hump day什么意思

速度名词 速度 速 速率 快 快慢动词 促进 奔驰 驰 驶 驰鹜 驰行 翛然 -speed (构成形容词)表示&有...速的&(如:a 10-speed bicycle有10速的自行车) air speed (飞机的)空速 high-speed 高速的;高效率的;迅速的 clock speed 一个电脑操作时,每秒周转次数,通常以百万赫兹(megahertz)为单位计算 speed hump (设在路上的)减速路脊 speed limit (道路的)最高车速限制 speed skating 速度滑冰 speed trap 汽车超速监视区 cruising speed 【军】巡航速度 more haste, less speed 欲速则不达
vi. 超速,加速;加速,迅速前行;兴隆n. 速度,速率;迅速,快速;昌盛,繁荣vt. 加快…的速度;使成功,使繁荣
1. Fans just get the hump when they lose.
2. the dark hump of the mountain in the distance
3. She gets the hump when people don't listen to her.
4. He made her hump.
5. The path goes over a large hump by a tree before running near a road.
get (或have) the hump
1. (英,非正式)生气,恼火
over the hump
1. 度过难关:度过了最恶劣或最困难的时期或阶段
At last I'm over the hump on my term paper.
1. “肉峰”释义下的同义词
小山;小丘;冈 A hump is a small hill or raised area.&
The path goes over a large hump by a tree before running near a road.
(驼)峰 A camel's hump is the large lump on its back.&
Camels rebuild fat stores in their hump.
(通常指人因疾病或年老形成的)驼背 A hump is a large lump on a person's back, usually caused by illness or old age.&
【搭配模式】:oft poss N
(费劲地)背负,搬运(重物) If you hump something heavy, you carry it from one place to another with great difficulty.&
【语法信息】:V n prep/adv
【语法信息】:Also V n
【语域标签】:BRIT 英
Charlie humped his rucksack up the stairs to his flat.
与…性交 To hump someone means to have sex with them.&
【搭配模式】:V n
生气;郁闷;恼怒 If someone gets the hump, they get very annoyed about something.&
【搭配模式】:V inflects
【语域标签】:BRIT 英
Fans just get the hump when they lose.
已渡过难关;已克服困难;已解决麻烦 If you say that you are over the hump, you mean that you no longer have a problem or difficulty that was stopping you being successful or happy.&
【搭配模式】:usu v-link PHR
We're basically over the hump. We've got an economy that's likely to grow next year even more than it did in 1992.
1. 动物背部的隆肉
When fresh food and water are not available, the camel can feed off its hump.
在得不到新鲜食物和水的时候, 骆驼可以消耗它肉峰内储存的脂肪维持生命。
2. (使)恼怒
She gets the hump when people don’t listen to her.
‘What’s wrong with Jake?’ ‘Oh, I don’t know. He’s got the hump about something.’
3. 度过最长(或最艰难等)的阶段
I’ll be over the hump when I’ve done this exam— then there’ll be just two left.
4. (平面上的)大隆起物;(尤指)土墩,丘,冈
5. (人的)驼背
1. 搬运(尤指背负)
I humped the case upstairs.
2. 与(某人)性交
1. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from a form
1. arch one's back
2. have sex
"This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"
"Adam knew Eve"
"Were you ever intimate with this man?"
英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... muster( 集合,召集); hump( 驼峰,丘陵,隆起,凸起); amass( 聚集)…
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船舶专业词典.xls ... 257 1)港内转速 2)港内船速 harbour speed 301 1)峰 2)波峰 hump 316 1)艏尖舱手 head pump.
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humorism 体液病理学hump 瘤humus 腐殖质
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HoHoHo ... Huge Toy, 超大尺寸性玩具 Humping, 磨蹭 Indian, 印度人.
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63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥  hump bridge65. 火车栅  level crossing
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  驼峰鼻(hump nose)多系先天性鼻骨发育过度造成,少数与外伤后鼻骨错位愈合或后期骨痂增生有关,中国人驼峰鼻畸形的发生率远低 …
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1. 驼峰航线
...国通过印度的几个基地,向民国政府实施了长达三年半的驼峰航线(The Hump)大规模空运:战争物资免费赠送蒋中正的军队。
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1. 缓冲路拱
岩土力学与工程 5 - 大观园的日志 - 网易博客 ... spectral analysis 光谱分析 speed hump 缓冲路拱 speleology 洞穴学.
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get a hump on
1. 急速行进,迅速行动,赶紧,加快速度
Get a hump on with that assignment,OK?
Nobody's ever accused you of being unwilling to bust hump.
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您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
[bæŋ]n.巨响, 重击, 刘海 v.重击, 大声敲, 剪成刘海,突然巨响 adv.正好地, 准确地
I banged my elbow on the corner of the table.
Her criticisms were bang on every time.
He banged his fist on the table to emphasize his argument.
The light went out bang in the middle of the performance.
He fell and banged his knee.
The door shut with a bang.
英英解释:名词 bang:
a vigorous blow
a sudden very loud noise
a fringe of hair that is cut short squarely across the forehead
the swift release of a store of affective force
a conspicuous success
动词 bang:
strike violently
to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound
close violently
move noisily
have sexual intercourse with
leap, jerk, bang
副词 bang:
bangbangD.J.:[b&#230&#331]K.K.:[b&#230&#331]n.1.■猛击, 猛撞She fell and got a nasty bang on the knee.她摔倒了, 膝盖猛撞在地上。2.■巨响, 爆炸声The door shut with a bang.门砰的一声关上了。vt.1.■猛击, 猛撞vi.1.■发出砰的一声, 砰砰作响, 砰地敲[推, 扔]
bang 在牛津词典中的解释
bang1nouna sudden loud, sharp noise(突发的)巨响,砰the door slammed with a bang.门砰的一声关上了。■a sharp blow causing such a noise(发出巨响的)猛击;猛撞I went to answer a bang on the front door.我去看看谁在猛敲前门。■a sudden painful blow(重重)一击a nasty bang on the head.对头部的猛击。(bangs)(chiefly N. Amer.)a fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead(主 北美)(前额上整齐的)刘海(vulgar slang)an act of sexual intercourse(粗俚)性交(Computing, chiefly US)the character ‘!’(计算机 主 美)感叹号“!”verb[with obj.]strike or put down (something) forcefully and noisily, typically in anger or in order to attract attention(尤指因生气或为引起注意)砰地敲,砰地放下he began to bang the table with his fist.他开始用拳头捶桌子。Sarah banged the phone down.萨拉砰地放下电话听筒。[no obj.]someone was banging on the door.有人在捶门。■[with obj. and adverbial]cause to come into contact with something suddenly and sharply, typically by accident猛撞I banged my head on the low beams.我的头撞到了低梁。[no obj.]she banged into some shelves in the darkness.黑暗中她撞上了书架。■[no obj.]make a sudden loud noise, typically repeatedly砰砰作响the shutter was banging in the wind.百叶窗在风中乒乓作响。■(with reference to something such as a door) open or close violently andnoisily(门等)砰地打开,砰地关上[with obj. and complement]he banged the kitchen door shut behind him.他砰地关上身后的厨房门。[no obj., with complement]the door banged open and a man staggered out.门砰地开了,一个男人摇摇晃晃地走出来。■[no obj., with adverbial of direction](of a person) move around or do something noisily, especially as an indication of anger or irritation(尤指生气烦躁时)重手重脚地走动,粗暴摆弄she was banging around the kitchen.她在厨房砰砰啪啪发脾气。■[with obj. and adverbial of direction](of a sports player) hit (a ball or a shot) forcefully and successfully(运动员)猛击(球)he banged home four penalties in the opening twenty minutes.开场后20分钟他就为本队猛进4个点球。■(vulgar slang)(of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman)(粗俚)(男性)与(女人)性交(chiefly N. Amer.)cut (hair) in a fringe(主 北美)剪(刘海)adverb(informal, chiefly Brit.)exactly(非正式, 主 英)正;恰恰the train arrived bang on time.火车正点到达。■completely完全,彻底bring your wardrobe bang up to date.彻底更新你的衣服。exclamationused to express or imitate the sound of a sudden loud noise砰,轰party poppers went bang.派对参加者们拉响炮仗啪啪作响。used to convey the suddenness of an action or process砰地一下(表突然)the minute something becomes obsolete, bang, it's gone.哪件事一过时,马上就会消失。常用词组bang for one's (或 the) buck(informal, chiefly US) performance for cost(非正式, 主 美)花钱换得价值bang goes ——used to express the sudden or complete destruction of a plan or ambition(计划,图谋)突然破灭my first thought when I heard the news was ‘Bang goes my knighthood!’.我听到那个消息第一反应是“我封不了爵士了!”。bang on(Brit. informal)exactly right(英, 非正式)完全正确;完全符合the programme is bang on about the fashion world.那节目完全符合时装界情况。bang (或 knock) people's heads together见 headget a bang out of(informal, chiefly N. Amer.)derive excitement or pleasure from(非正式, 主 北美)从…中得到刺激或乐趣some people get a bang out of reading that stuff.有些人从看那东西中得到乐趣。go (off) with a banggo successfully进展顺利with a bangabruptly突然地the remark brought me down to earth with a bang.那句话突然把我带回了现实。impressively or spectacularly令人难忘地,壮观地the day starts with a bang—the steep climb to the mountain top.艰难登顶——那一天就这样惊心动魄地开始了。语源mid 16th cent.: imitative, perhaps of S compare with Old Norse bang 'hammering'继承用法bang away at(informal)do something in a persistent or dogged way(非正式)坚持不懈he was banging away at his novel.他正为自己的小说不懈努力。bang on about(informal)talk tediously and at length about (something)(非正式)喋喋不休the government banged on about competition, efficiency, and the free market.政府喋喋不休大谈竞争、效率和自由市场。bang something outinformal非正式play music or a tune noisily, enthusiastically, and unskilfully响亮而不熟练地奏(音乐)produce something hurriedly or in great quantities大量而匆促生产they weren't banging out ads in my day the way they are now.我那个年代他们可没像今天这样拼命做广告。bang someone/thing up(Brit. informal)imprison someone(英, 非正式)把(某人)关进监狱they've been banged up for something they didn't do.他们以莫须有的罪名被关进监狱。■(N. Amer. informal)damage or injure someone or something(北美, 非正式)损害;伤害he banged up his knee.他弄伤了膝盖。bang2[ba&#331]nounvariant spelling of bhang
bang 在给力大辞典中的解释
bangvi.1. 发出砰的一声; 砰砰作响There's someone banging about upstairs.楼上有人在砰砰地走动。2. (砰砰)猛击, 猛撞[Q][(+at/on/against/into)]She heard someone bang at the door.她听见有人猛敲门。vt.1. 砰地敲(或推, 扔)He banged the door shut.他"砰"的一声猛地关上门。2. 猛击, 猛撞; 撞伤[(+on/against)]With a despairing cry the woman banged her head against the wall.随着一声绝望的呼叫, 那女人把头往墙上猛撞。n.[C]1. 猛击; 猛撞The falling coconut gave him a terrific bang on the head.那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋。2. 砰砰的声音The bottle exploded with a bang.瓶子"砰"的一声爆炸了。3. 劲儿, 活力[S]4. 【美】【口】刺激, 快感, 乐趣[S]He got a bang out of basketball.他从篮球运动中得到乐趣。5. 【口】巨大影响, 轰动ad.1. 砰地If we don't keep the price down, go bang our chances of getting the order.如果我们不把价格压低, 就甭想拿到订单。2. 蓦地, 突然The lights went out bang in the middle of the concert.演奏会进行当中, 电灯突然熄灭了。3. 恰好, 正好Her answer's bang on.她的答案完全正确。int.砰!
短语词组:with a bang1. 成功地His latest record has really gone off with a bang.他的新唱片销路好极了。
短语词组:with a bang1. 成功地His latest record has really gone off with a bang.他的新唱片销路好极了。
bang 在现代词典中的解释
bangbang[b&#230&#331]vt.1.■重敲; 猛撞; 使砰然作声; 砰地把(门等)关上2.■(粗手粗脚地)把...扔来扔去3.■[俚]超过; 胜过4.■(粗鲁用语)与...交欢He banged his fist on the table.他用拳头重击桌子。Tom banged the door.汤姆砰地关上门。词性变化bang[b&#230&#331]vi.1.■猛敲, 猛撞2.■(门等)猛地关上; 发出砰砰的声音Who's banging on [at] the door?谁在敲门?The door banged shut.门砰地关上了。bang[b&#230&#331]n.1.■猛击; 猛撞2.■砰的一声(巨响、爆炸声)3.■热情; 精力4.■[美俚]刺激, 快感; 麻醉品的服用5.■突然的激动人心的快乐6.■突然爆发出来的光辉 [才华]等7.■突然见效或成功8.■(超速飞行器的)波前冲击I get a bang out of all this.这个我玩得过瘾。He gave the drum a bang.他猛敲一下鼓。The door shut with a bang.门砰的一声关上了。bang[b&#230&#331]adv.1.■砰地2.■突然3.■恰好地4.■直接地, 完全地Bang went the fireworks.焰火砰地爆开了。The lights went out bang in the middle of the performance.正在演出中间灯突然熄灭了。The boy on the bicycle went bang into a telephone pole.骑自行车的小孩子砰地撞到电线杆上。继承用法bang-bangn.1.■战争影片习惯用语get a bang out of1.■[美俚]从中得到快乐[刺激]go bang1.■砰地一声关上, 爆炸go over with a bang1.■[美]进行得非常顺利, 非常成功go off with a bang1.■[美]进行得非常顺利, 非常成功in a bang1.■赶紧; 急忙with a bang1.■砰地一声2.■成功地; 起劲地bang about1.■乱打; 乱动; 虐待bang against1.■碰在...上bang away1.■砰砰地不住射击bang away at1.■慌慌张张地作(事)bang it out1.■决胜负; 诉诸武力bang it about1.■决胜负; 诉诸武力bang off1.■轰然开炮; 立即; 即刻bang on1.■[口]正好(打中); 好极了bang out1.■[美口]好!好货色!bang up1.■撞坏, 撞伤特殊用法Big Bang1.■“宇宙大爆炸”(一些西方科学家认为宇宙系经过这次大爆炸才形成)main bang1.■主脉冲信号
bang 在21世纪词典中的解释
bang1[b&#230&#331]vt.1.■砰然而击,砰地重击,猛敲,咚地敲,砰地敲(或扔、推、摔等):to bang a door砰地敲门Don't bang the door!别嘭嘭敲门!2.■砰地关上(门窗等):She banged the door shut.她砰地把门关上了。3.■猛撞;猛击;撞伤:to bang one's ankle on a chair leg以脚踝猛撞椅子腿The baby kept banging his spoon on the plate.婴孩老是以匙击盘子。4.■粗手粗脚地对待;重手重脚地去做(以致常常弄糟);粗手重脚地摆弄,乒乒乓乓地搬动:She banged the vase and broke it.她粗手笨脚地摆弄花瓶,结果把它打碎了。5.■[英国英语] 【证券】6.■(为压低股票价格而)在(股市)上抛售股票7.■(通过抛售)使(股票价格)下跌8.■[方言]超过,胜过9.■[俚语]10.■[粗俗语](尤指精力旺盛地)和…性交11.■注射(海洛因等毒品)vi.1.■发出砰的一声,砰砰作响;发出突然巨响声:The guns banged all night.枪炮整夜隆隆作响。2.■(砰砰)猛击,重击,砰然相撞,猛撞 (常与against连用):The car banged against the garage door.汽车撞在车库门上。to bang on the door砰砰打门3.■粗手笨脚地移动4.■轰然而过;冲,奔:The boy banged down the stairs.男孩子嗵嗵地奔下楼梯。5.■[俚语]6.■[粗俗语](尤指精力旺盛地)性交7.■注射毒品(尤指海洛因)8.■[口语]与人偶然相遇n.1.■砰然,重击,重打,猛撞,(发出砰一声的)猛击2.■3.■(突然的)巨响4.■爆炸声5.■枪炮声6.■【物理学】7.■(以音速或超音速飞行的物体所发出的)轰声8.■核爆炸9.■10.■[美国口语]热情,精力充沛11.■[美国、加拿大俚语]痛快,兴奋,快感;乐趣12.■[美国口语]活力,冲力,冲劲,劲儿13.■[口语]惊人的成功;引人注目的结果;突然的效果14.■[俚语]15.■(尤指海洛因、吗啡等)麻醉品的注射16.■[粗俗语]性交17.■[美国俚语] 【计算机、印刷】感叹号18.■[澳大利亚俚语] 窑子,妓院adv.1.■砰然地,轰然地,突然地,猛地,猛烈地,蓦地2.■[口语]正巧,正好;完全地;直接地interj.1.■(模拟枪炮声、爆炸声)砰!bang(ed) to rights[俚语]当场(抓住)bang it out打架,动武bang it up[俚语]注射吗啡(或其他毒品)bigger bang for a buck 或 more bang for the buck花钱取得更大效果get a bang out of[美国俚语]从…中得到刺激;从…中得到乐趣go off (或[美国英语]over)with a bang(音乐、诗歌等)节奏轻快(表演等)顺利进行;极为成功,很受欢迎the bang for the buck(与造价相关联的)武器的火力[美国俚语]花钱换得的价值the bang out of the (或 one's) buck投资的收益(或回报);花钱换得的价值with a bang[口语]砰地,砰的一声猛烈地;热烈地;一鼓作气地;成功地
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驼峰绝不仅仅是客栈The Hump is more than just a hostel.
The Hump is an information center for travellers to Dali.
The Hump is Dali's cultural outpost
The Hump is a place for cross-cultural exchange.
The Hump is an active promoter and leader in making Dali a crossroads for international cultures.
The H and a stage
The Hump is a place for those with a vision, those wishing to realize their dreams, and for all those with fire in their veins and passion in their hearts.70多年前一群志愿者驾驶着飞机飞越喜马拉雅山用鲜血和热情铸就了驼峰航线70 Years ago, a group of empassioned volunteer pilots crossed the Himalayan mountain range on little more than grit and the sweat of their brows, establishing The Hump air route.
The Hump hostel takes its name out of respect to all those who have given their lives for the sake of making the world a better place.
Shouldering the burden of such an eminent title, those at The Hump feel a sense of purpose and responsibility through and through to their very core.
Embracing all kinds of thinking and cultural backgrounds, The Hump is devoted to the expression of human kindness through art, disparaging misery and extolling kind-heartedness--In a nutshell, the Hump strives to tap the benevolence in human nature through all they do.
The Dali Hump hostel is a gathering point for the world's most talented young minds, and draws from a diverse array of artistic, musical, linguistic and literary talent to express and share their altruistic vision.
We are calling for all those maddened by the same vision to join and help make the Spirit of the Hump endure forever!秉承历史光荣倡导服务全球青年旅行促进国际文化交流
To carry on our historical precedent by serving the world's travellers, and promote the exchange of international culture.Management principles of The Hump以最真挚充满人文关怀的细致服务给孤独的旅行增添温暖和关怀提升对山水文化和人生的感悟To meticulously serve
to give the lonely traveller home an and to work towards expanding the signifigance of what it means 'to travel'--- a path to a better understanding of art, the environment, and our fellow man.
To provide a relaxing and therapeutic environment for guests at affordable rates, and to strive to make every guest a satisfied guest.
To restore and carry on the tradition of the VHA youth hostels (To promo pract care fo hel to promote living simply)
Guided by both this grand concept and the Spirit of The Hump, The Hump wishes to establish a new mindset for travelling, one that celebrates and embodies cultural exchange.
To provide travellers with all their living needs as humanely as possible, and to only take gains as necessary to help grow, foster and pass on the mission of The Hump.
To provide a platform on which to dream and endeavor for all those with a vision, and to attract the most talented and spirited individuals to join the ranks of The Hump-- all the while striving to build a better future.
Preserving the mindset of &What can The Hump do for Dali?&, The Hump wishes to help establish Dali as a 'bridge to the world', and to supply talented individuals and resources to the cause of further developing the art and culture of Dali From start to finish, The Hump is working to help make Dali a Utopia for the world.
In a world with so much suffering and hardship, The Hump strives to act as a ray of light in the dark. By uniting under a banner of cooperation and compassion, The Hump hopes to let the magnificence of human nature blossom, and pass on its hopes and dreams to all.在大理没有任何一个花园可以跟这里媲美
35RMBVegetarian 25RMB,including a free drink every Wednesday and Saturday 6pm, live music followed by open mic,bon fire party in the garden.这是个梦幻般的世界大理白族风格的设计独一无二的浪漫气质超大空间完全没有拘束的感觉
多人间标准间25元-180元不等Rooms uniquely themed and decorated by international artists-Ensuite dorms& Private Rooms, all with balconies 25-180RMB
住一周送一晚 Stay one week ,7th is free
Welcome all musicians and artists come and perform in the hump ,you get free BBQ (No doubt the best in dali )&Free drinks(How many? please ask the bar manager.)本网站或页面的文字允许在CC-BY-SA 3.0协议和下修改和再使用
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