are you in sleep?talk to talk withh me? do you have time? i am so boring!

Shares 69The Mrs. and I went apartment shopping this weekend (more to come on that later), and this place we checked out reminded me of an old-school hotel.
It was billed as a “luxury” apartment building and just walking through the lobby and seeing the concierge and gym & pool, etc got me soooo excited! It really was like a hotel :)
Had coffee downstairs and everything.Then yesterday at work I started wondering if you COULD actually live out of a hotel? Can you imagine all the perks that it would come with?
I think I could really see myself doing it!! Check it out:Pros to living in a hotelA fancy & clean room! Or rooms if you get one of those corporate suite type things.
folks actually hooked me up with one during our blogging trip out there the other month and it was PERFECT to live out of!
Was really like a mini house.Free continental breakfast! Which would be more than the zero breakfast I)Unlimited coffee!!!
That should save a few hundred dollars a month, haha…Maid service! Never have to make your bed again!
Or do buy toilet paper or soap or shampoo or towels or sheets, etc.Gyms, pools, media rooms! And a host of other exciting things.No electric bills! Or water bills! Or cable bills!Reward points! From both the hotel itself, but also for using your credit card to pay the bill every month!
Which brings us to the next perk:You can pay your “rent” with credit card!! Exactly what I was hoping for in last Friday’)Concierge service. To help watch for packages and hook you up with any tips or tricks you may need throughout your “visit.”
I’d imagine you’d get in good with the entire staf)YOU CAN SAY YOU LIVE IN A HOTEL!!!
And I’m pretty sure chicks dig that.
Same with rock stars and celebrities.
Ooooh that reminds me of another one!You will meet all sorts of new people. Imagine all the different folks coming through that hotel every day?
Tourists, politicians, hot shots, celebrities, etc etc.You could crash tons of weddings/bar mitzvahs :) Or any other hotel parties that occur every single weekend of every single year!
See, cuz you’d be “in” with the staff so you could always have a heads up of what’s going on. Haha…Of course, a lot of those “free” perks up there really aren’t free since they’re all factored into your daily rate and what not (except for the parties – that’s worked out all on your own, pimp) but when you put it all together it sure does come out exciting. And if you REALLY think about how much we spend on our own home on a regular basis, I bet it comes close to evening out.
Check it:We spend roughly $2200
every month, + $300 or so on utilities (including cable & internet), then another $125 in homeowner association fees, + random ass repairs (we’ll call that $200 a month on average) + furniture to fill the house, and on and on and on.So conservatively, we spend about $2800 to live out of this damn house (!!!!).
Divide that by 30 and we’re basically spending $93.00 every SINGLE day to sleep here.
That’s insane. And in case you haven’t guessed yet, we could rent a hotel room for the same cost, if not less!Actually, I bet you can very well sort out some long-term rates with certain hotels to REALLY knock down your payments.
Plus w/ all the reward points you’d get from both the hotel AND by putting it on your credit card, you’ll be saving even more every single month.
See how easy it is for me to be convinced?! :)Cons to living out of a hotelYou don’t own it at the end. Which is only a con if you currently “own” your home like we do.
You can scratch this if you’re renting!You get less space. Unless you’re moving from a 1 bedroom condo or studio, chances are your hotel room will be tinier. With the exception of those corporate suites I was talkin’ about.It’s kinda of impersonal. Cuz you won’t have your own furniture and tons of belongings with you (although you can certainly bring a lot in to make it your own).You can’t have pets. Usually.No kitchen. Which means a lot more eating out.Can’t do laundry. Unless the hotel provides it and you wanna dish out the exorbitant rates!
But then again, not all apartments have washers and dryers anyways in the units…You never know who your neighbor will be. And they’ll constantly be changing.
Or possibly blaring loud music or even worse: Making loud “noises” at night w/ each other!
or prostitutes, who knows.People will think you’re strange.
I won’t, but your family will :)Boy, there’s a lot to consider when you really start thinking about this!
I literally thought this post would take me like 5 minutes, haha…
But when you’ve got something in your head you gotta get it out and make sure you con)
Can’t go around making rash decisions all the time, now can ya? But I gotta admit.
Even after seeing all those cons up there I STILL think I’d wanna give it a shot!
For like one solid year.
I honestly think I would be happy!!!
And at the very least come out with a fun experience.Unfortunately though I think it’s much easier to pull off when you’re single. I don’t dare imagine wht the wife would say if I seriousl) But mark my words, I WILL find a way to do this one day!
Even if that means hitting the lottery and going back and forth between my hotel and my home forever! Haha… this idea is hot, I’m telling you.What do you all think?
Would you ever give it a shot?
If you do you HAVE TO promise to tell me so I can live vicariously through you for the time being :)
Or I might just go , haha… so many things I want to try!UPDATE: ——— (Original photo by . Edited by J$)
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By Dr. Neill Neill
Most of us have found ourselves at some point in life flying solo. The first time is usually after you have left your family of origin and are out in the world working or studying. You have your coworkers and friends around you and you are busy creating a life for yourself in society. You are alone, but not particularly lonely.
Then you meet someone… and a love interest/relationship develops. You bond. You become a couple and you marry, whether formally or not. You do everything together and you are mutually supportive. You are no longer alone and you certainly are not lonely.
But then something often happens. It may be that he shifts his focus away from you and back to his career. It may be that
and unconsciously direct all your focus to your child. It may be that he uses alcohol to medicate some personal pain, and while physically present, is emotionally absent.
Life can sneak up on you, and then one day one of you realizes you feel the loneliest you have ever felt. Who among us, except the very young, has not been in that dark place at some time or other?
This leads to the question, is it possible to live your lives in such a way that you can avoid loneliness in a marriage relationship?
The answer lies in something you learned back in the days when you were flying solo in your career and were among friends. You were alone, but not lonely. At that time you were developing your identity–who you were, what you were good at, what you liked and disliked, where you were going in life.
What you may have allowed in the passion of a new marriage is the partial merging of your two identities. Mutual support and interdependence may have slipped into codependency. Then when the bumps and turns of life came along, you didn’t know who you were anymore.
If you’re entering a marriage relationship, whether your first or a remarriage, it is important that both of you do so with a strong sense of personal identity and an intention to maintain that identity. Maintain your identity separate from your partner’s. Maintain a network of friends. Maintain your career if possible. Maintain your interests and passions. Keep on
at the feeling level as well as the thinking level. Share experiences and talk about them. Frequently review together your expectations of yourselves and each other.
Marriage can be a wonderful partnership, but if you approach it as a solution to all your problems, you may find yourself in the loneliest place on earth.
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Dr. Neill Neill retired his psychology practice at the end of 2013. He maintains an active coaching practice via telephone or Skype with select clients dealing with alcoholic husbands or ex-husbands. Check out his book, Living with a Functioning Alcoholic: A Woman's Survival Guide.
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No, you are not ‘running late’, you are rude and selfish
This post may offend some readers. But only because it’s going to cut close to the bone for many.
And I don’t care if I sound old-fashioned, because actually it’s nothing to do with ‘fashion’ or ‘generation’. It’s got everything to do with basic good manners and respect for other people.
So here goes… How did it get to be “OK” for people to be late for everything?
Because as far as I am concerned, it’s not OK.
In recent years it seems that a meeting set to start at 9 am, for some people means in the general vicinity of any time which starts with the numeral ‘9’. Like 9.30 for example.
People drift in at 9.10 or 9.20, or even later. And they smile warmly at the waiting group, as they unwrap their bacon sandwich, apparently totally unconcerned that others have been there since five to nine, prepared and ready to start.
10 people kept waiting in a meeting for 20 minutes, while some selfish pratt who idles his way via the coffee shop, is actually 20 minutes times 10, which is 200 minutes wasted – while you keep us waiting because you did not catch the earlier bus. That is over 3 hours wasted. By you! How much has that cost the business? Shall I send you an invoice?
And an arrangement to meet someone for a business meeting at a coffee shop at 3 pm, more often than not means at 3.10 you get a text saying ‘I am five minutes away’ which inevitably means 10 minutes, and so you wait for 15 or 20 minutes, kicking your heels in frustration.
And often these ‘latecomers’ are people who have requested the meeting in the first place, are asking for your help, or are selling something. Fat chance mate!
And it’s not only business.
Why do people, invited for a dinner party at 7.30, think its cool to arrive at 8.30? It’s rude. It’s inconsiderate. And it’s selfish, as I witnessed in a coffee shop near my home one weekend. Three “ladies who lunch” (a species not confined to, but heavily represented on, the lower North Shore of Sydney) were chatting loudly at the table next to me. One inquired what time the ‘drinks do’ was that night. The reply for all the world to hear was ‘Oh 7.30, but we won’t get there till 9 because by then it will have warmed up and all the interesting people will have arrived’. Nice. Imagine if everyone took that view. Cocktail parties would start at 3 am eventually.
Or a dinner at a restaurant where I was meeting two other couples. My wife was away, so I was flying solo. I arrived at two minutes to eight for an eight o’clock booking. At 8.20, I was into my second glass of Pinot and at half-past I got a text saying ‘on the way’. We finally were all seated at 8.45. There were not even attempted excuses from either of the two couples, who seemed oblivious to the fact I might actually have got there at the agreed time. Meanwhile I had put a huge dent in the bottle of Pinot, and was ready to go home.
And it is not that we lead ‘busy lives’. That’s a given, we all do, and it’s a cop out to use that as an excuse. It’s simply that some people no longer even pretend that they think your time is as important as theirs. And technology makes it worse. It seems texting or emailing that you are late somehow means you are no longer late.
You are rude. And inconsiderate.
And I act on it to. My dentist kept me waiting 50 minutes not long ago. She has done it for years and years. But enough! I walked out, past a literally open-mouthed receptionist who had never seen a patient act on their frustration, only to get a frantic call from the dentist herself as I got into my car.
Sure she was “busy”, another patient took longer than she expected, blah blah.
But hold on, I am busy too! I would not keep her waiting 45 minutes if she came to see me as a candidate. And yet I am HER customer. I told her I have been coming to you for 15 years but don’t take me for granted. See fewer patients in a day if you have to, but see me on time or close to it. She has never kept me waiting again.
Me? Am I ever late? Sure, sometimes. That’s inevitable even with the best intentions. But I never plan to be late. I never ‘let time slide’ because my stuff is more important than yours.
I am not talking about the odd occasion of lateness. I am talking about people who are routinely late. In fact, never on time. You know who I am talking about!
And certainly I consider serial lateness a character flaw which I take into account when working out who to promote, who to hire and who to count amongst my real friends.
It’s that important.
Hi Greg, I can’t agree more! I’m a stickler for time myself cos I believe it’s just simple, plain, basic manners. Serial latecomers have utterly no respect for other people’s time. I have many friends like that… and gradually I write them off. The same etiquette should apply in all settings.. work and social. It’s really sad that some people can be shamelessly late for appointments and yet be totally unapologetic about it..!
Greg Savage
Greg is the founder of leading recruitment companies Firebrand Talent Search, People2People and Recruitment Solutions. He is an established global leader of the recruitment industry and a regular keynote speaker worldwide. Greg provides specialised advice for Recruitment, Professional Services & Social Media companies.
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There is nothing permanent except change
- Heraclitus
50 Fun Things To Do This Summer!By Jillian Bietz
During the summer it is so easy to say, "I have nothing to do!" No more excuses-here is a list of 50 fun things to do the next time you are bored!1. Gather up a few friends, and have a picnic in your back yard.
2. Go on a walk and take pictures of trees, flowers, dogs, etc.
3. Buy some fashion magazines, pick out a couple of really cute outfits, and try to recreate them for less!
4. Bead some bracelets and sell them for charity.
5. Volunteer at the local animal or homeless shelter.
6. Clean your room!
7. Bake some cupcakes and deliver them to friends and family.
8. Play some childhood games like "Sorry", "Candyland", or "Pretty Pretty Princess".
9. Take your dog for a walk.
10. E-mail a friend you haven't spoken to in awhile.
11. Do 25 jumping jacks!
12. Look through old family scrapbooks, photo books, and yearbooks.
13. Make a root beer float.
14. Go to the movies with your siblings.
15. Go window-shopping with a friend.
16. Write a poem.
17. Make fresh, homemade fruit juice.
18. Give your dog a bath.
19. Make dinner for your family.
20. Baby-sit for a neighbor. 21. Have a sleepover party and watch scary movies.
22. Plan a vacation you want to take next summer.
23. Plant flowers in your yard.
24. Sign up for a class.
25. Have a bubble bath.
26. Make a mixed CD of your favorite songs and title it "The soundtrack of my life".
27. Order a pizza.
28. Splash around in a plastic kiddy pool.
29. Buy some crayons and a coloring book.
30. Read a book based on a movie you have seen.
31. Make a scrapbook of your baby pictures.
32. Get a job or an internship.
33. Start a diary and write in it everyday.
34. Spend the day at the library.
35. Draw a self-portrait.
36. Make a collage out of old magazines.
37. Run around in the sprinklers.
38. Go to a museum.
39. Go out for lunch with one of your parents.
40. Jump in the pool with your clothes on.
41. Eat last night's leftovers for breakfast.
42. Learn to sew or knit.
43. Invite friends over and have a tea party.
44. Swing on the swings at the park.
45. Tie-Dye a t-shirt or bed sheets with Kool-Aid!
46. Make a smoothie.
47. Learn how to define and spell 5 new words from the dictionary.
48. Make popsicles in your freezer.
49. Put on the radio and dance.
50. Go camping in your backyard!
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More teen fun things to do lists
Teens - We hope you enjoy these fun summer activities!
Be sure to check out the comments below for more fun things to do this summer and share your ideas for summer activities teens would like.
Jillian Bietz Jillian is studying fashion journalism. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, creative writing, acting and cooking.
Teens more fun things to do:
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