
求大神翻译啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!先谢谢了!!!!!!!翻译成英语~~~~~~~~~~~~读完了法国作家儒勒凡尔纳的三部曲之一八十天环游世界之后,我感受颇多.这本书讲的故事非常离奇,也非常神奇:一位平时生活很本分、很有规律的福克先生,突然奇思妙想,想要用八十天的时间来环绕地球一圈,并且设下了两万英镑的巨额赌注.谁也不相信他会赢,因为这实在是太难了,在这八十天里,能保证不出意外吗?能保证只因为一分钟之差,而赶不上准确的时间吗?但是,福克先生却做到了,甚至在这人们想象不到的极端的时间里,福克先生不仅完成了环游地球一圈,甚至还做了很多善事,领略了当地的风土人情.这期间他的仆人一直忠诚地跟随着他,还有一位误以为他是小偷的密探,也跟着他环绕了地球一圈.整个故事扣人心弦,而且在很多艰难的时刻发生了奇迹般的转折,使整个情节跌宕起伏,很有意思.    不管是遇到了什么事情害乏哆刮馨钙鹅水珐惊,或高兴,或失落,书中的这位主人公福克先生都保持着平静的态度;他的仆人倒是被描写的活灵活现,喜怒哀乐尽显书中.不过,福克先生的精神还是值得我们学习的,不管发生了什么,都不要过于激动,总有解决方法的;而仆人&万事通&的做法则告诉我们,不管有多么要紧的事情,都要欣赏一下周边美丽的风景,不要白来这一趟.  那个一直很自以为是的密探,到最后冤枉了好人,使自己的名誉不再像以前那么好了.不过,他为了活捉&小偷&所做的努力还是很多的,这种坚持不懈的精神,最后竟然使他没有被受到处分,还白白的环游世界一圈,已经很令人羡慕了.  不仅是这几个人,在整个故事中,还有很多不起眼的角色,对福克先生这一趟旅行有很大的帮助.正是那些不曾谋面的人出手相帮,才会有一个八十天环游地球的奇迹.
After reading one of the trilogy of French writer Jules Verne's around the world in eighty days, I feel quite a lot. The book's story is very strange, also very magical: a normal life is very regular duty, Mr. Falk, all of a sudden whim, want to use eighty days to a circle around the earth, and set up a huge bet twenty thousand pounds. Who also don't believe that he will win, because it's just too hard, in this eighty days, can guarantee that no accid害乏哆刮馨钙鹅水珐惊ent? Can guarantee only because a minute difference, and miss the correct time? However, Mr Fogg did, even in these people can not imagine the extreme time, Mr Fogg, not only completed around the circle of the earth, and even do a lot of good, a taste of local local customs and practices. During this period his servant has been faithfully followed him, also have a mistake that he is a thief the spy, also followed him around the circle of the earth. The story exciting, and there have been miraculously turning in many difficult times, the whole plot ups and downs, very interesting. No matter what's happening with, or pleasure, or lost, book
Whether it met what thing, or happy, or lost, the protagonist of the book is Mr Fox maintained a calm attitude. His servant's been phenomenal, joys and sorrows all show in the book. However, Mr Fok's spirit is worth our learning, no matter what happens, don't get too excited, al And servant &know-it-all& practice tells us that no matter how urgent things, all want to enjoy the beautiful scenery around, don't waste time this trip.That has always been self-righteous agent, at the end of the wronged a good man, made his reputation is no longer as good as it once was. However, his efforts to capture a &thief& and a lot of this kind of perseverance, finally made him without being disciplined, also white around the world in a circle, already very admirable.Not only is this a few people, throughout the story, there are many small role, on this trip Mr Fox has a lot of help. It is those who have never met to running
Read one of the trilogy of French writer Jules verne after eighty days to travel around the world, I feel quite a lot. The book of the story 害乏哆刮馨钙鹅水珐惊is very strange, also very magic: a peacetime is duty, life is very regular, Mr Fox suddenly ideas, want to use eighty days a year to a circle around the earth, and set the massive bet twenty thousand pounds. Who also don't believe that he will win, because it is too difficult, in this eighty days, can guarantee that no accident? Can guarantee only for a minute difference, but couldn't catch up with the correct time? Did just that, Mr Fox, however, even in the extreme than people thought, not only Mr Fox finished traveling around the world, and even did a lot of good, appreciate the local conditions and customs of the local. This period of his servant has been faithfully follow him, one is under the illusion that he is a thief a spy, also followed him around the earth. The whole story gripping, and in a lot of tough time takes a miraculous turn, make the whole plot ups and downs, is very interesting.Whether it met what thing, or happy, or lost, the protagonist of the book is Mr Fox maintained a calm attitude. His servant's been phenomenal, joys and sorrows all show in the book. However, Mr Fok's spirit is worth our learning, no matter what happens, don't get too excited, al And servant &know-it-all& practice tells us that no matter how urgent things, all want to enjoy the beautiful scenery around, don't waste time this trip.That has always been self-righteous agent, at the end of the wronged a good man, made his reputation is no longer as good as it once was. However, his efforts to capture a &thief& and a lot of this kind of perseverance, finally made him without being disciplined, also white around the world in a circle, already very admirable.Not only is this a few people, throughout the story, there are many small role, on this trip Mr Fox has a lot of help. It is those who have never met to running
Read one of the trilogy of French writer Jules verne after eighty days to travel around the world, I feel quite a lot. The book of the story is very strange, also very magic: a peacetime is duty, life is very regular, Mr Fox suddenly ideas, want to use eighty days a year to a circle around the earth, and set the massive bet twenty thousand pounds. Who also don't believe that he will win, because it is too difficult, in this eighty days, can guarantee that no accident? Can guarantee only for a minute difference, but couldn't catch up with the correct time? Did just that, Mr Fox, however, even in the extreme than people thought, not only Mr Fox finished traveling around the world, and even did a lot of good, appreciate the local conditions and customs of the local. This period of his servant has been faithfully follow him, one is under the illusion that he is a thief a spy, also followed him around the earth. The whole story gripping, and in a lot of tough time takes a miraculous turn, make the whole plot ups and downs, is very interesting.Whether it met what thing, or happy, or lost, the protagonist of the book is Mr Fox maintained a calm attitude. His servant's been phenomenal, joys and sorrows all show in the book. However, Mr Fok's spirit is worth our learning, no matter what happens, don't get too excited, al And servant &know-it-all& practice tells us that no matter how urgent things, all want to enjoy the beautiful scenery around, don't waste time this trip.That has always been self-righteous agent, at the end of the wronged a good man, made his reputation is no longer as good as it once was. However, his efforts to capture a &thief& and a lot of this kind of perseverance, finally made him without being disciplined, also white around the world in a circle, already very admirable.Not only is this a few people, throughout the story, there are many small role, on this trip Mr Fox has a lot of help. It is those who have never met to running
i went to the Jiang Jia Jie with my parent in this summer vacation.We spend 12 hours to get there by drove,while we pretty tired. When we got there, we realized JJJ was such a paradise.We visted The brige of the world,wu ling yuan, big cliff and so many famous interests.We visited the JJJ by cable car, wihle we picked up the phone,took so many photos till we exhausted.JJJ is the most beatiful place i ever seen in my life,i stuck in it,can't miss it.JJJ means 张家界 望采纳谢谢
知道就行了嘛 不太懂拼音 可能拼音的部分有些错 对不起
This summer vacation, I follow my parents went to Zhangjiajie. Self driving 12 hours pretty hard. In Zhangjiajie, I visited the best in all the land bridge, Wulingyuan, the Grand Canyon and other famousscenic spots. Zhangjiajie from the mountain to the mountains can choose to take the elevator or by cable car. Zhangjiajie is the equivalent of a shrine. I took the mobile phone crazy pictures,according to my mercy. Zhangjiajie walked pass by do not miss!
“Alien”land opens up its secretsDeep within the Nevada desert,the United States,is Area 51. It’s home to many mysterious stories. You’re not allowed to take photos there. Reports of aliens and unidentified flying objects(UFOs) are very common. It is the most famous top-secret place on the Earth!Why is Area 51 so special? Since 1955,the US government has used the area as a military base. Keeping it a secret the denied that Area 51 was real.Now the US government has finally opened up about Area 51.Area 51 was used to test secret spy planes,including the U-2. It was used against the former soviet Union. The U-2 could fly higher and faster than normal planes. So the strange sights people saw in the sky were believed to have been UFOs!There is a famous legend. In 1947 a UFO crashed into a faraway part of Roswell,the US. The government quickly found out before the local people did. Inside the UFO they found aliens! They hid the UFO so nobody found out. Then they took the aliens to Atea 51,doing secret experiments on them.Do you think this is ture? If you don’t you’ll be surprised. In 1947,something did crash in Roswell. And the military quickly cleared the area,leaving little evidence behind. There are still questions unanswered. Was it a UFO.
现在美国政府终于公开了51区。51区被用来测试的秘密间谍飞机,包括u - 2侦察机。它是用来对付前苏联。u - 2侦察机可以飞得更高,速度比正常的飞机。所以人们看到奇妙的天空景观被认为是不明飞行物!
“外星人”地打开了它的秘密内华达沙漠深处,美国51区。它拥有许多神秘的故事。你不允许拍照那里。报告的外星人和不明飞行物(ufo)是很常见的。它是最著名的绝密的地方在地球上!为什么是51区如此特别?自1955年以来,美国政府已经使用该地区作为一个军事基地。保持一个秘密的否认51区是真实的。现在美国政府终于公开了51区。51区被用来测试的秘密间谍飞机,包括u - 2侦察机。它是用来对付前苏联。u - 2侦察机可以飞得更高,速度比正常的飞机。所以人们看到奇妙的景观在天空被认为是不明飞行物!有一个著名的传说。在1947年,一个不明飞行物坠毁遥远的一部分罗斯威尔,美国。政府很快就发现在当地人们所做的。在不明飞行物他们发现外星人!他们隐藏了UFO所以没有人发现。然后他们把外星人来Atea 51,做秘密实验他们。你认为这是正确的?如果你不你会惊讶。在1947年,某些在罗斯威尔坠毁了。和军事迅速清理场地,导致没有足够的证据。仍有问题没有回答。这是一个不明飞行物。
In this paper, through analyzing the related literature and food safety to the Chinesefood export America effect. Firstly, the development status of the food trade is described in our country, so that food safety has important influence on Chinese food export trade. Secondly, analysis of food safety standards between China and America,and food safety differences on Chinese food exported to the USA effect. Finally,access to information through trade measures China technology network, based on the knowledge of the recent America FDA on China exports to the country food detentiontimes were analyzed using the EVIEWS software, the USA FDA on China's fooddetention times the conclusion accords with the ARMA model. And combining the actual situation of China's food exports, from a number of government, food industry,food industry should take effective measures, so as to enhance the internationalcompetitiveness of China's food export trade.
This paper fully analyzed and food safety related literature of the impact of China's food exports the United States. First of all, to our country to the United States food trade development present situation, and concluded the food safety have important influence to China's food export trade. Secondly, analyses the differences between China and the United States food safety standards, as well as food safety differences impact on China's food exports to the United States. Finally, through the China technical trade measure net data access, according to the knowledge to use EVIEWS software in recent years, the FDA for China's exports to the country's food holding times were analyzed, and concluded that the FDA food holding times comply with the ARMA model of our country. And combined with the actual situation of China's food exports, from the government, food industry, food companies such as multiple levels to take effective measures, so as to enhance the international competitiveness of China's food export trade.
Extradition, refers to the state according to the treaty, or for other reasons within their jurisdiction and accused by others or have been convicted a crime, should the request, handed over to the prosecution or punishment activities in the country. Although the development of extradition system in the world has a long history, but in the development of China's extradition is very short, but since December 28, 2000, the ninth session of the standing committee of the National People's Congress meeting passed 19 &extradition laws of the People's Republic of China& (hereinafter referred to as the &extradition laws&), the implementation of the extradition laws since the end of the history of no extradition laws in our country, by now the extradition laws in our country has implemented more than 13 years and in the thirteenth year of implementation of this to solve the problem of extradition provides important legal basis,Thanks to the deportation law, China is able to make considerable achievements in getting some of its fugitive criminal suspects deported, for example, the deportation of Lai Changxing in 2011, who was the main suspect for an eye-catching smuggling case in Xiamen.
Although the deportation law has helped China to make great advancement in its development, China's deportation system still needs improvements and is lagged behind of the international one. The paper summarizes the history of the development of deportation system in China, looks into some of its problems and comes up with specific personal suggestions for improvement.
仅供参考: Deportation refers to the practice by one country to hand over people, who are inside its jurisdiction area but are facing charges or convicted in another country, to that country for prosecution or law enforcement, following the request of that country and pursuant to international treaties or other reasons.
Although the development of international deportation system has a long history, it is rather new in our country. The 19th Session of the Standing Committee of the 9th National People's Congress passed the People's Republic of China Deportation Law (hereinafter referred to as Deportation Law) on 28 December 2000. The enactment of Deportation law has since put an end to China's history without proper deportation, and the enforcement of the law in the past over 13 years have provided an important legal basis for deportation issues in China. Thanks to the deportation law, China is able to make considerable achievements in getting some of its fugitive criminal suspects deported, for example, the deportation of Lai Changxing in 2011, who was the main suspect for an eye-catching smuggling case in Xiamen.
Although the deportation law has helped China to make great advancement in its development, China's deportation system still needs improvements and is lagged behind of the international one. The paper summarizes the history of the development of deportation system in China, looks into some of its problems and comes up with specific personal suggestions for improvement.
The so-called extradition, is refers to the country according to the treaty or on other grounds in their jurisdiction and other charges or has been convicted of a crimeperson, should the request, transferred to the prosecution or punishment activities.Although has a long development in the international extradition system history, but in China the extradition of development is very short, but since the nineteenth meeting of the Standing Committee in December 28, 2000 Ninth National People's Congress passed the &Extradition Law of the people's Republic& (hereinafter referred to as&Extradition Law&), &since the implementation of& the end of the Extradition Law our country does not have an extradition law history, until now &Extradition Law& has been implemented in China for over thirteen years and in the thirteen years to solve theproblem of extradition in China has laid an important legal foundation, in recent yearsdue to the implementation of &Extradition Law&, our country in the extradition ofcriminals. Some flight has made great achievements, such as in 2011 the extradition of Lai Changxing, Lai Changxing is the Xiamen smuggling case prime suspect.Although the &development and implementation of Extradition Law& makes our extradition system has made great progress, but still with the international extraditionsystem exists the disparity and deficiency. In this paper, mainly discusses the development history of extradition system in China, some problems on thedevelopment of system of extradition in our country and how to perfect thecorresponding opinion.
The so-called extradition , the State under a treaty or other reasons the person within its jurisdiction of another country being accused or has been convicted of a crime , it should be the country 's request for the surrender of the State to prosecute or enforce a sentence of activities.


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