急求有关对Somalia piracy(索马里海盗游戏)的看法

出门在外也不愁The UN under-secretary- general for
political affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, said Wednesday that a sustained
long-term solution to piracy off the coast of Somalia must include
an effective government and state institutions that provide basic
services and alternative ways for people to make a living.
Feltman made the statement while
briefing the UN Security Council on piracy off the coast of the
Horn of Africa country. He also introduced to the 15-nation council
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's report on piracy submitted
pursuant to that resolution.
This multi-pronged approach may be
"a daunting, but unavoidable task, for it will enable Somalia to
effectively address, and ultimately defeat, piracy," he said.
"We should not only ask what more
needs to be done to ensure that the scourge does not return, but
also what kind of support could be provided to Somalia so that the
country is able to respond to the threat of piracy," he said.
The decline in pirate attacks off
the coast of Somalia is an opportunity to review current efforts
and take a long-term perspective on how best to contain Somali
piracy including by addressing underlying conditions conducive to
breeding piracy, such as political instability and the lack of
alternative livelihoods.
"State collapse in Somalia and
other political challenges lie at the root of the problem," Feltman
said, adding this was acknowledged in relevant Security Council
resolutions, including the most recent resolution 2125, adopted in
Since the adoption of the first
Security Council resolution on the matter in June 2008, some of the
most urgent responses have revolved around the "twin axes of
deterring pirate attacks and prosecuting and sanctioning of
pirates," he said.
Coordinated efforts by member
states, organizations and the maritime industry have caused
incidents of piracy reported off the coast of Somalia to drop to
their lowest levels in recent years. Indeed, the last time a large
commercial vessel was hijacked was more than two years ago.
However, Feltman said progress is
in danger of reversing without continued deterrence from the
international naval presence and the self-protection measures
adopted by the shipping industry.
"This progress is fragile and
reversible," he said. "We still see pirates attempting to attack
vessels and capture them for ransom."
State-building and inclusive
governance efforts in Somalia must be led and owned by Somalis
themselves, he said.
Moreover, the international
community must continue to support the Somali government in its
efforts to deliver on its commitments outlined in Vision 2016 and
the Somali Compact.
Meanwhile, the UN must be involved
in helping strengthen the capacity of Somalia and other regional
countries to prosecute pirates and sanction those convicted.
"It is imperative that more nations
criminalise piracy on the basis of international law as reflected
in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea," he said,
emphasizing the need to deter the financing of piracy and the
laundering of ransom money.
It is critical that the
international community support regional efforts to implement the
2050 Africa's Integrated Maritime Strategy (2050 AIM Strategy),
adopted by the African Union and other regional players to enable
countries in the region to better address this scourge.
As it stands now, Somali pirates
continue to hold 37 seafarers, which remains a matter of serious
international concern. It is crucial that all efforts are made to
secure and promptly release all hostages. Endite
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