nat is a cat.nat can play.nat can jump.pam and sam look at natsam什么意思思

& 英语课:Nat, Nan and Pam
&周三 多云 微风&& & & & 今天泰爸在家可以送泰哥去上课,而我是能不去就尽量不跟着去,都说Tiger太粘我了。所以依然是他们父子俩过去,晚上也是泰爸自己去接的。回来后听Tiger说以后梦想卡画小星星没有Dollar,说要上了大班再给了,不知道是不是真的,但是今天确实没给Dollar,照以往今天应该是要发的。孩子们现在上课分组,要整组表现好才能得Dollar,所以并不是每次都会得到的。但是好歹五次上课作业后集齐五个小星星还是能得一个的。现在一下子取消了,会不会出现消极情绪也未可知啊。Tiger回来倒是情绪还好,从各方面问他只说很喜欢上课,最近状态是很积极的啊。&& & & & 今天他们学习第二本故事书Nat, Nan and Pam,内容很简单:Here is Nat. Here is Nan. Here is Pam. Nat, Nan, and Pam&like to race.&They like to jump.&They like to pat the cat.&They like tosit.&教学目标:(1)学习句型I like to+verb (动词),例如,I like to jump. 会表达自己喜欢做的事情;(2)会阅读此故事。作业是(1)教辅材料P27;(2)阅读Nat, Nan, and Pam,培养孩子阅读兴趣。我是通过疑问句和Tiger进行对话的,如Do you like to jump /run /walk /swim /sing /draw /eat dumplings /eat &Pisa. 然后要求他用整句回答,强化几次就能使用这个句型了。作业时按照故事内容剪图排序,让他看着图片下面的句子自己阅读。瑞思的英语课从k阶段开始,学科性将会越来越明显,现在已经开始说是上数学课、语文课还是自然课等了。Nat-The-Alley-Cat (Nat The Alley Cat) - DeviantArt
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Dec 21, :30 PM
Hey, I haven't been active on here (as you may have noticed) because I've moved where I write to Wattpad. My username is natthealleycat, if you still want to keep up. I've got a Yuri on Ice book on there. Thank you for supporting my writing!
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Kore ga Watashi desu. | This is Me. If you have a PSN, I will ad my PSN name is 'SugioKawaiiDesu' and the icon is a girl with short red hair. Things You Might Not Know About Me I'm a CancerBy my birthday, my Arcana is the HermitPeople compare me to Ibuki Mioda all the timeI'm an unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Kanji TatsumiMy favorite female character from anything (other than Disney Princesses) ties between Ibuki Mioda and Naoto ShiroganeI am Norwegian-American, and I do have light hair and light eyes, but I get it from my Mom. My father is the Norwegian one and he has dark hair, darker skin, and dark eyes.If you look at my eyes compared to Anna and Elsa's they look alike, almost identical if you gave them regular sized eyes, or me Pixar eyes. However, I do get those from my father.Super High School Level Caregiver People in my life:My bestest friend:
My Friend who I speak to and need to get to know better: My Friend who I wish I could see more: Current Fandoms:Persona 4(:The Golden)Danganronpa: Trigger Happy HavocDanganronpa 2: Farwell DespairFree! Eternal SummerHaikyuu!!KuroshitsujiKingdom HeartsAce AttorneyNaruto Final Fantasy X and X-2REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY OPENWill Remain Open... Until I either get so many I don't think I can handle it, or my school load gets to be too much for both.My dA Family:
So, yes. Let me hug you all!
Whoops, got too excited...
There we go! Hugs! Thank you guys so much for liking and reading my stuff, commenting, and looking at my page (That was really off for a long time...). So, YAY!
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Dec 21, :30 PM
Hey, I haven't been active on here (as you may have noticed) because I've moved where I write to Wattpad. My username is natthealleycat, if you still want to keep up. I've got a Yuri on Ice book on there. Thank you for supporting my writing!
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Jun 16, :16 AM
I got [I]Long Live the Queen[/I] on Steam, and I've literally played 13 hours on it. I'm missing like 3 epilogues and about 10 achievements. It's driving me nuts!!! I've also gotten back into Freedom Wars. I FINALLY got past the Level 6 Cell Garden for Julien. Have myself a mini heart attack in the process. Died like 9 times and used a Regenerator like 3 times. But FINALLY. Geez. Also, If you have a Vita and want to add me, my username is sugiokawaiidesu, and if you want to add me on Steam, it's dubstepsweetheart or Nat the Alley Cat, but my pic is one of hipster Pikachu. Peace! - Nat the Alley Cat
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May 17, :57 PM
TL;DR: My life is throwing me some serious curve balls made out of shit while simultaneously dragging me through the mud... But I did get Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires and Zero Escape: Virtues Last Reward...So, as some of you may know, I was trying to get into the Occupational Therapist's Assistant program at NSCC. Well, I got the interview and no such luck. Apparently it was really a tough pick this time around. However, now I have no clue what to do with my life. I have two scholarships tying me down so I have to stay in school to keep them, and about $2,400 worth of student loans. This is just the start. I got my grades back, and I did have an A/B average, only making 1 C in my first 3 semesters. This semester? A, C, D, and F. Yes, I made an F. The teachers that gave me a D and an F were not accommodating to my situation, and instead, picked on me because I have ADHD and in the F class, didn't understand the material. All this has been going on while my mom has a mersa/strep infection from her hip replacement. So, I take care of her during the weeks because my dad works nights. I'd like to point out that the A and C teachers were fantastic to me. My A teacher understood that I had ADHD, and would frequently encourage me to do my best. My C teacher was also fantastic. She would ask about my life, how I was doing in other classes, and gave me an extended deadline on a project that counted 15% of my grade. However during that week, my father decided to be not only mentally, but physically abusive as well - flipping me out of a chair, yelling with his face to my ear, and caging me into the chair. So, I didn't get that done or I would've made a B. So not only did I not get in to the OTA program, my GPA suffered a .5 point loss, down to a 3.1. Now, to top ALL this off, my computer decided to give me fits. It would take 30 minutes to one hour to load, then run - maybe - one program and give up, causing me to manually restart it. We've taken that in to get fixed. So basically, the universe is out to get me right now. My mom is nicer than &the universe, though. She let me get 2 games... Sorry, I just needed someplace to rant.
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Happy birthday!
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Thanks for the fave!! &3
No problem!
Happy Birthday!&&
thank you!
~*:・゚✧Happy Birthday Nat-The-Alley-Catsan・ω ・*:・゚✧~
Thank you~!
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