有一段专业英文,需要翻译,有能人瓶子翻了过来 翻译帮忙翻译拉!谢谢

When I wed this person all my problems will be over. C This myth, of merging together and solving all of life&#39. The coming of children, bringing difficulties out into the open-and work runs counter to the basic myth of marriage. I will have achieved success and I will become the center of life for this other person and this person will be my center, however, requires work-observing your part in a rotten pattern, is soon exposed: &quot, place a considerable strain on that basic myth of meaning everything to each other, which every marriage relies on, and we will mean everything to each other forever. We all have hidden strengths and amazing capacities for growth and creative change, the pulls and tugs of their demands os problemsOf course people can overcome the habits and attitudes that developed in childhood.&quot
希望能采纳,马上就破灭了。” 这个每一桩婚姻都依赖的神话,他们之间情感需求的拉扯。我都是自己翻译的哦,这个人也会是我是中心。我会成功,所有的问题就会不见的。“只要我嫁给他,并且我们永远是对方的全部,把苦难解救出来,然后所有问题就会解决的婚姻基本神话施加了强大的压力,改变需要努力,结合在一起。我们每个人都有着成长和创造的潜在能量以及惊人能力人们当然你能克服小时候形成的习惯和态度:观察你在过去那些迂腐的模式中的角色,会变成别人生命的焦点;而这努力与婚姻的根本神话是背道而驰。孩子的降临,以及时间给他们那个貌似双方是彼此的一切。然而
目前讨论传统与现代设计因素结合的文章很多,有从横向对比探讨的,也有纵向深入研究的,但由点到面扩张性阐述的文章,笔者发现并不是很多,因此萌生了写这篇文章的想法,目的在于在设计的领域里起到抛砖引玉的作用。信息时代的当今世界,各种文化相互影响、日益融合,传统文化和现代文化的碰撞和互融,使人们对现代设计有了更清醒的认识。中国传统图形是中国文化不可或缺的重要组成部分,延续到今日,对现代标志设计影响尤为重要。在平面设计领域里,借鉴中国传统图形,对现代标志设计的发展产生了积极的作用。同时缉酣光叫叱既癸习含卢,传统图形也通过标志这一媒介向社会、大众传达信息,体现了深厚的传统文化气息。中国传统图形对现代标志设计的影响主要是研究现代标志设计对中国传统图形的传承与创新。以‘图’传意,以‘形’创境”,在尊重、善用中国传统图形文化的前提下,探索原创性的艺术创造,变通求新地与现代“国际化视觉语言”和谐接轨。 关键字:传统 图案 设计理念 标志表达 视觉传达 变形
The current discussion of traditional and modern design elements with a lot of articles, from the comparative study of hori缉酣光叫叱既癸习含卢zontal, vertical have in-depth study, but from that point on the surface of the expansion of the article, the author found that not many, the initiation of writing this article, Thinking, aimed at the design in the field of play Paozhuanyinyu role. The information age today's world, various cultures influence each other, the growing integration of traditional culture and modern culture, the collision and Hu Rong, enabling people to have a more modern design of a clear understanding. China's traditional Chinese culture graphics is an indispensable component of today to extend the influence of modern logo design is particularly important. In the field of graphic design, draw from China's traditional graphics, logo design for the modern development has had a positive effect. At the same time, the traditional symbol of this graphics through the media to the community, the public message across, reflects the profound traditional culture. The traditional Chinese symbol of modern graphic design major is to study the impact of modern design of the traditional Chinese symbol of graphics memory and innovation. To 'map' communication, '-' a Habitat &, in respect, make the best use of traditional Chinese culture graphics, under the premise of the original exploration of artistic creation, with modern modifications Innovation& international visual language &harmonious convergence. Keyword: traditional logo design signs of visual communication deformation
The current discussion of traditional and modern design elements with a lot of articles, from the comparative study of horizontal, vertical have in-depth study, but from that point on the surface of the expansion of the article, the author found that not many, the initiat缉酣光叫叱既癸习含卢ion of writing this article, Thinking, aimed at the design in the field of play Paozhuanyinyu role. The information age today's world, various cultures influence each other, the growing integration of traditional culture and modern culture, the collision and Hu Rong, enabling people to have a more modern design of a clear understanding. China's traditional Chinese culture graphics is an indispensable component of today to extend the influence of modern logo design is particularly important. In the field of graphic design, draw from China's traditional graphics, logo design for the modern development has had a positive effect. At the same time, the traditional symbol of this graphics through the media to the community, the public message across, reflects the profound traditional culture. The traditional Chinese symbol of modern graphic design major is to study the impact of modern design of the traditional Chinese symbol of graphics memory and innovation. To 'map' communication, '-' a Habitat &, in respect, make the best use of traditional Chinese culture graphics, under the premise of the original exploration of artistic creation, with modern modifications Innovation& international visual language &harmonious convergence.
参考下吧:The current discussion of traditional and modern design elements with a lot of articles, from the comparative study of horizontal, vertical have in-depth study, but from that point on the surface of the expansion of the article, the author found that not many, the initiation of writing this article, Thinking, aimed at the design in the field of play Paozhuanyinyu role. The information age today's world, various cultures influence each other, the growing integration of traditional culture and modern culture, the collision and Hu Rong, enabling people to have a more modern design of a clear understanding. China's traditional Chinese culture graphics is an indispensable component of today to extend the influence of modern logo design is particularly important. In the field of graphic design, draw from China's traditional graphics, logo design for the modern development has had a positive effect. At the same time, the traditional symbol of this graphics through the media to the community, the public message across, reflects the profound traditional culture. The traditional Chinese symbol of modern graphic design major is to study the impact of modern design of the traditional Chinese symbol of graphics memory and innovation. To 'map' communication, '-' a Habitat &, in respect, make the best use of traditional Chinese culture graphics, under the premise of the original exploration of artistic creation, with modern modifications Innovation& international visual language &harmonious convergence. Keyword: traditional logo design signs of visual communication deformation
最初由约翰·冯·诺依曼发明(那时电脑的计算能力相当于现在的计算器),有三间库房那么大,后逐步发展而成。 是一种能够按照指令对各种数据和信息进行自动加工和处理的电子设备。它由多个零配件组成,如中央处理器、主板、内存、电源、显卡...... 电脑的学名为计算机,是由早期的电动计算器发展而来的。1945年,世界上出现了第一台电子数字计算机“ENIAC”,用于计算弹道。是由美国宾夕法尼亚大学莫尔电工学院制造的,但它的体积庞大,占地面积500多平方米,重量约30吨,消耗近100千瓦的电力。显然,这样的计算机成本很高,使用不便。1956年,晶体管电子计算机诞生了,这是第二代电子计算机。只要几个大一点的柜子就可将它容下,运算速度也大大地提高了。1959年出现的是第三代集成电路计算机。 从20世纪70年代开始,这是电脑发展的最新阶段。到1976年,由大规模集成电路和超大规模集成电路制成的“克雷一号”,使电脑进入了第四代。超大规模集成电路的发明,使电子计算机不断向着 小型化、微型化、低功耗、智能化、系统化的方向更新换代。 20世纪90年代,电脑向“智能”方向发展,制造出与人脑相似的电脑,可以进行思维、学习、记忆、网络通信等工作。 进入21世纪,电脑更是笔记本化、微型化和专业化,每秒运算速度超过100万次,不但操作简易、价格便宜,而且可以代替人们的部分脑力劳动,甚至在某些方面扩展了人的智能。于是,今天的微型电子计算机就被形象地称做电脑了。 世界上第一台个人电脑由IBM于1981年推出。 计算机发展史 1945年,由美国生产了第一台全自动电子数字计算机“埃尼阿克”(英文缩写词是ENIAC,即Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator,中文意思是电子数字积分器和计算器)。它是美国奥伯丁武器试验场为了满足计算弹道需要而研制成的。主要发明人是电气工程师普雷斯波·埃克特(J. Prespen Eckert)和物理学家约翰·莫奇勒博士(John W. Mauchly)。这台计算机1946年2月交付使用,共服役9年。它采用电子管作为计算机的基本元件,每秒可进行5000次加减运算。它使用了18000只电子管,10000只电容,7000只电阻,体积3000立方英尺,占地170平方米,重量30吨,耗电140~150千瓦,是一个名副其实的“庞然大物”。 ENIAC机的问世具有划时代的意义,表明计算机时代的到来,在以后的40多年里,计算机技术发展异常迅速,在人类科技史上还没有一种学科可以与电子计算机的发展速度相提并论。 下面介绍各代计算机的硬件结构及系统的特点: 一、第一代():电子管数字计算机 计算机的逻辑元件采用电子管,主存储器采用汞延迟线、磁鼓、磁芯;外存储器采用磁带;软件主要采用机器语言、汇编语言;应用以科学计算为主。其特点是体积大、耗电大、可靠性差、价格昂贵、维修复杂,但它奠定了以后计算机技术的基础。 二、第二代():晶体管数字计算机 晶体管的发明推动了计算机的发展,逻辑元件采用了晶体管以后,计算机的体积大大缩小,耗电减少,可靠性提高,性能比第一代计算机有很大的提高。 主存储器采用磁芯,外存储器已开始使用更先进的磁盘;软件有了很大发展,出现了各种各样的高级语言及其编译程序,还出现了以批处理为主的操作系统,应用以科学计算和各种事务处理为主,并开始用于工业控制。 三、第三代():集成电路数字计算机 20世纪60年代,计算机的逻辑元件采用小、中规模集成电路(SSI、MSI),计算机的体积更小型化、耗电量更少、可靠性更高,性能比第十代计算机又有了很大的提高,这时,小型机也蓬勃发展起来,应用领域日益扩大。 主存储器仍采用磁芯,软件逐渐完善,分时操作系统、会话式语言等多种高级语言都有新的发展。 四、第四代(1971年以后):大规模集成电路数字计算机 计算机的逻辑元件和主存储器都采用了大规模集成电路(LSI)。所谓大规模集成电路是指在单片硅片上集成个以上晶体管的集成电路,其集成度比中、小规模的集成电路提高了1~2个以上数量级。这时计算机发展到了微型化、耗电极少、可靠性很高的阶段。大规模集成电路使军事工业、空间技术、原子能技术得到发展,这些领域的蓬勃发展对计算机提出了更高的要求,有力地促进了计算机工业的空前大发展。随着大规模集成电路技术的迅速发展,计算机除了向巨型机方向发展外,还朝着超小型机和微型机方向飞越前进。1971年末,世界上第一台微处理器和微型计算机在美国旧金山南部的硅谷应运而生,它开创了微型计算机的新时代。此后各种各样的微处理器和微型计算机如雨后春笋般地研制出来,潮水般地涌向市场,成为当时首屈一指的畅销品。这种势头直至今天仍然方兴未艾。特别是IBM-PC系列机诞生以后,几乎一统世界微型机市场,各种各样的兼容机也相继问世。参考资料:百度百科
and i gained a deeper knowledge about xiaoMing'm very appreciate for it,xiao Ming'mother take the train from Guangzhou to zhuhai to meet me,during the X's condition.we had lunch together,and had a happy talk thought that was the first timas dayhello.this is the picture we having lunch,I&#39
I was touched.We had lunch together, xxxXiaoming&#39. Please see the attached photostaken on our lunch, we had a quite nice talk from which I knew more about Xiaoming's mather came to Zhuhai from Guangzhou to see me on Xmas dayHello. Though we met for the first time.Best wishes
Hi! Wish you well! During Christmas, Xiao Ming's mum took the coach from Guangzhou to Zhuhai to visit me. I was so touched! We had lunch together. Although it was the first time that I met her, we chatted like old friends and I also got to know more about Xiao Ming's recent status. Enclosed please find some pictures taken during the lunch then.
How do you do! Christmas time, xiao Ming's mother flew from guangzhou to zhuhai bus and I met, I was moved. At noon we having lunch together, although this is the first time to meet with her, but between us talked very happy, and makes me more understanding to xiao Ming now. This is our having lunch together photos.
出门在外也不愁请英语能人帮忙给一个翻译(英译中)参考答案...About Hollywood_百度知道
请英语能人帮忙给一个翻译(英译中)参考答案...About Hollywood
Hollywood still attracts people with its magic, where they can step into the concrete footprints of famous stars and pretend for a while, and visit Mann’s Chinese Theater. They bought newspapers to read about the lives of their favorite stars, however, so someone in the theater played a piano or organ during the movie. In 1932. It’s also a way of thinking and living.
The movie business started about 1911 and grew fast. The first movie with sound. People still remember the great days of Hollywood. In 1928. Many of the old studios are used for television shows. The first movies were short, but not many movies are made in Hollywood today. Soon many movies were made with sound and in color, Steamboat Willy, Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse was first seen in the cartoon. People followed famous actors and actresses everywhere. Unknown men and women became stars overnight. They had no sound. By 1920.
The film industry continued to grow, the first full-color cartoon was Disney’s Flowers and Trees, was a success overnight. Hollywood was named for a plant that looked like holly and covered the ground in west Los Angeles where movies were first made, The Jazz Singer. DeMille made the first big epic movie, The Birth of a Nation.
Cecil B. The dialogue was printed on the movie screen, it was a major industry in Los A it’s part of Los AngelesHollywood isn’t really a city
电影产业继续在发展。最初的电影是很短的,然而,不知名的男人和女人们在一夜成名,但现在制作电影并不仅仅只在好莱坞,没有声音。到处可见人们追随着著名的男女演员们,所以在电影院播放电影时,迪士尼的《花和树》出现了。(最后一句看不懂。好莱坞是以一种向冬青的植物命名的,也就是最早制作电影的地方,沃尔特-迪斯尼的米奇老鼠第一次在卡通剧《汽船威利》中登场。电影事业发源于1911,会有人弹奏钢琴或管风琴,到1920年时,好好遐想一番。第一部有声电影《爵士歌手》在一夜间成名了,可以体会到那些明星实实在在的足迹。对话则打印在电影屏幕中。他们买报纸来了解他们所喜爱的明星们的生活,第一部全彩色的卡通. DeMille制作了第一步史诗电影《一个国家的诞生》,成长迅速,这种植物生长于洛杉矶的西部好莱坞不是一个真正的城市。人们依旧记得好莱坞那些伟大的岁月。许多老的工作室用于电视剧的制作。在1928年。在1932年。好莱坞仍然对人们有魔术般的吸引力,它是洛杉矶的一部分。Cecil B,也代表一种思考和生活的方式,许多电影都制作成为了有声彩色的电影了,在参观中国剧院,它已经是洛杉矶的主要的产业。不久后
Thanks you医心一一.Miss sissypeng,thanks all the same!Both your answers are brilliant!
由1920年。其次是人民的演员,伟大的日子好莱坞,诞生了一个民族,这是一个主要行业在美国洛杉矶。好莱坞被命名为植物看上去像冬青和所涵盖的地面在西洛杉矶的电影人第一次提出的。许多旧工作室是用于电视节目。 电影事业开始约11年和快速增长,是成功的通宵,所以有人在战区发挥了钢琴或器官在电影。在1928年。他们买了报纸阅读的生活他们最喜爱的星级。在1932年。这次对话是印上环幕电影,不过,是迪士尼的花卉和树木。 … 好莱坞仍然吸引了人们与它的魔术,名演员无处不在。 塞西尔德米勒乙作出的第一个大的史诗电影。人们还记得,汽船威利。 电影业的持续增长。第一电影短。他们没有健全的,爵士乐歌手,首次全彩色漫画。很快好莱坞是不是一个真正的城市,在这里他们可以一步到具体的足迹著名的星级和假装了一段时间,曼恩和访问的中国战区。 英语
1楼一看就是翻译器弄的我给你翻译好莱坞并不是一个真正的城市,她只是洛杉矶市的一部分。同时,她也代表了一种思考方式和生活方式。好莱坞这个名字是取自一种在西洛杉矶(第一部电影诞生的地方)生长的植物,这种植物貌似冬青树并且能覆盖地面。电影产业诞生于1911年。直到1920年她才成为洛杉矶的主要产业。第一部电影是非常短的无声电影。即使电影中有人在弹琴或者演奏乐器,也只能靠字幕体现出来。Cecil B.DeMille(名字不知道准确译法,见谅)制作了第一部史诗电影--《国庆日》。1928年迪斯尼制作的米老鼠初次闪现卡通片中,《汽船威力》。第一部有声电影《爵士歌手》,几乎一夜成名。1932年,迪斯尼制作了第一部彩色卡通片《花儿与大树》。很快,越来越多的有声彩色电影出世。电影产业持续发展。一些默默无闻的男男女女几乎一夜成名,成为超级明星。世界各地的人们追随着他们喜欢的著名演员明星。他们购买报纸以了解明星们的生活。...好莱坞仍然对人们有魔术般的吸引力,然后如今,并不是很多的电影是在好莱坞制作完成的。许多老工作室被用于电视节目。人们如今仍然缅怀好莱坞过去的时光,去中国大剧院观光,在那里她们能暂时近距离接触明星大腕的足迹。
People still remember the great days of Hollywood, however, and visit Mann’s Chinese Theater, where they can step into the concrete footprints of famous stars and pretend for a while.


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