
  主题句(topic sentence)是将主题作概括性的陈述,而不提供具体的细节。主题句一般位于句首,开门见山提出主题,随后辅以细节或举例加以说明或论证。请看一个段落:
  Smoking is harmful to your health. Experiments show that smoking can cause cancer. Besides the most serious disease cancer, smoking can also cause other health problems. For example, it gives one a &smoker&s cough&. Finally, studies have shown it is easy for smokers to catch colds. Whether you get an unimportant cold or the terrible killer, cancer, smoking is harmful. Is it worth it?
  该段落很有特色,从Smoking is harmful to your health,可看出全段所表达的中心&&吸烟有害健康,这就是主题句。然后通过几个句子&&发展句,来说明吸烟的危害,倒数第二句话又说&smoking is harmful.这就使得前后连贯、照应。最后用非常有力的Is it worth it? 结尾,更是发人深思。
  People in the western world do not eat such healthy foods. They eat too much fat and sugar and don&t take enough exercise. Because of this, they put on weight very easily. Their diet contains a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps, potato chips, butter, cream and chocolate. They eat a lot of sugar in the form of cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on. The result is that many of them become fat. and some have bad teeth. In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty, has no teeth left!
  该段落的主题句出现在段中。其中的第一、二句话不是主题句,而是展示两个原因(过渡),第三句Because of this, they put on weight very easily提出主题。最后,用几个句子(扩展句)说明所摄取的糖、脂肪的来源及其后果。
  Most students of our school, including me, are against the construction of a chemical works near our school. We think it will do us great harm than good. The drinking water will be polluted.
  Most students of our school, including me, are against the construction of a chemical works near our school. Although the works will make a lot of money for our city, we think it will do us great harm than good. The drinking water will be polluted, and this will do great harm to the people and animals around it. Also it will make a lot of noise, which will disturb the atmosphere of the study. We need quiet places to study. Last, the air over the city will be polluted too. We will never be able to breathe fresh air. How can we live here any longer?
  这样发展句分三个层次来谈论&反对在学校附近修建化工厂&的原因:先点明&弊大于利&,然后从其所带来的水污染、噪音污染和空气污染三个方面进行说明,最后以一个强有力的问句结尾,发人深思。因此,这个片段就更充实、具体,说理更透彻。(from www.nmet168.com)
  We like our English teacher. He is 36 years old. He is strict with us in everything and he is strict with himself, too. He has a good way of making his classes lively and interesting and his lessons are not easily forgotten. Sometimes he is angry with us, and we are afraid of him. He always leaves us a lot of homework to do. If we haven&t finished it, he will tell us to stand face to face at the back of the classroom.
  扩展句应该围绕主题组织材料,上面这个段落可说是一个失败的段落。该段落使用了主题句:We like our English teacher.按理来说下面的扩展句应该围绕这个主题来组织材料,但后面几个句子:Sometimes he is angry with us and we are afraid of him. He always leaves us a lot of homework&直到最后都与主题无关,应该删掉。或另起一段,写这个老师的另一方面。
  结论句又叫总结句,它标志着一个段落的结束,自然应位于一个段落的结尾。结论句可用来重述主题,提供问题的解决方式,对未来进行预测,提出问题让读者去思考,或对全段内容加以概括。结论句之前常常会出现 in short, in a word, briefly speaking, to sum up, therefore等词语。请看下面一个段落:
  Last Friday, I booked a table near the window for dinner in your hotel, as I was going to treat my two American friends to a typical Chinese meal. But I&m quite disappointed with your service. We went there at the time as arranged, but the waiter told us there were no seats available. After about one and a half hours, we were asked to share a table with an old couple. The food was not delicious and some dishes were too salty. I&ll appreciate it if you can look into the case.
  该段落是先叙述一件事,然后以 I&ll appreciate it if you can look into the case.结尾,即&通过提出自己的想法&作为结论句,本段的写作目的跃然纸上。
  Roads were washed away in the peak area. Tons of mud and rocks crashed down on the houses below. 64 people died in the flood and more than 2,500 lost their homes. For some time after the flood, helicopters flew to help the people there. Tractors and trucks worked hard to clear away the big rocks and earth. Many people sent money and necessities of life to the people attacked by the flood and helped them rebuild their hometown.
  该段就是以自然的方式结束的。该段落先写这一地区遭受的自然灾害,然后用3句话写抗灾情况。该段落没有主题句,也没有结论句。(from www.nmet168.com)
  My name is Li Hua. I was born in Shandong in April, 1965. I started school in 1972 when I was seven years old. I studied in Yucai Primary from 1972 to 1977. After that, I went to No. 7 Middle School of Pingyi and graduated there. After that, I passed the college entrance examination in 1983 and went to study in Linyi Normal College. After four years& study, I graduated and came back to work in my mother school, No. 7 Middle School. Ever since, I have been working here for about 20 years.
  Let me tell you how to get there. After you come out of the Friendship Hotel, turn left and go straight until you get to the first crossing. Turn left again and walk along the street until you reach the next crossing. Then turn right and cross the street. After walking just two minutes, you will see a gate on your right. Go through this gate. There is a big building in front of you. The language centre is on the second floor, and you can&t miss it.
  从Let me tell you how to get there.可知,该段是给&人&指路的,故应以&实际&路线来写,即让人读后能找到&the language centre&。
  With the development of computer technology, the Internet has become more and more popular. Some students regard it as a great helper. Since there is a lot of information on line, you can surf the Internet for any information you need in a short time without working hard in the library. It is also very convenient to communicate with others by using the Internet. However, other students think that there is some information on line that is not good for the students. In addition, spending too much time playing games on line will not only have a bad effect on study but also do harm to our health. Therefore, we should make proper use of the Internet. It is of great importance for us to separate good plants from wild weeds.
  该段落先点出Internet 越来越受欢迎,然后从两个方面来谈&学生对上网&的看法,一些同学认为Internet对学习有帮助:1)可以在网上获取信息,2)与人交际方便。而有些同学认为上网会浪费时间:1)网上有不良内容,2)在网上玩游戏浪费时间,3)影响健康。这样层层紧扣,最后指出&我们应该合理使用Internet&,并指出应把Internet上的良莠区分出来。(from www.nmet168.com)
  Bob Geldof was born in Ireland in 1954. When he was fourteen he became interested in pop groups. He left school and worked first in a food factory and later he worked as a worker of building roads. He went to Canada where he wrote about music for a newspaper. In 1975 he returned to Dublin, the capital of the Irish Republic, where he formed his own pop group. From 1979 to 1982 they were the top group in Britain, but in 1982 the group stopped playing together.
  该段落虽没有主题句,但都围绕着Bob Geldof(其简历或所从事的职业)来写,句与句之间按时间顺序依次写出,更突出的是,在写作中使用了过渡性词语,如first,&later&; but, and及省略等手段。(from www.nmet168.com)
  (1)表示列举和顺序的连接词:first(firstly), second(secondly), third(thirdly)&(首先,其次,再则&&); for one thing&, for another (thing)(一方面,另一方面); for one thing&also&(一则&&再则&&), then; finally, last, lastly(最后)等。如:
  I can&t go. For one thing, I have no money, also I have no time.我不能去,一则我没有钱,二则我没有时间。
  (2)表示增补或引申意义的连接词:besides, furthermore(而且), then, above all, what&s more, what&s worse(更糟糕的是), indeed, in fact, naturally(自然地)等。如:
  Tom shows great interest in physics, furthermore, he wants to be an astronaut in the future.汤姆在物理方面很感兴趣,而且他想以后当一名宇航员。
  (3)表示概括或总结的连接词:then, in brief(简言之),in a word, generally speaking, in short等。如:
  It&s a long letter; but in brief, he says &No&.这是一封长信,但简言之,他拒绝了。
  (4)表示同位关系或解释性的词语: namely(也就是), in other words, for example, that is, that is to say等。如:
  John is a Londoner; that is, he lives in London.约翰是伦敦人,也就是他生活在伦敦。
  (5)表示结果的连接词:so, therefore, as a result, in this way等。如:
  His bicycle was stolen, therefore, he had to go to work by bus.他的自行车被盗了,所以他不得不乘公共汽车上班。
  (6)表示推论的连接词语:(or) else(否则), otherwise, then, in that case等。如:
  He must be joking, or else he&s mad.他一定在开玩笑,否则他就疯了。
  (7)表示转折意义的连接词语:instead, on the contrary(恰恰相反), on the other hand, but, however等。如:
  George is very bright, but he never studies.乔治很聪明,但是他从不学习。
  (8)表示让步关系的连接词语:anyhow(无论如何), anyway(不论怎么样), however, still(然而), though, yet, in any case, after all, all the same等。如:
  I said I would call him. However, I was too busy.我说过我会给他打电话,但是我太忙了。
  (9)表示时间过渡的连接词语:meantime, meanwhile, in the meantime, at the same time等。如:
  Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the room.妈妈去买东西;同时我在家里打扫房间。
  Some students were playing volleyball. At the same time, others were playing football.一些学生在打排球。同时,其他的学生在踢足球。
  在实际写作中,除了上面的过渡性词语外,有时还可使用整个句子作为过渡,如: &My advice is as follows.& &Let us move on to the next issue.&
  有人曾把段落内过渡性词语比作铆钉(rivets)和铁轨(rails),使段落构成一个完整的有机体,并引导读者了解作者所要表达的内容。(from www.nmet168.com)
  My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past, but now we call long distance at home. And once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information, but now we watch the news and other programs on TV. Another big change is in the housing conditions. When they got married about 20 years ago, my parents lived in a small room crowded with furniture, but now we have moved into a big new three-room apartment. In short, changes in our life in the last ten years have brought us comfort and convenience.
  这个段落采用今昔对比的手法来写,主要运用了表示对比关系的词语but,如&in the past, but now we &,总结性词语in short等;同时,还使用了过渡句Another big change is in the housing conditions.,然后把居住环境变化大列举出来,最后以in short, changes in our life in the last ten years have brought comfort and convenience作为结束(可看作结论句),为文章画龙点睛之笔。可以说,整个段落始终紧扣主题,一气呵成,构成一个完整的段落。(from www.nmet168.com)
  My father is very strict with his children, especially me. He will not let me out of the house unless I have done all my homework. Frankly, I do not care whether I go to school or not. School is such a waste of time. There are not any good jobs, anyway. My mother does not agree with my father. They quarrel a lot. Sometimes, I wish they would get a divorce(离婚), but then who would I live with?
  Great changes have taken place in my village.
  Ten years ago, the small and low houses of my village lay on the north of a lake. They produced much waste. As a result, the lake was seriously polluted. To the west of the village was a sandy field, which was the source of much dust whenever wind was blowing. Worse still, a brickyard on the southwest side of the lake used up a great deal of good soil.
  Now the poor houses have been replaced by green trees and the brickyard by tall buildings. The sandy field that the village used to plough has been covered with fruit trees. On the lake, the villagers often spend their spare time boating and fishing.
  In a word, my village has become a modernized and green one.
  从Great changes have taken place in my village可知,本文写的是&我村的变化&,然后分两个段落来写。第一段写10年前的&旧模样&,段落内各个句子都围绕这个中心来写;紧接着下一段写&现在的模样&,围绕变化这个中心来写。可以说这两个段落都符合统一性原则。
  I found some of the customs new and interesting. People here don&t shake hands as much as we do in Asia. During the first few weeks, I was often surprised because people don&t put out their hands when I met them. Men raise their hats to women but not to each other.
  该段落先以I found some of the customs new and interesting作为&主题句&开始,用几个扩展句来说明&new and interesting&,先是对人们见&我&不握手表示&surprised&,然后是&我&见到男子见了女子举帽,而女子则不还礼。这些都是围绕主题句来写的。
  Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving, is a boy of fourteen. He comes from Guangdong Province. He liked swimming when he was a small boy. At the age of eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province. When he was fourteen, he came to our national diving team. He won a gold medal in the 11th Asian Games,which were held in Beijing in 1990. In 1991 he became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championships.
  (1)I think teachers& visits to kids& home can make teachers, students and their parents know each other better through talking face to face.(2)Students can know how much care their teachers have given them.(3)Besides, the teacher can make different suggestions to different students.
  该段落虽然没有语言错误,层次也较为清晰,但如果再适当增加些细节则会使上下文连贯、紧凑,同时也符合老师&家访&的实际。如句(2)前加 From these visits,则可使句(1)和句(2)联系更加密切;在句(3)后加上according to their family situation。请看:
  I think teachers& visits to kids& home can make teachers, students and their parents know each other better through talking face to face. From these visits, students can know how much care their teachers have given them. Besides, the teachers can make different suggestions to different students according to their particular family situation.
  (1) Bicycles are a convenient means of transportation.(2)It is easy to go to work by bike.(3)It is easy to go to school by bike.(4)It is also easy to go wherever you like by bike on a short trip, as most of the Chinese live not far from where they work or study.(5)Riding bicycles is also good exercise.(6)It can help build our bodies.
  该段落以主题句Bicycles are a convenient means of transportation开始,其后几个扩展句紧紧围绕这一主题展开,这符合段落的写作要求。但是,后面几个句子表达方式过于单一,接连使用了几个It is easy&,这给人重复累赘的感觉,同时也觉得表达乏味。为此,可把句子进行合并与整理,如句(2)和(3)可合并在一块表达:It is easy to go to work or school by bike.为避免句式重复,句(4)前半部分可改变表达方式:You can go wherever you like by bike,然后移至句(2);同时把(4)句后半部分与(2)和(3)合并后的句子放在一起,以符合逻辑性。请看修改后的段落:
  Bicycles are a convenient means of transportation. You can go wherever you like by bike on a short trip. It is easy to go to work or school by bike, as most of Chinese live not far from where they work or study. Riding bicycles is also good exercise. It can help build our bodies.
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英语写作要求有一定量的词汇,没有词汇就好比巧妇无米难以下厨。写作时可能出现要写的词记不起来、要用的词拿不准、尤其是遇到同义词、更不知用哪一个好、或词性没记住,结果乱用……. 这都说明平时对单词的不够牢固,理解不清。这就要求我们在记单词的时候多点力气,要从单词的音、形、义入手,最好不要单独记忆单词,这样容易遗忘,要把它放在或中一起记忆,这样可把握单词的词义、用法、搭配等词汇特点。除了课本上的词汇必须掌握外,还要进行广泛的课外阅读,来增加词汇。
3. S+V+O+O
5. S+V+O+C
修改后的文章要认真抄写一遍。誊写时要注意:标题写在第一行的中央,除介词,连词、冠词外,标题中每一个实词都应大写。标题除了疑问句或感叹句外,标题不加标点,即使是一个完整的句子,也不加句号;注意段落首缩进3-4个字母;书写要工整,规范,卷面要整洁,词与词之间要有2-3个字母的间隔 ;抄写完之后,一定要检查一遍。校阅要逐字逐段进行,注意检查语法错误,拼写错误、标点和大小写等方面的错误。花两分钟检查一遍,往往能增强文章的效果、提试成绩。
怎么写好英语作文2    〖预览〗My
violoncellp .
performing. When
married, i
happy .When
……【】怎么写好英语作文3    〖预览〗十分钟前,我和我的闺蜜结束了聊天,意犹未尽的我还在回味刚才的交谈。我呆呆地直盯着手机看,好像这其中有什么天大的秘密似的。关上手机,我踱步到窗台前,拨弄拨弄刚长出的多肉,拉一拉这刚洗过的窗帘,我在倒在床上,起来,又躺下。也许我们都有这样无聊的时候,明明有大堆的事要完成,但就是不想动弹。好像不去想着那些事,这些事就会凭空消失似的。  忽然手机震动了几下,我兴奋地跑了过去,这意味着我终于有事做了。解了锁,发现是十分钟前的那个闺蜜。她给我发消息,说她有多么多么忙,她去收了衣服,买了一些菜,给爸爸打了电话,又把房间收拾了一下……她讲的不亦乐乎,而我却有些发愣了。  这些琐碎的事,这么多件事,竟然就在这不经意的十分钟内发生了!同样是这十分钟,我什么都没做,而她却做了这么多事。这究竟是怎么回事?不止这短短的十分钟,我的人生还有诸如这样的茫茫大海般的十分钟,我到底浪费了多少这样的时光?我们的一生都是差不多的时光,可有些人却用他的一辈子创造了我们叹为观止的奇迹,我们不禁低下头,努力地回忆着自己耗尽的时光,为什么我们过得这么荒废?  我想,答案便是你自己对待时光的态度。你选择坚强地活着,于是你便坚不可摧;你选择懦弱地活着,于是你便形同蝼蚁。一切都不是别的什么能左右的,一切都取决于你选择怎么活着。……【】怎么写好英语作文4    〖预览〗室友忽然拿着一张纸过来,满脸期待的样子,望着我,大喊:“快来试试,这个绕口令可难了!” 我叹了口气,丝毫没有表示出一点感兴趣的样子,我说我一定完成不了,不用浪费时间了。室友忽然一副很火大的样子,她嚷道,“不试试怎么知道不行?”真不知道她今天收了什么刺激,我硬着头皮就念了,没想到我只一遍就十分顺畅地念完了。室友不禁感叹万分,她说她就知道我行,要是不试试就发现不了我的实力……  她还说了很多话,可我的心思却全停留在那了。我这是怎么了?从何时开始,我竟如此安于现状,甚至连一次尝试的机会也不给自己。我想起曾经看到的一则小故事,故事讲的是驯象的过程。在小象还很小的时候,人们就把它拴在一根木桩上,以小象的力气是无法挣脱的,在尝试了很多次后,小象慢慢接受了这个现实,不在反抗。直到它们长成强壮的大象,能轻而易举地挣脱木桩,可它们却丝毫没有反抗的意思,老老实实地受人摆布。  我觉得我就是这个故事里的象,我变得不敢尝试,不敢直面失败,又或许我养成了习惯,我觉得所有的尝试都会以失败告终,于是我便放弃了所有的努力。不试试,你怎么知道结局呀!这么浅显的道理却被我遗忘,哪怕注定是失败,也要由尝试后的结局告诉我。不试试,你怎知道?……【】怎么写好英语作文5    〖预览〗 我们为什么写文章1000字
如果我把这个问题抛给你,你会如何回答呢?如果你是一个爱好写作的文艺青年或者是想装文艺的一个普通人的话呢,你会说&为了我的写作梦想&或者是&出于对文学的热爱&之类的激情饱满的话;而如果你是什么&土豆&呀,&番茄&呀,你大概会回答说你只是在为生计码字;如果你是一名高考考生,你会心怀希望地咆哮道&为了好的大学!&;或者你是鲁迅,用一个犀利的眼神告诉我你在用文章消灭敌人。你或许会反过来问我为什么写文章,刚才摆出了一大通废话的我一定会坦白的告诉你是为了完成这大约1000字的作业。 不同的人对于这个问题有不同的答案,然而即便是同一个人,在不同的时候对于这个问题也是有不同的想法的,我没有窥探别人内心的特异功能,因此我只能拿我自己的亲生经历来举例子了。 我现在写作文的目的,刚才已经提到,是为了完成作业,想必也有许多同学们怀揣着和我一样的想法在家里痛苦地奋笔疾书吧。但我当然不是每一篇文章都是为了完成作业而写的,前三篇暑假作业的作文就不完全是(不管你信不信,我反正是信了),只要有时间,我周记也不会随随便便堆砌一篇渣文章来凑数。然而在考试的时候我就身不由己了,开始仅仅为分数而写作文(令我遗憾……【】怎么写好英语作文6    〖预览〗 来宁一中三年了,记不清有多少次在起凤岗散步了。可以说,山岗上的一草一木都早已映入了心中,然而,要我一下说出她的美丽之处来,却似乎又无从理出头绪了。 记得刚迁校过来时,我曾描写过一种的树,在文中对起凤岗的树写道:&人迹罕至的后山,简直成了森林,那里有高大的乔木,也有低矮的灌木,地上荒草纵横,空中缠藤绕蔓,山风起处,野花明灭,鹤唳狐鸣,使人恍然如居深山老林。&我还在去年秋天指导过学生观察山脚下那几株银杏树是怎样由绿变黄,最后把金黄的扇形树叶在绿草地上撒成了一大片散碎的金子。我也曾为初一(18)班教室边那株巨大的珊瑚朴树写过下水文,对那树干上的苍苔引发过思古之幽情,在想象中几个人手拉着手围着树干要量出他的胸围,看着那悬挂在半空的古钟,回忆曾经听过的悠远的钟声。 本学期,受到学校照顾,减轻了授课任务,我便能常常在闲暇时到校园后山散步。我喜欢在学生上课的时候,将改完的作业抱去放在教室外的窗台上,然后一边听着教学楼上初一各班上课的声音,一边到后园去,看那些红叶李,紫荆和那些高高低低,红红绿绿的叫不上名字得花与树。兴致来了,便拿出手机,就地取景,按下快门,把最新拍下的美景设为手机的待机画面。或者沿着幽静的小道踽踽独行,在那座校园唯一保留的青砖木门,四面散水的老房子前驻足,敲敲那口倒扣在地上的大水缸,在想象中……【】怎么写好英语作文7    〖预览〗生活中,我们一方面要鼓励采取低碳的生活方式,减少碳排放;另一方面是通过一定碳抵消措施,来达到平衡。种树就是“碳中和”的一种方式,需种植的树木数(棵)等于二氧化碳排放量(千克)除以18.3。  这些金点子中,涉及到洗衣机节水、食物储藏、烹饪、厨房节水、厨房去污、居住节电节水、汽车出行、冰箱空调等家用电器节电。现在,这些金点子已经被整理好收入低碳生活指导手册中。  如,同样长的洗涤周期,“柔化”模式比“标准”模式叶轮换向次数多,电机启动电流是额定电流的5―7倍,“标准洗”更省电;  如果每个汽车司机都注意给轮胎及时适当充气,车辆能效就能提高6%,每辆车每年就可以减少90千克二氧化碳排放量;  告诉你怎样计算“碳”消耗量,生活中的减碳常识有哪些?家庭“碳”排放量如何计算  每家每户在生活中都要排放“碳”,你知道每天的碳排放量是多少吗?下面的方法不妨一试。  家庭用电中,二氧化碳排放量(千克)等于耗电度数乘以0.785。也就是说,你用了100度电,等于你排放了大约78.5千克二氧化碳。  出行时,如果开小轿车,二氧化碳排放量(千克)等于油耗公升数乘以2.7。  家用天然气中,二氧化碳排放量(千克)等于天然气使用度数乘以“碳强度系数”0.19。  家用自来水中,二氧化碳排放量(千克)等于自来水使用度数乘以0.91。   去年,中……【】怎么写好英语作文8    〖预览〗?& 一个饱经沧桑的年轻人,挣脱冗重的枷锁,荣光的接受一份光荣的使命。?????????&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&???&&&&????&&&&& &&& ―――题记?& 小小的我浇灌着自己的梦……【】
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