短文改错Mr King lives far From the town. it is very quietly brilliantaround

更新时间: 22:00:56
1. what did the man do before lunch?
a. he swam with john. b.he went away. c.he played tennis.
2. how many countries has the woman been to so far?
a. four. b .three. c. two.
3. when would elvis and susan like to leave?
a. tomorrow. b. next monday or tuesday. c. this tuesday.
4. what does the woman mean?
a. she won"t go to the concert tonight.
b. she wants to go to the concert alone.
c. she doesn"t think the concert is interesting.
5. when does the bakery close?
a. at 7:00. b. at 6:55. c. at 7:30.
第二节(共1 5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a.b.c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至第8题。
6. where does the dialogue take place?
a. in a library. b. in a bookstore. c. on a sports field.
7. why is the man not able to find the book he needs?
a. because it is the first time he has been to the library.
b. because there is only one reading room in the library.
c. because he wants to refer to the book for some figures.
8. where is the general reading room?
a. beside the library building.
b. in a white house across the sports field.
c. inside the library building.
9. where does the man live?
a. 17 mallett street. b.70 mallett street. c.17 mallett street.
10. which house is on fire?
a. number 16. b. number 18. c .number 20.
11. why is there nobody in the house on fire?
a. because they went shopping.
b. because they went to work.
c. because they went abroad on holiday.
12. how can the visitor find bed and breakfast places?
a. by looking in the paper or walking around the streets and looking for signs.
b. by going to the city hall signing his name in the office.
c. by looking for them in big hotels.
13. what should the visitors do to stay in youth hostels?
a. they have to call in advance.
b. they have to become members.
c. they have to work in the hostels for some time.
听第9段材料,回答第14至第1 6题。
14. what is the relationship between the man and woman?
a. father and daughter. b .mother and son. c. husband and wife.
15. what does the man apologize for?
a. being unable to come back early.
b. having hurried away this morning.
c. not having bought anything for the children.
16. why does the man phone home?
a. one of the children was not feeling well.
b. the boys were not feeling well.
c. the mother and the boy were not feeling well.
17. whom is the girl complaining about?
a. her father. b. her grandfather. c. her brother.
18. what was the man like when the girl was sma11?
a. kind but miserable. b. critical but kind c .kind and cheerful
19. what is the man always doing now?
a. helping others. b. telling jokes. c. complaining and criticizing
20. how old is the girl now?
a. six. b. sixteen. c. fifteen.
第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分1 5分)
21. -how good the news is for you!
a. you are friendly to tell me b. i"m glad to see that
c. it"s kind of you to say so d. it"s nice to hear
22. a discovery is said to be ______accident meeting _______prepared mind.
a. a b. a c. the d. the
23. according to scientists, our mental abilities begin to______ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.
a. differ b. decline c. fail d. shrink
24.- hey! here is a message on my cellphone, telling me that i have won the first prize of a weekend for two in paris.
-delete it! it"s a trick. many a person ______by such tricks.
a. has been cheated b. have been cheated
c. were cheated d. was cheated
25. a deadly earthquake and tsunami struck japan, causing a nuclear disaster,
shadows many japanese are still living in.
a. whose b. which c. that d. when
26. the result was far beyond ______we had expected, ______ brought great joy to every one of us.
a. which b. who c. what d. which
27. - did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?
- no, but we ______to get in touch with them ever since.
a. have tried b. had tried c. have been trying d. had been trying
28. nowadays people separate their waste to make it easier for it______.
a. to reuse b. to be reused c. reused d. reusing
29.- has mr. lu shown up in class yet?
-no, i guess something ______have come up.
a. need b. should c. might d. must
30. i asked the bus driver to _______me______ near the city center to see the newly-built gulou.
a. on b. off c. out d. back
31.______in charge of the shopping center has upset him for quite some time.
a. left b. being left c. having left d. to leave
32. - was it in front of the museum ______you were visiting it inside?
-sure. but when i went out of the museum ,my car was gone.
a. that b. where c. which d. while
33. it is generally considered that football match is______any other match.
a. a great deal exciting than b. fairly more exciting to
c. a lot of more exciting than d. far more exciting than
34. three of the town"s factories have closed down ______the space of a year.
a. among b. for c. between d. within
35. my picture ranked third out of the 15 pictures ______in the photography contest.
a. to be entered b. to enter c. entered d. entering
第二节完形填空 (共 20小题 ;每小题 1. 5分,共 30分)
阅读下面短文 ,从短文后各题所给四个选项( a.b.c和d)中 ,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 。
even when i sit here and write this story, i am still smiling. the past few weeks have been rather 36 , but when a huge set of smile cards arrived in my mailbox the other day, having 37 all the way from the united states to my home in the nether lands, l knew things were about to 38 .
i found myself thinking about where to 39 the cards as i went to bed that night - the train, benches at the station, libraries, mailboxes, or the gym. i almost thought about any 40 of putting them.
i got up and 41 , i went straight to the shop to buy some candy, 42 to leave them as anonymous (无名的 ) gifts for people on the early morning train. there were usually few people on the train. however, 43 my early morning travel, my train today was extremely 44 . an elderly man must have seen me searching for a place to leave a smile card, because he asked me if i was looking for something.
right then and there i decided that my 45 smile card would not be anonymous. with a smile and red cheeks with 46 , i told him that i had found what i was looking for , 47 him the candy and smile card i had in my hands. he had only just finished reading the card as i arrived at my 48 . he was still smiling and enjoying his candy when i 49 at him on the platform.
50 having worked a full day, i was feeling joyful. before i entered my 51 , i delivered a few more smile cards and candy to neighbors" mailboxes. i added an extra candy bar for one neighbor who was in a 52 financial situation, but he was working hard to get the best for his young son. i figured they both 53 a tasty little treat.
i am 54 from my smile card adventure, and am even happier to have smile cards 55 , and quite a few ideas as to where to drop them. i believe giving smile cards to each other will bring all of us great joy.
36. a. smooth b. unfair c. inspiring d. tough
37. a. walked b. traveled c. called d. posted
38. a. turn about b. turn out c. turn down d. turn up
39. a. sell b. buy c. get d. leave
40. a. accident b. importance c. necessity d. possibility
41. a. meanwhile b. there c. afterward d. anyhow
42. a. dreaming b. planning c. pretending d. agreeing
43. a . off b. along c. unlike d. on
44. a. crowded b. empty c. dirty d. clean
45. a. expensive b. beautiful c. first d. real
46. a. anger b. sorrow c. shyness d. excitement
47. a. telling b. lending c. handing d. showing
48. a. stop b. house c. library d. school
49. a. waved b. laughed c. shouted d. pointed
50. a. because of b. despite c. apart from d. beyond
51. a. office b. apartment c. bathroom d. study
52. a. rich b. steady c. hopeful d. difficult
53. a. suffered b. deserved c. hated d. supported
54. a. eager b. calm c. thrilled d. nervous
55. a. left b. repaired c. bought d. sold
from the health point of view we are living in a wonderful age. a large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery. but though the pos sibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible killing of people on the roads. man is opposite to the motor-car! it is a neverending battle which man is losing. thousands of people are killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.
it has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering-wheel(方向盘) , his car becomes the extension of his personality. there is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man"s worst qualities. people who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel. they are rude, ill-mannered and aggressive. all their hidden frustrations and disappointments seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving.
the surprising thing is that society smiles on the motorist and seems to forgive the behaviour. everything is done for his convenience. cities and towns are made ugly by huge car parks.
it is high time a world law were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. with regard to driving, the laws of some countries are not strict and even the strictest are not strict enough. a law which was universally accepted could only have a beneficial effect on the accident rate. here are a few examples of some things that might be done. the driving test should be made to a fixed standard and far more
all the drivers should be made to take a test eve the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21 ; all vehicles should be put through strict annual tests for safety. present drinking and driving laws (where they exist) should be mad much stricter. driving speed should be limited on all roads. these measures may sound extremely severe. but surely nothing should be considered difficult if it results in reducing the annual toll of human life. after all, the world is for human beings, not motor-cars.
56. the main idea of this passage is______.
a. traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists
b. thousands of people in the world are killed each year
c. only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents
d. the laws of some countries about driving are too strict
57. which of the following is right according to the passage?
a. it is right to build huge car parks in cities and towns.
b. all the drivers must be asked to take a test every year.
c. working by car can save time and money.
d. society overlooks their rude driving.
58. why does the author say" his car becomes the extension of his personality" ?
a. driving can show his real self.
b. driving can bring out his good character.
c. driving can make a man excited and joyful.
d. driving can make a man quiet and pleasant.
59. the attitude of the author is______.
a. approving b. critical c. sympathetic d. aggressive
li du is a 6yearold boy. but his world is far removed from his contemporaries(同龄人). his mother died of aids in 2009 and his father, suffering from a terrible cough and fever, went off last summer. the hiv-positive boy lives at the end of a path on top of the mountain in his windowless, furniture-less, gray-brick house. his parents moved to the top of the mountain six years ago after both being diagnosed as hiv-positive. dressed in torn clothes, li du"s only relief is lao hei , his dog.
the boy washes his clothes and cooks his own food at an age when his contemporaries are still being fed by their parents. putting some rice and green vegetables into a pot and placing it on a stove made of several blocks, he starts a fire with amazing speed. he uses no oil or salt but still eats his meal with great enjoyment and sets aside a bit for his dog.
li du is hiv-positive but has no clue what those letters mean. all he knows is that those who were once his friends have deserted him and doctors refused to help him when he accidentally tipped boiling water on his hands.
"but my grandmother always comes to see me, " the boy says. however, his 84 year-old grandmother will not say why she has not taken him to live with her and his uncles and aunts.
he often sits in the open area in front of his home staring at the path that leads to the outside world, hugging his dog, lost in thought. he was in school but only for one term. the local primary school allowed him to take the preschool course for one term, but then they had to ask him to leave after his father was gone, considering the feeling of the other parents. he often takes out his old textbooks, touching them like little treasures.
the latest news is that an old couple has decided to adopt li du and lao hei, as well as the chicken he is raising. the local red cross association is also talking about providing proper medical care for him. but there is still one question that troubles the little boy: "when can i go back to school? "
60. who stays with li du most of the time?
a. his grandma. b. his dog. c. his friends. d. the villagers.
61. which of the following statements is not true?
a. li du takes care of himself. b. li du"s food is almost tasteless.
c. li du has no idea what aids is. d. nobody is willing to help the boy.
62. what is the best title of the passage?
a. a boy and his books b. a capable boy
c. a boy not to be forgotten d. a boy lacking medical care
on a clear night, the sky is a wonderful thing. is there life out there somewhere? is there another place like earth where life might exist? if so, where is it? and how far away is it?
recently, the american kepler spacecraft found "22b" , a planet about six hundred light years away. it is the first planet in a " habitable zone" outside the solar system. that means the planet orbits a star like our sun, but it is not too close to it, nor too far away. because of this position, scientists say kepler22b might have water, one of the main things needed for life.
the newly-discovered planet is about two and a half times larger than the earth. it is closer to its star than we are to the sun, but 22b"s sun is smaller than ours, and doesn’t produce as much heat. scientific instruments show the new planet could be made of gases, rocks or some kinds of liquids.
the kepler spacecraft was named in honor of johannes kepler, the seventeenth century german astronomer. it was designed to examine a small part of the milky way galaxy and search for places like the earth. it was made to inspect over 150,000 stars and measure how bright they are. it looks to see if a star"s brightness gets less over a short time.
if a planet passes between kepler and the star, it blocks out part of the light. that is what suggested to scientists that there is at least one planet orbiting the star. the instruments on kepler show the new planet as a small, black dot moving across its sun. an important part of the kepler experiment is on the earth. after the spacecraft gathers information, scientists use the space telescopes on the ground.
scientists have found over 2,300 new planets since kepler was launched. about 200 of these are about the size of the earth. most are much larger, but it is the new planet"s distance from its star that is important. for life to possibly exist there, the planet"s temperature must not be too hot or too cold.
63. what can we learn about kepler-22b?
a. water must have been existed on it.
b. it takes humans about 600 years to get there.
c. it is made of gases, rocks and many kinds of liquids.
d. it is the first planet in outer space where life may survive.
64. the kepler spacecraft was sent into space to ______.
a. show honor to johannes kepler
b. look for earth-like planets in the sky
c. observe the changes of a star"s brightness
d. measure the brightest star among 150,000 stars
65. in paragraph 5 the author mainly tells us______.
a. how the kepler system works
b. if the kepler system sees a new planet
c. how the kepler system uses the space telescopes
d. why an important part of the kepler system remains on the earth
66. what can we infer from the passage?
a. life may exist on the new planet in another form.
b. it is colder on the new planet because its sun is smaller.
c. life can"t exist on planets which are much larger than the earth.
d. the new planet"s distance from its star decides on the possibilitv of life existence.
personal background
steve jobs
apple computer
3-year return: 26%
ceo since: 1997
here"s a guy with enough knowledge, ability and brainpower to effectively hold down two ceo jobs at once-and do a pretty amazing job at both. we"ve listed him for his post at apple, but of course steve jobs also runs pixar, the animation company. coming in after a $ i billion loss in fiscal 1997 ,jobs turned a $ 106 million profit-38 percent above wall street"s consensus target. a lot of credit goes to a very simple idea: make computers in different colors. jobs was the only one who thought to make it hap pen. the colorful mid-priced imac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility (蒹容性) problem. apple positioned it as the machine for the internet, where compatibility questions are no big deal. behind the scenes, jobs streamlined the product line ,and also did a whole series of work for improving and selling the production. mean-while, over at pixar, a bug"s life nabbed a total $ 159 million in domestic box office ,the highest domestic animated take since toy story and third highest ever. after toy story and the leader, the lion king.
business philosophy: "the technology isn"t the hard part. the hard part is: who"s going to buy it. how are they going to buy it? how do you tell them about it?"
how he got the job: the apple board begged him to return.
management style: at apple, jobs is a micromanager-some say nanomanager who changes mood suddenly and unexpectedly. virtually every decision goes by him. at any time, 10,000 employees are wondering. " what would steve say?" not " what is the right thing to do?" said a former apple executive. at pixar, realizing that he isn"t a film visionary, he leaves the experts to their knitting.
financial reward: his apple rewards are minimal--a salary of one dollar a year so that his family is eligible for the health plan. but his 69 percent share of pixar is worth about $ 1. 3 billion.
― selected from a newspaper
67. according to the passage, the following adjectives can be used to describe jobs except______.
a. creative b. easygoing c. demanding d. distinguished
68. we can learn from the passage that______.
a. jobs can work well in every field
b. the colorful imac is accepted for its low price
c. jobs makes a big difference at apple as a designer
d. the technology is more important than business idea
69. the underlined word "nabbed" in paragraph 2 probably means " ______".
a. pulled up b. brought in c. went through d. handed over
70. what does the author mainly want to tell us?
a. jobs is the richest man in the world.
b. jobs is a giant of electronic products.
c. jobs spends most of his time at pixar.
d. jobs can get much money a year as his salary.
第二节(共5小题 ;每小题 2分 ,满分10分)
some simple keys to transform your life
the power of choice
every one of us makes countless choices every day. every choice we make has an impact on our lives. 71 when hunger strikes, we can reach for a healthy, nutritious snack, or we can choose the sugar high of junk food. the more important the decision, the greater its effect. for instance, how d01 act towards that person who treated me badly? do i generally choose to be passive, or do i actively set clear intentions and create what l want in my life? every choice we make, however big or small, affects us in some way.
if you are interested in living a richer, fuller life, there is a foundation upon which you can base all of your decisions which can make life better not only for you, but also for those around you. this foundation is to choose based on what"s best for all. imagine a world where every parent, friend, teacher, business person, and politician truly did their best to choose what"s best for all involved in every decision they made. we would certainly live in a more caring, supportive world.
it"s the intention.
73 the answer is simple. it doesn"t matter. the matter itself is not the choice you make, but rather the intention behind your choice. the key is that what decision you make. you are clear in your intention of choosing based on what"s best for all. if it later turns out that you seem to have made a bad choice, there"s no need for guilt. knowing that you did your best to choose with a sincere desire for what"s best for all, your conscience stays clear and open. 74
what"s best for me, too!
choosing what"s best does not mean you have to always sacrifice yourself for others. another example ,a very exhausted mother can lose her temper easily and then she may become ill so that she can"t support her family without earning any money. 75 so as we move through each day of our lives, let us learn to care about ourselves as we do our best to choose what"s best for others.
a. how do you make choices?
b. discuss them together to choose your project.
c. but how do i know what is really best?
d. what is important is that we should pay attention to this presence.
e. so it is very important for you to take good care of yourself.
f. even small or unimportant choices can affect what we experience and how we feel.
g. this then allows you to improve your decision, and make a right one.
dear mr. green,
i"m very exciting to learn that you will start a magazine together. that sounds great and i definitely agree you on that.
some of the columns that you mention in the letter are really my cup of tea.”cultural express" give us a better understanding of the world. since people from different part of the world have different values, it"s necessary to learn from each another. apart from that, "blurt out" is pretty good for chinese students to learn english idioms and improving oral english. "entertainment" is also cool! the popular singers, actors or celebrities are so attractively that you absolutely can"t miss this part. teenagers are to fond of popular things, too.
well ,i can"t list more. i really can"t wait to read this magazine.
dear bill,
i"m glad to receive your letter. thank you for your caring for the weather in my hometown. now i"d like to tell you something about the smog.
i’m looking forward to your reply.
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