有关嫦娥奔月的故事MAKE THE CHANGER 的小报怎么出

Today when I was relatively free ,I mucked around some of my previous classmates’ QQ zones .I surprisingly found that after more than one year’s college life ,they are becoming more and more mature ,both physically and spiritually .I got that they all lead a meaningful and fruitful life in their school ,though study burden is just like a ghost always haunting them .but in my viewpoint ,I think pressure is essential and crucial to most of us ,unless you have a strong control of yourself and can study without others’ mention .under a given pressure ,we will be enforced to do what is indeed good for us but enjoys little popularity among us .So fairly often when we look back to the past ,we may feel guilty at wasting so much time ,but simultaneously it will make us rejoice that we have been obliged to do those which turn out to be good for us .so to a large extent ,what you loathe may probably do enormous good to you .on the other hand ,even though the thing you are compelled to do does no good to you at all ,it is also beneficial for you to accept the reality ,because many a time in our life ,we have no right to choose but to be chosen .life may not always go our way ,which indicates if we cannot do following our original wish ,we have to face the music and accomplish well what we ought to or have to do .it is also a kind of capability to do well what we disrelish ,which implies we have been mature and seen the essence of life through .In the past ,when I was doing something compulsory but useless ,I would always nag at it all the time till I finally got away from it .but now ,I will show another story .I will also try my best to fulfil my task ,and go all out to develop what I am inclined to within all the controllable factors .I hold that since you have started ,why not give it as well as yourself a perfect ending no matter it is favorable or not ,fulfilling a task successfully and excellently can show and cultivate your practical ability .hence I deeply believe only by doing so can we achieve the utmost benefit within extremely limited resources .第二篇:Mark and Ability Mass media,professional entities,schools are discussing over marks and ability of students who are also struggling to make clear the connection between them.For the past 20 years or so,China adopted the test-oriented education system which exerted its emphasis on score,and made out different levels based on marks as yardstick for individual student.In this connection,those who can got a higher score would be considered smarter and more capable than others.With the development of the society and the economy,especially upon entry of the new century,the world is more diversified and developed,students are given more ways to show their ability,for example,those students good at music will be given chances to show themselves and earn lots of money at a young age,and those who good at computer programming will have chances to get higher level of education and name here just a few.Marks can sometimes reflect your real ability but only sometimes,the world is more competitive and there are many things of essential importance to us,we want high score based on happiness,creative thinking other than recital and cramming.Quality-oriented education featuring for stimulation,creativity and experiencing has presented the answer for us.High mark is not necessarily means good ability,while capable students are capable in their own ways.
扫描下载二维码23/11/2016 - LVOC is currently incompatible with the League Client Update (LCU). You can only use it with the legacy client for now. See
on how to enable the legacy client by default.
LVOC - LoL VO Changer
Current version for Windows: v3.0.1
Current version for Mac OSX: v3.0.1
[In the process of making updated tutorials]
This application allows you to change the language of the in-game and champ select audio for League of Legends to any of your choosing (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Turkish, etc.)
provided that the language is supported by Riot.
By downloading and/or using this application, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the .
NOTE: as with any other method of tampering with the game files, this can potentially break your game/launcher. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
For Windows
For Mac OSX
Recent changes:
v3.0.1 (14th March, 2016)
Fixed a small issue with the "Set all to" button under "Select champions"
v3.0.0 (13th March, 2016)
Custom announcer installation now available. Please note that if you want to use a custom announcer pack (like Sneaky & Meteos) WITH a different language for champion VO, install the different language VO first, then install the custom announcer.
Added button to change all champ language under "Settings" with one click, for convenience.
LVOC now saves your Champion configurations when you click change, so you don't have to set, for example, Yasuo to Korean and Ahri to Japanese every time you use the app.
LVOC now has a built in self-updater on Windows.
I changed how I packaged the application to see if it will help with the 0x0000018 error. You'll see more files than "LVOC.exe" when you unzip the .zip file, but you can ignore those extra files.
v3_beta_patch6 (20th February, 2016)
Quick fix for the missing announcer vo on garena............
v3_beta_patch5 (16th February, 2016)
Quick fix for the stuck on "Extracting VO" problem for Garena
v3_beta_patch4 (13th February, 2016)
Fixed the "unable to transfer champ select from ja_JP to en_AU" error
Fixed an issue for Oceania where it'd get stuck on "looking for announcer files"
Fixed the crashing issue that happened upon VO download completion for Oceania and Garena, for users working with around 4GB memory and 32 bit Windows.
There is an issue where Mac users can't select their League app if it's not in the Applications directory, I haven't found a solution to this, so for now I recommend you guys move League of Legends to "Applications" if it's not there already.
LVOC will now clean up temporary VO files that were extracted during the VO change procedure upon exiting
Users can now generate a log file during the VO change procedure
"Errors encountered" shows something other than 0 now if something actually goes wrong.
v3_beta_patch3 (31st January, 2016)
Fixed silent champs bug on Oceania and Latin America
v3_beta_patch2 (30th January, 2016)
Fixed the "unable to determine locale" bug when you don't leave the locale selection on "Detect automatically"
Fixed the Chinese downloader
Fixed a an issue with Garena when installing japanese VO
Users should see a red error message if a VO pack didn't download properly (if this happens to you, I advise restarting the app then revert changes immediately after it finishes trying to install the VO)
In the "Help"->"How do I contact you about a bug?" menu, you can now generate a log file to e-mail to me (make sure you generate this immediately after you encounter a problem! Don't restart the app if you encounter a problem, unless its frozen forever)
In the "Help" menu, a button was added to clear all of LVOC's data. I recommend you use this upon downloading the new version. (REVERT FIRST THOUGH!)
Fixed the Wukong bug
Fixed the "Error validating LoL path" issue that happened right after the first time the user uses the application
Put in a temporary fix for Oceania client
v3.0.0_beta (29th January, 2016)
Japanese VO supported!
(Note for Garena users: make sure you select "Garena" as your locale! It won't work if you leave it on "Detect automatically")
You don't need Java anymore. LVOC has been completely re-written, allowing it to be easier to maintain for me, and more reliable for you.
Missing taunts/other VO problem is now fixed.
Added "select/un-select" toggle for champions. For those who only wanted to change a few champions but didn't want to un-check a bunch of them one by one.
Added ability to install third-party Announcer packs (like the Rick & Morty one). This feature is disabled in version 3.0.0_beta, but will be available when the stable version (3.0.0) is released.
I probably forgot to list other stuff here but ill remember later maybe
v2.0.2 (26th July, 2015)
Fixed a bug where LVOC wasn't changing the Announcer audio again. This shouldn't happen again unless Riot makes a significant change to the format of the files.
Added the ability to change each champion's language individually. For example, Ahri to Korean, Yasuo to Chinese, Fiora to French, etc. You can find this setting by going to the "Settings" tab and clicking "Select Champions". (Note: Announcer language will still be whatever you selected as the main language to change to).
Temporarily disabled Advanced Mode, as it's no longer useful in its current state and seemed to cause more problems than it solved. It'll be re-implemented once it's improved.
v2.0.1 (15th June, 2015)
Fixed a bug where LVOC wouldn't change newer audio files (mostly the announcer). For those who are familiar, this is the bug that started happening a couple days ago.
Optimized the error report feature, so that it sends much faster.
LVOC will no longer bother trying to change the announcer audio if you selected Chinese (the Chinese announcer literally only has like 3 lines of VO for the start of the game, the rest of it is english).
v2.0.0 (2nd May, 2015)
Chinese VO now supported! Just select Chinese from the list of languages to change to. (See the "Help" tab in the app if you're wondering why kill callouts aren't in Chinese)
Support for Mac OS X! (Despite all my testing, I expect this to be somewhat buggy, so feedback is welcomed)
Added ability to select which champions' VO should be changed and which champions should be excluded
Updated interface, nothing big though (functionality is now grouped by tabs at the top of the window)
Added Brazil to the list of regions
LVOC will now automatically attempt to get the most up-to-date list of champions when you run it. This means that there will no longer be a need to update the app when a new champion releases.
A couple bug fixes
v1.9.8 (17th January, 2015)
Fix for Patch 5.1
Fix for "invalid LoL folder" messages for GarenaPH (Feedback on this change would be appreciated)
v1.9.7 (16th December, 2014)
Application will now automatically undo any previous VO changes before changing. This is to help avoid inconsistent VO files and useless back-up files. This also helps to avoid future patch issues with Garena. (Note: If you have used LVOC before, this change is most effective on a fresh install or a recently repaired client)
[Garena] If a user selects an incorrect League of Legends path, the error message now gives a clearer description of what path is expected.
[Garena] For clients installed in the default directory under Program Files, the "GarenaLoL","GameData" and "Apps" folders are all now valid paths.
v1.9.6 (11th December, 2014)
Fix for Patch 4.21 (yay!)
Garena users will no longer have to re-download the VO files if the ones they have already downloaded are up-to-date
New language available: Czech
Support for Rek'Sai!
v1.9.5 (19th November, 2014)
Update for Kalista
v1.9.4 (10th October, 2014) -dr: lots of fixes for Garena support
Fixed a bug where Garena users were unable to change Announcer and Champion audio individually
Fixed a bug for Garena users who were using 32-bit operating systems
Fixed a bug for Garena users where certain folders with spaces in their names caused "Extraction failed!" messages
Fixed automatic error detection for Garena
Added undo feature for Garena client
Champ select audio is now changed for the Garena client


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