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C# 中的as可以完全替代is?
C# 中的as可以完全替代is?
两个是不一样的概念啊 as是赋于变量类型的 而IS是判断类型的如 class1 c=object as class1if(c is class1){}这样的Your daily dose of health!
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Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. A normal value is 120/80 mmHg or lower.
A beating heart creates the pressure when it pumps fresh blood to the organs and tissues of your body, providing oxygen and nutrients.
Blood Pressure & Heart Rate Assessment tool
Quickly check your numbers using blood pressure and heart rate check-up tool. Simply input your values below.
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Navigation: (BP stands for blood pressure):
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Keywords: blood pressure, pulse, hypotension, hypertension, good or bad blood pressure levels, normal blood pressure, blood pressure over heart rate, sys, dia
Physical inactivity, poor diet and
gradually affects your health which may result in elevated / decreased blood pressure.
With a healthy lifestyle you can do a lot for your health, starting today!
The BP (short for Blood Pressure) value does not only depend on lifestyle, but also on factors which can not be influenced – for example your genetics.
or arterial hypertension is a very common chronic disease in the developed world, affecting nearly every second adult.
While very often elevated blood pressure shows no symptoms, it still causes damage to your arteries (atherosclerosis) and weakens your heart. That is why it is sometimes referred to as the “silent killer”. To prevent this you must necessarily undergo a treatment.
Blood pressure is the pressure with which blood acts against the walls of your blood vessels. A beating heart creates pressure when it pumps fresh blood to the organs and tissues of your body, providing oxygen and nutrients.
A healthy adults heart beats (shrinks and expands) between 60 to 70 times in a minute. If your heart rate (heart pulse) is higher or lower anytime, that does not necessarily mean you have a medical condition.
Since elevated blood pressure does not “hurt” and usually does not cause any visible changes it can only be determined by measurement.
Beats per minute value can vary depending on many factors (age, overall physical condition, genetics). A
of 80 BPM or more (BPM stands for Beats Per Minute) can be treated as perfectly normal in some cases!
Image source:
When we refer to blood pressure we always refer to two numbers in following format: 120/80, 100/60 or similar. The first number stands for systolic blood pressure, the second number stands for diastolic blood pressure.
When the heart shrinks and pushes the blood into main arteries (aortas), blood pressure rises for a moment – this is known as systolic blood pressure.
After each shrinkage the heart expands again and is filled with new blood – at that moment blood pressure in the arteries drops for a moment – this is known as .
Blood pressure can either be normal, low or high. If it is elevated, you must seek medical advice. If it is low, seek medical advice only if you develop symptoms, described below. High blood pressure is anything above 140/90 mmGh. Low blood pressure is anything below 110/70 mmGh.
Normal blood pressure for a healthy individual is between 120/80 and 139/89 mmGh. Although 139/89 mmGh is the upper limit and is considered borderline good blood pressure, it still may be treated as normal.
Average blood pressure is between 120/80 and 125/85 mmGh. Ideal blood pressure is below 120/80 mmHg.
For more information refer to .
Normal blood pressure value is 120/80 mmGh, preferably less.
High blood pressure is anything above 140/90 mmGh.
Low blood pressure is anything below 110/70 mmGh.
The reason for permanent increase in blood pressure in majority of cases (more than 95%) is not known – this is primary or essential arterial hypertension. Factors that may increase the possibility of you developing arterial hypertension are usually the following:
Poor diet with excessive use of salt,
excessive alcohol consumption (more than 10 ounces (3 dcl) of wine or 3 ounces (1 dcl) spirits or 2 small beers every day),
physical inactivity.
By changing your lifestyle you can easily and naturally mitigate the risk.
There are also factor on which you have no influence, but may cause your blood pressure to rise / drop. Causes of high blood pressure are:
inherited characteristics (genetics),
gender (male),
aging (after the age of 45, it gradually rises).
Prolonged high blood pressure can lead to vascular damage and in worst case cause a heart failure, , kidney failure and other complications.
The risk increases linearly with the increase of blood pressure. The more it is increased, the greater the risk. People with high blood pressure are at seven times higher risk for stroke.
Numerous studies have shown that successful treatment of high blood pressure decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease and lowers mortality, thus, it is very important that you undergo a treatment when you are diagnosed with high blood pressure.
People with high blood pressure are at seven times higher risk for stroke.
Sometimes your blood pressure might be too low which may induce symptoms such as tiredness in the morning, lack of energy throughout the day, dizziness and sleepiness, headache, drowsiness, nausea, lack of appetite, cold hands and feet or even fainting (which can be dangerous, especially to pregnant women and the elderly).
To quickly elevate your blood pressure you can:
Drink a glass or two of water or sports drink. This will replenish lost minerals.
Eat a salty snack. Salt increases blood pressure level.
If possible preform some quick exercises (for example squats) or just walk around a bit. Physical exercise will blood flow, thus increasing blood pressure.
Take a shower. First, shower with hot water then switch to cold water. Doing so will increase your blood flow.
Drink a cup of coffee, if you’re allowed to.
To permanently increase your blood pressure consider the following:
Add more salt to your diet.
Exercise regularly.
Quit smoking.
If that doesn’t help you should talk to your doctor who might put you on drugs.
How to lower high blood pressure? A single lifestyle change can have a great effect! Quit smoking, maintain a healthy body weight (loss of a few pounds – 5 to 10% of body weight – can significantly reduce blood pressure!).
that contains as little salt and animal fat as possible will lower your blood pressure as well. Regular physical activity is also know to .
Shop some of the best voted and discounted blood pressure drugs here:
Alternatively, you can
If blood pressure does not drop to normal levels drugs are prescribed. Carefully follow your doctor’s recommendation and take your medicine regularly.
Treatment of high blood pressure with drugs is usually life-long, so the awareness of the patient about the medical condition and cooperation with the chosen doctor is of utmost importance. This way, treatment can be more successful.
Check out which food is advised to eat if you suffer from elevated blood pressure. Foods that lower blood pressure are the following:
If you suffer from hypertension, have raisins stirred into your morning cereals. Combine raisins with nuts. For best results, eat a handful of raisins three times a day.
Eating foods that are rich in potassium can affect your blood pressure level. An ideal example of food that contains a lot of potassium and is not too expensive is a banana.
Consuming watermelons will improve the health of your heart. This healthy fruit contains a special amino acid which lowers blood pressure.
Not only tofu, but eating all soy products can help people who struggle with elevated blood pressure as soy contains an ingredient called isoflavone which may help to lower blood pressure.
also contains isoflavone.
Not expected to be on this list, but chocolate contains flavonoids, which may help to lower blood pressure. Do not buy a classic chocolate, but rather purchase a chocolate containing a high percentage of cocoa (at least 70%). Such chocolate is also filled with . Do not overdo it though, as chocolate is very calorie-rich.
Many dishes can spiced with hot chili. Chili is rich in capsaicin, a substance proven to lower blood pressure.
When we talk about blood pressure we usually think of high blood pressure and the dangers it poses to our health. Much more rarely we hear about low blood pressure (also known as hypotension). But the condition of low blood pressure is not so rare.
For some, low values do not cause any problems. But many times people who have
find it really hard to start a new day full of energy.
What causes low blood pressure is often unknown. Known factors for low blood pressure are:
certain diseases, infections and heart problems,
increased blood loss, salt and fluid loss (eg due to heavy sweating, vomiting or diarrhea ),
due to low blood pressure medication to lower high blood pressure.
Caution is required when using diuretics, which promote the excretion of water from the body. Sometimes, low blood pressure occurs during pregnancy which can be dangerous to the fetus (because of the reduced blood flow to the placenta), which can lead to a delay in the growth of the child.
How to cure low blood pressure
When problems are severe it is necessary to visit your personal doctor. There are some medications that help normalize blood pressure and cope with problems. A visit to the doctor is necessary when problems arise suddenly, since only a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate treatment.
What can you do by yourself to lower blood pressure?
First of all, get enough sleep! When waking up in the morning make sure you take enough time in bed to stretch. Stretch and relax your arms and legs to help “wake up” your bloodstream.
Be careful when getting up from sitting position suddenly as you might faint or feel dizzy. When taking shower try alternating hot / cold water or a massage yourself with a soft brush – both improves blood circulation.
It is also important to be , which in fact is recommended to anyone who wants to take care of their . Morning coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks in can be a short-term help for low blood pressure.
When it comes to
your food should contain enough water (at least 4 pints (1 litre) a day), meals should not be
because full stomach requires a lot of blood for digestion and will slow down your blood circulation even more.
Almost every garden grows , which may help relieve problems caused by low blood pressure. You can either eat raw beetroot or drink beetroot juice (if you hate the taste you can try beetroot juice in combination with honey)
Sport drinks containing a sufficient amount of
can be useful when blood pressure is low.
High / low blood pressure symptoms
Usually symptoms are totally absent. If symptoms are present they manifest as:
blurred vision,
chest pain.
Headache generally occurs only when the blood pressure is really high. Headache typically occurs in the morning (it usually hurts in back of the head).
Most common low blood pressure symptoms are the following:
tiredness in the morning, lack energy throughout the day, dizziness and sleepiness,
headache, drowsiness, nausea, lack of appetite, cold hands and feet,
fainting (which can be dangerous, especially to pregnant women and the elderly).
Since elevated blood pressure does not “hurt” and usually does not cause visible damage it can only be determined by measurement. If measured value is below 130/85 mmHg it is advised to re-check blood pressure within two years. If measured blood pressure is between 130/85 and 139/89 it is advised to re-check blood pressure within a year. If measured value is higher than 140/90 you must follow your doctor’s instructions.
One measurement usually is not enough as errors might occur when performing measurement. If measured blood pressure is high that does not mean that you have hypertension, unless it is a very high value. The diagnosis of high blood pressure is usually based on several measurements in a given time interval (for example multiple measurements within a week, every day at the same time).
Since elevated blood pressure does not “hurt” and usually does not cause any visible changes it can be determined only by measurement. Measure it often!
How to measure blood pressure
Basically, two types of blood pressure meters (or a sphygmomanometer) are available. Digital and non-digital. Both will provide same values.
Shop some of the best voted and discounted blood pressure monitors here:
Alternatively, you can
Always read the instructions before performing test. If blood pressure meter is not working, first check the battery.
If you know how to measure BP, jump to .
Before measurement it is necessary to calm down – sit down for 5 minutes.
The measurement should always be performed before eating (not on a full stomach) and every day at about the same time. Before measurement it is also not advised to drink coffee, alcohol or smoke cigarettes.
Cuff must be placed correctly – if measuring on the arm cuff should be placed above the elbow (elbow and cuff should be 2 fingers apart). If wrist cuff is used it should be placed one finger above the wrist,. Cuff must always be paced on the left arm as heart is on the left side of your chest. There are some rare occasions where people are born with heart on the right side of chest. In that case, cuff must be places on the right arm.
If you are very obese a wrist measurement is more handy.
It is very important to known that when
you need to set the meter to at least 40 mmHg higher pressure than your normal upper blood pressure is. If your normal
is about 150 mmHg set your meter to least 190 mmHg. In semi-automatic blood pressure meter you can do this manually by pumping the air into cuff, on automatic meter this value is set by a button.
Take a few minutes between two consecutive measurements as blood vessels needs to expand properly again otherwise the second measurement will always be lower than the first.
Be aware that blood pressure normally fluctuates and two consecutive measurements will not show same result. That’s normal.
Patients with arrhythmia will usually get false results using electronic pressure gauge. The possibility of arrhythmia must be considered whenever the measurement shows “impossible” values, for example 150/135 mmHg. In that case it’s better to buy a classic mercury pressure gauges to obtain proper blood pressure value.
Enter your daily measurements of blood pressure into a special chart (chart usually comes with a purchase of the device). This information is very useful for your doctor and yourself.
For most reliable measurements it is recommended that you take your blood pressure meter to an authorized service center where they will re-calibrate it for you. Do this at least once per year.
Below you can find blood pressure chart. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Additional blood pressure charts:
A chart that displays levels of blood pressure levels.
See how blood pressure changes over the years.
See what are the average values of blood pressure in children.
Blood pressure chart displays all possible levels of blood pressure and comes in very handy when determining whether you are at risk or not!
Additional resources:
Download blood pressure log (pdf file) to keep track of your records: .
Download .
Blood pressure chart – possible values
systolic blood pressure (mmHg)
diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)
optimal blood pressure
119, 118, 117, 116, 115, 114, 113, 112, 111, 110, 109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95
79, 78, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65
normal blood pressure*
120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129
80, 81, 82, 83, 84
borderline normal blood pressure*
130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139
85, 86, 87, 88, 89
140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159
90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179
100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109
more than 179
more than 109
possible arterial hypertension**
equal or more than 130
equal or more than 80
isolated systolic hypertension***
more than 139
less than 90
less than 90
less than 60
Blood pressure chart is for orientation purposes only. Consult blood pressure chart at your own risk!
* In some cases, a value of 120/80 or higher may represent an early stage of hypertension.
** For diabetics value of 130/80 can represent arterial hypertension.
*** Isolated systolic hypertension occurs when only systolic pressure is increased, diastolic pressure remains normal.
What is hypertension?
(also referred to as high blood pressure – HBP), is a condition in which the arteries have persistently elevated blood pressure.
What is hypotension?
(also referred to as low blood pressure – LBP) means that your blood pressure is lower than the normal reading. Hypotension is usually harmless. In some cases, people with hypotension need medical attention.
Below you can find blood pressure chart which displays values of blood pressure depending on age. Following values are average values for a specific age group.
Average blood pressure by age chart
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)
3, 4, 5, 6
7, 8, 9, 10
11, 12, 13
14, 15, 16
17, 18, 19
20, 21, 22, 23, 24
25, 26, 27, 28, 29
30, 31, 32, 33, 34
35, 36, 37, 38, 39
40, 41, 42, 43, 44
45, 46, 47, 48, 49
50, 51, 53, 54
55, 56, 57, 58, 59
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68
Values are averages.
Children normally have lower blood pressure which rises over the years, while heart beat rate usually drops over the years.
Blood pressure chart for children
Boys (systolic/diastolic in mmHg)
Girls (systolic/diastolic in mmHg)
between 80/34 and 120/75
between 88/47 and 128/84
between 92/53 and 130/90
Values are averages.
Blood pressure is a good indicator of your overall health although slightly elevated blood pressure does not necessarily indicates a medical condition or risk.
It is a good idea to regularly check your blood pressure and consult your doctor in case you find your blood pressure levels to be elevated.
Related posts:
End of the article.
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I am trying to provide useful information on several topics regarding health, food, diet, weight loss and sport!If you like my articles, please do subscribe and share the content! Check out my other posts too!
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问一些初三的英语单选题This lesson isn’t so _________ as that one.这道题为什么选EASY 而不选EASILYThe Blacks ______ in this factory since 1998.这道题为什么选HAVE BEEN 而不选 has worked51.There is going to __________ a n
问一些初三的英语单选题This lesson isn’t so _________ as that one.这道题为什么选EASY 而不选EASILYThe Blacks ______ in this factory since 1998.这道题为什么选HAVE BEEN 而不选 has worked51.There is going to __________ a new film tonight.Will you go to see it?A.haveB.beC.holdD.show这道题为什么选B而不选C,D54.__________ fine weather it is!A.WhatB.HowC.What aD.How an为什么选A 其他选项为什么不选其他选项分别用在哪里56.This is __________ interesting film that I saw it twice.A.suchB.soC.such anD.so an这里为什么选了SUCH 而不是so 大案为什么选C58.He found ___________ difficult to learn a foreign language well.A.itB.thisC.thatD.which为什么选aa dictionary is [ ] useful tool for the sudents.为什么填aIt is not [] easy maths problem.为什么填AN1.__she comes tomorrow,i shall ask him where he has been.这里填什么WHEN WHILE 的区别在哪里2.there will be 和there going to be 的区别 两个句子分别怎么用 用在哪
This lesson isn’t so _________ as that one.EASY 是形容词
由这句的句子意思 可以知道 这节课不如那节简单
用的是形容词The Blacks ______ in this factory since 1998.have been in 一直呆在某地(固定词组)
由于句子意思可知 Blacks一家人自从1998一直呆在工厂
所以选这个 has worked
the+姓氏复数表示 一家人或者是夫妇两人 所以首先不能用has
其次 have been in 更为恰当51. There is going to __________ a new film tonight. Will you go to see it?
D. showtonight 表示今晚 要用一般将来时 根据语法 我们学过" will be 和there going to be "这两个是固定的
54. __________ fine weather it is!
D. How anwhat +(a/an)+adj/n+主+谓how+adj/adv+主+谓what fine weather(天气不可数 省略了a/an
所以用what) !
区别于 what a fine day !56. This is __________ interesting film that I saw it twice.
C. such an
D. so anfilm 可数所以用an
另外so+adj.+a/an+n=such+a/an+adj.+n.58. He found ___________ difficult to learn a foreign language well.
D. which记住find + it +adj + to do
他考试也基本考这个模式a dictionary is [
] useful tool for the sudents. It is not [] easy maths problem. 这是关于音素的
请看/question/.html?fr=qrl问题补充:/question/.html(when和while的区别)/question/.html(there will be 和there going to be 的区别) 我也是初三的
not as/so+adj+as 这是一种固定用法。从since 1998可以知,这事还没结束。所以要用延续性动词。work为短暂动词。51.B there is going to be,there be的将来时。54.Awhat+(a/an)+adj+n!weather不可数56.Cso+adj.+a/an+n.+that=s...
因为lesson是名词,所以用形容词easy来修饰。as+adj/adu+as和。。。一样;not as+adj/adu+as不如。。。
* easy 因为is 是系动词* The Blacks 是指一家人,故用 have been,56.A
因为WHAT 修饰名词,而WEATHER 是不可数名词,故选A。HOW 修饰的是形容词或副词,没有HOW A/AN 的用法58. A
it 作形式宾语,真正的宾语是 to learn a foreign language* 因为useful 是辅音/...


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