
刚才遇到前台发来的一个消息,一个莲花钟模块总是弹出页面,查了一下,发现这个模块是很早以前就已经审核通过了,以前没有发生过问题,看来是flash文件被人修改了。问了一下其他人,如何在不修改flash本身的情况下,禁止弹出窗口,果然是有方法,就是引用的时候设置一下allowNetWorking="none" allowScriptAccess="never"就行了。又学了一招。
1,AllowScriptAccess&参数:&sameDomain:仅当 SWF 文件和网页位于同一域中时才允许执行外出脚本访问。这是 AVM2 内容的默认值。&never:外出脚本访问将始终失败。&always:外出脚本访问将始终成功。&AllowScriptAccess 参数可以防止从一个域中承载的 SWF 文件访问来自另一个域的 HTML 页面中的脚本。&对从另一个域承载的所有 SWF 文件使用 AllowScriptAccess="never" 可以确保位于 HTML 页面中的脚本的安全性。&2,allowNetworking&参数:&"all"(默认值)― SWF 文件中允许使用所有网络 API。&"internal"― SWF 文件可能不调用浏览器导航或浏览器交互 API,但是它会调用任何其它网络 API。&"none"― SWF 文件可能不调用浏览器导航或浏览器交互 API,并且它无法使用任何 SWF 到 SWF 通信 API。&可以控制 SWF 文件对网络功能的访问。调用被禁止的 API 会引发 SecurityError 异常。&当 allowNetworking 设置为 "internal" 时,以下 API 被禁止:&navigateToURL()&fscommand()&当 allowNetworking 设置为 "none" 时,除了上面列出的那些 API 外,还会禁止以下 API:&sendToURL()&,allowFullScreen&参数:&启用全屏模式设置为"true",否则设置为"false"(默认值)&仅当在响应鼠标事件或键盘事件时才会调用启动全屏模式的 ActionScript。如果在其它情况中调用,Flash Player 会引发异常。&在全屏模式下,用户无法在文本输入字段中输入文本。所有键盘输入和键盘相关的 ActionScript 在全屏模式下均会被禁用,但将应用程序返回标准模式的键盘快捷键(例如按 Esc)除外。&当内容进入全屏模式时,程序会显示一条消息,指导用户如何退出和返回标准模式。该消息将显示几秒钟,然后淡出。&如果某个调用方与 Stage 所有者(主 SWF 文件)没有位于同一安全沙箱,则调用 Stage 对象的 displayState 属性会引发异常。&管理员可以通过在 mms.cfg 文件中设置 FullScreenDisable = 1 对浏览器中运行的 SWF 文件禁用全屏模式。&在浏览器中,必须在 HTML 页面中包含 SWF 文件,才能进入全屏模式。&在独立的播放器或放映文件中始终允许全屏模式。&实例代码:&&object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-" codebase="/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/,0,28,0" width="100%" height="100%"&&&param name="movie" value="falsh.swf" /&&&param name="quality" value="high" /&&&param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /&&&param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /&&&param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /&&&embed src="falsh.swf" width="100%" height="100%" quality="high" pluginspage="/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" allownetworking="all" allowfullscreen="true"&&/embed&&&/object&
Views(...) Comments()高频词,一定要记得哦!
vt. 允许;听凭;酌留;促使;承认,同意;给予,准许得到
They allow their children too much latitude in how they spend the pocket money.
Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed.
We must allow that he is wrong.
We all allow him to be a good athlete.
The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels.
The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms.
Please allow yourself an hour to get to the airport.
Please allow 28 days for delivery.
We wouldn't allow you to make yourself a thrall to such an evil person as James.
He won't allow himself to fail.
The rules should be so framed that they do not allow of misinterpretation.
The situations allow of no excuse.
1.make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen
This permits the water to rush in
This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement
This will permit the rain to run off
2.consent to, give permission
She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband
I won't let the police search her basement
I cannot allow you to see your exam
3.let have
grant permission
Mandela was allowed few visitors in prison
4.give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause
I will earmark this money for your research
She sets aside time for meditation every day
5.make a possibility or pro permit to be attainable or cause to remain
This leaves no room for improvement
The evidence allows only one conclusion
Allow for mistakes
leave lots of time for the trip
This procedure provides for lots of leeway
6.allow or plan for a concede the truth or validity of something
I allow for this possibility
The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash
7.afford possibility
This problem admits of no solution
This short story allows of several different interpretations
8.allow the other (baseball) team to score
give up a run
9.grant as a discount or in exchange
The camera store owner allowed me $50 on my old camera
10.allow the presence of or allow
(an activity) without opposing or prohibiting
We don't allow dogs here
Children are not permitted beyond this point
We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital
1.the educative value of allowing broadcasters into their courts
2.a policy allowing thousands of ineligible migrants to enter the country
3.a tank for allowing accumulations of gas in a liquid to blow off
4.The warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in.
5.Try watching a sad movie and allowing yourself to cry for the characters.


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