maintenance outagee bob 是什么意思?

You should believe that native speakers will not laugh at you,_____they will encoutage you.A:so B:instead C:or D:norinstead在这里是什么意思?_百度作业帮
You should believe that native speakers will not laugh at you,_____they will encoutage you.A:so B:instead C:or D:norinstead在这里是什么意思?
You should believe that native speakers will not laugh at you,_____they will encoutage you.A:so B:instead C:or D:norinstead在这里是什么意思?
选B你应该相信本地人不会嘲笑你,他们反而会鼓励你.instead [然而(衍生意)],而不是,代替
B:instead 有转折之意前面有逗号哦~
Instead你应该相信说那门语言的人不会笑你的,相反他们会鼓励你.maintenance outage是什么意思_百度作业帮
maintenance outage是什么意思
maintenance outage是什么意思
maintenance outage
[英]ˈmeintinəns ˈaʊtɪdʒ
[美]ˈmentənəns ˈaʊtɪdʒ
[例句]At present japan has 35 reactors , subject to periodic maintenance or outage affected by the earthquake and in the state.目前日本全国有35座反应堆因接受定期检修或受地震影响而处于停运状态.outage是什么意思_outage在线翻译_outage什么意思_outage的意思_outage的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
outage是什么意思 outage在线翻译 outage什么意思 outage的意思 outage的翻译 outage的解释 outage的发音 outage的同义词 outage的反义词 outage的例句
outage['autidʒ]outage 基本解释n. 储运损耗, (水、电、煤)断供outage 网络解释1. 中断& & * 存在中断(outage)地区可行性初步分析为了摆脱对美俄导航定位系统的依赖,以免受制于人,世界各国、各地区和组织将纷纷建立自己的卫星导航定位系统. 今后10多年将会出现几种系统同时并存的局面,这为组合导航技术的发展提供了条件. 2. 断电& & 电压降落(VOLTAGESAG),闪变(FLICKER)、脉冲(IMPULSE)、暂态升高(SWELL)、谐波(HARMONICS)以及断电(OUTAGE). 标准化部门已经制定了适用于不同用户的电能质量的标准. 例如,对计算机用户而言,持续时间为0.1秒的40的电压降落是不允许的. 3. 停机& & 新Teradata&双机齐动&解决方案能将部署在异地的第二套系统,视为整个生产环境的一部份,让使用者与应用程序能同时在两套系统运作. 这项功能可提供效能延续性(Performance continuity),并能在停机(Outage)或灾难发生时维持可用性. 4. 损耗& & 任何的服务丢失,包括计划中或计划外(意外)的,都被定义为损耗(OUTAGE). 宕机时间(Downtime)是指系统从停止服务到重新提供服务的时间(以时间单位计量,如氛辎小时、天等). 在一些业务系统中计算机的可靠性几乎同供电系统的可靠性具有一样重要性. outage 网络例句1. However, the outage probability of the second method is better than that of the first one. & &然而,第二种方法比第一种有更小的中断机率。2. It is possible that this issue is causing this particular outage. & &它很可能是导致这个问题的元凶。3. Because, as it turns out, we have a power outage in town. & &因为,正如原来,我们有一个停电的城市。4. We are committed to make this website accessible 100% of the time, but unfortunately, this outage was out of our control. & &我们致力於使这个网站查阅100%的时间,但不幸的是,这个故障是我们不能控制的。5. This is probably the most common error after an outage of the & &这可能是除了项目中断之外最常见的错误。6. This is great because you can supply your home with electricity during a power outage. & &这真是太棒了,因为你可以供给你的家用电停电期间。7. We are committed to make this website accessible 100% of the time, but unfortunately, this outage was out of our control. & &我们致力于使这个网站可100 %的时间,但不幸的是,这一事故是在我们控制范围之外。从 outage 开始单词接龙选择难度小学英语初中英语高中英语大学英语出国英语考试英语outage是什么意思,outage在线翻译,outage什么意思,outage的意思,outage的翻译,outage的解释,outage的发音,outage的同义词,outage的反义词,outage的例句,outage的相关词组,outage意思是什么,outage怎么翻译,单词outage是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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unplanned outage是什么意思
中文翻译非计划停机:&&&&adj. 1.无计划的;未经筹划的。 2.意外的。 :&&&&n. 1.出口。 2.【商业】损耗。 3.(检修时船、机 ...
例句与用法1.If your application requires data availability during planned or unplanned outages of the database , see如果应用程序在数据库的计划或未计划停用期间需要数据可用性,请参阅2.If your application requires both higher read scalability and the ability to handle planned and unplanned outages , see如果应用程序需要较高的读取可伸缩性和处理计划和未计划停用的功能,请参阅3.The redundancy resulting from maintaining multiple copies of the same data is also useful during planned and unplanned outages维护同一数据的多个副本产生的冗余在计划和未计划停用期间也是有用的。 4.Hadr creates and maintains a fault - tolerant replica of your database , called a standby database , which protects data from both planned and unplanned outagesHadr创建和维护数据库的一个容错复制品,即备用数据库,它可以在出现意料中或意料外的停机事故时保护数据。 5.Using the approach outlined in this series , you can significantly reduce planned and unplanned outages , allowing for cluster upgrades and system maintenance without interrupting operations使用本文中略述的方法,可以显著减少有计划的和无计划的停歇,从而无需中断操作就可以完成集群的升级和系统维护。 6.Container - provided functions enable long - running process executions that can even span enterprise boundaries , survive planned and unplanned outages , and facilitate business - to - business collaboration . this is the third in our series on the programming model for ibm s service - oriented architecture容器提供的功能可以支援甚至跨企业的边界执行长时间运行的流程,承受计画的和未计画的停用,并且促进企业到企业( business - to - business , b2b )的协作。 7.In other words , it adopts the principle of main prevention and planned examination to enhance the equipment reliability . in the water power station , whether mechanical equipments maintenance or electric equipments maintenance , the planned maintenance is adopted in the whole of maintenance in order to accomplish the production - reliability target for increasing economy benefit . the production - reliability target includes fof ( forced outage factor ) , eaf ( equivalent availability factor ) , po ( times of planned outage ) , uo ( times of unplanned outage ) etc在水电厂,不论机械设备还是电器设备,几乎都是采用固定周期的检修或更换的处理方法预防事故的发生,完成发电企业确定的可靠性生产指标:提高机组的等效可用系数,降低强迫停运次数,减少机组的非计划停运次数(次/台年)等,从而提高企业的经济效益。
相邻词汇热门词汇maintenance outage是什么意思_百度作业帮
maintenance outage是什么意思
maintenance outage是什么意思
maintenance outage
[英]ˈmeintinəns ˈaʊtɪdʒ
[美]ˈmentənəns ˈaʊtɪdʒ
[例句]At present japan has 35 reactors , subject to periodic maintenance or outage affected by the earthquake and in the state.目前日本全国有35座反应堆因接受定期检修或受地震影响而处于停运状态.


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