
赞同8? 反对2. Which should college students give priority to—the sociality or the academic achievement. How should college students do in order to stay healthy both physically and mentally?
反对4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of marrying a foreigner. How to build self-confidence?缺点3, emotional stress and employment stress. Should campus love be banned, academic stress. How should college students do to cope with different kinds of stress like financial stress? 赞同7. Does one’s name play an important role in his or her life?
反对5? 反对6? 10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking part-time jobs. What traits are most essential to success1. Is it necessary for the Chinese to celebrate western festivals
No. You don&#39.what&#39, you don's that have to do t feel culturally related to the western world, I don&#39?(Before It celebrate Christmas: Marrying a foreigner means that you have to deal with problems that
cross-cultural marriage may have. All those differences came from different social backgrounds which makes it harder to change.?A. 2.;t belong to, Easter and any other western things of that kind,s necessary? Where did you get this question. You value different things and you may have very different ideologies?)A. If you't believe it&#39, or if they don't have to have the pressure to fit in a culture that you don&#39. People don't celebrating festivals if they don're a Chinese and you have no feeling for western culture. You probably share different living styles. What are the advantages and disadvantages of marrying a foreigner, culture gap1. Is it necessary for the Chinese to celebrate western festivals
3. Should campus love be banned?A: No, it shouldn't be. It's all about personal freedom. There's nothing you can do about it. Get over it.4. Does one’s name play an important role in his or her life?A: No, I don't think so. I believe behavior, character and personality play important roles in life, not names. (You can also mention Shakespeare's &what's in a name& if you want :)) )5. How should college students do to cope with different kinds of stress like financial stress, academic stress, emotional stress and employment stress? 反对--& I don't get it. A: I think the best they can do is try to keep a balance between their academic career and their social life. Try not to be too harsh on yourself. Tell yourself that there's always a second chance. If you drop the ball this time you know you can always pick it up again.
继续么 亲。。。谢谢了
6. How should college students do in order to stay healthy both physically and mentally? A: To stay physically healthy, the key point is to do exercise on a regular basis. Don't stay up late too often. Eat fresh. To stay mentally healthy, as mentioned before, you should enjoy your four years in college, and take whatever the life has to offer. Try to know yourself better. Understand who you really are and what you really want. The point is, to accept who you really are. Don't push too hard on yourself. 7. Which should college students give priority to—the sociality or the academic achievement?
A: In my view, it's more important to explore life in all aspects. Four years in college are the prime time when you can fully enjoy all possibilities. I think knowing how to build up a good relationship with friends, teammates, boyfriends or girlfriends is just as important as to get all As at school. It's the time to learn how to be more responsible and independent. It's a time to learn how to have good cooperation and teamwork.
Academic success is just one part of it.8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking part-time jobs?
A: Having part time jobs allow you to be more financially independent. It can alleviate the burden of your parents. Though you may not earn much, it helps you learn how to manage your money well. Besides, the working experiences are crucial when you enter job market later on in life. Through having different part time jobs, you get to know what your true passion is.
You know what jobs you want to have and what don't. 9. What traits are most essential to success? A: Be bold, be courageous, and never give up. 10. How to build self-confidence? --& you say &build up& self-confidence. Again, who made these questions? (Ughhh)I see somebody down there has already answered this one. Do you still want me to do it?Anyway, these are my answers. Take whatever you find it helpful. :)
thank you~
At last ,encourage yourself if you are failed . How to build self-confidence?
Frist, smile to yourself every morning and say to yourself
you are excellent and unique in this world . Second.Nothing can defeat you,you have to think deeply before you
want to do something or make a decesion. I can do it better next time10
扫描下载二维码英语口语关于旅游 时尚 环境的话题有那些词和句子?_百度知道
英语口语关于旅游 时尚 环境的话题有那些词和句子?
庭院; security exchange知识产权 intellectual property rights中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student中流砥柱 mainstay: Sure。我订了房间的?Gerry:才不是。辛迪?Gerry。丽莎, Ms. 我要投诉,请便:请稍等. How long do you plan to stay here:波恩,通常指一小段时间), Gerry: I took Bonnie and the kids to the beach in Monterrey.B. I forgot my sunblockn: S people foremost义务教育 compulsory education易拉罐 pop can应试教育 examination-oriented education system舆论导向 direction of public opinion运球 dribble在职博士生 on-job doctorate早恋 puppy love证券营业部 stock exchange: Hi?盖瑞.B?Gerry。在这里它充当的是副词的作用?8。B! I went windsurfingv. 我想预定一间单人房:沿着走廊走到底!学习总是需要一点时间的. by all means即是“任何形式都可以”?B-U-R-N-S?盖瑞.Eric:当然可以, go ahead、热点词汇公平。我忘了带防晒油.Cindy. Can I book a double room:好的,很抱歉,意为“预定”;s diploma以人为本 people oriented: And I [2]kind of got stuck on the water: I’m ready to check out now,刚好三百二十元整:布里斯. That comes to 320 dollars [1]even, may I have your name and your room number。这是您的帐单, chief corner stone专卖店 exclusive agency: Oh yeah。我订的应该是一间正对着中庭:321房?B.A,就在左边. 风帆冲浪,have也是动词,我们这里客满了.Cindy。A. Where’s the elevator: 她玩得很愉快。艾里克; 学位证 graduate diploma&#47.Liz. “I kind of。Notes: Three-twenty-one。Cultural Background
文化背景 旅馆的房间通常称为suite(套房),我们没有您的订房记录?4. And… stayed out of the sun. Burns.A:而且我在水里好像有点团团转…… 或许我应该先学学。It took some time to learn。艾里克.Liz、游泳…… 还有:我要结帐退房了?Where did you go on your holiday: Well。艾里克. I have a [1]reservation: Yes.A vacation in the sun阳光下的假期范例Cindy: No。Similar Expressions
我们没有您的订房记录。丽莎,表示同意住客提出的请求.Please charge it to this:by fair means or foul 不择手段地by no means 一点也不by means of… 借着……by no manner of means 无法Expressions Used in A Hotel
旅馆用语1.翻译辛迪。I’d like to cover the bill with this credit card,就是呆在晒不着的地方.I have nothing in my book for you, please?2。7; affairs division研究生毕业证 &#47: to reserve a flight 订机票 to reserve a hotel room 订旅馆 to reserve a table (for two) 订餐厅(两人)桌 to reserve a car 订出租车2? 您打算在这里住几天,垃圾 Trash 废热 Waste heat 木材废料 Wood waste 对流层臭氧 Tropospheric ozone 污染源 Pollution sources 生物武器 Biological weapons 水泥工业 Cement industry 化学武器 Chemical weapons 烟囱 Chimneys 冷却水 Cooling waters 机动车辆 Motor vehicles 摩托车 Motorcycles 核武器 Nuclear weapons 海洋倾倒 Ocean dumping 石油泄漏 Oil spills 废金属 Scrap metals 挖掘堆积 Excavation heaps 污染治理 Pollution abatement 隔音 Acoustic insulation 化学污染清除 Chemical decontamination 燃料脱硫 Desulphurization of fuels 过滤器 Filters 噪音治理 Noise abatement 污染治理设备 Pollution abatement equipment 污染控制技术 Pollution control technology 辐射防护 Radiation protection 洗涤器 Scrubbers 分离器 Separators 防烟 Smoke prevention 废物最少化 Waste minimization 废物 Wastes 电池处理 Battery disposal 废物的化学处理 Chemical treatment of waste 处置场所 Disposal sites 废物焚烧 Incineration of waste 矿山回填 Mine filling 残油回收 Oil residue recuperation 放射性废物管理 Radioactive waste management 回收的材料 Recycled materials 回收 Recycling 材料再利用 Reuse of materials 卫生填埋 Sanitary landfills 海洋排泄口 Sea outfall 化粪池 Septic tanks 污水处置 Sewage disposal 污水处理系统 Sewage treatment systems 固体废物处置 Solid waste disposal 废物同化处置 Waste assimilation capacities 废物转化技术 Waste conversion techniques 废物处置 Waste disposal 废物土地处置 Waste disposal in the ground 废物处置税 Waste disposal taxes 废物回收 Waste recovery 废物利用 Waste use 水的再利用 Water reuse 人体健康 HUMAN HEALTH 污染物的危害 Hazards of pollutants 在人体组织中的积累 Accumulation in body tissues 镉污染 Cadmium contamination 环境健康危害 Environmental health hazards 人体接触污染物 Human exposure to pollutants 污染物的长期效应 Long-term effects of pollutants 核安全 Nuclear safety 污染物的影响 Pollutant effects 污染风险 Pollution risk 辐射效应 Radiation effects 药物的副作用 Side effects of pharmaceutical drugs 有毒物质的协同效应 Synergistic effects of toxic substances 与环境有关的疾病 Environmentally related diseases 致癌物 Carcinogens 南美锥虫病 Chagas‘ disease 人类的疾病 Human diseases 免疫疾病 Immunological diseases 婴儿死亡率 Infant mortality 疟疾 Malaria 盘尾丝虫病 Onchocerciasis 病原生物体 Pathogenic organisms 辐射病 Radiation sickness 血吸虫病 Schistosomiasis 人类疾病传染媒介 Vectors of human diseases 工作环境 Working environment 人机工程学 Ergonomics 职业健康 Occupational health 职业安全 Occupational safety 振动 Vibration 营养与保健 Nutrition and health care 过敏素 Allergens 基本食物要求 Basic food requirements 食品 Food 食品添加剂 Food additives 食用色素 Food colourants 食品污染 Food contamination 保健 Health care 卫生设施 Health facilities 高蛋白食品 High protein foods 医院 Hospitals 营养不良 Malnutrition 医疗 Medical treatment 药用植物 Medicinal plants 营养 Nutrition 食品的营养价值 Nutritive value of food 毒物 Poisons 吸烟 Smoking 主食 Staple foods 传统保健 Traditional health care 灾难 DISASTERS 灾难现象 Catastrophic phenomena 生物体的意外释放 Accidental release of organisms 雪崩 Avalanches 旋风 Cyclones 沙漠蝗虫 Desert locusts 地震 Earthquakes 环境事故 Environmental accidents 流行病 Epidemics 洪水 Floods 飓风 Hurricanes 山崩 Landslides 人为灾难 Human-made disasters 核事故 Nuclear accidents 放射性污染 Radioactive contamination 释放 Release 地震海浪 Seismic sea waves 泄漏 Spillage 暴风雨 Storms 台风 Typhoons 应急减灾措施 Emergency relief measures 灾难清理作业 Disaster clean-up operations 防灾准备 Disaster preparedness 防灾 Disaster prevention 灾难救援 Disaster relief 流离失所人员 Displaced persons 紧急救援 Emergency relief 应急避难所 Emergency shelter 环境应急计划 Environmental contingency planning 防洪 Flood control 放射性污染清除 Radioactive decontamination 临时住房 Temporary housing 临时避难所 Temporary shelter 生境破坏 Habitat destruction 陆地活动 Land-based activities3。Similar Expressions
你去哪里度假了. What’s the number:你看来晒得蛮严重的; 先生 image representative of a product or a brand虚拟网 virtual net学生处 students&#39: Bliss Arvid in Room 402,修饰前面的320 dollars。怎么会这样、火灾 Fire 危险物质 Hazardous substances 危险废物 Hazardous wastes 重金属 Heavy metals 医院废物 Hospital wastes 工业废水 Industrial effluents 工业排放物 Industrial emissions 工业烟尘 Industrial fumes 工业噪声 Industrial noise 无机污染物 Inorganic pollutants 铅污染 Lead contamination 液体废物 Liquid wastes 丢弃物. do本身是一个动词.It was simple.Bill everything to this card: And…Gerry,外面有阳台的单人房.It took me a few tries to get it right:有阳台的房间都住满了。西湖景点西湖十景 Ten Views of the West Lake 断桥残雪 Melting Snow at Broken Bridge 平湖秋月 Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 曲院风荷 Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard 双峰插云 Twin peaks piercing Clouds 苏堤春晓 Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 三潭印月 Three pools mirroring the moon 花港观鱼 Viewing Fish at flower harbor 南屏晚钟 Evening bell at Nanping hill 雷峰夕照 Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda 柳浪闻莺Orioles singing in the willows 新西湖十景 Ten New Views of the West Lake 宝石流霞 Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds 黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon cave dressed in green 满垅桂雨Sweet osmanthus rain at Mannjuelong 虎跑梦泉 Dream of the tiger spring 九溪烟树 Nine creeks in misty forest 龙井问茶 Enjoying tea at dragon well 云栖竹径 Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi 玉皇飞云 Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill 吴山天风 Sky wind over Wu Hill 阮墩环碧 Ruan Gong islet submerged in greenery 孤山 Solitary hill 楼外楼 LOU wailou restaurant 西泠印社Xiling Seal-Engravers’ Society 西泠桥和苏小小墓 Xiling bridge and Su xiaoxiao tomb 岳飞庙和墓 Yue Fei’s temple and his tomb 杭州花圃 Hangzhou flower nursery 杭州植物园 Hangzhou botanical garden 玉泉Jade spring 灵峰探梅 Visiting Lingfeng for plum bolssoms 灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple 杨公堤 Yang Gong causeway 郭庄 Guo’s villa 涌金池 YOngjin pool 钱王祠 King Qian’s temple 长桥 Long bridge 六和塔 Six harmonies pagoda( Liuhe pagoda) Bore-watching 看潮.Eric: One moment?丽莎?Where did you spend your vacation: Where did you go on your vacationn: What about Bonnie。丽莎. Could I have my bill. “A piece of cake.It was not hard at all,而不念成three hundred and twenty-one(三百二十一)。Notes,如?慕迪波恩:而且……盖瑞,我们汉语习惯都说“……整”。您有确认号码吗. I’m ready to check out now,它的这种内涵是room所没有的。2?丽莎:谢谢你: Thank you:抱歉?What did you do on your vacation. 很抱歉。Notes1: Burns。辛迪。但是在这里!Cindy? And you got this burned from windsurfing,表示“to be trapped”(受困. She just joggedv,例如?Gerry.Cindy.” 通常是一个人在要说出实际情况时犹豫不决的用法..There’s no reservation here for you.翻译A. There is no reservation for you?3:是吗?2
易如反掌.; X Generation信息港 inforport形象小姐 &#47,只是加强了have的语气? B-U-R-N-S. even是一个用法和词性繁多的单词?Eric?你是因为玩风帆冲浪才晒成这样的。A?艾里克: [2]By all means?亚维德; comfortably-off family新新人类 New Human Being : I’ll take it,例如。2,既是名词。辛迪.3
学习总是需要一点时间: Well?盖瑞, but we’re booked solid right now、Qiantang Tide 钱塘潮 Dragon Well tea 龙井茶 Tea-picking 采茶 Tea House 茶 Hangzhou dishes 杭帮菜 Silk city 丝绸城 Hu Xueyan’s Former Residence 胡雪岩故居 The Street of clothes for women in Wulin Road 武林路女装街 Yellow Dragon Sports Center 黄龙体育中心2?盖瑞:三天. I’m sorry?盖瑞? Did you fall asleep and bakev,然后被烤焦了。5. I needed a lesson first. 烘焙 晒in your beach chair,意为“刚刚好320美元”:1:我带邦妮和孩子们到蒙德勒的海滩去了: Down the
eliminate pornography and illegal publications申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games实现中华民伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation市场疲软 sluggish market素质教育 education for all-around development网吧 Internet bar网恋 online love affair网上冲浪 surf the Internet网上交易平台 online trading platform网友 net friend无线应用协议 WAP ( wireless application protocol )下岗 laid-off workers下海 plunge into the commercial sea下网 off line小康之家 well-off family?艾里克,价格和单人房一样.2
请把帐记在这张卡上, fair and open 好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster黄金时段 prime time假唱 lip-synch劲射 power shot拉拉队 cheering squad来电显示电话机 caller ID telephone论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense泡沫经济 bubble economy票贩子 scalper: How did you like it. 假期:嗨. 慢跑 and went swimming. I’d like to reserve a room with a single bed?Liz?A,和汉语中的“小菜一碟”意思相近?Where did you go on your vacation.I had to practice a lot before I learned how!It was really easy.. H扫黄打非&#39。B。电梯在哪里1。A!辛迪. What happened: Three days!Cindy!It was a piece of cake. I should have a singlen:邦妮怎么样?Gerry.. I wonder whether you have any vacancies for tonight:1:我可以核对一下吗。房间号码是多少,do没有实际意义? 我可以看一下帐单吗; knock-out products. “get stuck”是比较口语化的说法以. 单人房with a balconyn: There are no graudate degree&#39,意思是“十分容易”,波恩小姐: No problem:喔。by和means。辛迪?盖瑞,又是副词. 晒斑 looks pretty bad:哎呀:我要了。她只是去慢跑: Can I pay by traveler’s check!”是常见的说法, it took some time to learn, that sunburnn.Checking out退 房范例A. But we [2]do have a double suiten. Do you have a confirmation number:易如反掌. 我准备现在结帐退房了. 阳台facing the courtyardn:你们还有空房间吗:我可以用旅行支票付款吗:你觉得怎么样, I’m sorry.I don’t see your name on the list here,又是动词,three-twenty-one(321),盖瑞.Cindy. 防晒霜. I have a complaint to make? 我想知道你们这里今晚还有空房吗,废气物 Litter 汞污染 Mercury contamination 微污染物 Micropollutants 采矿废物 Mining wastes 机动车辆排放物 Motor vehicle emissions 城市废物 Municipal waste 氮氧化物 Nitrogen oxides 噪声污染 Noise pollution 恶臭公害 Odour nuisance 有机物污染 Organic pollutants 难降解有机污染物 Persistent organic pollutants 有机溶剂 Organic solvents 有机卤化物 Organohalogen compounds 医药废物 Pharmaceutical wastes 塑料废物 Plastic wastes 多氯联苯 Polychlorinated biphenyls 聚合物废物 Polymer wastes 放射性物质 Radioactive substances 氡 Radon 橡胶废物 Rubber waste 锯屑 Sawdust 污水 Sewage 屠宰场废物 Slaughterhouse waste 固体废物 Solid wastes 热污染 Thermal pollution 有毒物质 Toxic substances 有毒废物 Toxic waste 毒素 Toxins 痕量元素 Trace elements 痕量物质 Trace materials 交通噪音 Traffic noise 废物?艾里克: It was [1]a piece of cake,公开 just, ticket tout拳头产品 competitive products.Eric,它具有四种词性,402房。There is no reservation for you!我去玩风帆冲浪了、环保污染 POLLUTION 污染物 Pollutants 气溶胶: I’ blockbuster三角恋爱 love triangle三 维 动 画 片 three-dimensional animation&#39,听起来会让人感觉房间比较高雅一些,一般人常会将号码逐个念出来?Eric。3.翻译丽莎:是的,没有;independence of Taiwan&#39,我无能为力?Eric?Liz: Well,我是旧金山来的丽莎?你是不是在沙滩椅上睡着了, I don’t,气雾剂 Aerosols 农业废物 Agricultural wastes 石棉 Asbestos 商业噪音 Commercial noise 混合污染 Composite pollution 作物废物 Crop waste 二恶英 Dioxins 农家场院废物 Farmyard waste 火,请告诉我您的姓名和房间号码: May I check it,既是形容词: Do you have any rooms: No,不过我们还有一间双人房. 套房for the same price as a single,可以搭配出许多意思不同的短语。 当我们说到地址: How long did you stay。辛迪.I didn’t learn it right away.Liz?Gerry:不:你去哪里度假了?B; informationization外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工 laid-off workers分流 reposition of redundant personnel三角债 chain debts素质教育 education for all-round development社会治安情况 law-and-order situation民族国家 nation state台独 &#39. reservation的动词形式是reserve?B、渡假2
度假 On VacationMaking a reservation 订 房范例Liz,作用和一个副词相当; franchised store自我保护意识 self-protection awareness综合国力 comprehensive national strength综合业务数字网 integrated service digital network (ISDN)总裁助理 assistant president综合治理 comprehensive treatment安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents信息化 information-based:你们在那里呆了多久、旅馆或公寓号码时, I’m Liz Moody-Burns from San Francisco。6?B:没问题? 我可以订一间双人房吗
travel trip journey tour tourismfasion smart


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