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Voa The ceasefire in Syria continues to fray. And in Burma, a call for the government to stand up and end violence. I’m Marti Johnson reporting from Washington. 在叙利亚停火但继续恐吓。在缅甸,呼吁政府要站起来,和结束暴力。我约翰逊来自华盛顿的报道。A fragile ceasefire between Syrian forces and rebels showed continued signs of fraying today after a car bombing in front of a church in the eastern city of Deir Ezzor. The state-run SANA news agency blamed armed terrorist groups for the blast which it said caused extensive damage to the church. The human rights observers said children were among the victims. Edward Yeranian reports for VOA from Cairo.The opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says children were among those wounded when the booby-trapped car exploded outside a mosque damaging nearby buildings. State television reported dozens of casualties and blamed the bombings on terrorists - the government’s term for the armed opposition fighting to unseat the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Friday marked the first day of a four-day ceasefire between government forces and rebels observing the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. Despite the ceasefire, scattered violence has been reported in several areas of the country. Edward Yeranian for VOA News, Cairo.A deadly wave of attacks has hit Iraq as Muslims marked the second day of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha there. Officials say at least 15 people were killed in a series of explosions and shootings, many of them Shi’ite pilgrims marking the holiday. The violence includes a bombing in north of Baghdad that killed at least five Shi’ite pilgrims in a minibus going to the mosque. Investigators say another explosion happened at a popular open-air market near the capital that killed at least five people, including several children. Human rights groups are urging Burma to protect thousands of Muslims in the country’s west after satellite images showed once-thriving communities reduced to ashes. The Burmese government said a week of sectarian fighting between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine state killed at least 64 people and burned nearly 3,000 houses. New York-based Human Rights Watch said it fears the death toll is far higher because of the accounts of witnesses fleeing the fighting, which it says that the fighting targeted Muslims.
A suicide bomber striking a mosque in northern Afghanistan, killed at least 40 people. Authorities say the bomber struck the mosque in Maymana, the capital of Faryab province, at the start of the festival of Eid al-Adha. The local officials say the young bomber was targeting a regional police official who was inside the mosque for prayers. The official reportedly survived, but killed were 20 security personnel, numerous civilians and at least five children.The head of the Philippine’s largest Muslim rebel group is looking ahead to challenges in the remaining rounds of talks to hammer out final peace agreement with the government. Both sides are hopeful that this latest agreement will put an end to four decades of fighting that have killed more than 120,000 people. Simone Orendain reports.Under the hot sun in the sprawling rebel headquarters of Camp Darapanan, the chairman of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front Murad Ebrahim called the signed document the best political solution crafted by any Muslim group in Mindanao. But he noted it is only a first step. “This task ahead is bigger and more complex and complicated.” The preliminary agreement sets guidelines for creating a region in the western half of Mindanao called Bangsamoro. The region will have power to set up its own parliamentary government, levy taxes and generate revenue, among other tasks. The Philippines government would oversee areas such as national security, foreign relations and monetary policy. Simone Orendain for VOA News, Manila.And some U.S. presidential campaign events are being canceled in advance of what was a hurricane, but it is now a tropical storm Sandy. Challenger Mitt Romney and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden have both canceled the appearances in the state of Virginia, as the storm moves closer to the U.S. eastern coast. Mr. Obama used his presidential address meantime today to talk about the victories of his first administration. “The controversy started with a letter said…” Oh, that’s not him, is it? Here we go. Ah, I don't believe we have him. President Barack Obama becomes the first U.S. president this week, as he casts his ballot early in the presidential election voting at his Chicago polling place. Meanwhile, Mr. Romney has called for bold changes to fix the nation’s economy in what his aides have described as his closing argument.
The U.S. National Hurricane Centre has downgraded hurricane Sandy to a tropical storm. In spite of that, the storm is expected to pass Delaware for the eastern coastline of the United States with sustained winds decreasing to about 110 miles an hour. But forecasters say they will be expected to pick up as the storm combines with other storm systems blowing in from the north and west. CRI One Chinese killed, over 100 detained for gold mining in Ghana A 16-year-old Chinese national has been killed and more than a hundred others detained by Ghanaian police for suspected illegal gold mining.Chinese Embassy in Accra has confirmed Ghanaian police launched the investigation into the illegal activities of foreigners, in the Ashanti gold mining region, late last week. Investigations have led to the arrest of a hundred Chinese nationals. A 16-year-old boy was shot dead when he tried to escape from police. The Chinese Embassy has demanded thorough investigation into the shooting and compensation for the family of the victim. Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk Dies in Beijing The Former King of Cambodia Noro-dom Si-hanouk died at the age of 90 early this Monday morning in Beijing.Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Nhik Bun Chhay confirmed the news Si-hanouk died of natural causes.He said King Norodom Si-hamoni will fly to Beijing later to take the late King's body back to Cambodia for a traditional funeral.Sihanouk suffered from various forms of cancer, diabetes and hypertension and had been receiving medical treatment in Beijing for years.He abdicated in 2004 due to ill-health and his son Norodom Sihamoni was crowned king that year. Turkey bars Syrian civilian flights: FM Turkey has banned all Syrian planes from its air space, days after intercepting a Syrian airliner alledged to be carrying Russian-made munitions for the Syrian army.Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davu-toglu said the decision had been taken because Syrian authorities had mis-used the passenger flights:Turkey's decision comes in response to the ban issued by Syria's government, prohibiting Turkish civilian flights to pass over its territories.
Last week, Turkey forced a Syrian plane to land and confiscated what it said was military equipment on board.Syria denounced Turkey's move as air piracy. Montenegro's parliamentary vote underway Parliamentary elections are underway in Montenegro. An exit poll is showing the ruling coalition, headed by a former Prime Minister Milo Du-kanovic, is leading in the parliamentary vote.Du-kanovic's Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro gained 45 percent of the votes.The Opposition Democratic Front won nearly 24-percent.Sunday's vote comes as the South-Eastern European nation seeks membership in the European Union, and battles an economic downturn.This exit poll needs will be confirmed this Monday when the official result is released. China launches civilian technology satellites China has launched two civilian satellites into space from the Taiyuan Launch Center in Shanxi.The Practice-9 A and B are the first in a series of civilian satellites designed for technological experimentation.The satellites are to be used to experiment with domestically developed components, satellite formations and inter-satellite measurement. China's ZTE forecasts huge quarterly losses Chinese telecom giant ZTE Corporation says it is expecting huge net losses in the third quarter due to falling revenues and profit margins.The company forecast 1.9 billion to 2-billion yuan of net losses in the third quarter of this year. ZTE says the fall is due to delayed progress of international projects, low gross profit margins of contracts in Europe, as well as Asia reduced revenues.The company says results were also affected by the Iranian market where the U.S is investigating the company over business with Iran.
112th China Import and Export Fair sets to start The 112th China Import and Export Fair will kick off later today in Guangzhou, the capital of South China's Guangdong province. Delegations from 13 countries and regions have signed up for the fair, including new exhibitors from Brazil and Thailand.This year's fair will focus on attracting products in environmental protection and high-tech fields. Austrian skydiver makes historic supersonic free fall from "edge of space" Austrian skydiver Felix Baum-gartner has set a new record for the highest ever sky-dive after free falling 38,400 meters, from a capusule above the American state of New Mexico. The 43-year-old former military parachutist also becomes the first skydiver to break the sound barrier. It took just under 10-minutes for Baumgartner to reach the desert surface below.The previous record was set by Joe Kittinger in 1960, after he jumped more than 31-thousand meters. 美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马电台演讲 Weekly Address: Protecting the American People with New Wall Street Reforms WASHINGTON, DC— In this week’s address, President Obama highlighted the work of the new independent consumer watchdog he fought to create, which stands up for consumers and protects Americans from mistakes made by the companies who determine your credit scores.
Republicans in Congress have tried to roll back consumer protections that help prevent big banks from creating another financial crisis, but the President refuses to let that happen and will continue to fight for working Americans as we move this country forward.
Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address The White House
October 27, 2012
Hi, everybody.
It’s now been four years since a crisis that began on Wall Street spread to Main Street, hammering middle-class families and ultimately costing our economy 9 million jobs.
Since then, we’ve fought our way back.
Our businesses have added more than 5 million new jobs.
The unemployment rate has fallen to the lowest level since I took office.
Home values are rising again.
And our assembly lines are humming once more.
And to make sure America never goes through a crisis like that again, we passed tough new Wall Street reform to end taxpayer-funded bailouts for good.
Wall Street reform also created the first-ever independent consumer watchdog, whose sole job is to look out for you. That means making sure you’ve got all the information you need to make important financial decisions like buying a home or paying for college.
And it means going after anyone who tries to take advantage of you, or rip you off. Starting this month, that includes the folks who come up with your credit score. If you haven’t checked out your credit score recently, you should.
It can have a major impact on your life.
It can determine whether or not you qualify for a loan or what kind of interest you have to pay.
It can even affect your chances at renting an apartment or getting a job. But here’s the thing: the companies that put your credit score together can make mistakes.
They may think you had a loan or a credit card that was never yours.
They may think you were late making payments when you were on time.
And when they mess up, you’re the one who suffers.
Until this week, if you had a complaint, you took it to the company.
Sometimes they listened.
Sometimes they didn’t.
But that was pretty much it.
They were your only real hope.
Not anymore.
If you have a complaint about your credit score that hasn’t been properly addressed, you can go to consumerfinance.gov/complaint and let the consumer watchdog know.
Not only will they bring your complaint directly to the company in question, they’ll give you a tracking number, so you can check back and see exactly what’s being done on your behalf.
And fixing your credit score isn’t the only thing they can help with.
If you’re opening a bank account, trying to get a student loan, or applying for a credit card and something doesn’t seem right, you can let them know and they’ll check it out.
If you’re looking to buy a home, and you want to know if you’re getting a fair deal on your mortgage, you can give them a call and they’ll get you an answer.
Their only mission is to fight for you.
And when needed, they’ll take action.
For example, alongside other regulators, they recently ordered three big credit card companies to return more than $400 million to folks who were deceived or misled into buying things they didn’t want or didn’t understand. That’s what Wall Street reform is all about – looking out for working families and making sure that everyone is playing by the same rules.
Unfortunately, that hasn’t been enough to stop Republicans in Congress from fighting these reforms.
Backed by an army of financial industry lobbyists, they’ve been waging an all-out battle to delay, defund and dismantle these new rules.
I refuse to let that happen.
I believe that the free market is one of the greatest forces for progress in human history, and that the true engine of job creation in this country is the private sector, not the government.
But I also believe that the free market has never been about taking whatever you want, however you can get it.
Alongside our innovative spirit, America only prospers when we meet certain obligations to one another, and when we all play by the same set of rules. We’ve come too far – and sacrificed too much – to go back to an era of top-down, on-your-own economics.
And as long as I’m President, we’re going to keep moving this country forward so that everyone – whether you start a business or punch a clock – can have confidence that if you work hard, you can get ahead.
Thanks and have a great weekend.
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或有两篇英语作文要交啊,请大家帮帮忙翻译下,重谢!作业一:请按照下述要求写一封邀请信。发信人:Martin收信人:Jacky内容:1. 邀请Jacky来家里参加自已和Mary的婚礼。2. 只准备邀请一些老同学,希望Jacky能携带妻子参加。3. 时间定在下周日,6月29日上午11点。4. 知道他们很忙,但希望他们能设法来参加,并热切盼望其的到来。写信时间: 日 作业二:假设你是公司职员刘斌,给经理Mr. John写一张请假条。时间:日,星期四1.
作业一:请按照下述要求写一封邀请信。【Homework: please according to the following requirements: write an invitation letter.】Sender: MartinTo: JackyContent:1 invited Jacky to participate in their own ...
invited Jackyto participate in their own home Mary wedding.
ready to invite some old
classmates, hope Jacky can carry a wife to. The
time on Sunday, June 29th at 11 a.m..
know the...
Job one: Please write an invitation in accordance with the following requirements.
Sender: Martin
Recipients: Jacky
1 Jacky invited to participate in their own ho...
music is part of my life. when i
was a child, i
sang a lot of songs,just because it made me happy .But now, i think music likes mirror of my heart . i always choose musics to express my feelings. Also it can be a medicine to my thought, when i am upset, by chance i heard a song that encourage me to be strong .
SO , i like to join tne music club to get shoulder with different people , exchanging our experience of our friend--music.
fixyou are pig
1.我想参加音乐俱乐部 i want to take part in the music club. 2.你的朋友想参加象棋俱乐部吗 does your friend want to join the chess club? 3.这个小女孩钢琴弹得很好 the little girl plays the piano well. 4.我们英语讲得都很好 we all speak english very well. 5.她经常帮助我学数学 she often helps me with my maths. 6.这个老师与他的同学们相处的很好 the teacher gets along with his students well. 7.我想学习有关于艺术方面的知识 i want to learn something about arts. 8.他会说英语吗?仅会一点点 can he speak english? only a little. 9.迈克经常用钢琴弹奏英文歌曲 mike often play some english songs with the piano. 10.咱们把这张桌子涂成白色吧 let&s paint the table white. 11.你能用英语说话吗 can you speak in english? 12.这个小男孩唱歌唱的不好 the little boy can&t sing well. 13.学校音乐会招收音乐人 musicians are wanted in the school music club. 14.我们摇滚乐队需要两位优秀的音乐人 our rock band needs 2 good musicians.
I am glad to hear that there is an music cilb in our school.
As a music lover, I am eager to enter the club.
Singing is one of my advantages.Besides,I am good at dancing and painting.So, it is easy for me to help the club with advertisement.Not only can I help painting posters ,but I can perform on stage!I am sure I can help the club a lot.
Hoping you will permit my application.
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号


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