I和myi和i 的区别别?

短语“my favorite”中,不同字母代表不同数字,代表从0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9这十个数字,0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45;
用字母表示数:含有字母的式子不仅可以表示数量关系,也可以表示数量。还可以简明、概括地表达运算定律和计算公式,方便研究和解决实际问题。①含有字母的式子中,数字和字母、字母和字母相乘时,乘号可以记作“·”,也可以省略不写。②在省略乘号的时候,应当把数字写在字母的前面。③当“1”和任何字母相乘时,“1”可以省略不写。④由于字母可以表示任何数,在一些式中,对字母表示数的要运行说明,如: (a≠0)。 ⑤因为字母表示的是数,所以在式子中每一个字母都不注明单位名称,计算结果也不注明单位名称,只在答句中写上单位名称。 用字母表示数的意义:有助于揭示概念的本质特征,能使数量之间的关系更加简明,更具有普遍意义。使思维过程简约化,易于形成概念系统。
58657493266810808273176415851731090116ME I MY 有什么区别 刚学 不懂 不要BS我ME I MY 有什么区别最好举例说明
my name is ***.我的名字是***.my,指我的.后面一定得带名词.i am ***.我叫***.i是第一人称,主语.do you love me?你爱我吗?me是第三人称,宾语.
me是第三人称 My是我的
"I" love you
用做主语Do you love "me" 用作宾语"My" love
扫描下载二维码ME I MY 有什么区别 刚学 不懂 不要BS我ME I MY 有什么区别最好举例说明
my name is ***.我的名字是***.my,指我的.后面一定得带名词.i am ***.我叫***.i是第一人称,主语.do you love me?你爱我吗?me是第三人称,宾语.
me是第三人称 My是我的
"I" love you
用做主语Do you love "me" 用作宾语"My" love
扫描下载二维码I me you my 有什么区别_百度知道
I me you my 有什么区别
I 用作主语例如我是xx.
I'm xx.me 用作宾语例如杀了我
kill meyou 你可以用作主语和宾语例如 我爱你 是 I love you,你爱我 是 you love memy是形容词,修饰名词用的 指我的例如 我的书
this book is mine。 Would you come with me,如,用法同上.还有一个名词性的所有格(mine)如,例如,作宾语用:it&#39I 是“我”的主格,做主语用:this is my book. I will go the schoolme 是“我”的宾格:I am John:例如;s me. he is a friend of mine。my是形容词性的所有格”我的“?you (既是主格也是宾格)
me是我的宾格 my是我的形容词性物主代词
you 是你的主格 宾格 也是你们
出门在外也不愁英文信件最后「Cheers、Sincerely、Regards、Best Wishes」有什么区别?
(中文翻译: . Thank you so much
for an awesome translation!)There are some slight differences in connotations of each letter ending. I'll order them in increasing formality.LoveVery personal. Used between lovers, family and close friends. CheersVery casual. Used between friends. Can be used between coworkers if you want to appear very casual, at the risk of sounding unprofessional. Take careCasual and used between friends.Thanks or Thank You'Thanks' is very casual and 'Thank You' is formal. Usually used in a business setting. 'Thank You' is a great way to end an email to a stranger, especially if you are making a request or asking a question. Yours or Yours Truly or TrulyCasual or Business casual. A more personal, but still polite way to end the letter. You've probably met the recipient in real life.Best or Best WishesCasual or Business casual. A polite way to end the letter. Can be used between friends or strangers.Sincerely or Sincerely Yours or Yours SincerelyCasual, Business casual or Formal. The standard letter ending. 'Sincerely' is the most versatile ending because it can be used to end either casual or formal correspondence. If you're unsure about how to sign your letter, use 'Sincerely'.Regards or Best RegardsBusiness casual or formal. You would use this if the recipient is someone you haven't met in real life.CordiallyFormal. Used in business correspondence when the topic of the letter is serious. Sometimes used if there is a conflict between the sender and the recipient. Using an ending that is too casual for the situation may not always be inappropriate. Conversely, using a casual ending can show your self-confidence. But to do this requires you to gauge whether the recipient would like a more casual conversation.- - - - -相关答案
我来翻译@Brian的答案吧(答案过长,分批送出):这些信件结尾在语气上略有不同。我会将其按照正式程度排序,越往后越正式。Love个人性质。用于爱人,家庭或者亲密的友人。Cheers 随和性质。用于朋友。如果你希望看起来平和一点,也可以用于同事,但有不太正式,显得不专业的风险。Take care 随和,也是用于朋友的。Thanks or Thank You Thanks偏随和,而Thank You偏正式,常用于商务场合。当你给陌生人写信,尤其是请求协助,提出要求或者询问事项时,Thank You是收尾的好选择。 Yours or Yours Truly or Truly 日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,虽然有一点点随意,但还是一种礼貌的方式。一般用于你之前见过面的对象。Best or Best Wishes日常交往或者商务场合都可以用,是一种礼貌的方式。对朋友和陌生人都可以用。Sincerely or Sincerely Yours or Yours Sincerely 日常交往,商务往来或者正式文书都可以使用,是标准的结尾方式。Sincerely是最为通用的形式,无论日常和正式通信都可以使用。如果不确定怎么结尾署名,就用sincerely吧。Regards or Best Regards 商务往来或者正式文书。如果你和收信人没有在现实中打过交道,就用这个。Cordially 正式。在商务谈判场合,当信件话题很严肃的时候使用。有时,当你和收件人之间有分歧或者冲突的时候,可以使用。在正式场合使用一个随和的结尾并不一定意味着什么不恰当的事情。有的时候,这样做可以显得你很自信,谈话很随和。然而,这样做之前请了解一下对方是不是喜欢这种随和的方式。
这是目前我认为最完善的版本,搬过来给大家参考。57种英文邮件结尾法Best This is
it's totally safe. I recommend it highly and so do the
experts.最普遍;最安全。我和专家们都极力推荐这个。My BestA little stilted. Etiquette
consultant Lett likes it.有点生硬。礼仪顾问莱特喜欢这个。My best to youLett also
likes this one. I think it's old-fashioned.莱特也喜欢这个。我认为它过时了。All
BestHarmless.可以用。All the bestThis works
too.这个也可以。Best WishesSeems too much like a greeting card but
it's not bad.看起来特别像贺卡,但是还不赖。BestsI know people who like this but
I find it fussy. Why do you need the extra
"s"?我知道有人喜欢,但是我觉得它很繁琐。为什么你需要多余的“s”?Best RegardsMore formal than
the ubiquitous "Best". I use this when I want a note of
formality.比最普遍的“Best”更正式。当我想要正式的写结尾时我会用这个。RegardsFine, anodyne,
helpfully brief. I use this.不错,稳重,简短。我用这个。RgdsI used to use this
but stopped, because it's trying too hard to be abbreviated. Why not type three
more letters? OK if you're sending it from your
phone.我过去常用这个但是现在没用了,缩写太过了点。为什么不多写几个字母?如果是用手机发邮件的话,这个OK 。Warm
RegardsI like this for a personal email to someone you don't know very well,
or a business email that is meant as a
thank-you.我喜欢在给不是很了解的人发私人邮件时用这个,或在商业邮件里表达谢意。Warmest RegardsAs
good as Warm Regards, with a touch of added heat.跟Warm
Regards一样好,且更增添了一丝温暖。WarmestI use this often for personal emails,
especially if I'm close to someone but not in regular
touch.私人邮件中我常常用这个,尤其是当我跟某人比较熟但又不常联系时。WarmlyThis is a nice riff
on the "warm" theme that can safely be used among colleagues.这是一个关于 “warm”
主题很好的结尾,在同事之间使用很安全。Take careIn the right instances, especially for
personal emails, this works.在适合的情况下,尤其是私人邮件,这个很有用。ThanksLett
says this is a no-no. "This is not a closing. It's a thank-you," she insists. I
disagree. Forbes Leadership editor Fred Allen uses it regularly and I think it's
an appropriate, warm thing to say. I use it
so muchI also like this and use it, especially when someone—a colleague, a
source, someone with whom I have a business relationship—has put time and effort
into a task or
rubs me the wrong way because I used to have a boss who ended every email this
way. She was usually asking me to perform a task and it made her sign-off seem
more like a stern order, with a forced note of appreciation, than a genuine
expression of gratitude. But in the right context, it can be
youMore formal than "Thanks." I use this
sometimes.比“Thanks”更正式。我有时用这个。Thank you!This doesn't have the
same grating quality as "Thanks!" The added "you" softens
it.这个不会像“Thanks”那么让人不悦!“You” 缓和了语气。Many thanksI use this a lot,
when I genuinely appreciate the effort the recipient has
undertaken.当我由衷感谢收件人所付出的努力时,我常常用这个。Thanks for your
consideration.A tad stilted with a note of servility, this can work in the
business context, though it's almost asking for a rejection. Steer clear of this
when writing a note related to seeking
predict this will gain in popularity as our emails become more like
texts.随着我们的邮件变得更像文本,我猜想这个会越来越受欢迎。Hope this helpsI like this in
an email where you are trying to help the
recipient.在试图帮助收件人的邮件中我喜欢这个。Looking forwardI use this too. I
think it's gracious and warm, and shows you are eager to meet with the
recipient.我也用这个。我认为它很亲切、暖心,并且显得你很渴望见到收件人。RushingThis works when
you really are rushing. It expresses humility and regard for the
recipient.当你赶时间时这个很有用。它表达了你的谦卑和对收件人的尊重。In hasteAlso good when
you don't have time to proofread.当你没有时间校对时用这个也蛮好。Be wellSome
people find this grating. Not appropriate for a business
email.有些人认为不太好听,在商业邮件中不合适。PeaceRetro, this sign-off wears its
politics on its sleeve. It doesn't bother me but others might
recoil.很复古,这个结尾具有政治色彩。有人可能不太适应,但我OK。Yours TrulyI don't like
this. It makes me feel like I'm ten years old and getting a note from a pen pal
in Sweden.我不喜欢这个。它让我有种我十岁从瑞典笔友那里收到一封信的感觉。YoursSame problem as
above.和上面那个问题一样。Very Truly YoursLett likes this for business
emails but I find it stilted and it has the pen pal
problem.莱特喜欢在商业邮件中用这个,但我认为不自然,还是像笔友信件。SincerelyLett also likes
this but to me, it signals that the writer is stuck in the past. Maybe OK for
some formal business correspondence, like from the lawyer handling your dead
YoursSame problem as "Sincerely," but
hokier.跟“Sincerely”问题一样,但是有些做作。Cheers!I wonder how prevalent
this is in the UK. I've only seen it from Americans who are trying for a British
affectation. I know it shouldn't grate on me but it does. I also don't like
people telling me to cheer
up。Ciao (意大利语的“你好;再见”)Pretentious for an English-speaker, though I
can see using it in a personal, playful
email.母语是英语的人用这个词显得很装,虽然在一些玩笑化的个人邮件中使用它我能理解。Your nameTerse but
just fine in many circumstances. Probably not a good idea for an initial
email.虽然简洁,但是在很多情况下都适用。可能用在最开始的邮件中用不是很好。InitialGood if you know
the recipient and even fine in a business context if it's someone with whom you
seems too informal, like over-sharing in the business
context.这个看起来太不正式,在商业邮件中就像过度分享。XOXOI've heard of this being used
in business emails but I don't think it's a good
idea.我听说过在商业邮件中使用这个,但是我认为这不是个好主意。Lots of loveI would only use
this in a personal email. The "lots of" makes it even more inappropriately
effusive than the simple, clean “Love.”我只会在私人邮件中使用这个。“Lots
of”比简洁的“Love”更显得过度热情。HugsIt's hard to imagine this in a business
email but it's great when you're writing to your
granny.很难想象在商务邮件中用这个,但是如果你是在跟你的奶奶写信,这个就非常好。Smiley faceEmoticons
are increasingly accepted, though some people find them grating. I wouldn't sign
off this way unless I were writing to my
gotten emails from colleagues with these symbols and I find they brighten my
day.我收到过同事发的邮件中使用这个符号,我觉得它们很阳光。[:-)I'm a sucker for variations
on the smiley face made with punctuation marks, though I suspect most people
don't like them.尽管我怀疑大多数人都不喜欢,但是我看到用标点符号构成的笑脸还挺高兴的。High five from
down lowA colleague shared this awful sign-off which is regularly used by a
publicist who handles tech clients. An attempt to sound cool, which
fails.一个同事分享了这个糟糕的结尾,这个结尾被处理技术客户的公关频繁使用。这个尝试听起来很酷,但是未能凑效。Take it
easy broThough it might turn some people off, I would be fine receiving an
email with this sign-off, knowing the sender lives in an informal
milieu.尽管它可能使一些人反感,但是我收到用它结尾的邮件时感觉挺好,因为我知道这个发件人在非正式的环境下生活。See you
aroundLett would cringe but this seems fine to
me.莱特可能不喜欢,但是对我来说似乎挺好。Have a wonderful bountiful lustful dayIt's
weird and off-putting.这种表达很奇怪而且会令人不快。Sent from my iPhoneThis may
be the most ubiquitous sign-off. It used to bother me but I realize that it
explains brevity and
courtesy of my iPhoneSlightly clever but it's gotten old. Better to use the
automated message.稍显聪明,但很老旧了。用自动消息会更好。Sent from a prehistoric stone
tabletI laughed the first time I read it but then the joke wore
thin.当我第一次读到时,我笑了,但是过后这个笑话就不好笑了。Pardon my monkey thumbsSame
problem here.跟上面的问题一样。Please consider the environment before
printing this e-mail.A preachy relic of the past. Who doesn't know that
printing uses paper?证明发件人过去爱说教。谁不知道用纸打印对环境的影响?vCardsI think
these are a great idea. At least they work well on my Dell desktop when I want
to load a contact into
除了几位答主提到的语气不同,还有诸位都没提到一点,英文比较正式信或者是商业信件中yours faithfully 和yours sincerely跟开头称呼是有固定搭配的。(感谢@文鹧鸪指正拼写)参看BBC的括号里的是简略翻译Beginning
and ending the letterWe
can now begin the letter but leave as much space as possible so
that the body of the letter sits tidily in the middle part of the
you know the person you are writing to very well or are on friendly
terms, begin simply with the first name, Dear Mary or Dear
Henry.(如果跟这个人很熟或者友好,用Dear+first name)If
you don't know the person you are writing to so well, but know of
him as a named individual, start with title and surname: Dear
Mr Potter or Dear Dr Baker or Dear Miss Taylor or
Dear Mrs Cook or Dear Ms Barber. If you are not sure which
of the last three titles is appropriate in any particular case,
it is probably best to stick to Ms.(如果不认识这个人,只知这人名字,用Dear+title(Mr/Dr/Miss/Mrs/Ms,不知道女性婚否,就用Ms)Finish
this type of letter with Yours sincerely. It is not necessary
to insert a comma after beginnings or endings. If you know the person
you are writing to well, it may be appropriate to insert a closing
formula, such as With very best wishes, before the ending
itself.(结尾用Yours sincerely,前后不用加逗号。如果你跟你写信的那个人很熟,直接加With very best wishes结尾)Sign
the letter with your first name, if you are on first-name terms,
or with your full name, if it needs to be a little more formal,
but without any title. Your full typewritten name and designation
(on separate lines) should appear beneath your handwritten signature.(如果给人去信开头是那人first name,你也first name落款,稍微郑重一点,就不加title全名落款。上面是手写签名,清晰打印签名放手写的下面。)
you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, begin
with Dear Sir or Dear Sir or Madam or Dear
Madam and end your letter with Yours faithfully, followed
by your full name and designation.(如果你不知道你去信的人的名字,开头用Dear Sir或者Dear Sir or Madam或者Dear Madam,结尾用Yours Faithfully,然后落款)同时可参考‘Yours faithfully’ or ‘Yours sincerely’ in a business letter?
When the recipient’s name is unknown to you:Dear Sir … Yours faithfullyDear Madam … Yours faithfullyDear Sir or Madam … Yours faithfullyWhen you know the recipient’s name:Dear Mr Hanson … Yours sincerelyDear Mrs Hanson … Yours sincerelyDear Miss Hanson … Yours sincerelyDear Ms Hanson … Yours sincerelyWhen addressing a good friend or colleague:Dear Jack … Best wishes/Best regardsAddressing whole departments:Dear Sirs … Yours faithfully
大多数的答案都有一个错误:Yours sincerelyYours faithfully Best regardsBest wishes 发现了吗 第二个单词不能大写 在我们esl(English as second language)眼中可能问题不大 , 但是在商业信件 或者求职cover letter里就可能造成不好的第一印象。
试想你收到的信件的最后 此颂近祺 总是有个错别字, 你会怎么想。参考:---------从澳洲求职的流程中涉及到的信件谈谈这几个词的用法 1 cover letter 一般是第一次和对方(中介 或者 hr)联系 , 开头是 Dear Sir / Madam, 结尾就要对应放 Yours faithfully2 接下来 可能有过电话/邮件的联系 敲定面试日期 , 开头是 Dear XXX , 结尾对应 Yours sincerely3 入职后, 澳洲的人际关系距离变近的很快,日常寒暄是不用以上正式结尾,B B Thanks and regards
随便用,cheers 也见过。当然你也可以参考发件人的结尾用语, 选个同等程度的用回去。4 最后朋友之间就随便啦 。 如果有个女神给你发邮件没有结尾语, 恭喜你她不是爱死你了 就是恨死你了。
Cheers, 更像是团队之间,大家说“加油”Sincerely, 是比较正式的场合使用,套话,真诚的,推荐信,辞职信,其他正式文书等Regards, 大致像此致敬礼的感觉Best wishes/warm wishes, 友好而亲切的慰问感觉根据收件人,文章的语气内容选择就行,大多数邮件其实thanks就可以了
你们这些熊孩子啊,要我怎么说你们才好。看到一个貌似清晰的图表就欢呼雀跃,忘记那些含辛茹苦把你们“养大”的老师了吗?出处也不问?研究方法也不用看?---------------------------------------------我是吐槽的分割线------------------------------------------------那个表格最早是在人人看到的,出处在此:作者是Liz Danzico---她的个人简介:所以这个图是怎么得出的呢?按照她的说法是--a scientific stu from a sample of emails received between Aug 2007 and Oct 2007。样本是1个人的邮箱(她自己),时间跨度是3个月,具体方法也没有讲明。这样的结论的可信度是要大打折扣的。这样是为什么比如sincerely会在表里出现三次。样本太小的缘故。至于答案,我比较认同 @Brian 的。个人见解,其实邮件的结尾只能做大概的分级,在细微程度的划分上,因人而异。
以下我只描述使用的场合,不解释具体单词意思(自己查字典嘛~)Cheers表示亲和,关系好才用Sincerely表示真诚,比如你表达xxx意愿,完了就可以用这个Regards或Best Regards或BR,表示尊敬,商务邮件里很常用Best Wishes当然了,表示祝愿还有Many thanks当然了,表示感谢基本可以依据以上,再根据具体信件里面讲什么而对应着用。也可以根据对方怎么用而对应着用,毕竟不同环境下不排除会有不同习惯。
别的不知道。就我考G类IELTS作文task1的经验英文书信结尾通常会加上"Yours faithfully" 、"Yours sincerely"或者“Best regards”.
这些词的使用区别如下:当收信人的姓名不知道时,用下例格式:Dear Sir ... Yours faithfullyDear Madam ... Yours faithfullyDear Sir or Madam ... Yours faithfullyDear Sirs ... Yours faithfully (收信人是一个部门或整体)当已知道收信人的姓名,(但比较正式,不是显得太熟)用下例格式:Dear Mr Hanson ... Yours sincerelyDear Mrs Hanson ... Yours sincerelyDear Miss Hanson ... Yours sincerely收信人是好朋友或同事或邻居,关系比较亲密,使用下例格式:Dear Jack ... Best wishes/Best regards


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