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急急急---求一篇 英语短文 的翻译
拜托了. Only three people said they were learning to make computer programmes and nobody looked up databases(数据库).】The usual time spent on a computer in a week was about twelve hours【A recent survey shows something of home computers used by a group of young people. Fourteen children told us they did some word processing(文字处理)at times. 【None of them used computers for any other use, though computers are common in the homes of young people.】We asked thirty young people between fourteen and eighteen, and the lowest user only five hours. 【They also show quite clearly that computers are seen
by most young people as a little more than game machines.All the children said they usually used computers to play games. 】The only other great uses are for word-processing and keeping address lists, they have not yet become useful in everyday life. 请标准翻译【】里的4个句子的意思. Only two of them said computers helped with their lessons, and eight people told us they kept addresses and phone numbers on their computers or used them as diaries. 】The results show that computer use is quite high among 14 -18 years old. It seems to us that
. We asked them how much time they usually spent on their computers in a computer in a week 【but we were most interested in what they used their computers for, with the highest user about thirty-two hours
】调查结果还相当清楚显示电脑在大多数年轻人眼里只不过比游戏机功能多一点点。【None of them used computers for any other use.】但是我们以前最感兴趣的是对他们用电脑做什么。【They also show quite clearly that computers are seen
by most young people as a little more than game machines. 】他们中没有人用电脑做其他用途【A recent survey shows something of home computers used by a group of young people。【but we were most interested in what they used their computers for.】最近的一项调查显示出年轻人使用家用电脑的情况
最后一个句子详解,“只不过”是more than 的意思吧。“多一点点”好像是a little more 的意思吧?如果是这样,more的意思就翻译重复了。请详细解释a little more than到底是什么意思?我知道more than 修饰名词,翻译为“不只是,不仅仅是”,little more than的意思我也知道“仅仅是,与---一样,差不多”a little more than什么意思呢?
出门在外也不愁求英文翻译比较好的帮忙翻译下面的短文,急!  “天目湖”沙锅鱼头 :天目湖"砂锅鱼头"始创于江苏省天目湖宾馆,经江苏省特级名厨朱顺才近三十年的精心烹制,现已被誉为江苏最佳传统名菜,成为中国美食天地的一枝奇葩.烹制天目湖砂锅鱼头,选用天目湖水体中天然生养的大花鲢鱼头作原料,纯天然天目湖水为汤基,加上特有的烹调工艺加工而成,由于山青水秀的天目湖不仅周围山体绿色植被过滤了湖水,而且湖底为沙质而非淤泥,这一独特的自然环境造就了天目湖水清澈甘甜,纤尘不染,故其中生长的鱼类也绝没有土腥味.因而,"天目湖"砂锅鱼头以其成品 "鲜而不腥 ,肥而不腻"的优良品质倍受广大美食爱好者的赞誉.
Fish in Casserole from Tianmu LakeInitiated at a hotel in Tianmu lake in Jiangsu Province and following approximate 30 years of well cooking by Mr Zhu Shuncai,one of the best chefs in Jiangsu Province,Fish in Casserole from Tianmu Lake enjoys its fame for one of Jiangsu's traditionally best dishes and has created a miraculous world of delicious food in China.In cooking of Fish in Casserole from Tianmu Lake,selection is to be made of head of a big spotted silver carp as raw material which is fed nataurally in Tianu lake,purely natural water in Tianmu lake as basic soup and combination is to be made of unique cooking process.Owning to green hills and clean water in Tianmu lake,lake water is filtered by surrounding green plants on the hills and the bottom of the lake is composed of sand other than mud.This unique natural landscape contributes to spotlessly clean and sweet water in Tianmu lake where fishes are absolutely free of earthy flavour.Therefore,Fish in Casserole from Tianmu Lake is especially popular with a large number of food lovers for quality products characterized by freshness with no fishy flavor as well as fat without greasiness.
"Lake" casserole head: Lake "casserole" Lake Hotel was founded in Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province, Shun-grade chef was nearly three decades of well-cooked, has been hailed as the best traditional n...
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求高手翻译 一篇文章 成英文版。。急!!人工翻译 翻得好 加悬赏
我应该珍惜 好朋友,她总会说 你怎么了,说。
再也没有人 在意我。明明是特意为我做的。他们看着我等我的答复。
她的爸爸是残疾人。 我问他问什么,其实我心里不是那么想的。
我勇敢的去向x道歉,不是因为我提醒他们,我止不住想 为什么我要那么想,他说。
她也总是会留意到我,x就在我的身后。我心中倒是很敬佩x的坦然和孝顺。 开始我还没有反应过来,同学们就在被会笑话x,她就说 不好看,了解了x ,他爸爸的身体有问题。
我很喜欢她。我又去了很多次,她总是很细心,朋友问他 好看吗,每天中午又孤单地坐在了 食堂。可是很多同学因为他的直言不讳而排挤他。x 在一次吃午饭的时候。
渐渐的我慢慢开始。她带着我认识了他的朋友,有一次朋友买了一件新衣服,应该变得勇敢,每天每天 我说我想念他的曲奇饼,一半全部涂黑,她听见了我的答覆。那时我感到心中一片温暖。那群朋友的吵闹声在脑中慢慢远去,我好傻,但随后就低声答应了。没有人会去在意这个事情,x的脑子有问题,他的父亲幽默有趣,放下盘子就走了,还要推辞是她的妈妈 也爱吃,显得很是冷酷的样子,我的不同。
真正的朋友在意我的小细节,我都我行我素,泛起的涟漪还一直荡漾。第一次去 她面有难色,笑着说道 一起吃饭好吗,我一直一直是不同的,x 还是原谅了我
直到现在我也无法忘却 伤害别人的心痛。。心中却说 x都很辛苦地照顾父亲
Her dad has a good sense of humor. I said, and we would eat lunch together, and ripples as wrong, she said it does not look good. One time a friend of her bought a new cloth that looked weird, and not to merely agree with the others, and become a braver person, and she would get laughed at by the classmates because her dad has problems, X finally forgave me, that they truly cares about me.
I know that she made it just for me, therefore I had my first friends since beginning school. At mean what I said. But many students excluded her because of her bluntness, and is very kind, I said I realized that true friends would care about my little habits. I said that I missed her cookies, even though she made them for me. She is very observing and could notice my likings.I liked her alot, she would make it for me everyday afterschool then bring it to school the next day, and had a lot to say to her, but knew in my heart that she works hard to take care of her dad, X was right behind me when I nodded my head in agreement, she left one side of the picture empty and filled the other side black, I again sat by myself all alone, day after day. My favorite dessert is raisin cookie, I am still embarassed. She heard my answer. She was also very sensitive to my emotions, I didn&#39, X walked slowly towards me. When they looked at me for my response. I went to her many times, I say hesitation on her face. For the first time, because she never eats this kind of cookies, and my head repeatedly played back my false answer, and the gratitude to receive her forgiveness. But this time. I was impressed by her caring for her father and by her openness about it all. I said that I understand now that I should treasure those friends.I bravely went to X to apologize. Only she was able to notice my mood, I nodded my head in agreement, whenever I am sad or unhappy. The days without her dragged on, to try to understand me, I cannot forget the pain that I felt when I hurt someone else, and at lunch times, she would always ask what&#39. But much to my surprise, I went about my own way, I was really stupid, she said because my brows became wrinkled. When her friend asked her, every time I remember that day, that I was different from the others. I couldn&#39, appeared aloof and so was all by myself. Her father is disabled. But at that time. My heart was heavy like a rock thrown into the ocean. The noise of the people around me went away. Gradually I began to know her better, so she has problems, there was nobody there to notice me. I stared at she walking away from me. But no body paid attention to those things, and she left. She is a black-and-white person just like her painting, I felt a warmth in my heart. When the art teacher asks students to draw a picture to represent their personalitiesTill today. After a while. X&#39. She would always make excuses saying her mother like those cookies so she made too much. The first day of school, I was surprised. She brought me to mees personality is very straightforward, and my heart was in pain, and when she found out. During lunch on that day. I begged for her forgiveness. When I asked how come. But till this day, but then I muttered yes, smiled and asked if we could eat together, like there t stop wonderful why I had to answer that way
出门在外也不愁求大神速度翻译一篇英语短文,要准确的,百度中英文在线翻译的就算了,我用过了不准确,急Creativity is the key to a bright future. Here is how
schools and parents can help their children to develop their creativity.Drew worked for a company in 1925. At work he invented a kind of material strong enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to think more about the idea. Drew didn’t stop and finally, using his own time, made a kind of tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his company learned from its thought.Now the company asked its workers to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking about and developing new ideas.Creativity is not something one is just born with. A person with high intelligence does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using your intelligence to think of new ideas that are good for something.We know that many schools have tried to develop students’ creativity, but some teachers only want to develop students’ reading, writing and math skills, and have to give up creativity for correct answers. Children from such schools can give correct answers, but they are unable to use them to work out problems. It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age, children should learn to make decisions and understand their results . Even though it’s choosing between two kinds of food for
lunch, decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money, but not help them too much if they make the wrong decision. The child may have a hard time, but that is all right.求大神速度翻译啊,百度的就算了,翻译的太不准了.


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