Advances in Chemical Engineering and science pg是什么是什么杂志

看看国际顶尖杂志的影响因子!!! - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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Impact Factor& && &Full Journal Title
52.431& && &annual review of immunology
44.515& && &ca-a cancer journal for clinicians
38.570& && &new england journal of medicine
36.557& && &nature reviews cancer
33.918& && &physiological reviews
33.170& && &nature reviews molecular cell biology
32.771& && &reviews of modern physics
32.695& && &nature reviews immunology
32.182& && &nature
31.853& && &science
31.538& && &annual review of biochemistry
31.223& && &nature medicine
28.389& && &cell
27.586& && &nature immunology
24.831& && &jama-journal of the american medical association
24.695& && &nature genetics
23.143& && &annual review of neuroscience
22.837& && &pharmacological reviews
22.355& && &nature biotechnology
21.713& && &lancet
21.350& && &surface science reports
21.329& && &nature reviews genetics
21.225& && &nature reviews neuroscience
21.104& && &annual review of pharmacology and toxicology
20.649& && &nature cell biology
20.233& && &chemical reviews
19.583& && &nature reviews drug discovery
18.839& && &annual review of astronomy and astrophysics
18.784& && &endocrine reviews
18.122& && &cancer cell
17.804& && &annual review of cell and developmental biology
17.037& && &microbiology and molecular biology reviews
16.980& && &nature neuroscience
16.811& && &molecular cell
16.672& && &annual review of physiology
16.385& && &genes & development
16.240& && &annual review of plant biology
16.120& && &biochimica et biophysica acta-reviews on cancer
16.000& && &solid state physics-advances in research and applications
15.448& && &immunity
15.434& && &developmental cell
15.422& && &current opinion in cell biology
15.333& && &advances in physics
15.231& && &astrophysical journal supplement series
14.794& && &trends in neurosciences
14.742& && &physics reports-review section of physics letters
14.643& && &trends in genetics
14.588& && &journal of experimental medicine
14.439& && &neuron
14.327& && &trends in cell biology
14.233& && &materials science & engineering r-reports
14.204& && &journal of clinical investigation
14.112& && &trends in biochemical sciences
13.929& && &reviews of physiology biochemistry and pharmacology
13.868& && &#N/A
13.856& && &journal of the national cancer institute
13.531& && &#N/A
13.462& && &annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure
13.154& && &accounts of chemical research
13.114& && &annals of internal medicine
13.092& && &gastroenterology
13.075& && &trends in immunology
13.054& && &trends in pharmacological sciences
12.938& && &trends in ecology & evolution
12.800& && &annual review of psychology
12.563& && &circulation
12.340& && &american journal of human genetics
12.316& && &annual review of microbiology
12.000& && &#N/A
11.944& && &annual review of physical chemistry
11.933& && &progress in neurobiology
11.901& && &current biology
11.833& && &trends in plant science
11.602& && &journal of cell biology
11.580& && &current opinion in genetics & development
11.565& && &current opinion in immunology
11.304& && &annual review of genetics
11.295& && &plant cell
11.207& && &archives of general psychiatry
11.200& && &annual review of medicine
11.075& && &annual review of nutrition
10.836& && &chemical society reviews
10.788& && &#N/A
10.671& && &clinical microbiology reviews
10.600& && &quarterly reviews of biophysics
10.492& && &embo journal
10.467& && &progress in materials science
10.452& && &proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america
10.416& && &hepatology
10.382& && &genome research
10.257& && &systematic biology
10.151& && &annual review of entomology
10.037& && &acm computing surveys
9.972& && &circulation research
9.926& && &cytokine & growth factor reviews
9.835& && &journal of clinical oncology
9.821& && &current opinion in structural biology
9.782& && &blood
9.750& && &advances in catalysis
9.624& && &#N/A
9.500& && &frontiers in neuroendocrinology
9.429& && &#N/A
9.161& && &angewandte chemie-international edition
9.133& && &journal of the american college of cardiology
9.058& && &trends in endocrinology and metabolism
9.057& && &current opinion in plant biology
9.023& && &#N/A
8.848& && &diabetes
8.833& && &aldrichimica acta
8.833& && &recent progress in hormone research
8.810& && &progress in lipid research
8.743& && &mass spectrometry reviews
8.703& && &fems microbiology reviews
8.667& && &advances in microbial physiology
8.667& && &reviews of geophysics
8.623& && &current opinion in chemical biology
8.606& && &trends in biotechnology
8.581& && &annual review of genomics and human genetics
8.482& && &progress in polymer science
8.449& && &nano letters
8.418& && &medicinal research reviews
8.340& && &lancet neurology
8.201& && &brain
8.192& && &cell death and differentiation
8.182& && &current opinion in microbiology
8.156& && &annual review of biomedical engineering
8.123& && &american journal of respiratory and critical care medicine
8.097& && &annals of neurology
8.080& && &current opinion in biotechnology
8.079& && &advanced materials
8.000& && &catalysis reviews-science and engineering
7.992& && &trends in cognitive sciences
7.937& && &current opinion in neurobiology
7.929& && &advances in immunology
7.914& && &#N/A
7.907& && &journal of neuroscience
7.890& && &natural product reports
7.878& && &immunological reviews
7.846& && &progress in optics
7.842& && &reports on progress in physics
7.822& && &molecular and cellular biology
7.801& && &human molecular genetics
7.763& && &advanced drug delivery reviews
7.748& && &trends in microbiology
7.739& && &annual review of nuclear and particle science
7.701& && &psychological bulletin
7.690& && &cancer research
7.644& && &seminars in cancer biology
7.614& && &american journal of psychiatry
7.567& && &embo reports
7.517& && &molecular biology of the cell
7.508& && &archives of internal medicine
7.497& && &trends in molecular medicine
7.496& && &pharmacology & therapeutics
7.470& && &#N/A
7.432& && &arteriosclerosis thrombosis and vascular biology
7.414& && &arthritis & rheumatism-arthritis care & research
7.320& && &advances in polymer science
7.260& && &nucleic acids research
7.218& && &physical review letters
7.214& && &advances in atomic molecular and optical physics
7.205& && &journal of allergy and clinical immunology
7.200& && &progress in inorganic chemistry
7.186& && &traffic
7.149& && &development
7.145& && &psychological review
7.125& && &behavioral and brain sciences
7.071& && &diabetes care
7.038& && &british medical journal
6.943& && &molecular psychiatry
6.928& && &drug discovery today
6.917& && &journal of proteome research
6.910& && &journal of cell science
6.903& && &journal of the american chemical society
6.885& && &progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
6.845& && &human mutation
6.825& && &clinical pharmacology & therapeutics
6.820& && &faseb journal
6.714& && &annual review of phytopathology
6.694& && &annual review of fluid mechanics
6.667& && &separation and purification methods
6.644& && &journal of the american society of nephrology
6.622& && &annual review of materials research
6.601& && &gut
6.503& && &#N/A
6.501& && &clinical chemistry
6.486& && &journal of immunology
6.446& && &coordination chemistry reviews
6.441& && &american journal of pathology
6.430& && &bioessays
6.406& && &pharmacogenetics
6.367& && &plant journal
6.355& && &journal of biological chemistry
6.355& && &molecular biology and evolution
6.346& && &neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews
6.318& && &oncogene
6.283& && &drug metabolism reviews
6.247& && &european heart journal
6.237& && &astrophysical journal
6.232& && &current opinion in lipidology
6.200& && &advances in cancer research
6.159& && &biological psychiatry
6.118& && &siam review
6.115& && &critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology
6.097& && &cellular microbiology
6.036& && &antiviral therapy
5.973& && &neurology
5.960& && &#N/A
5.959& && &molecular microbiology
5.952& && &journal of machine learning research
5.941& && &canadian medical association journal
5.907& && &annals of surgery
5.893& && &aids
5.881& && &plant physiology
5.872& && &molecular endocrinology
5.857& && &progress in solid state chemistry
5.842& && &rna-a publication of the rna society
5.841& && &astronomical journal
5.819& && &nuclear physics b
5.810& && &leukemia
5.800& && &seminars in nuclear medicine
5.778& && &journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
5.748& && &stroke
5.742& && &bioinformatics
5.734& && &seminars in immunology
5.725& && &chemistry & biology
5.679& && &advanced functional materials
5.673& && &journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism
5.667& && &molecular membrane biology
5.643& && &emerging infectious diseases
5.625& && &free radical biology and medicine
5.623& && &clinical cancer research
5.594& && &clinical infectious diseases
5.583& && &diabetologia
5.542& && &journal of molecular biology
5.516& && &neurobiology of aging
5.500& && &advances in organometallic chemistry
5.500& && &stem cells
5.497& && &trends in parasitology
5.483& && &proteomics
5.473& && &antisense & nucleic acid drug development
5.453& && &clinical pharmacokinetics
5.450& && &analytical chemistry
5.436& && &journal of bone and mineral research
5.433& && &american journal of clinical nutrition
5.432& && &developmental biology
5.423& && &#N/A
5.418& && &acta crystallographica section b-structural science
5.398& && &journal of virology
5.385& && &current pharmaceutical design
5.375& && &carcinogenesis
5.362& && &journal of nuclear medicine
5.345& && &progress in retinal and eye research
5.342& && &hypertension
5.333& && &journal of pathology
5.325& && &biological reviews
5.322& && &cerebral cortex
5.306& && &american journal of transplantation
5.283& && &#N/A
5.275& && &journal of cognitive neuroscience
5.271& && &current opinion in colloid & interface science
5.242& && &molecular cancer therapeutics
5.238& && &monthly notices of the royal astronomical society
5.222& && &critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences
5.222& && &journal of cellular physiology
5.211& && &physics today
5.204& && &molecular therapy
5.188& && &annual review of earth and planetary sciences
5.186& && &cell calcium
5.185& && &structure
5.182& && &international reviews in physical chemistry
5.170& && &reviews in medical virology
5.156& && &physical review d
5.151& && &endocrinology
5.105& && &journal of general physiology
5.080& && &molecular pharmacology
5.076& && &journal of medicinal chemistry
5.076& && &radiology
5.047& && &lab on a chip
5.040& && &thorax
5.037& && &journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology
5.016& && &ecological monographs
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100有没有虫子投过Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering这个期刊,感觉有点不靠谱呢 - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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有没有虫子投过Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering这个期刊,感觉有点不靠谱呢
& && &最近收到一个来自Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering的邀请,但发现这个杂志好像不是SCI,不知道是个什么档次,请问有没有大侠收到了此杂志的邀请投稿的,这个杂志怎么样呢?
& &&&谢过~
建议楼主搜索以下往年的SCI影响因子排名榜,那个里面你或许可以找到答案。今年的估计也快出来了。 : Originally posted by JENRRON at
建议楼主搜索以下往年的SCI影响因子排名榜,那个里面你或许可以找到答案。今年的估计也快出来了。 虫虫,偶搜了,不过没有。。。感觉不是SCI : Originally posted by bovse2000 at
虫虫,偶搜了,不过没有。。。感觉不是SCI... 那就很有可能不是了。 : Originally posted by JENRRON at
... 据说是一个印度弄得杂志。。。好大的坑~ : Originally posted by bovse2000 at
据说是一个印度弄得杂志。。。好大的坑~... 这也可以?巨坑啊!
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
E-mail: & QQ:8835100chemical engineering journal 杂志under review 三个月了,怎么办? - 论文投稿 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第一站
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chemical engineering journal 杂志under review 三个月了,怎么办?
与7月份投的chemical engineering journal 杂志,从8月13日开始under review 到现在三个月了,大家又遇到这种情况的吗,需要催催吗?听说催稿要慎重。。
我周围的同学投这个杂志外审还是挺快的,一般都一个月到两个月之间,这次这么慢还是第一次遇到,所以比较困惑。。 没事 有可能欧洲人审稿不着急啊 虫友提供的平均审稿周期是2.88043 个月,稍微长一点也正常 可以发个邮件去问问了。 大概找不到审稿人吧 一般情况下,可以再等等。
实在着急的话,可以发邮件问问编辑了,或者在投稿系统中发信询问。但是催稿之后立刻悲剧的情况较多。。。 我的情况跟你差不多,已经under review 3个月了,纠结…… 也很正常那个,审稿效率取决于审稿人,还是耐心等待吧。 建议再等1个月左右,如果还没结果再催。据我所知10月开始,每个编辑部的稿件都堆积如山。 三个月,可以催下了吧,但是不要老催! 不同的杂志审稿时间是不同的 有的是很长的,你可以查查这个杂志的平均审稿时间,如果没有你这种情况,可以给编辑发邮件委婉的问问是不是出现了某些问题之类的!希望能对你有所帮助~~~ : Originally posted by wulishi8 at
实在着急的话,可以发邮件问问编辑了,或者在投稿系统中发信询问。但是催稿之后立刻悲剧的情况较多。。。 谢谢啦,现在再等等吧,如果因为催而悲剧了就得不偿失了 : Originally posted by dingfang0707 at
我的情况跟你差不多,已经under review 3个月了,纠结…… 可以交流一下,如果有结果了大家可以互相分享一下~~ : Originally posted by haregeng at
可以交流一下,如果有结果了大家可以互相分享一下~~... 我下午写信给编辑了,目前还没回信。 : Originally posted by dingfang0707 at
... 我打算等半个月到一个月,如果还是没有结果就催了,祝你好运,如果接收了或者修改,记得分享一下。 : Originally posted by haregeng at
我打算等半个月到一个月,如果还是没有结果就催了,祝你好运,如果接收了或者修改,记得分享一下。... 今天编辑给我回邮件了,说是在等另外一个审稿人的意见。汗,真是太慢了这审稿人 这个期刊的编辑态度一般都是比较好的,也比较负责任。我建议楼主再等等,毕竟你催人家表明你对他的工作效率不满意,效果不好。 : Originally posted by aulsm at
这个期刊的编辑态度一般都是比较好的,也比较负责任。我建议楼主再等等,毕竟你催人家表明你对他的工作效率不满意,效果不好。 嗯 我也这么想的,所以再坚持一个月,总不能外审4个月吧 : Originally posted by haregeng at
嗯 我也这么想的,所以再坚持一个月,总不能外审4个月吧... 会很快有消息的,加油
var cpro_id = 'u1216994';
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