
向左下方倾斜的曲线C. 支付能力
6:( ). 价格与国民收入C. 下降D. 个人价格B.
需求是指某种物品需求量与其( )之间的整个关系A,均衡数量的( )变动A,将引起商品需求( ),从而引起需求量的变化A. 同方向C. 技术D. 就业工人的数量除以失业工人的数量
19. 向左上方平移D. 价值B. 工会把工资定在超出它们应有的价值水平上B. 一条垂线
15. 市场需求C. 超额的总需求引起价格上涨D. 总需求
13。A. 经过原点的曲线D. 商品的效用水平
2. 失业率与通货膨胀率D.
菲利浦斯曲线表明了( )之间的交替关系. 交易量是否变动
无差异曲线的形状取决于( )A. 成本B.
供给的变动是指( )不变条件下. 消费者的偏好B. 失业工人的数量除以劳动力的总量D。A. 都不是
20. 向右下方平移B. 消费者收入C. 劳动力总量除以失业工人的数量C。A.
供给的变动将引起均衡价格的反方向变动. 工资C。A. 偏好C. 上升C. 要放弃更少的Y物品C. 与横轴平行的线B. 消费者剩余D. 总效用
18. 市场价格D. 价格D. 都有可能
4:( ). 下降B.
供给量大于需求量的时候. 政府支出过多引发通货膨胀C. 市场供给D。A. 利率与国民产出
9. 商品的价格D. 没有影响C. 都不对10.
需求曲线由( )导出A.
消费者沿着同一条无差异曲线每增加一单位X物品的消费量,则预算线( ). 实际收入C. 失业D. 边际替代率递增D.
供给弹性为单位弹性时. 反方向B.
互补品价格上升. 个人价格B.
成本推动型通货膨胀包括. 与横轴垂直的线C. 名义收入B.
供给分为个人供给和( )A. 商品价格上涨而引起的销售额增加
3. 生产者剩余
17. 都有可能D. 没有什么区别B.
收入效应是指价格变化导致居民( )变化,价格会( )A. 向左下方平移C,则( )A. 是不是由商品本身价格变动所引起C. 价格是否变动D. 上升B,其他因素变动所引起的供给的变动A. 本身的价格B. 失业工人的数量除以就业工人的数量B.
消费者从商品中得到的主观享受就是( )A.
需求可分为个人需求和( )A. 市场价格C. 利润C,而收入不变.
商品X和Y的价格按相同的比率上升. 边际效用D.
边际效用曲线是一条( ).
收入政策控制的重点是( )A,供给曲线的形状是( )A. 均衡需求
16. 暂时不变D. 正双曲线
7. 效用C. 要放弃更多的Y物品B. 向左上方倾斜的曲线D.
需求变动与需求量变动最本质的区别在于( )A。A. 无差异曲线D. 物价B. 价格与产量B. 都有可能
14. 收入—消费曲线C. 向右下方倾斜的曲线B. 价格—消费曲线B1
BBCCC 第三题和第二十题不太确定 其他应该不会有错~谢谢你又让我复习一下大学时学的经济学
出门在外也不愁大学英语单项选择题 ,急急急_百度知道
大学英语单项选择题 ,急急急
D.A.paper of todayB.A?3.Mrs.soD.today newspaperD.negativeC.C.Why soon.Thank you a lot.B! How do you do.D.How are you.B. I’. How are you, theC.butC. A.in8.There’s something important in _______, &#47.hopeful9.aggressive
D.A.badD.say B.We’re glad that something _______ has come out of the situation.— Hi, Jane.Hurry up.Just so-so.onC.A.Very well. D, please don’t5.A.Each member is given a special exercise routine that is _______ for his or her needs.signC?— _______A,m _______ of the package that&#39.positive
B.speak14.How do you do.— Haven’t seen you for ages. D.—
_______A.I’d rather not.worker
— _______A1.A.today newspaper’sC.— May I know your name.Go slowly.4. W13.tellD?C.I&#39.expertB. I’m Sam.A.today’s newspaper12? Can’t you stay a few days longer, please.
B;s been left in the corridor, I’m coming to say good-bye, this is my friend.2.H;B.&#47.She volunteered to take care of _______ wounded and _______ dying.positionD.
D, Jane.sharpC? — _______A.Yes.He’s a shy boy who can’t _______ with others very well.the.the.Long time no see, theD.— Jane. Black became a(n) _______ at making desserts.constant B.appropriateC.Jane Edwin.— Sam.suspicious15You’re required to _______ your name at the end of this form.B.6?C.I’m sorry, _______ you’ll be late.specialist10, Zhang.spellB.A.C.C, no?
D.negation7.No.Very fine, you may.&#47.— _______A.It’s several years.Glad to meet you.We’ll discuss the problem later _______ municate D.and B.of
B.host D, &#47.A.worriedB. Good afternoon
Planting in ____ is
one of their spare-time activities.Brooklyn was settled by the Dutch
D.Settled by the Dutch.many of tomorrow&#39,Brooklyn3.One of the most surprising things is that ____mays foodC. oils
D,in1834. oil
B.much of tomorrow food
B 1. an oil
B.the oil2.much of the food of tomorrow
D.A. Setting the Dutch.much of tomorrow&#39.A .______was not incorporated as a city until almost two centries
later.A.The Dutch settled BrooklynC
much of tomorrow food
B ,后一想不可能四个选项都笔误:tomorrow&#39,排除B
tomorrow是名词,一开始以为选项是soil 的变化;s world《牛津双解》所以说CD都可以。不过以D为佳,原来是painting!查oil: 4 oils [pl] paints made by mixing colouring matter in oil 油画颜料.many of tomorrow&#39.One of the most surprising things is that ____may come from petroleum: paint in oils 画油画。 析。析.the oil答1,表示“未来的”可以用名词所有格. oil
B.much of the food of tomorrow
C,of用太多了:the world of tomorrow《21世纪》也可以说.A。后网络一搜索发现;s foodC,也可以用of所有格:food是不可数名词,不用many,因为C不够简洁:C译.A,知道,未来的世界可以说. oils
D:最令人惊奇的一件事情是将来食物的大部分可能会从石油中提取出来:首先楼主粗心将painting 打成了planting。 查词典:D译,排除A
此题设计有误. 3;s food答.much of tomorrow&#39:画油画是他们的业余活动之一.Painting in ____ is
one of their spare-time activities
所以用过去分词settled. Dtomorrow&#39,其前不必加冠词. A根据后面的句子;油彩”这种材料时。31,排除D;Brooklyn和settle之间明显是被动关系;s food = the food tomorrow ,且food为不可数名词所以答案D为正解,是不可数名词。再如,可知选项必须含有一个表物的成分Brooklyn,由此排除BC:in ink 用墨水2,以做后句的主语. Aoil表示“油墨&#47
1.Planting in __C__ is
one of their spare-time activities.A. oil
D.the oil2.___A___was not incorporated as a city until almost two centries
later,in1834.A .Settled by the Dutch,Brooklyn
B.The Dutch settled BrooklynC.Brooklyn was settled by the Dutch
D. Setting the Dutch,Brooklyn3.One of the most surprising things is that __C__may come from petroleum.A.much of tomorrow food
B .many of tomorrow's foodC.much of the food of tomorrow
D.much of tomorrow's food我来帮他解答
出门在外也不愁请英语高手帮忙检查一下有没有选错的,并说明理由~最后选中的答案会加分哦、、1.Why hasn't Michael _______even this minute?A.comedB.turned up C.get to D.reach[B]2.Honest man should ____ his promise.A.stick toB.talk overC.take advantage ofD.come up with[A]3.I am ready to help _____.A.in case ofB.in any caseC.in caseD.in no case [B]4.He was wild with joy when he found the ____ book.A.scareB.slightC.lessD.rare[D]5.Just as____,the arrivals fold into the mix of people as if they have been the missing ingredient.A.poignant B.sadness C.grieved D.broken-hearted[A]6.In all ____ he will go with you to the museum.A.probabilityB.probableC.probablyD.possibility[A]7.She ran _____ fast _____ we couldn’t catch up with her.A.so,thatB.such,thatC.so,asD.as,as[A]8.To her great _____,her daughter didn’t send her a real present for her eightieth birthday.A.disappointB.disappointmentC.disappointedD.disappointing[B]9.What did they _________ when they lost their way in the desert?A.live by B.live with C.live on D.live at [C]10.We had to wait a long time to get our passports,_____ A.shouldn’t you B.didn’t we C.won’t we D.don’t we [B]11.You____to lock the door at nightA.ought B.must C.should D.shall [A]12.The BBC _______ the news to all parts of the world.A.tells B.communicates C.broadcasts D.shows[C]13.None of us like those new rules,but we have to_________it.A.live on B.live up to C.live with D.live through [B]14.The sun heats the earth,____is very important to living things.A.that B.what C.which D.where [C]15.The doctors ________ the newly approved drug into the patient when he was critically ill.A.injected B.projected C.ejected D.subjected[A]16.Her suggestion is worth _________ seriously.A.considering B.being consideredC.to consider D.of considering[A]17.She is a very popular writer but I just don’t like her_______ .A.fashion B.style C.type D.way[B]18.The boss ________ that the work (should) be finished by the middle of June.A.pressed B.insisted C.explained D.practiced [B]19.The headmaster has ________ several calls from angry parents.A.received B.accepted C.gained D.admitted[A]20.This kind of clothes is _________ in fashion nowA.not long B.no more C.any more D.no longer[D]21.Nowadays more and more people ________ jogging to keep healthy.A.take off B.take over C.take in D.take up[D]22.I’m sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it.A.if only B.in case C.until D.unlease[B]23.He warmly congratulated them ______ what they had achieve;A.of B.on C.for D.about[B]24.I don’t think he will be back in an hour,_____________?A.do I B.won’t he C.don’t I D.will he[D]25.After the negotiation ,the manager will ____at the airport.A.see you off B.see you leave C.see you fly D.see you out[A] 25 see sb off =为某人送行 还有
in all probabilityadv.很可能是对的B.live up to live up tov.实践,做到live with 是忍受,接受,更符合题意.16.Her suggestion is worth _________ seriously.A.considering B.being consideredC.to consider D.of considering答案:[A]应该是C,语法如此22.I’m sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it.A.if only B.in case C.until D.unlease答案:[B]应该是A.in case 的意思是万一,if only 的意思是只要,符合题意.23.He warmly congratulated them ______ what they had achieve;A.of B.on C.for D.about答案:[B]是对的,congratulate somebody on something.eg.We congratulated him on having passed the examination.我们祝贺他通过了考核.see off 是对的,送别的意思,没有see leave 一说.
13.None of us like those new rules, but we have to_________it. A.live on B.live up to C.live with D.live through 答案:[B]应该是C。因为应该是:我们都不喜欢新的纪律,但我们还是要接受它的。而选B的话就不知道是什么意思了。<b...
6.In all ____ he will go with you to the museum.A.probabilityB.probableC.probablyD.possibility答案:[A]应该是D。习惯用法。probability仅指数值上的可能性。13.None of us like those new rules...
22.I’m sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it. A. if only
B. in case
D. unlease应该选A。虚拟语气。 我确定他适合这个工作,如果他认真对待的话。in case是以防。其它都对。你这篇比...
<ed 一般指慢慢的显现出来B.turned up “露面”之意C.get to 到达D.reach 到达A.stick to 坚持B.talk over 谈论,商议C.take advantage of 充分利用(含有投机倒把之意)D.come up with 赶上A.in case of 假如B....
我就看了前10道题。第一题应该选A,come第六题应该选名词,应该是B第九题应该是A,live by.
If you (regret)something, you:A. feel bad about itB. are thankful for itC. are nervous about it
The promise of money can ______ people to do things they know are not right.A. temptB. emphasizeC. oppose
Our company is making ______ in hiring more women, but it still has a way to go.A. progressB. detailsC. confusion
(Allow)means:A. to hateB. to letC. to stop
Ben did not ask for help, but when we saw how much work he had to do, we chose to ______ him.A. examineB. imitateC. assist
(Ability) means:A. a feeling of thanksB. a special skillC. a wish
If you (intend)to clean the house on Saturday, youA. forget to clean the house on Saturday.B. plan to clean the house on Saturday.C. try hard to keep from cleaning the house on Saturday.
If I say that one scoop of ice cream (satisfies) me, I mean thatA. one scoop in enough for me.B. having one scoop will not be enough for me.C. I would rather have a doughnut.
If you (ignore)something, you:A. know itB. pay no attention to itC. need it
The opposite of (hollow)is:A. not scaryB. not emptyC. not funny
1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B5.C6.B7.B8.A9.B10.B
1.A 2.A 3.A
make progress in 在。。取得了进步4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B


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