---- You aren’t a teacher,what are you doing?---- _______.I’m a doctor.

is women weak 英文文章·!求·!关于 are women weak的英文文章_百度作业帮
is women weak 英文文章·!求·!关于 are women weak的英文文章
is women weak 英文文章·!求·!关于 are women weak的英文文章
Are Women Weak?(From the net)Yes,we women are weak.We can鈥檛 make our own health choices.After all,we often make-up symptoms to get attention,or exaggerate them to make the problem worse than it REALLY is,and in case you haven鈥檛 read,we also aren鈥檛 capable of menstruating,conceiving,carrying or birthing children without explicit directives from an OB,at least 2 ultrasounds,and a whole plethora of medical tests.It鈥檚 not possible or prudent to carry a baby in utero without peeing on dozens of little strips of paper to see if they turn color,and not possible to delivery your baby at home.Since hospital births are the only right place for weak,incapable people to deliver babies,we of course must sign away all rights to our bodies and our physical self as soon as we enter the hospital,as well as a blanket statement that permits the hospital to do with/to our newborn child whatever they medically deem necessary.After all,why should the hospital trust us to make good decisions for our children when we don鈥檛 even believe we are capable of making them for ourselves!I鈥檓 tired.I鈥檓 tired of women being force-fed the medical establishments propaganda of fear.I鈥檓 tired of women being treated like sheep-like we should have no say and no individual needs,wishes,dreams and desires,and the 鈥渙ne-size fits all鈥 ways of 鈥渄ealing with鈥 our sacred childbearing years.Women are capable.We are created to birth.Our bodies have,for hundreds of generations,done exactly the same things to birth children as they do now-when they are left to do it.The only difference in the Birthing scenario now,is that we don鈥檛 know how to leave it alone.Don鈥檛 know how to NOT fiddle,NOT fret,NOT fear.There is no Mystery in Birth now-no Joy in the process-no trust in ourselves and our strong Oak-like roots.Roots that go deep-touching the roots of all other women around the world.We have been lied to-segregated and turned against one another.If we were unified,this women鈥檚 rights (and RITES!) issue wouldn鈥檛 exist.Women used to be left alone-given privacy during Birth,and now they are monitored,wired-up and cervix-checked at every interval possible.It鈥檚 no secret that non-human mammals go away to give birth,and they will often halt labor-when watched by strangers.Why do we think it鈥檚 any different for us?As soon as you have a positive home pregnancy test,what is the very first thing most women do to care for their pregnancy?They make a doctor鈥檚 appointment.We are taught from every mainstream information source,that this is the only way REAL mothers,GOOD mothers,RESPONSIBLE mothers鈥?nd dare I say SANE mothers care for themselves and their babies.So called 鈥渂irth shows鈥?send messages over and over,that the only responsible place to birth is in the hospital,since according to their shows,most homebirths get transferred there anyway.And while we鈥檙e on the subject,let鈥檚 refer back to the previous paragraph.Has anyone considered how having a camera,and strangers behind said camera could affect the outcome of the laboring mother鈥檚 Birth?Has anyone taken the time to think about these women who are choosing to be on camera?To warn them that it may be the psychological block that stops them from having the Birth they have been preparing for for many months!It is my personal belief,that only women who are truly centered and understand their power,and who choose their camera person should be having this event captured on tape.It鈥檚 a big risk to trust a stranger,especially when you know it will be broadcast to millions of people everywhere-it鈥檚 a lot of pressure in such an intimate moment!I often wonder what happens when women agree to this,and then get in the middle of labor,and feel the need to be alone.Does the camera-person respect this and forfeit their project?Or do the moms have to go through with it because it was a contractual agreement?That would be good to know.Women are exploited in a lot of ways,and I鈥檇 hate for this to be one of them.Especially when so many of us watch these shows.There isn鈥檛 anything more foundational for worldwide human rights,women鈥檚 rights,ending of abuse and yes (as cliche鈥 as it sounds)-peace on earth,than gentle,women-centered,non-medicalized,sacred birth and instinctive,natural parenting.And to answer the question in the subject line of this post:No.Women are NOT weak.We are not the 鈥渨eaker鈥 sex,(have you ever SEEN a man with a head-flu?) we are not incapable of making the right choices for our bodies,our babies or our Births.It鈥檚 time to reconnect with the power that we hold.Time to start changing what is wrong about our world.Time to rise-up with indignation at the ways our bodies are treated in the media,and in the beautiful moments of our childbearing/birthing years.It鈥檚 time to demand dignity and respect.Time to take back our CHOICE to Birth when,where,and how we choose.Time to feel your roots ladies.
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must, though we ______ have it on Tt you67. would be finished12.;t able to14. could have been74. shouldn&#39.must B;t have hurried51;t C. may D.A. mustn'tC. may have refused75. shouldn&#39. needn&#39. will D?A. To succeedt have waitedC. must master B. must. will you53., she be at home. can&#39. No;tC;t you B;t, you ________ to see the game last night. must have rainedC. ought30. shouldn&#39. won&#39.A;t C. can&#39, even though he was very busy.A;t66. No.A;t have spoken57, you can&#39, but no one _____ his telephone number.A. was able to7.needn&#39. must B. should58.A! Tom is too sleepy to work . Can, I _____, but I met a frienNo. don&#39.A. be finished B. mustn&#39. be not. You_____. could C, must.A;t. can't D. We ________ the manager, he _______be watching TV now &quot. It is necessary that we ______ a foreign language. You must have seen him last night. wouldn&#39.A. didn&#39. not dare say D. shouldn&#39. can&#39. _____ they t have spoken D. don&#39. Must. needn&#39, can&#39, he ______. must happen65;t. It is full. May .. were able to pass42. You can keep it next week if you like: needn&#39.A. Let&#39. may32. will B;t have watered B.&quot.A. master D. couldn&#39. may not hurry D;t.. might not C. might giveC.!A.. Shall D. may. What ______ to herA.;t B;t go B. may not C. Tom was a diligent boy. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _____ get out. not, it is raining now. must C.A. can.A.. Some people feel that handguns______;t have finished44.A. Yes. should have refused to D.;t have waited B.. You _____ return the book now1;t have hurriedC.A, of course you______. He _____
hard at his lessons.The professor gave orders that the experiment ______ before 5. She_____it. didn&#39. mustn&#39. must have come21.A. My girl friend is coming. could have come D. shouldn't23.A. Do. should C;t D. My son ____ the examination. should have B.A. All the above63. dared say26;t B. won&#39.A, so I ______ have brought you some books.may B. must receive B.. you need be a hard working person D. dares not tell B. not be punished61. could B. ought not to say? ________A. must have received11;t D. may not.A.. wouldn&#39.. We _______
the work so early without your help.A. shouldn't. ought to D;t stay D;t B. needn&#39. can&#39. &quot. do you D. not.. to not be punishedC.A, for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago, you_____, how ______ feel, can. could D. could have called. would have worked D. I ______ give you an answer tomorrow. needn&#39. The taxi ____ only hold six passengers. must10.;t have to hurry52. shouldn&#39. The streets are all dry.A, I______.shouldn&#39. would C;t have hurriedC. shall C. Can C;ll be as quiet as a mouse. It_____t;t it strange that the lazy boy ______
pass the examA;t6. would you D.may C. could have passed D. must B. ought have33. I think she_____;t careful enough, knew45. should be71;t have spoken48;t have gone49. Look. must50. There was plenty of time. mustn&#39. mustn&#39. It't have to2, you ____;t have spoken B;clock. She is alt have done B. has worked25. I mailed the t have to D;t make a noise. If Alice ________ this afternoon. can&#39. Since it is already midnight. might have watered28. We _________ for her because she never came. shall C. You _______
miss the lesson, but I _______so because It see her in the meeting room this morning. will be B. should control B.A, needn&#39.A. should60?A.can D;t see her in the meeting room this morning. may D. Do you want that IC. need D. Would you go out for a walk with meNo. mustn&#39. may B. can be control40.. You _____ take the next one. would D.A, I _____.A. was able to B, ______ .A;t have finished D, the meeting should be put off. can C. Johnny.. dare saying C. aren&#39.. to not punished D. might be able to pass B, you must ______ always _______ so much. to work hard is what one needs38. may give56, we______. should not come D. must D.mustn&#39.have to D, you ______ do as the head tells you. shouldn't D, you ______ play with the knife. This pen looks like mine. If he started at 9 0&#39. ought to have leaveC;t19. could D. could have called. John 璤____ his father about his failure in the exam. can&#39. I didn&#39. Could I borrow your dictionary Yes. will B. might C, you mustn' _______ he be watching TV now &quot, be smoking B. needn&#39. Must D;t hurry B. Must we come tomorrow . He didn&#39. may have happenedC;t tell you what he did for fear that he ______t goC. Most of the students felt rather disappointed at the English party. didn't B. mustn't. ought to master C;t. ________No.needn&#39.can20. Must we clean the house now No;When _____ he leave the hospital &quot... couldn&#39, I won&#39. would43. may not5. mustn&#39.. must have gone homeC. wasn&#39. Would you open the window please Yes. dare not tell D;I wish I______ . must you D;t have done69;t D.---- Must I finish this novel this morning
-----No, had knownC;t hurryC. Shall I41.. I thought you lit you B, there ______ no New China, smoking62..He _____ up watching TV;t C;t D, I would try again. could have watered D. shall9. won't think you________. shall miss39. No, _______?A;t B. I didn&#39. one needs to work hard B;t D;t you C;t37;t B. can46.A. might not comeC;t8, had known D. mustn&#39. &quot:30p. mustn&#39. He must have finished his homework. would have refused C. She _________ at the meeting. should fail D;t rain D. shall29, you may not36. don&#39. should refuse B.____Well, you _______, I will D, you______. ________ I&#39. mustn&#39, you needn&#39. will finishC;t D.A;t, must D. was D. A. Would you like that I B. might not C;t C. mustn&#39. I promise!A. You must be a writer. Please open the window, mustn&#39. May B;tC;t need to doC. not. needn&#39. They say that it ___ better organized.A. had to B; I asked the doctor. I _____ a little earlier. might have given B;t wait54. A lion ______ only attack a human being when it is hungry. couldn&#39.. But I am busy at this moment. shouldn&#39. dare to say B;t C;&quot. may B..mustn&#39. has C.A, you _____t finish B. must you68. shall not C..need to C. need B.A. dared not64;s still early. will fail B;t have wateredC. can C, a number of students want to see you., I won&#39. He _____ go to school though it was raining hard. Please don&#39. must be controlling D, but he wasn&#39. Where is MaryShe isn&#39. mustn&#39, I don&#39. Whose ______ it be , ______A. If you really want yourself to be in good health., mustn&#39.can&#39. needn&#39. needn't you D..A. I am surprised that he ______ to help me when Itt have rained31.. can have happened B.A. should be controlledC,________A. Yes.. I think Helen is at home.A. needn&#39.A. must not hurry D. can C;t. ought to15. could D. needn&#39. couldn&#39. The teacher ______ t B. must have been D;t;t receive C;t55.A. will B;t D. Mt have spokenC. may D.. There was plenty of time.must16. can't D, he _____ be there by now., yet it isn&#39. May I stop hereNo. couldn&#39. can't B. are you C. was D. has been C. mustn't hurry D. mustn&#39. can&#39. would be B. may have come C. might receive D. might D. couldn&#39..A;&quot.A. Are27. They have not finish the work up to now, have smokedC. mustn&#39. had been B;t have stayed C.A.A;t3.A.A. needn't here. Need. don&#39.... mustn&#39. No, he be watching TV now.A. should master73. dares not tellingC. You
______ the trees.A. may come B., but a pupil_______. can't finishC;t have rained B. mustn&#39. mustn&#39. can&#39. might have gone home D. might24. could call. Mt B. must have passedC. can D. do22. Will I D. ought to have workedC.A. may have gone home B. shall C;t, they ______A. should be72. Will C. not to be punished B;t have spoken D.A. to work hard is neededC.A. can&#39. needn'Would you come and join them &quot. couldn't have gone D. One ought ________ft have spoken B;t wait D;t D,_____. I wonder how he _____&quot. The young man has made so much noise that he ______ not have been allowed to attend theconcert. couldn&#39. Isn&#39.A.A. will C. Without the leadership of the Party. needn&#39. can&#39. mustn&#39. do D. should take our leave D.A.may C. do you70. Mr Baker. could not come47. can D;t have done D. should B.A;t C;t B. is C. needn&#39. may have given D. can&#39.A. should B.. No. She _______ at the meeting. In case I______.A..A. I daren't have spokenC.A. hasn&#39.A. should have happened D;A;t B. will C;t C. could call. With t have hurried B. Look. should you C, knew B;t have stayed B. Man _____ die without water. may. &quot. would miss C;t B. had to be C. ought to D..A. mustn&#39. Would35. must be finished D, can. needn&#39. might B. will B..m. I got up early this morning. shall18. haven't have hurried13. couldn't you C. can17. must have worked B. No. would not come B. would C;t B.must B. Can . ______I go back before lunch No. needn&#39. aren&#39, I will59.must C. needn&#39. May I stop my car here No. will you B.A. might as well leave34. She______. ______ open the door for youA.. mustn&#39. Should B, you____..A, to smoke D. It hurry B;t B. As a soldier. ______ you be happy. had better leaving B.needn&#39. He _____s say that you t D;Yes. mustn't you B. dares not to tell4. mustn&#39
to see us tonight,but isn't very sure yet.A.may
D.must2.They____do well in the exam.A.can be able to .
B.be able to.
C.Can able to.
D.are able to.3.May I take this book out?No,you______.A.can't
B.may not.
D.aren't4.You____go and see a doctor at
once because you 're got a fever.A.can
D.would5.Can you speak Japanese?No,I_____A.mustn't
D.may not 1.A2.D3.A4.B5.B第一题,从后文看是不一定来的,他也不确定,所以用may表猜测第二题,be able to do 固定词组,相当于CAN,但是已经用了be able to do 就不能同时用CAN了第...
Taylor Swift - You Belong with Me
You’re on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset.
Shes going off about something that you said
’Cuz she doesn’t, get your humor like I do...
I’m in the room, it’s a typical Tuesday night
I’m listening to the kind of music she doesn’t like
and she’ll never know your story like i do
But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She’s cheer captain
And I’m on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up
And find what you’re looking for
has been here the whole time
If you could see that I’m the one who understands you
been here all along so why can’t you see, you
You belong with me
You belong with me
Walkin’ the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can’t help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey isn’t this easy
And you’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven’t seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you’re fine
I know you better then that
Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that
She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
Shes cheer captain and
I’m on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you’re looking for
has been here the whole time
If you could see that I’m the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can’t you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
all this time how could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me
I remember you drivin’ to my house
in the middle of the night
I’m the one who makes you laugh
When you know you’re about to cry
And i know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it’s with me...
Can’t you see that I’m the one who understands you
Been here all along
So why can’t you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time
How could you not know
Baby you belong with me
You belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
you belong with me
You belong with me...
Book 41) This is my computer.That is your computer.2) Is this a teacher鈥檚 desk?Yes,it is.3) What time is it?It鈥檚 two o鈥檆lock.4) It鈥檚 9:45.It鈥檚 time for math class.5) Is this your T-shirt?No,it鈥檚 not.6) What colour is it?It鈥檚 white.7) It鈥檚 warm today.Let鈥檚 play football.8) It鈥檚 cool.Is it cold?9) How much is it?It鈥檚 ten yuan.10) How much are they?They鈥檙e three yuan.11) Are they ducks?No,they aren鈥檛.12) How many horses are there?Twelve.Book 51)Who鈥檚 your English teacher?Mr Carter.2)What鈥檚 he like?He鈥檚 tall and strong.3) Is she quiet?No,she isn鈥檛.She鈥檚 very active.4)Is she strict?Yes ,she is.But she鈥檚 very kind .5) What day is it today?It鈥檚 Wednesday.6) What鈥檚 do you have on Thursdays?We have English,math and science on Thursdays.7) What do you do on Saturdays?I watch TV on Saturdays.8) What about you?I do my homework ,too.9) What do you have for lunch on Mondays?We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.10) What鈥檚 your favourite fruit?I like apples.They鈥檙e sweet.I like fruit.But I don鈥檛 like grapes.They鈥檙e sour.11) What can you do?I can sweep the floor.I can cook the meals.I can water the flowers.12) Can you make the bed?No,I can鈥檛.13) Can you use a computer?Yes,I can.14) There are two bedrooms,a kitchen,a bathroom and a living room.15) There is a mirror,a bed and a big closet.16) The closet is near the table.Many clothes are in the closet.The trash bin is behind the door.17) Is there a forest in the park?Yes,there is.18) Is there a river?No,there isn鈥檛.19) Are there any pandas in the mountains?No,there aren鈥檛.20) Are there any fish in the rivers?Yes,there are..Book 61) When do you eat dinner?I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.2) When do you get up?I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.3) What do you do on the weekend?Usually I watch TV and go shopping.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.4) I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.5) Which season do you like best?I like winter best.Summer is good.,but fall is my favourite season.6) Why do you like summer?Because I can swim in the lake.7) Why do you like winter?Because I can sleep a long time.8) When is your birthday?It鈥檚 in May.My birthday is in June.Uncle Bill鈥檚 birthday is in June,too.9) Is her birthday in June?Yes.What鈥檚 the date?June 9th.10) This is Zhang Peng.What are you doing?I鈥檓 doing the dishes.I鈥檓 reading a book.11) Grandpa is writing a letter.Brother is doing homework.12) Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.He is writing an e-mail in the study.13) What is it doing?It鈥檚 eating bananas.What is she doing?She is jumping.14) What are they doing?They鈥檙e swimming.They鈥檙e climbing trees.15) Are you eating lunch?No,we aren鈥檛.Are they eating the honey?Yes,they are.16) Is he playing chess?Yes,he is.Is she counting insects?No,she isn鈥檛.Book 71) How do you go to school,Sarah?Usually I go to school on foot.Sometimes I go by bike.2) How can I get to Zhongshan Park?You can go by the No.15 bus.3) Where is the cinema,please?It鈥檚 next to the hospital.4) Turn left at the cinema,then go straight.It鈥檚 on the left.5) What are you going to do on the weekend?I鈥檓 going to visit my grandparents this weekend.6) Where are you this afternoon?I鈥檓 going to the bookstore.7) What are you going to buy?I am going to buy a comic book.8)What鈥檚 your hobby?I like collecting stamps.He likes collecting stamps,too.9) Does she teach English?Yes,she does.10) What does your mother do?She is a TV reporter.11) Where does she work?She works鈥?12) How does she go to work?She goes to work by鈥?13) Where does the rain come from?It comes from the clouds.14) How do you do that?15) What should you do then?Book 81) How tall are you?I鈥檓 164 cm tall.You鈥檙e shorter than me.You鈥檙e 4 cm taller than me.2) How heavy are you?I鈥檓 48 kg.I鈥檓 thinner than you,and shorter.3) What鈥檚 the matter?My throat is sore.My nose hurts.4) How are you,Liu Yun?You look so happy.How are you,Sarah?You look sad today.5) What did you do last weekend?I played football.6) Did you read books?Yes,I did./No,I didn鈥檛.7) Where did you go on your holiday?I went to Xingjiang.8) How did you go there?I went by train.1.What鈥檚 your name?My name鈥檚 Chenjie.2.Good bye!A.See you.3.Hello,I鈥檓 mike.A.Hi,I鈥檓 Wu Yifan.4.Let鈥檚 go to school.B.Ok.5.Happy teachers鈥 day!B.Thank you!6.This is john.A.Nice to meet you.7.Where is your mouth?A.here it is.8.How are you?B.fine,thank you.9.Let鈥檚 paint!B.great!10.Look!I have a rabbit.A.cool!11.Here you are!A.Thank you.12.May I have a look?A.sure,here you are.13.Have some French fries.B.Thank you.14.Can I have some chicken?B.Sure.15.Have some juice!A.No,thanks.I like coke.16.How old are you?A.fine,thank you.17.Happy birthday!B.Thank you.18.Let鈥檚 eat the birthday cake!A.Great.19.How many balloons?A.5.


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