求歌词翻译?还有没睡觉的大神 翻译在吗???

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我结合了四个版本,包括楼上的两个,整理出个人觉得比较满意的版本。&br&&br&答案在风中飘扬&br&鲍勃·迪伦&br&&br&一个人要经历多长的旅途&br&才能长大成人&br&白鸽要飞越几重大海&br&才能在沙滩上安眠&br&炮火要多少次掠过天空&br&才能换来永远的和平&br&答案啊,我的朋友,在风中飘扬&br&答案在风中飘扬&br&&br&一座山要屹立多久&br&才能历经沧海桑田&br&人们要等待多久&br&才能获得自由&br&一个人要几度回首&br&才能假装视而不见&br&答案啊,我的朋友,在风中飘扬&br&答案在风中飘扬&br&&br&一个人要仰望多少次 &br&才能再见苍穹&br&一个人要多么善听&br&才能听见他人的哭喊&br&多少生命的陨落&br&才能知道太多的人已经死去&br&答案啊,我的朋友,在风中飘扬&br&答案在风中飘扬&br&&br&&br&Blowing in the wind&br&Bob Dylan&br&&br&How many roads must a man walk down&br&Before they call him a man&br&How many seas must a white dove sail&br&Before she sleeps in the sand&br&How many times must the cannon balls fly&br&Before they're forever banned&br&The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind&br&The answer is blowing in the wind&br&How many years must a mountain exist&br&&br&Before it is washed to the sea&br&How many years can some people exist&br&Before they're allowed to be free&br&How many times can a man turn his head&br&And pretend that he just doesn't see&br&The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind&br&The answer is blowing in the wind&br&How many times must a man look up&br&&br&Before he can see the sky&br&How many ears must one man have&br&Before he can hear people cry&br&How many deaths will it take&br&'Till he knows that too many people have died&br&The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind&br&The answer is blowing in the wind
试试直接Bing yahoo搜索或者以下网站&br&&a href=&/?target=http%3A///& class=&internal&&/&/a&&br&&br&&br&&a href=&/?target=http%3A///& class=&internal&&/&/a&&br&&br&&br&&a href=&/?target=http%3A///index.php& class=&internal&&/index.php&/a&&br&&br&&br&&a href=&/?target=http%3A///%23& class=&internal&&/#&/a&
试试直接Bing yahoo搜索或者以下网站
我一般写成 《爱·现》&br&你说的对,我也觉得歌词的意思就是“看起来很恩爱但是和过去早已不同”&br&我觉得可以翻译成“似是而非”
我一般写成 《爱·现》你说的对,我也觉得歌词的意思就是“看起来很恩爱但是和过去早已不同”我觉得可以翻译成“似是而非”
需要钱也需要真实,其实不矛盾。zhe show
需要钱也需要真实,其实不矛盾。zhe show 其实在show智商,很喜欢这首歌,像个淘气但感性的小女孩。要大家掏钱还觉得很喜欢她的演出。
只能说去听听一天一天 去看看歌词 去认真感受
只能说去听听一天一天 去看看歌词 去认真感受
&p&Well I'll be damned &br&我是被惩罚着&/p&&p&Here comes your ghost again &br&你的影子再一次盘旋在我脑海&/p&&p&But that's not unusual &br&但是这很寻常&/p&&p&It's just that the moon is full &br&每当满月的时候&/p&&p&And you happened to call &br&这时你突然打来电话&/p&&p&And here I sit &br&我就坐在这儿&/p&&p&Hand on the telephone &br&手握着电话&/p&&p&Hearing a voice I'd known &br&听着我熟悉的声音&/p&&p&A couple of light years ago &br&仿佛时间穿越到了好几年前&/p&&p&Heading straight for a fall &br&记忆深深地坠了下去&/p&&p&As I remember your eyes &br&我记得你的眼睛&/p&&p&Were bluer than robin's eggs &br&比知更鸟的卵还要澄澈&/p&&p&My poetry was lousy you said &br&你说我的诗歌令人心烦&/p&&p&Where are you calling from? &br&”你是从哪打来的?“&/p&&p&A booth in the midwest &br&”在中西部的一个公用电话亭“&/p&&p&Ten years ago &br&十年前&/p&&p&I bought you some cufflinks &br&我给你买了一些咖啡&/p&&p&You brought me something &br&你带给我一些东西&/p&&p&We both know what memories can bring &br&我们都明白回忆会带来什么&/p&&p&They bring diamonds and rust &br&回忆会带来钻石和铁锈&/p&&p&Well you burst on the scene &br&那时你出现在现场&/p&&p&Already a legend &br&甚至成为了一个传说&/p&&p&The unwashed phenomenon &br&难以忘记的场景&/p&&p&The original vagabond &br&最初的流浪者&/p&&p&You strayed into my arms &br&你流浪到我的怀抱里&/p&&p&And there you stayed &br&你隐藏在这里&/p&&p&Temporarily lost at sea &br&短暂地意识消沉&/p&&p&The Madonna was yours for free &br&Madonna将会佑你自由&/p&&p&Yes the girl on the half-shell &br&是的 就是那个从半开的贝壳里走出来的女子&/p&&p&Could keep you unharmed &br&会保护你免受伤害&/p&&p&Now I see you standing &br&现在我又看见你站在那儿&/p&&p&With brown leaves falling around &br&枯黄的树叶随风飘舞&/p&&p&And snow in your hair &br&雪花飘落在你的发上&/p&&p&Now you're smiling out the window &br&现在你在窗外浅浅地笑着&/p&&p&Of that crummy hotel &br&在一个凋敝的小旅馆&/p&&p&Over Washington Square &br&在华盛顿广场的对面&/p&&p&Our breath.es out white clouds &br&我们的呼吸穿透白色的云雾&/p&&p&Mingles and hangs in the air &br&交织混合在空气中&/p&&p&Speaking strictly for me &br&你很严肃地对我说&/p&&p&We both could have died then and there &br&我们可能会死在哪儿&/p&&p&Now you're telling me &br&现在你又告诉我&/p&&p&You're not nostalgic &br&你不是一个怀旧的人&/p&&p&Then give me another word for it &br&然后你又告诉我&/p&&p&You who are so good with words &br&你这个人总是善于玩弄文字&/p&&p&And at keeping things vague &br&然后混淆一切&/p&&p&Because I need some of that vagueness now &br&也许因为我现在需要一些模糊不清&/p&&p&It's all.e back too clearly &br&但现在回想起来却是无比确信&/p&&p&Yes I loved you dearly &br&是的 我深深地爱着你&/p&&p&And if you're offering me diamonds and rust &br&如果你能给与我钻石与铁锈&/p&&p&I've already paid &br&我已经满足&/p&&br&&br&&br&&p&往昔璀璨如钻,却又锈迹斑斑。&/p&
Well I'll be damned 我是被惩罚着Here comes your ghost again 你的影子再一次盘旋在我脑海But that's not unusual 但是这很寻常It's just that the moon is full 每当满月的时候And you happened to call 这时你突然打来电话And here I sit 我就坐在这儿H…
对不起 我认输。我觉得这么翻译更贴切
对不起 我认输。我觉得这么翻译更贴切
Over the hill I trek my way, yet nothingness is all that awaits.
Over the hill I trek my way, yet nothingness is all that awaits.
哈哈 泻药 当初是无意间关注这个话题的,而且也不怎么听凤凰传奇的哈哈。
哈哈 泻药 当初是无意间关注这个话题的,而且也不怎么听凤凰传奇的哈哈。
专辑封面的原文是Hills,这个还是最好遵循一下吧。&br&&br&Hills - Jonathan Lee&br&&br&
Words: Jonathan Lee
Song: Jonathan Lee&br&&br&
There are many things left unsaid
&br&The reason I keep them is because I want to write a song
&br&&br&A song for people to sing slightly, and to remember gently
&br&&br&Eventually if it is forgotten, is still valuable
Maybe the memories of my life&br&
Could come together as one river and split us
&br&&br&Finally, I have the courage to grimace and to face the hardness of life&br&&br&
Maybe we never grow old enough&br&
Getting older but unable to really know this world
&br&&br&Although youth is still alive in my heart&br&&br&
Looking back frequently because of unease&br&
Always demand ignorantly and shame on asking for help&br&
Across every hill tirelessly&br&&br&
Across hills, with snow-white hair&br&
Chattering, I feel sorrow but time waits for no one&br&
Instead of meeting immortal love&br&
I have lost myself&br&
Across hills, no one's waiting&br&
Chattering, but I cannot pull back your love&br&
Why can't I remember the time and the person who hug me last time&br&
I'm not trying to hide and have no intention to make you sad&br&
How many times have we ever felt unhappy without getting drunk&br&
Regret we didn't meet sooner and life is too short&br&
Even if your crying ruined your makeup, I also don't care
Maybe we never grow old enough&br&
Getting older but unable to really know this world and the young people around&br&
Looking for a reason for myself&br&
And fight back against the unfair fate and drama love like Prometheus&br&
Till the end of my life&br&&br&&br&&br&***chorus***&br&
Across hills, with snow-white hair&br&
Chattering, I feel sorrow but time waits for no one&br&
Instead of meeting immortal love
&br&&br&I have lost myself&br&
Across hills, no one's waiting&br&
Chattering, but I cannot pull back your love&br&
Why can't I remember the time and the person who hug me last time
专辑封面的原文是Hills,这个还是最好遵循一下吧。Hills - Jonathan Lee
Words: Jonathan Lee
Song: Jonathan Lee
There are many things left unsaid
The reason I keep them is because I want to write a song
A song for people to sing slightl…
试着翻译了一下。&br&无法参考其原文,因此翻译与理解很可能有歧义。&br&仅仅作为参考。&br&&img data-rawwidth=&640& data-rawheight=&1136& src=&/1fdc6def89_b.png& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=&/1fdc6def89_r.png&&
oh-woahOh-ll have to goBut tonight i&#39,all that I want, oh-ll be on our ownBut tonight I need to hold you so closeAnd when the daylight comes i&#39, cause I knowWhen the sun comes out, oh-ll be on our ownBut tonight I need to hold you so closeOh-woah, i&#39, oh-woahOh-t wanna stuck alone babe, oh-woahOh-woah, I will leaveThis is my last glance that will soon be memoryAnd when the daylight comes i&#39, so beautifulThis is guy is getting dired cause stalls are burning outSomebody slow it downThis is way too hard,ll be on our ownBut tonight I need to hold you so closeOh-woah, oh-s lateAnd i&#39, oh-s all that Im gonna hold you so closeCause in the daylight we&#39,I will have to slip awayAnd when the daylight comes i'll have to leave soonWhy am i,m gonna hold you so closeCause in the daylight we'll have to goBut tonight i&#39, stuck alone babeI was afraid of the dark but now it&#39, we knew it all alongHow did it?We knew this would come, oh-woah, oh-m gonna hold you so closeCause in the daylight we'm gonna hold you so closeCause in the daylight we&#39, oh-woahOh-woah (yeah);ll have to goBut tonight i&#39?This is our last night but it&#39, oh-woahI never wanted to stop becauseI don&#39DaylightMaroon 5Here I am waiting, oh-woah (yeah), oh-woahHere I am staring at your perfectionMy arms, when I wake, oh-woah, oh-woah (yeah), all that I wantAnd when the daylight comes i'll be on our ownBut tonight I need to hold you so closeOh-woah, oh-woah (yeah)Oh-woah (yeah);ll have to goBut tonight i'm trying not to sleepCause I know
m gonna hold you so closeCause in the daylight we&#39, I will leaveThis is my last glance that will soon be memoryAnd when the daylight comes i&#39,我曾畏惧黑暗, we knew it all along我们早预料到这一天的到来;m trying not to sleep我不想睡着Cause I know, oh-woahHere I am staring at your perfection我注视着你的完美无缺in my arms, oh-woah,m gonna hold you so close但今夜我会将你抱紧Cause in the daylight we&#39?为什么我,当我醒来I will have to slip away就必须离开And when the daylight comes i&#39?This is our last night but it&#39,独自一人I was afraid of the dark but now it&#39,我将不得不离开But tonight i'm gonna hold you so closeCause in the daylight we'm gonna hold you so closeCause in the daylight we&#39,很快就需要离开Why am i, oh-woah】重复I never wanted to stop because我从未想过要停下来, oh-woah,我们就要各自上路But tonight I need to hold you so close但今晚我需要将你抱紧Oh-t wanna stuck alone babe,坚持不放手;ll have to goBut tonight i&#39, oh-woahOh-woah, oh-woah,夜色已深And i&#39, when I wake,如此美丽The sky is getting back the stars are burning out 天空渐亮星光渐暗Somebody slow it down谁能让时光变慢This is way too hard, so beautiful在我的怀抱中,我们一直都清楚How did it,因为我知道【When the sun comes out, oh-woah, stuck alone babe我不想独自一人, cause I know这太难了;ll be on our ownBut tonight I need to hold you so closeOh-woah, oh-woah (yeah), all that I want唯一所求, oh-ll have to go当晨光降临Here I am waiting,唯一所求【And when the daylight comes i&#39,这么快,但如今黑暗是我唯一所求all that Ill have to leave soon我在这里等待;s late这是我们的最后一晚?We s all that I want, o......
版式: | 炫彩版 | 07-16 06:43求Sleeping at Last的Saturn的中文歌词一直觉得自己翻译的没有达到音乐的感觉,想表达的内容丝毫看不出来,特此求位大神翻译一下Saturn的中文歌词,麻烦了You taught me the courage of stars before you left.How light carries on endlessly, even after death.With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite.How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.I couldn’t help but askFor you to say it all again.I tried to write it downBut I could never find a pen.I’d give anything to hearYou say it one more time,That the universe was madeJust to be seen by my eyes.I couldn’t help but askFor you to say it all again.I tried to write it downBut I could never find a pen.I’d give anything to hearYou say it one more time,That the universe was madeJust to be seen by my eyes.With shortness of breath, I’ll explain the infiniteHow rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.就像——“我燃烧了一颗行星,只为和你说再见”不知道五十悬赏够不够
你在离开之前带我见识了星星的胆魄即便死亡之后,星光依旧闪耀呼吸浅短间,你诠释了无限就连生命也变得如此珍稀美丽我忍不住问出声只为你能再说一遍我试着将它记下却找不到笔我愿倾尽一切去聆听你又重复了一遍那是宇宙的开始只为能被我看见我忍不住问出声只为你能再说一遍我试着将它记下却找不到笔你又重复了一遍那是宇宙的开始只为能被我看见呼吸浅短间,我将诠释无限我们的存在是如此珍稀美丽ps:DW 10TH
芝士的创意家居是怎样的来源:创意家居设计2提拉米苏?????咖啡的苦、蛋与糖的润、巧克力的馥郁,美味至极。“复古田园四居室【面 积】:130平米【户 型】:大户型、四房两厅两卫一厨【风 格】:温馨乡村风电视背景墙贴上进门玄关处就能看见半开放式的厨房油画般华美的布兰科室内设计,木质感营造的家非常适合单身公寓、儿童房、小户型想要挤个书房的。书架门室内游泳池 淘气的沙发
这个书架要上天折出来的儿童乐园 随意的楼梯 猫咪的豪华套房
玩转客厅与卧室1.几何3D?2.明信片3.电线4.花布5.纸球花6.空卷筒7.心连心8.口红9.鞋盒一堆不要的鞋盒完全可以火柴女孩黄金女郎石榴裙黄金裙火云甲维多利亚女郎雏花裙黄阔天空陈皮裙玫瑰的诱惑出浴美人儿那一缕回眸~红晕裙精灵卧室是我们休憩身心的地方,尤其是床头部分,是最与我们亲密接触的,想要拥有良好的睡眠质量,就必须将细节做到这里是全球时尚家居馆商务合作QQ:经典微小说世界敢来嘛?眼光不错哟!微信ID:waxia法国设计师mathieu lehanneur为卢瓦尔河畔肖蒙庄园内的自然艺术中心带来了一件名为“petite导语 ? (fuxingxiangshop)来自英国艺术家Chris Wood的创意设计,用交错彩色玻璃在光知名景点常出现的肖像画家,相信大家应该不太陌生,即使没有请他们为自己与家人创作过,但至少也曾经围在旁边凑过热这里是全球时尚家居馆商务合作QQ:把书籍放在开放的架子和柜子上几乎是最简单快捷的修饰方法床是最主要的家具之一,每天人的三分之一时间都是在床上度过。所以在装修房屋时,选择床是件很头疼的事,既要美观,创意舒适的办公环境可以让员工在工作时更加轻松,更富有激情,甚至能够激发思维,进而更高效的完成工作。这篇文章收这款蓝牙音箱名为ARiNA,音箱内部装有 6 个扩音器,可以实现 360 度的环绕音效。它可以保持在一个水平其实家居质感离不开小部件的点缀这次小编就从精美盆器入手教你为质感家居点睛1高级灰水泥盆器粗糙多孔、质朴自然的这里是全球时尚家居馆商务合作QQ:逆天设计一椅子?滑梯?……还能坐?逆天设计 2这喷壶难一、时光之旅,回到过去或许,我们想寻找永恒的趋势似乎有点不太现实。但归根结底,怎么样的设计才会流行?实际上是宝贝总是很快、很狠性感迷人击中要害恰如其分甩出各家行业史只要讲个温柔的爱情故事从前有位浪漫的诗人 叫徐志摩三我们之前报道过米兰设计周的很多空间装置如需查看请点击右侧(2016米兰设计周[空间装置])今天为大家带来众多如果有天幸运的中乐透或是奥其他方式赚了很多钱,可能有许多人曾经梦想过环游世界或是买栋超级豪宅,不过在杜拜有个你可以没男票、女票,但不能没老公、老婆!你可以没车,但不能没家居!你可以没家居,但不能没创意!微信ID:ii户型:三居风格:欧式面积:106 m2>本案例造就了其自在、随意的不羁生活方式,没有太多造作的修饰与约束,不今年30岁的Ashely Yeates不是个霍比特人,平日是一个设计和建筑的专家,明显长的个子太大,尽管有传电视机,壁挂跟底座哪个好?相信不少的人都对这个问题拿捏不住,今天小云就通过一些案例给大家讲下究竟哪个更合适吧面对房价的飞涨,有钱的就买个大居室,没钱的就买个小居室。我们都觉着大居室空间大、光线足,而小居室空间会显得拥复活节(EasterHoliday)马上就要到咯,过复活节的小伙伴们,除了在鸡蛋上画画,藏鸡蛋找鸡蛋外……你创意是现代工业设计之娘-9个充满生活情调的产品常用设计? 这里是经典微小说的世界? 经典小说分享平台,点击历起源于西班牙拥有航海气息的吊灯,随着发展样式也变得丰富起来。在一般的家居装修中,吊灯应该要怎么样选择才能更好风格:欧式房型:三房面积:130平米窗帘款式知识学习随着家居潮流的不断翻新,近来追赶时尚的年轻人喜欢在家居装饰中加入玻璃的元素,从入门的玻璃玄关,到客厅的玻璃地吴奇隆与刘诗诗再度合作的《步步惊情》登陆中国蓝剧场。消息一经发布就引起热烈关注。那么不知道待装修的业主有商务合作QQ:商务合作QQ:白色情人节又来了,想好给最最心爱的TA一份怎样的的浪漫惊喜了吗?白色情人节又来了,想好给最最心爱的TA一份怎样的的浪漫惊喜了吗?商务合作QQ:沙发区正面看沙发沙发一角侧看沙发电视背景墙客厅空间沙发特写餐厅空间餐厅餐桌椅电视背景墙,顾名思义就是客厅装修的时候将电视后面的背景墙面进行装修和装饰,提升客厅装修效果。随着审美的变化,上海女孩被江西农村男友家年夜饭吓跑的事情,今天终于有了新进展:男友正式表态了!日窗君看完后就一个感觉:妹子,这款现代简约风整个的以灰白为主装饰而成,很好的展现了现代简约风格中静谧时尚的特点。加上整个清晰简约的线条,一这套朴素的地中海风,给人一种清新淡雅的感觉。墙面的装修中,运用了大量的淡色乳胶漆打造出淡雅的氛围,在扩大了视在装修过程中,衣柜都是每个家庭必选的一件物品。从靠墙式衣柜慢慢向嵌入式衣柜开始发展起来。接下来飞墨君和大家说1、家具商标擦掉后会留下不干胶的残留物,可用粗橡皮擦去效果不错,地板上的口香糖也可用橡皮擦去。2、家中白色桌商务联络QQ:房间整体以白色为主,看上去比较开阔明亮。木地板、灰色的地毯、浅色系的抱枕搭配iiijiaju爱家爱生活!为你提供最新家居产品资讯,传递最新家居设计理念!热门文章最新文章iiijiaju爱家爱生活!为你提供最新家居产品资讯,传递最新家居设计理念!&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&
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我和... 父亲又问:这是什么? 儿子有点不耐烦的说:这是乌鸦! 过了一会儿,父亲又问 儿子吼了起来...的膝盖以你为目标动力滚滚来树哥我也想和你一样努力不要再等待请继续唱下去吧请原谅我的痴汉行为qaq... (⊙v⊙)棒! GJ!! w/ 当吧歌不错啊,真心萌。。要不来个百人大合唱=...大神们帮帮忙… 胥渡吧里搞基秘籍里的一首歌!好像歌词里有《我无法解释不懂分忧》大神们帮.求. 求大神帮忙啊,B站太难了!收下我一年的膝盖吧,跪求答案!… 求大...大神收下我的膝盖!解决方案4:不光是标日我从来没有背过任何文章出了歌词解决方案5... 这样啊…那就再加油练习吧!一直觉得能把日语说成母语一样就好了…看来还是难爆啊…...奇奇影视有最新的电影电视剧免费在线观看和下载,奇奇影视[HD][DVD][720p][1080p]资源多更新快的电影网。


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