isn't able to move on just like the people reacting and replying to him aren't. It's a 2 way street that leads to never ending discussions that go nowhere.
Personally, I always believed that the PS4 would lead in sales as the Playstation brand is just more powerful than the Xbox brand and has proved it time and time again but I'm not going to impose my opinion on him because I know that he won't change his mind. I just don't bother and move on something that is particularly easy for me as I don't really care much about sales.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
because there can be only one!
I really hate when people chime in with the typical &why can't we all just get along and own all consoles& to me what that translates to is &Please stop bashing my console(Xbox One mostly) of preference!&. The unfortunate thing is buying the opposing console won't always change everyone's preference(Go look at the dipshit known as Nxtgen720 and you'll understand). Fanboyism isn't going away anytime soon.
Were you around during the start of last gen?
PS3 doom articles showing up every second.
Gamers arguing over HD-DVD and Blu-Ray which had nothing to do with gaming.
Xbox fanboys arguing over multi-plants being better on the 360.
The arguments over which console had better exclusives.
People ridiculing each other non-stop.
Last gen was a bloodbath on N4G.
This Gen has its fanboy battles, but it's nowhere near as bad as last gen.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
Don Mattrick's mind bogglingly shitty decisions pretty much ruined xbox1. Even after taking them all back they're having a hard time selling it. It doesn't help that its considerably weaker than PS4. Xbox1 is a big collection of bad choices. I still bought one because I want to play every good game but I prefer my PS4.
they tried to force somethings on gamers,then lied to them,then changed there minds and tried to get gamers back onside.
but it isnt that easy once alot of trust has been lost imo.
infact i think it will take MS a good few years till its back to how it was.
I have a feeling MS will make some more stuff ups along the way and they wont get a clean slate till next gen.
MS thought they had a lock down on the &hardcore& console players with the 360 so they went after the casuals/wii/everyone else hard. Problem was, they forgot their core base,started the big shoe horning of avatars & kinect (wii stuff) & stopped bringing exlusives. They didn't give a rat's turd about what their core audience wanted which was proven with the X Bone reveal. They lost a lot of love & gained a lot of hate. Beginning of 360 gen it was more like &By gamers, for gamers& with exclusives galore. By the end of the gen it became more of
a 360+ Wii wannabe ran by bean counters. That's the way it seemed. It all came to a head at the Xbone reveal. It is what it is. They deserve every lost sale that have gotten. They got too big for their britches so to speak. They still are I think. They just somewhat hide it better now.
(Edited 82d ago ) |
You summed up my thoughts about the Xbone console really well. I call it &the monstrosity& because that's what it is.
I'm not trying to steal anyone's enjoyment if they own one.
I personally am still disgusted with what it was & still is & have no desire, reason or need to have one. I know I chose right this gen no matter how the numbers come out. It is nice to see that others feel the same way & that the PS4 has & will have so much support from developers because of the numbers. PS4 is just my preference this gen & have no need to own both. My preference isn't set in stone either. My preference is changable. If Sony does something as stupid as MS did with the PS5 & MS offers me what I want then my preference may change. I preferred the 360 last gen but as time passed, MS & Sony made moves & changed al lot of stuff. I went from loving the 360 & playing it almost exclusively to playing more on my PS3 post NXE update. I have no brand loyalty. I do applaud Sony for offering me a console I desired & making some great moves & I still shun MS. I'm very happy with the PS4 but all I'm saying is things are always in flux. They can change in an instant or buy the start of the next generation.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
As soon as microsoft announced all of their insanely stupid choices at E3 that year, I preordered a PS4.
The numbers game. .
&The official NPD numbers for September haven’t been released yet, but.. &
It's best I leave you guys to it :)
(Edited 85d ago ) |
We all know PS4 is killing it, but the article basically says his source is VGChartz which this site seems to love or hate depending on which way the wind blows.
See this is another load of BS people like to say *&source is VGChartz which this site seems to love or hate depending on which way the wind blows.&* If you actually look at VG charts articles you would notice no one actually changes their mind depending on anything, PS4 has been top since day one yet most PS4 fans dont trust the numbers anyway. Its the xbone fans that seem to think PS4 fans like it only when they are winning, if that where true PS4 fans would never hate VG charts right ?
god why do sites ever use vgchartz as a source of info you think people would google things, but we all know sony is doing just fine and will continue to. When bloodborne drops its going to be even worse for MS
Xbox brand will be a thing of the past eventually.
I wouldn't too much, it's entirely likely that ms simply decides to not release another console after the xb1.
The overall investment to the xbox brand has cost ms more money than it has brought in, it's even worse with how this gen is shaping up sales wise.
Lots of people on here would love that,
and not for the noble reasons they desperately churn out either. I hope it doesn't happen. I doubt it will either because regardless of many shortfalls, the Xbox brand has brought many great experiences for us gamers.
Isn't the PS4 outselling the Xbox One in every market where both are available? If this is indeed the case, (which i'm pretty sure it is) the 100 vs 13 argument is just like grasping at the wind.
Pretty much this. If the xbox one cannot even outsell or beat the PS4 in the countries that it's in right now why do the xbox guys keep on bringing up the &ps4 available in more countries& shit even matter? Especially in America where the xbox 360 and xbox brand in general has always been dominate?
I'd agree with you except for the last sentence where Xbox brand has always been dominate. 360 did much better than PS3, yes, but the original Xbox was almost nonexistent here.
always =/= one gen
Yeah, Destiny came out in Sept and Sony did everything they could to convince the public it was a PS4 exclusive
no they simply said the best Destiny experience was on Playstation (exactly what the commercials said) which is true.
More stuff plus the usual power advantage (not in resolution this time but loading and more stable FPS that come with a more powerful system)
Just to be clear there is no loading advantage or FPS advantage with PS4.
Just content
Actually there is a performance advantage. The Xbox1 suffers from frame pacing issues which lead to perceivable judder.
This is non existent on the PS4 version (being fixed halfway through the beta)
Go visit digital foundry site for an in depth analysis of the issue on Xbox1. A small thing but it's definitely noticeable during gameplay.
So yes. Performance IS better on PS4. Loading times however are nigh on identical.
(Edited 84d ago ) |
Glad to hear it.
Not surprising. I mean lets be honest here MS has been screwing up ever since the xbox 360s release with XBL being it's only saving grace and now that PSN is pretty much caught up (although sony still needs to work out some kinks) and you can get better on STEAM for free. XBL isn't that big of a thing anymore. RROD, E74, GSOD, faulty disk tray the failures go on and on.
Not to mention exclusive wise xbox has always lacked behind it's competition and Phil Spencer regardless of how he has been praised isn't gonna just turn that around instantly. All thought the 7th gen all they gave us was halo and gears which have been done to death, forza which is getting there, and fable which is known more for it's massive hype and empty promises than it is for being a decent game because those game were broken unplayable POSes.
Then there's the broken lame kinect that hasn't done shit for gaming. Focusing more on features and dashboard updates than actual games which the dashboard is just clustered and confusing. MS has been a joke for far to long and now they're paying for it and they still haven't learned yet. At least sony learned from their mistakes with the ps3 and got punished for every mistake. MS has been making them left and right and have gotten away with it until now when they are finally paying for it with the xbox one.
Sunset overdrive. Congratz to MS for finally making something that isn't a fucking halo, gears, forza, or overrated fable game.
As much as I hate nintendo they still bring out great exclusives, and sony is pretty unbeatable in that department out of the consoles and this is a company that's bleeding money. What does the xbox one offer anyone anymore? More features that they can use right now and don't need an xbox one to use? They don't have the better multiplats anymore. What is there?
and before I hear about china don't make me laugh people have forgotten about the xbox one over there and the shops are still full of xbox ones so no they haven't even sold out over there yet.
Also can we please stop using vgchartz which is barely or only somewhat accurate at best? They are not reliable at all.
(Edited 85d ago ) |
No one is stating VG Chartz is accurate. But going by actual sales, anyone with a brain knows that Sony is taking advantage of Microsoft's screwup.
Even if the XB1 was selling in all countries, it still would be outsold by the PS4.
DRM hurt the sales badly.
Sure, we didn't release any good games in September. But you can play these numbers, right?
News just in people will talk sales figures in a sales figures piece and not start to be off topic by talking about an unrelated subject - Games.
This is all old articles, by now we all know that sony has this generation in it's pocket and PS4 owns this geenration and no other console stands a chance, we should move on
and stop talking about PS4 sales, a real shocking article would be ''Xbox finall beats PS4'' which will probably never happen
The word &crush& seems a tad overdramatic...
&Yay a games console is failing!!!!&
- Attitude like that^ shouldn't be a thing
(Edited 85d ago ) |
lets wait till halo 5 comes out before we declare it a dead console, with such weak specs im not expecting much more then a halo 4 rehash, but lets wait and see
It isn't a dead console, it has a guaranteed 2nd place position before too long, even with it's weaker spec it will still have games that will absolutely
crush last gen games.
No new customer is going to buy a console for just one game for a series everyone knows about already.
The ones who enjoy Halo will be buying that game. And sales aren't going to automatically explode like that.
At this rate The Bone may end up in the 'Boneyard' decomposing while the PS4 continues 2 dominate. Whats next for MS??? Maybe The XBox 900p .
This is retarded on BOTH sides.
Xbot's (like me) should not be making excuses for why Xbone sales are what they are, or why they are about to get a lot better.
Sony is selling 50%-100% more, and it will continue doing so at least for the next 12 months.
It's a damn good machine IF you like the games that are out for it.
SONY PONIES should realize the Xbone is FAR outselling 360.
It sold 1mm more at launch, and YES for AWHILE it was loosing ground, but since Destiny, Mordor, FH2 and soon SO and MCC, it is CRUSHING 360.
By end of Xmas it will have a 2mm unit lead.
360 was a HUGE success for MSFT.
XBONE will be even BIGGER.
That's all that matters to MSFT and game makers.
PS4 may end up selling 150mm consoles.
I bought 3 PS3s and will buy at least 1 PS4.
That doesn't make the Xbone selling JUST 90mm consoles any less impressive.
Both companies are benefiting from overall growth in the market and falling sales of WiiU vs Wii.
(Edited 85d ago ) |
You realize that both systems are not even remotely as supply constrained as the previous gen at launch right?
It's still losing ground, just look at the top selling platforms for retail game releases it's not the xb1. No the xbone will not be a bigger success than the 360, it's losing badly in the areas the 360 dominate so heavily last gen.
I expect to see a contraction of the console market to at least the ps2 gens sale at the least, maybe more. However not to the extent some bitter nintendo fans are claiming the death of console.
To sony fans okay fine we are the top dog of the console market, just keep in mind even winners can act total asshats by rubbing it in the losers face.
To xbox fans sorry but your kinda screwed for the gen, ms screwed up by making kinect and multi-tasking a higher priority than building a no nonsense true successor to the 360.
Unless your the type that loves those non gaming aspects, otherwise the xb1 is perfect for you.
Despite this being a VGChartz thing (which we know is just educated guessing on their part) I think it safe to say Destiny cleary was a good partner deal for Sony and they will be enjoying continued and well earned success.
Does that mean there is not room for improvement from others?
No and hopefully MS will have seen traction on their end too as the competition between these two companies has been great for gaming.
Hopefully Nintendo will see some pick up too.
I want all 3 of these companies competing for our dollars.
Xbox should just give it up, Sony dominating every market.
Oh, xbox people making excuses 😂
it makes me proud that most gamers are intelligent and they won't fall for MS dirty tricks. :')
every time I hear about a M$ struggle I can't help but think of this
and I laugh every time M$ or a follower defends them...
(Edited 84d ago ) |
I'm afraid it's all over!!!
can't wait to see figures in a few years time, it will be a slaughterhouse. PS4 is amongst the best console ever released, the specific people who &want and will& the PS4 to fail will indeed fail themselves.
just look at it now? all them years they used to play PS1 then PS2 then all of a sudden due entirely because they purchased Xbox 360 first... they suddenly decided PlayStation has to go!!! Ha Ha
Funny because I'm close on the fence about selling my X1. It doesn't have any more value to me and there's only one game coming out for it that I want: Quantam break.
In america the ps4 is at 3.9 million and the XOne is at 3.4 million.So i wouldnt call 500,000 difference
crushing nobody.Now last gen the Xbox 360 destroyed the ps3 in america outselling ps3 and nintendo for 34 months straight.Lost only one month and 360 went right back to outselling them again for however many months now?Xbox 360 48 million and the ps3 29 million thats crushing lol
Nope. The fact that the PS3 outsold the 360 despite that huge gap in the US, the year head start, and the 360's cheaper price, I would say the PS3 did all the crushing last gen. Its only gonna get worse for you this gen. :P
XBox 360 is at 84 million and PS3 is at 80 million officially. These were the last official sales numbers from Sony and Microsoft. So no the PS3 didn't outsell the XBox 360. The PS3 is still officially in LAST PLACE.
Using data from last year? Ahh you Microsoft fanboys sure love grasping at straws.
&My dad can beat up your dad.& Majority of this gen's arguments in a nutshell.
MS need to stop trying to sell more X1, they need to find away to get the 360ers to upgrade to a X1, I know 10 gamers myself waiting n still playing 360... They are millions that's just not moved on to X1 yet is all...we all know the ps3 sucked so bad they could not wait to upgrade to ps4, that's all it is, look at the numbers of 360 selling they don't tell you that
You do realise that the ps3 is still outselling the xbox 360 dont you?
I was agreeing with you up to the point where you said the PS3 sucked. The PS3 did not suck. It did not get off to a good start but it never tried to be what the Xbox One tried to be at release. And this is why so many are waiting to purchase an Xbox One or purchased a PS4 first.
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