that's what people want when they are alwaystough lookingg for ways to save time是什么意思?

Got A 'Flu-like Infection.. by AnnaKirsten on DeviantArt
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Journal Entry: Sat Oct 27,
Listening to: thoughts and dreams
Reading: about calligraphy
Watching: Time passing me by too quickly
Playing: No time to play!
Eating: Sub-normally
Drinking: normally
CSS LinksIt's HEREby Here are stamps for your personal use, as appropriate.If you've been interviewed by meSpecial News ArticlesDarn it!Firstly, thanks to everyone for their wonderful good wishes and understanding about my no longer being able to drive. I'd like to say that I'm happy enough with this situation now and have not enjoyed driving at all during this past year or more because of the stress factor. I shall just not inform any authorities (unless my doctor actually does it) and hang onto my licence, but not drive. The reason for this is that if at any time in the future things change for the better - I wish!!! - and I need to re-apply for my licence once it's been taken off me, it involves an awful lot of unnecessary red tape and hassle to retrieve it. Also, I simply just don't want to lose it!!!Secondly, I'm suffering from a flu-like infection at the moment and just can't spend time on here for now, so although I will try to catch up, it will be in small doses, and I am faving and running until I'm ok again. I'm needing to spend most of my time in bed at the moment! (I did try to edit my previous journal, but I had a warning that it had become too long to be accepted reliably when I previewed it!)Nothing else from here down has been changed. My Watchers - Thank You!I am once again in the process of producing a weekly tribute towards all my wonderful watchers! I did this before, but when I took my mini-vacation and lost all my previous journals etc. in the process, there was nothing left of these. So starting at the earliest (so as not to miss any), I'll feature some (hopefully 20) with each journal until I am up to date, when I will then add features from any new watchers as they "bravely take me on"! (We have to bear in mind btw that some people appear far later in the list than when they first became watchers for various reasons that can occur, one of which seems to be the perpetuating dA Vanishing
bug!!!) Please scroll down to the Features box to see these, thank you.CURRENT & PAST INTERVIEWS THIS WEEK'S Spotlight, and as part of dA's Celebration of Traditional Art, is about
and can be found . If you enjoy what you read and see, please go to her gallery and add her to your
list.Links to Previous Interviews
are inviting any one who has been interviewed by us both to add the following stamp to their journal/shoutboard in order to encourage viewers of people's home-pages to take a look at the articles that serve only to try to bring greater exposure to these artists...:thumb:If the interview was carried out only by me, then please feel free to make use of this stamp...Thank you.If you are troubled by losing links to your favourite articles, then why not make a new folder in your Bookmarks/Favourites in your browser and save them there, so that as you save new ones, you can still get access to the older ones. Adding News Articles about our artists here at dA to your 's is a wonderful way of showing them support, so please don't miss out on this opportunity. (We are hoping that at some point dA will give us the facility to view all favourite articles just as we're able to view all friends, but this is a decision the dA Admin still have to make as far as I know.)These articles are not about me, or about Deb. The most important focus is the support given to the artists involved. Please don't miss out on an opportunity to discover new talent! :thumb:Please don't let this little girl be forgotten!Keep her in your thoughts and prayers whilst the search to find her still goes on. As always, if there's anything in particular I need to see, please NOTE me! I don't always get time to look at any of the messages directly under my journal on my main page, although I eventually do go there! Thanks!Tribute in Thanks to my Watchers - Part 3I have not included groups or clubs in this for obvious reasons.Part 1 can be seen
and Part 2 can be seen
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Has no gallery..
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:thumb: :thumb:It's sad to note as I look through these galleries, that some don't appear to have been active here at dA for quite a while (and are probably no longer actually watching either. I hope they will come back if they went away! PRECIOUS GIFTSIt makes me feel so special when people give me pressies, so I will always display them in this section of my journal.(31st August 2007) I feel moved to tears at the generosity and thoughtfulness of my friend Kadri
for having created such a beautiful, highly symbollic image, dedicated to me! Words fail me... Thank you So, So much!
You could never have known just how much this would mean to me in so many ways!:thumb:What a lovely surprise this afternoon (29th August) to find this lovely image dedicated to me by ! Thank you so much for your wonderfully kind thoughts and consideration! I feel very blessed!
24th August 2007.What an amazing and happy surprise this was! Thank you so much Leon! A wonderful gift given today (10th August) by
to myself and several other people! How very beautiful and skillfully created this is! Thank you so much Tassos! This beautiful picture created by
was dedicated to all cat-lovers, and I am most definitely one of those! I told her, and she has said that I am therefore included in her dedication. Such a lovely, touching picture!! Thank you so much for sharing it! What an honor to find this beautiful fractal made by
gifted to myself, ,
today (15th June)! It's so beautiful, and my grateful thanks to you, my friend for thinking of me in this way! :thumb:WOW! I really do feel special today, having been gifted this absolutely beautiful Apo-flower by someone who has become a really lovely friend ! Thank you so much dear Kim! I'm smiling, and I've had a lovely day today too! This is like the cream on the cake! This beautiful picture, although it was not a gift directly to me, was made by
for all her watchers and friends - I am one of her watchers, and so I feel I want to do her justice by displaying it. Thank you very much for being so thoughtful and producing such a worthwile piece of artwork (one of many) for us!How thrilling to be gifted this excellent fractal-artwork by my friend
today, (6th June)! Thank you so much - I so appreciate it! And it's always a huge pleasure to feature your works too, so here's at least one that's here permanently now! Ohh what a wonderfully heart-warming surprise this was when I logged in this morning (22nd May) to find this beautiful picture gifted to myself and to
Thank you so much Lily, my dear friend! This will always serve to pretty up my journal, and you are indeed one of my "bestest" friends here at dA!! This lovely gift was made specially for me by my dear friend Silky
a little while back, but she was never able to upload it, so she sent it to me by email. Here it is - it will probably take a minute or two to get into full flow, so be patient. I love it and cherish the fact that she so kindly thought enough of me when I had so admired one of her other gif images to make this one for me!Such an uplifting surprise awaited me just now (17th May) when I was gifted this beautiful fractal flower by my sweet friend ! Thank you so much for such a lovely and reciprocal friendship!
What another wonderful surprise to discover this beauty gifted to me by
today (10th May)!! Thank you sooo much, you made my day!! This stunning piece of artwork, produced in Ultra Fractal by , was gifted to people who had given encouragement and positive input here at dA (8th May). Chris has since told me to feel free to consider myself as one of these people, and so here it is in my journal for keeps! I'm so proud to be able to display it here, and thanks to Chris for such a thoughtful and lovely gift to myself and others here! :thumb:I found this really beautiful poem today (8th May) written by
and dedicated to myself and three other special people! What a beautiful piece of writing - thank you so much - I'm enjoying getting to know you so much more lately through your writings and our correspondence!:thumb:I just found this (7th May) fashioned for me specially by my dear friend ! What an amazing surprise and how uplifting, just at a time when I need a boost! Thank you so much dear Linda! A BIG Thank you goes to Neesa
for gifting these wonderful backgrounds to me! I am looking forward to using them - they are beautifully created and of very high resolution!What a very touching surprise it was to log on this morning (29th April) and find this beautiful gift made for me by Cerenity !! Look deep within it in its enlarged view, and there is so much subtlety and beauty within it - things that for me, are very deeply spiritual and meaningful! Thank you my dear friend, so much, for thinking of me as you created it! *~*~*~*~*~*This picture below has become a permanent fixture in my journal, I like it so much!It is the face detail of "My Prayer For You" created by Her radiance is like that of an angel, but also depicts for me how I'd like to see myself in a perfected state! The glory is wonderful and God-inspired, created by a beautiful, loving soul! (See next picture below!)This beautiful picture was given by , saying "For all my friends out there who need an extra bit of love, thought and prayer in there tough times. Much love to you all." (27th April)I felt very much in need of just that, and so have included it here. sss Jen, you're a lovely, gentle and thoughtful person! What a sweet and generous gift to me from
(19th April) with her words to me that I need to hang on to so much too, "Be Strong"! Thank you so much my dear Silky - and you know how much I just love kitties too!
I wonder how many journals have this lovely picture by
included in them!Silky created it for all those in pain.As you know, there's physical pain and emotional pain. The pain for me has mainly been emotional - even mental where certain individuals have thrown mental cruelty my way, but I have also known a lot of physical pain, and on a daily basis suffer from migraines through which I toil and push to get anything done!Thank you so much Silky - once again! OMGosh! I found this one today (16th April), dedicated to me by
because she wanted to thank me for being so encouraging to her - but then I just so enjoy her wonderful fractal and abstract artworks! sss to you my friend!:thumb:Ohh how lovely! I just received this new one today (15th April) from
It's so precious, and so are you dear Hanne!:thumb:This was made by my special friend,
for my birthday earlier this year. Linda is a longstanding friend from long before I became active here at dA, and also a Sister in the Lord in whom we mutually believe and have faith. Her gentleness of spirit, and her constant encouragement, both through her own art and things that she says, as well as the Scriptures she so often shares have been pricesless to me, and often broken a certain hardness of my own heart...:thumb:This was dedicated to me by a dear friend, . We've known one another from other sites and have lots in common too. She is a precious soul!This was made for a few of us, myself included, by
in celebration of the fact that we do not have breast cancer, 'though we each once faced this scare and went through the trauma of treatment of various kinds.This was dedicated to me by
because of the emotional response the image wrought from deep within me. So much of me reaches out to the girl in the boat as she represent so much of the pain and rejection I have felt, particularly in the early stages of my life and right through my childhood and teenage years. Every time I see it, I want to cry... And although I have problems of a different sort now, I'm so grateful that I now live in a peaceful place with a wonderful, loving family - and all my friends here who cheer me on and give me comfort when I need it!This one was made for me by
because of a newly formed friendship, and I just love her warm, loving heart! We also share a love of Sarah Brightman's simply breathtaking singing voice! Have I missed anyone? Please let me know if I have, because I just have this niggling feeling... All because I didn't get things organised properly before now!COPYRIGHT NOTICEMy gallery and all the images contained therein are Copyright (C) AnnaKirsten. All rights reserved. None of the materials contained in my deviantART gallery may be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted, borrowed, duplicated, printed, downloaded, or uploaded in any way without my express written permission. My images do not belong to the public domain.Graphics (C) Layout arranged by Acknowledgement for learning CSS
Add a Comment:
Thank you very much, Anna, for featuring two of my favorite fractals here.
That is so nice of you to do that.
Big hugs!!!
Thank you for watching me!!!
You are very welcome and thank you for watching me, too.
Take it easy sweetie, we aren't going anywhere. I want you to be well.
Thanks Jen
I'm actually going to the doctors in a few minutes because although I've made some improvement in my general health, my throat is still very bad, and I'm still getting feverish towards the end of the day.
Thanks for your well-wishes, I really appreciate it.
I do hope you're feeling better love.
Thanks - sometimes I'm a little better and think it's all gone, then it seems to be right back!
I tire terribly easily (more than usual) and had to be brought home from that meal out we had the other evening because I came over all hot and faint and really unwell!
Unfortunately these things do seem to have a habit of hanging on to me for longer than someone who goes down with the real thing!
It will get better... believe in that honey.
As is my favourite saying... This too shall pass!
Amen love!
Awww,I hope you'll feel better soon
I'll keep you in my prayers
Thank you so much my friend, I do appreciate that
oh i hope you will be feeling better soon anna! don't worry about the not-spending much time here..... bedrest is the best.. and i am sure everybody will understand that!
i wish you a speedy recovery and am sending you all my best wishes
Thank you so much!
you are most welcome.....
I hope you feel better soon Anna - thinking of you x
Thanks so much zzzzz
Get better soon so we can see all that beautfiul work you do Like your new page too I have not seen the angel before very nice!
Thanks very much for your well-wishes..
I'll get through this, it's just rather a struggle at the moment
Oh the angel on my journal page?
I was just messing around from a glitter site for fun, but I intend to make something of my own to go there soon...
THe angel was very pretty, I know
you will make it through, stay strong
Still feeling grotty, but "This too will pass"! (My favourite saying!)
Get better soon hon I am just getting over a bad kidney infection so you have all my sympathy
Oooh that must have been painful?
I'm glad you're getting over it though.
Mine will pass I don't usually get full-blown anything much, just go down with terrible ulcerated throat and achiness all over with slight fever.
This happens if there's any type of cold or viral bug going round that happens to grab me, but usually I don't succumb to these things that much.
It's just very uncomfortable and weakening whilst it lasts...
Thanks for your well wishes
I am the same way. This infection kind of sprang up on me in full bloom. I am no baby but I ended up in the emergency room. Good thing too, I had to take two rounds of anti-biotics!
Stay hydrated, thats the most important thing you can do
I'm not surprised you ended up there!
Yes, lots and lots of water and Lucozade!
I must have missed something somewhere..must go back to your previous journal.
What an adjustment- to not be able to drive.. I hope it is only temporary, my friend.
Feel better, Anna.
Lots of rest and fluids.. God bless!
S'ok.. As you'll see, it's not likely to be temporary.
My heart condition is life-long and now is deteriorating as would normally be expected at my age...
I'm used to it, although the symptoms are terrifying sometimes, and it's those particularly bad, debilitating attacks that send me right down to the ground until they pass... Meanwhile I haven't actually driven very much in the last year or so in any case, as I find it all far too stressful
Yup, lots of rest and fluids...
This is when I really feel the effects of dA's infernal ability to build up and build up backlogs that become well nigh impossible!
(But you know all about that too hon!)
Don't worry.. Just rest.
You've commented and thanked enough to ignore and rest for a good while..and just post your wonderful work when you can.
You are in my prayers, Anna.
Hugs, Linda
Thank you so much
Take very good care of yourself, know that there is love out there for you, and prayers being made!
Oh and eat lots of hot chicken soup, isn't that the cure for everything?
Thanks so much for the love and prayers, I truly appreciate that kind of response.
Hot chicken soup hey?
I might just try that!
Darn, you got the flu and have to stay in bed? I am so sorry, Anna!
Flu can be very very nasty! I remember how badly my mother suffers from this every now and then and I really hope it is not THAT bad!!!
I send you my love and my very best wishes!
Please recover soon!!!
It's not fully-blown 'flu, just my body fighting any virus that seems to have come my way.
I usually just end up getting like this for a while, it can linger on a bit too, but thankfully I don't get the big stuff in the sense that "normal" people seem to!
Don't get colds, for example, just the sore throat, achiness and slight fever...
Thanks for your love and well wishes
Most welcome! Yeah, colds are nasty and I am happy we both are spared from this stuff.
I hope you do get
better soon and that you manage to rest properly. A do what you want to do, I don't think anyone would feel negative about you not replying or reading journals, or keeping up with all those deviations. Just take your time and relax, you need it.
Thank you my friend!
Maybe I should just go and delete all those journals that are still waiting for me to go and read!
I hate to do that though!
Well I know how you feel but you shouldn't feel obligated to keep up with everyone else.
I'm too nosey and interested!!!
Take care of yourself Anna
Feel Better soon.
Thank my friend
Hope you can shake off that flu soon, Anna.
This is the time of year for it, so be good to yourself and rest!
Thanks - it's not full-blown flu, just the milder symptoms of it, but they're nasty enough to make me feel very frail!
Flu is the one thing that triggers my CFS; I just sleep and sleep and sleep when I'm sick with it.
That's certainly the trend with me too, and I try to combat it, because too much sleep is also damaging and gets one's body-clock right out of sync again.
However, I do yield to the overwhelming desire to just lie down and be comfortable, perchance to drift off, as and when necessary during these infections.
I shall be phoning my doc tomorrow for some antibiotics because my throat is literally in an unmentionable state - absolutely horrible!
Have you noticed, though, that you don't go down with every cold or other viral bug that's circulating, other than to get that slight sore throat, general weakness and mild fever forever each time?
I think I get a real cold about once a year, and boy do I know it then!!
I know what you mean.
When I was working, I exerienced sore throat/slight fever/weakness/fatigue/foggy-headedness every time I would catch some bug. That feeling would go on for as long as 6 months! Since I've retired, things are much better, but once in awhile, I'll get something that seems to last longer than it should.
All in all, retiring was the bestthing I ever did.
I don't get that nearly as often now, only if I've HAD to visit the doctor, or been somewhere where there have been crowds in an enclosed place!
That's where we pick up the most germs, in crowded, cooped up places, e.g., an office!
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