do you know the source of the saying i just quoted ?(百度汉译英英)

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次 &发布时间: 10:48:00&录入:
  1. He is very stubborn, it is impossible to argue _____________ what he doesn't want to.
  A. with him about B. against him about C. him into doing D. him to do
  2. Do you know the _________ of the saying I just quoted?
  A. resource B. source C. course D. cause
  3. -What do you think the noise was?
  --It ___________ a cat.
  A. may be B. might be C. could have been D. might have been
  4. -Does your father smoke?
  --_________, it's 2 years since he __________.
  A. Y smoked B. No; smoked C. Y smokes D. No; has smoked
  5. _________ many times, but he still couldn't understand it.
  A. Having been told B. Having told C. He had been told D. Though he had been told
  6. Our teacher entered the classroom, __________.
  A. a book in hand B. book in hand C. book in his hand D. a book in hands
  7. -This summer is very hot.
  --Yes, but it's not __________ as hot as last summer.
  A. nearly B. almost C. near D. mostly
  8. When I came back, I saw him _________ at the back of the classroom.
  A. sat B. seated C. seating D. seat
  9. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ________ a sudden loud noise.
  A. being there B. there being C. should there be D. there was
  10. ________ that saw the rise of quite a number of new writers.
  A. During the first half of the 18th century
  B. That it was in the first half of the 18th century
  C. It was in the first half of the 18th century
  D. It was the first half of the 18th century
  11. In the early morning all of us stood at the top of the mountain ___________ east of the city, watching __________burning sun rising.
  A. /; a B. a C. the D. /; the
  12. They may go swimming with us ____________ they arrive here in time.
  A. provided B. because C. unless D. even if
  13. When we are in a new place, we must _________ our manners and try to follow the customs of the place.
  A. look out B. keep eyes out C. mind D. put up with
  14. -How does our plan strike you?
  --It _________. We can't think too highly of it.
  A. makes no sense B. is very practical C. all depends D. is just so so
  15. _________ for the terrible coal mine accident, as the public thought, the mayor of the city felt nervous and was at a loss what to do.
  A. Having blamed B. He was to blame C. Being to be blamed D. Being to blame
  16. Didn't _________ ever occur to you that such possibilities still existed?
  A. they B. it C. that D. this
  17. __________, I really believe that I'd prefer not to make any change now.
  A. Considered all the possibilities
  B. Taking all the possibilities into consideration
  C. Taken all the possibilities into consideration
  D. Giving all the possibilities
  18. -Why hasn't our English teacher been invited to the English Evening being held here now?
  --She __________ an important article when I found her and she _________it.
  A. didn't finish B. hasn't finished
  C. hasn't finished D. hadn't finished
  19. This book is said to be a special one, which ___________ many events not found in other history books.
  A. writes B. covers D. deals D. refers
  20. -I didn't take notes at yesterday's meeting because I had left my pen at home.
  --You ________ mine, I _________it.
  A. must have borrowed/ wasn't using B. may have borrowed/ didn't use
  C. could have borrowed/ wasn't using D. should have borrowed/ hadn't used
  21. The palace is heavily guarded, because inside its walls ________.
  A. where sit the European leaders B. the European leaders there sit
  C. sit the European leaders D. that the European leaders sit
  22. My laptop computer, which no one can ____________, has been out of order for a week.
  A. get gone B. have to go C. get going D. have gone
  23. _________, they had no chance of winning the war.
  A. As they fought bravely B. Bravely though they fought
  C. Brave as they fought D. Now that they fought bravely
  24. During the summer vocation we went back to the school _________ to pay a visit to our teachers though it was ___________ hot.
  A. in particular B. especially
  C. especial D. specially
  25. -Why didn't you go to help her when she needed your help badly?
  --I would have, but I ____________ as busy as a bee then.
  A. would be B. had been C. was D. were
  26. __________ your compositions carefully and some spelling mistakes can be avoided.
  A. Having checked B. Check C. If you check D. To check
  27. Which do you enjoy __________ our weekend, fishing or watching TV?
  A. spending B. to spend C. being spent D. spend
  28. -She looks upset.
  --Yes, I'd rather I _____________ her the bad news.
  A. didn't tell B. don't tell C. hadn't told D. wouldn't tell
  29. -Your plan is well designed.
  --Thank you. But I think it is far from _________.
  A. perfect B. perfectly C. perfection D. to be perfect
  30. -What did you say?
  --So you _____________ to me.
  A. won't listen B. didn't listen C. haven't listened D. weren't listening
  31. I'd rather you ________ there next week.
  A. went B. go C. should go D. had gone
  32. _______ the production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.
  A. For B. As C. Because D. With
  33. _______ to the research, the scientist even forgot to have meals.
  A. Devoting B. Devoted C. Having devoted D. To devote
  34. You were stupid to climb up that big tree. You ________ yourself.
  A. must have killed B. can have killed
  C. should have killed D. might have killed
  35. ---Good afternoon, Madam. ___________?
  ---No, can you help me please?
  ---Yes, Madam. What are you looking for?
  --- I'd like to buy a needle.
  A. Are you waiting for me B. Would you like anything else
  C. Have you been waited on D. What can I do for you
  36.______ has taken away my notebook?
  A. Which of you B. Who of you C. Which you D. Who you
  37. By the end of this term, we _______ 6,000 English words in all.
  A. will learn B. will have learned C. learnt D. had learnt
  38. The boy was led _______while crossing the road.
  A. in the hand B. by his hand C. by hand D. by the hand
  39. Can you think of some cases ___ drivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didn't obey them?
  A. why B. where C. as D. which
  40. I lost my way in complete darkness and, ______ matters worse, it began to rain.
  A. made B. making C. to make D. having made
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What fun it is to travel around the world by sea.He really has some trouble in working out this difficult math problem,the runners dashed from their starting points.My teacher told me that an ant has two stomachs in its body1.Do you know the source of the saying I just quoted.At the hearing of the gun.5?3!4.2
真的有一些麻烦的工作了这一困难的数学问题你知道的来源说我刚才引用!在听证会上的枪,亚军破灭从他们的出发点,蚂蚁有两个胃在其机构。 我的老师告诉我?什么有趣的是环游世界的海上
1. 他做这道数学题有困难。2. 你知道我刚才引用的谚语的出处吗?3.坐船环游世界是多么的有趣啊!4.一听到枪声,运动员就从起跑线冲了出去。5.老师告诉我一只蚂蚁有两个胃。
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