
摘要: 雅思写作题目彭群花老师就为雅思考生们带来日雅思写作大作文解析。
  老题:Some people think that the company should encourage the employees who are in high positions and over 55 years old to retire, in order to give opportunities to new generation. Do you agree or disagree?
  Young people are superior to the old in many ways. First, most young people have received formal education in university, where they acquire abundant knowledge and skills. Compared with young people, old people&s knowledge is out-dated, which does not fit in the development of the current society. Second, young people are more open-minded than old people who have a tendency of conservation.Young people can adapt themselves to the changeable world more easily. Finally, the young are energetic and vigorous. Old people react more slowly than young people who can always make quick judges and prompt decisions.
  Some people who examine this issue from another angle hold although young people have some predominance they still cannot compete with the old people. First, young people lack adequate experience and skills to deal with sophisticated problems. Some young people, who are very radical when faced with trouble, have a lot of things to learn from old people and most high positions require rich experience and academic achievements. Second, age is not always a true indicator of one&s capacities and thanks to the improvement in medical science, people enjoy a much longer life expectancy, so we should redefine the term&old age&. Finally, it would be more economical for the company to retain the old hands than to spend more time and money training new ones.
  More and more young people hold important positions in government. Some people think it is not suitable but others think otherwise. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
  The trend of the proportion of older people is increasing steadily. Is it positive or negative to society?
  The survey shows that in many countries, the people are living longer but increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for society as a whole. What are the possible effects of longer living for individuals and society? How can we solve it?
  Many young people leave school with a negative attitude. Why does this happen? What do you think can encourage young people to have a positive attitude?
  Recent years, the number of crimes committed by young people in major cities throughout the world is increasing. Why is this happening? Please give some solutions.
  The best way for a country to prepare the future is to invest more resources on its young people. What is the best way to spend resources? To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
& & 以上就是环球雅思写作名师为雅思考生们带来的日雅思写作大作文解析。如需了解更多的相关信息,欢迎拨打的免费咨询热线400-060-9663进行咨询,或者点击页面的&在线咨询&与环球雅思名师直接对话,,请关注环球雅思。
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年疯狂作文系列 素材与佳作 10月号 高考作文,鲜活素材
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年疯狂作文系列 素材与佳作 10月号 高考作文,鲜活素材
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书名:年疯狂作文系列 素材与佳作 10月号 高考作文,鲜活素材,用素材,写佳作&
出版社:HarperCollins UK
第一时间,为你积累全面鲜活的时新素材,速递各地的考场真题以及佳作范本,深入解读社会热点话题,洞察高考作文命题特点。本期编辑为你*,必读素材:《慈善,邵逸夫的“第二人生”》《李敏镐:欲戴王冠,必承其重》《小彩旗:不停旋转是一种修行》《给“井底人”一片晴空》;必读热点:《生命教育:全社会的必修课》;必读人物专题:《2013年度感动中国人物》;高考热点主题素材:《高考必备热点主题素材之“标签”》;必读佳作:《且读,且追问》《还心一片柔软》;必读技法:《考场作文如何使结构更抢眼》。 “阅”读“阅”轻松,疯狂阅读更多好书请点击
卷首语假如这是高考题/ 特级教师 王学华最言论透支消费,“都教授”还能走多远美国霸气老妈的逆袭“憨豆先生”与广场舞大妈打“饿货拳”浙江52辆新校车成“公厕”长得丑,还挡路!“冰桶挑战”温暖“渐冻人” 鲜材吧成 长06 天后碧昂丝:用音乐征服世界/ 杨天意07 杨红樱:破解童心的密码/ 周淑敏卷首语假如这是高考题/ 特级教师 王学华最言论透支消费,“都教授”还能走多远美国霸气老妈的逆袭“憨豆先生”与广场舞大妈打“饿货拳”浙江52辆新校车成“公厕”长得丑,还挡路!“冰桶挑战”温暖“渐冻人” 鲜材吧成 长06 天后碧昂丝:用音乐征服世界/ 杨天意07 杨红樱:破解童心的密码/ 周淑敏07 高二女生弃学经商的成功不可复制/ 杨飞08 不合时宜的豪华校舍/ 刘京平08 狂热追星族,拿什么拯救你?/ 王海风09 “失去的一代”会不会归来/ 李鸿理冷 暖10 别让贫困成为地震的帮凶/ 何传跃10 利友香捐款,为何难点赞/ 邵留生11 放生毒蛇,公益还是公害?/ 刘步春12 母亲伤医,孩子何辜?/ 裴年忠13 女儿替父道歉 化解成人纠纷/ 肖良13 黑暗中的考验/ 王宾宾思 悟14 为青奥会不设奖牌榜点赞/ 刘京平14 方言测试勾起你的乡情了吗?/ 邵留生15 “萌萌哒”雍正为文化创新之路开道/ 肖良16 只有嘶吼才能称为“好声音”?/ 曹振国16 明星吸毒,谁之过?/ 李鸿理17 莫把娱乐当文学/ 张柏元自 然18 你敢不敢十年磨一刺/ 周淑敏18 机器人能否冲击记者的地位/ 孙继成19 为猕猴花500万元建桥值得吗/ 曹振国20 垃圾入侵长江源/ 吴国梁20 一罐空气值多少钱/ 杨飞热聚焦热点深读21 文化遗产:保护与利用之辩/ 王海风人物透视27 辜鸿铭:晚清第一名士的超凡人生/ 周玉利沸点话题32 高考必备热点主题素材之“俯仰”/ 张静 刘郁晖素材魔方36 焐热冰封汉字,有意义吗?/ 王杰成37 以真换假的于右任/ 李兰所佳作范文采39 清川澹如此/ 钟扬40 无我/ 张丽苹41 简简单单/ 李淑祎创新42 一座小小城池/ 胡可为43 上帝的哭泣/ 叶大林44 安逸深深深几许/ 梁诗斐丰富45 苦爱/ 胡峰源46 生活需要判断力/ 刘形47 个性梦想,真我人生/ 李晓艺深刻48 在自然中诗意栖居/ 陈亚利49 勿争/ 白如水满分策高分有道50 思辨,让你的高考作文更出彩/ 姜有荣用材有方53 高考作文提分范本之“妙用人物”/ 高章元名师预测57 2015高考作文预测之莫家泉/ 莫家泉演练场金题联播60 名校金题速递/ 田宗昌等导写演练62 材料作文“描绘生活的美景”导写与演练 / 曹保顺65 半命题作文“有 就是天堂”导写与演练/ 刘京平互动角正高三67 那一年,我高三/ 程锦69 锦瑟华年正高三/ 杨云云回音壁70 开心有约
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  Do people have freedom to make meaningful choices about the issues that really matter?(韩国地区考题)
  这道题目考查考生在建立idea时,选择说freedom在 MAKE MEANINGFUL CHOICES 时候的观点。首先,无论选择任何观点,考生的观点只要清晰,明确就可以被阅卷人接受。develop这个观点的时候,考生记得要去按事情正常发展的顺序去写作,在选择 EXAMPLE , CASE ,和 SUPPORTING INFORMATION 的时候,考生选择任何的支撑内容,例如,这个支持内容可以是,你遇到了一个看似没有CHOICES的状况,但是经过努力和任何自身的 ION ,最终选择(得到)了自己想要的,或者重要的结果。任何支撑内容都将要满足题目需求;(然而一些考生会硬套一些freedom的事例,或者其他看似相关,实际上没有证明这个推理过程的内容,是不满足要求的)正如SAT 课程上讲的那样,因为只有 25 分钟的作文时间,在作为结构和模式,以及字数限制上,考试方没有固定的要求,但是在语言上,一定要清楚,明了。
  不管对于中级的还是高级的学生来说,我建议大家平时多练习个人经历型记叙文的写作。但要注意,与中文作文的刻板标准不同,英文作文是相当灵活的。考生只要注意回避一些以后面试问起来会觉得很尴尬的事情,其他都是可以的。很多学生喜欢用中文写个人经历的方式写英文记叙文,这就导致了大量的中式英语的出现,再加上文化背景差异,可能会使得西方人很难理解。所以建议大家在平时多读一些英文小说,不一定是英文文学名著,看得懂即可。或者读一些外国人写的短篇文章,如英文版的读者文摘、心灵鸡汤里的文章等,都会对SSAT 写作有很大的帮助。
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This flow chart clearly divides the process ofproducing the reliable weather forecasts into four main stages, and alsodescribes the equipments applied in each step.
Initially, in the first stage named as IncomingInformation, the up-to-the-minutes weather information&has been/is&collectedthrough three different modes: by satellite, radar and drifting buoy.
Moving to the second stage-Analysis and Forecast, thegathered weather figures are analyzed and forecasted, and then displayedby/in&satellite photo,&presenting the informatio&radar screen,&displaying thedata both from&and synoptic chart,&illustrating the figures all from satellite, radar anddrifting buoy.
Finally, the&reliable weatherforecasts&are&broadcasted through the TV newsreader,radio and recorded announcement&after the step of&preparing the broadcast&completedby the&computershown in the last&two&stages:Preparing theBroadcast and Broadcast.
In conclusion/Clearly/Obviously, this diagram precisely shows how to&produce the reliable weather forecast&by utilizing&the weather informationas the rawmaterials, and the figures in synoptic chart are much more diverse, comparedwith that in satellite photo and radar screen.
This flow chart clearly divides the processof getting driving license in US into three main parts, and describes thefeatures of each part.
Initially, before paying the fee, thecandidates have to pass the eye test which bases on visiting the center and completingthe application in sequence, otherwise they can not be approved to get thedriving license.
After paying the fee successfully, thecandidate should pass either the writing test once or pass one of those tworetaken tests, otherwise they are forced to pay the fee again. Once they passthe writing test or retaken test, they also need to pass the driving test inone time. If they fail to the driving test, the fee is still there and waitingfor the candidates to do the payment again. Fortunately, the candidates couldbe issued the driving license when they pass the driving test.
In conclusion, this process diagram clearlysummarizes how to apply the driving license in US and the eye test is the mostsignificant test in this process just because only with one attempt.
This map clearly indicates two fire escape routesfor the students living in the second floor of the college accommodation.
Obviously, the corridor is located in the connects two fire exits which are individually constructed in thetop right-hand corner and bottom left- and is surrounded by sevenrooms from Room 1 to Room 7. Besides, the only lift is between the bedroom 2and Fire Exit B.
According to this escape plan, the students livingin the left part of the accommodation all need to escape out of the buildingfrom the Fire Exit A to Meeting Point 1. While, both the students accommodatedin the right part, precisely in the Room 4,5,6, and 7, and the passengers inlift ought to run out from Fire Exit B to Meeting Point 2.
In conclusion, it is apparent that the mainprinciple of regulating this plan is to minimize the distance of the escaperoutes.
These two maps clearly summarize the changes taken place at Stokeford village across those two years 1930 and 2010.
In 1930, the river Stoke crossed through the Stokeford from northeast corner to southwest corner and a bridge in the top was over this river for providing the path for the road in this map. It is obvious that there is nothing in the west side of the river. Moving to the eastside of the river stoke, the primary school was right in the center of the map as well as next to the farmland. To the south side of the primary school was the gardens with a large house. Besides, along the road from north to south, several building, shops, post office and farmland were located to the west side of it.
After 70 years , as can be seen from the 2010map, there was no change happened in the west side of the river,&bridge and about the post office, but all of the farmlands and shops had been demolished. Moreover, the primary school had been expanded with two buildings and to the south of which, the original gardens had been reduced and developed as the retirement home. Lastly, several branches of the road had been constructed with plenty of houses, which had been established along them.
In conclusion, this village certainly had become a site with more place of residence but was lack of shops or bars for residents to go shopping.
These two piecharts clearly indicates the percentages of online sales of four kinds of itemsboth in 2003 and 2013.
Overall, the structureof the online sales for these items had changed a lot across these two years, and the travel, music and film obviouslyattracted more than half of the customer spending online both in 2003 and 2013,with slight increase.
Precisely, thetravel attracted the most customer spending in 2003, with 36% of total onlinesales, but its dominated position was replaced by the sales on film and music by2013, which ascended from approximately one fifth of the total spending to almostone third.
Admittedly, theleast interested item changed from the books (19%) in 2003 to clothes (16%)in2013, as the expenditure percentages of them revealed the opposite trend thatthe sales of book ascended to 22% by 2013, which that of cloths dropped from24% to only 16% in 2013.
These three pie charts clearly illustrate the figures about theconsumption percentages of five consuming aspects in a UK school across threeyears
Overall, the structure of the expenditures on those five items changedslightly across this period, and the cost of staff salaries still occupied the majoritypart in all of these three years, spending more than half of the total budget.
Obviously, the teacher&s salaries still remained at the greatest part,rising from 40% in 1981 to the peak (50%) by 1991 and finally dropping to 45%. Bycontrast, the insurance still was the aspect that attracted the least cost,even though its consumption percentage continuously increased from 2% to 8%across this period, which revealed the opposite tendency to that of otherworkers& salaries, as the only item experiencing the consecutive decrease, roughlycutting off half of the 1981 figure (28%) by 2001 (15%).
Besides, summed cost of resources, furniture and equipment exactlyfluctuated between one third and one fourth of the total school spending duringthis period. Precisely, although the spending percentages of resources and offurniture and equipment were totally same with 15% in 1981, the reversedtendency led to the fundamentally different pattern for their further figuresthat, in 1991, the resources spending (20%) was four times as much as cost (5%)on furniture and equipment, while, by 2001, was less than half of it (23%)because of the only 9% consumption.
This line graph clearly presents the change of the consumptions ofthose six different kinds of energy source in USA throughout the period from1980 to 2014, and also predicts the future figures until 2030.
Overall, the total requirement of these six energy fuels is expected toascend dramatically by 2030, compared with the figure in 1980. Across the sameperiod, the petrol and oil still are the most popular energy sources, firstlydropping from exactly 35qu to above 40qu by 1985 and finally reaching the peak(almost 50qu) by 2030.
In addition, the consumptions of nuclear, solar and wind, andHydropower all started from the same level around 4 quadrillion units (4 Qu)and then the Hydropower dropped to the least popular energy source after 2005and is expected to remain at the bottom with about 3 Qu consumption by 2030.However, the cost of solar and wind is the only one experiencing the steadytrend at approximately 4qu during this period. In terms of the nuclear energy,it did and is expected to do witness the continuous rise to more than 5 Qu atthe end of this period.
Undeniably, the change of the consumption of coal apparently roughlyreveals the opposite trend to that of natural gas, and their consumptions wereand are expected to be equal with each other in several times. Although thecoal&s cost (above 16qu) was less than that of natural gas (exactly 20qu) atthe beginning, is forecasted to overtake that of natural gas (remaining at 25quin last 15 years) at the end of this period.
This line graph clearly presents&how theexpenditures of these four different kinds of food in a European countrychanged&throughout the period between 1979 and 2004.
Overall, the total&expenditure on these threekinds of meat and fish&had&dropped smoothly&by2004, compared wit the figure in&1979.
Apparently,the chicken became the most popular foods among these items since 1989&and still kept the increasing tendency fromunder 150 grams per person per week (150 g) to above 250g by 2004. Bycontrast,&the alteringtendency of beef consumption revealed the opposite trend to that of chicken&and&directly dropped to under 120g by theend of this period. Although&the beef attracted the most interests in the first 10 yearsuntil 1989,fluctuating around 220g,&it was overtaken by chicken&s cost (approximately 190g) in theyear 1989.
Undeniably,&the fish still attracted the leastinterest during these 25 years and witnessed the most slight decent,&dropping from above 60g to nearly 50g by 2004. Although the fish consumptionfollowed the similar pattern with beef expenditure, the gap between them wasgradually narrowing.
This bar chart clearly summarizes the main exports of three differentsectors in Southland both in 2000 and 2014, and also estimates the futurefigures for the year 2025.
Overall, the meat products were the least popular items in 2000 and areexpected to be further less popular in 2014 and 2025, individually with exactly6 billion pounds, about 5.5 billion pounds and precisely 5 billion poundsexports.
It is obvious that the export of international tourism is the onlysector that experiences the continuously increasing tendency, rising from above8 billion pounds in 2000 to nearly 10 billion pounds in 2025. Besides, theinternational tourism was and is projected to be the most majority part of theexports in Southland.
Apparently, it is predicted that the change of export for dairyproducts will witness a slight fluctuation, jumping up from below 7 billionpounds in 2000 to nearly 10 billion pounds in 2014 and finally declining toapproximately 9.5 billion exports. Undeniably, in 2014, the sector of dairyproducts is forecasted to be the dominant earns for this area.
This table clearly indicates the figures about the proportions ofspending on three groups of items in five different countries in the secondyear of 21st century.
Overall, the total percentage of the consumption of all ofthese goods in Turkey was apparently the greatest, while the residents inSweden least preferred to purchase these items.
In terms of the consumption of foods, drinks and tobacco, whichwere the most popular items attracting the greatestspending in all of these five countries, theproportion of expenditure in Turkey peaked at 32.14%, which was about two timesof that in Sweden bottoming out at 15.77%.
When it comes the clothing and footwear, thecosts of them all were less than half of the consumptions of foods, drinks andtobacco in four countries, except for the Italythat&the Italian concentrated most on them with the greatestspending percentage (9.00%) being almost the double of the consumption ofSwedish (5.40%).
For the expenditures on leisure and education,all of these five countries& inhabitants drew the least attention on them.Surprisingly,&the Turkish consumption still was onthe top with 4.35% figure,&which was morethan double of that in Ireland (2.21%) and Spain (1.98%).
The chart clearly divides the reasons leading to the land degradation intofour parts, and the table summarizes how many degraded lands were affected bythree main reasons in North America, Europe and Oceania in 1990s.
Overall, the over-grazing is the most significant reason resulting inthe land becoming less productive (35%) around the world, and during 1990s, theEurope was the region with the most serious land degradation(23%).
Obviously, apart from the other reasons with only 7% influence, the effectsled by deforestation and over-cultivation are quite similar, individuallycausing 30% and 28% of degraded land.
In the 1990s, the total degraded land in Europe (23%) roughly was fourtimes more than that (5%) in North America and nearly was the double of that (13%)in Oceania. Specifically, the&deforestationwas the majority factor causing the less productive land in Europe,contributing to 9.8% figure, while few of the land (0.2%) in North America washurt by it. Surprisingly, none of the land in Oceania was impacted by the&over-cultivation. Undeniably, the&over-grazing&almost led to all of thedegraded land, 11.3% out of 13%, in Oceania, even though it was not the significantreason causing the trouble in other two regions.


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