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我将无限欣喜,予以指教批评,老师或已阅览完毕,还望海涵“唐突去信,之前附寄的稿件是我生涩的创作?假使拙作能感动老师一二,但标题预定命名为《XXX》,稿件在此信提笔前先行投函。 那么,不揣冒昧,若老师能够一读。我平素即十分喜爱老师的作品。草草,实是不胜荣幸之至。 稿件上故意略去未写。出于某些原因。”求高手赐教,不知感觉如何,伏乞赐教
For some reasonOffensive to believe, it is an honor to, venture to beg you, if the teacher can read, before the enclosed manuscript I jerky creation, the manuscript of this letter before write letter, to give criticism, als O master enlighten? If we can move the teacher one or two. H, V, I will be happy.&quot. Intentionally omitting the manuscript has not written, but the headline book named &quot, teacher or reading is completed. So. I have been very fond of the teacher'XXX&quot, I do s work
I don&#39. Caocao, is be proud to&Offensive to the letter, teacher or ht know how does it feel. Fs work, make free, also hope is burke.The manuscript had been written deliberately left out. I always liked the teacher&#39, the manuscript in before the start of the letter letter, namely before the creation of the enclosed manuscript is my crude, if the teacher to read, tXXX&quot? If my book can be moved by the t title. &Beg ace grant instruction, I will be unlimited joy, but book named &quot.So, begging for comment
Offensive to believe, also hope to forgive me. I have been very fond of the teacher's work, before the enclosed manuscript I jerky creation, if the teacher can read, to give criticism, it is an honor to.For some reason, the manuscript of this letter before write letter, teacher or reading is completed, I do not know how to feel? If we can move the teacher one or two, I will be happy.
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I knew you, not because of your handsome or beauti...爱,对我来说只是过去的一种说法!!!这段话用英语怎么翻译?……
Love, for me it is just a statement of the past!这段话用英语怎么翻译?谢谢!……
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When Henry VIII ① by &Extreme Act,& the king is he...下面这段话怎么翻译成英文?……
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