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Chinese Name Tattoo- 中文名 - Chinese Name Translation -
translate names from English to Chinese calligraphy
Chinese Name Translation
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How names are translated:
Phonetic translation of English names: If you provide an English first name, we will translate the name based on the pronunciation in English, and then matching it with similar sounding Chinese characters. Since different Chinese characters can have the same pronunciation, you can thus specify the traits/meaning that you prefer for your translated name and the most appropriate characters will be used whenever possible. Translation of full name into Chinese style name: Most Chinese names have 3 or 2 characters, with the first character being the surname and the remaining characters being the first name.
In the Chinese culture, the surname comes before the first name. There are only about 100 common Chinese surnames. If you provide your full name, the closest matching Chinese surname will be used. Your name will be translated phonetically into Chinese characters which sound similar.
Some other sites may have standard phonetic translations for English names, with no attention paid to the meaning of the individual characters.
Our team will give each name careful thought, and with your input, will come up with a meaningful phonetic translation. For instance, for the name shown in the sample, we have matched the Surname of "Gore" with a Chinese surname which also means tall. We have translated "Leo" phonetically, paying attention to the meaning of each individual character. The outcome is a name which means "standing tall with miles of pride".
for you to choose from for your custom design.
We will provide you with both
files at 72 ppi and 300 ppi respectively for your convenience (see samples).
We strive to keep our customers satisfied with fast and quality service. See
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About our history:
We have been specializing in Chinese tattoo translation and design since 1999.
We are one of the earliest pioneers in offering chinese tattoo symbols on the internet. Over the past years, we have had the honor to serve customers from all over the world.
About your translators:
The translation team of Tai and Cheung will provide you with a translation that not only embodies the essence of the word/phrase but is also grammatically correct and sounds beautifully in Chinese. University educated in Hong Kong and Canada, both Tai and Cheung are native speakers of Chinese, fluent in the Cantonese, Mandarin and Toisan dialects. Their mastery of both the English and Chinese languages will guarantee the most accurate and appropriate translation for you.
About your calligrapher:
, is a Chinese brush painting artist and skilled calligrapher with university education in both Hong Kong and Canada.
She is a native speaker of Chinese, fluent in both Cantonese and Mandarin dialects. She also tutored under the late Master Lai who was a renowned artist trained by the grand masters of Chinese painting, the late Lin Feng Mian and Pan Tian Shou. Her calligraphy and artwork combines both traditional techniques and creative flair.
You can only order Tai's one-of-a-kind grass and brush calligraphy for your unique tattoo design here
and not anywhere else.
About written Chinese and spoken Chinese:
The same Chinese character may be pronounced differently in different dialects. There are many dialects in Chinese, with the 2 major ones being Mandarin and Cantonese.
Many Chinese software offer pronunication input methods for both dialects.
Mandarin (also known as Putonghua) is widely spoken in many parts of China, Taiwan and Singapore, while Cantonese is prevalent in Hong Kong, southern China, Singapore and overseas.
Many words sound similar in these dialects but there are more tonal variations in Cantonese than Mandarin.
Our translation team is fluent in both dialects, and thus will pick a phonetic translation which will sound right in both Mandarin and Cantonese.
About the Chinese character:
Chinese writing dates back to over 5000 years ago.
Chinese characters evolved from pictographs to more abstract ideograms to the modern-day character, which bears a slight resemblance to its pictographic origins.
The characters are divided into 3 main categories : pictographs (H)Mideograms (|N), phonograms(n).
Each character is a word by itself , and is written in a flowing and balanced way.
You will notice that your browser has the option of viewing Chinese characters in Traditional or Simplified forms. Some other sites provide your translation in simplified characters which are abbreviated forms which might not be recognizable to all Chinese . This site provides you with standard traditional Chinese characters which are not only recognized by Chinese but also by Japanese and Koreans.
Why are there traditional and simplified characters?
Traditional characters are the standard characters with centuries of history and culture embodied in them.
In an effort to wipe out illiteracy, the Communist government in China introduced in 1956 a system of simplified characters which were easier to remember than the intricate traditional characters. The intention was good, but the result is devastating. Over 2000 Chinese traditional characters have been changed by the government into the simplified form by reducing the number of strokes, and thus changing the entire form and balance of the character. (see example to the right)
The webmaster is against this mutilation of the Chinese character and annihilation of our Chinese culture. The characters provided by this site are all traditional characters so that the form, beauty and essence of THE CHINESE CHARACTER can be fully appreciated.
is a traditional brush stroke style prevalent in use from the ancient times to nowadays.
is an elegant cursive style highlighting the intricacies of Chinese brush calligraphy.
is a brush style written fluidly, also known as the "running" style.
is a unique flowing style which is like "walking on grass", handwritten by the webmaster. You will not find this one-of-a-kind calligraphy anywhere else.
is the clerical style originating from the Tsun dynasty (230 BC).
is a design by the webmaster combining the techniques of traditional calligraphy and modern computer design.
is known as Shou Jin Shu (Slim Gold Style), the signature calligraphy of Emperor Sung.
stems from original Chinese oracle scripts with a pictorial inference.
represents the Ngai Bei stone engraving style .
is intricately done by hand with the Chinese brush.
This custom design by the webmaster is one-of-a-kind.
Style 1: Classic styleStyle 2: Cursive styleStyle 3: Fluid style
Style 4:Grass style
Style 5:Old style
Style 6: Emboss styleStyle 7: Slim style
Style 8: Pictorial styleStyle 9: Engrave styleStyle 10: Brush style
Most popular calligraphy style ordered as of : Style 1 - ClassicTranslate Into Chinese:_百度知道
Translate Into Chinese:
and so notsimply a convention大会;test&#618,证言. Moreover, “that basis that male-female marriage is something natural;证据 to marriage as a basic fact of human life;[计] 约定;ntli]突出地;习俗 to be wilfully任意地 manipulated[məeminən&#618There is wide and ancient cultural testimony['t]mə[法] 惯例;pj&#650, it is eminently['巧妙地处理;'显著地reasonable to believe that;[法] 协定;操作;leɪnɪ]证词,for many people. 操纵;篡改
n&#618,古老文化的见证['证据婚姻作为人类生活的基本事实;测试&#618,证言;mə习俗是故意任意地操纵(mə eminət]pj&#650,对许多人来说;]证词;attacks&#618,巧妙地处理。此外,这是非常['ntli]突出地;[计]约定;[法]惯例;显著地合理认为,操作,“男女婚姻是自然基础有宽;[法]协定。操纵;le&#618,所以简单地约定大会
出门在外也不愁Translate English into Chinese...Unexpectedly, the girl whose name is Zhao Lin has said that she would rather taking her Adidas sports shoes as bowls for meal in order not to discard them. What surprised me more was that yesterday Zhao Lin's younger _百度作业帮
Translate English into Chinese...Unexpectedly, the girl whose name is Zhao Lin has said that she would rather taking her Adidas sports shoes as bowls for meal in order not to discard them. What surprised me more was that yesterday Zhao Lin's younger
Translate English into Chinese...Unexpectedly, the girl whose name is Zhao Lin has said that she would rather taking her Adidas sports shoes as bowls for meal in order not to discard them. What surprised me more was that yesterday Zhao Lin's younger sister told me that Zhao Lin really washed her Adidas sports shoes completely and used as bowls to have lunch! Her younger sister even saw her put her spoon into the shoes andprepare to wash them again! What a stubborn girl!
没想到那个叫赵玲的女孩说,为了她的阿迪达斯鞋子不退休,她宁愿继续把它们当碗用。更令我吃惊的是:昨天她妹妹告诉我,赵玲把她的鞋子洗得一尘不染然后真地用来盛饭吃午餐!这女孩还真的说到做到!Ancient Chinese cures translate into modern Western medicines
By Cecily Liu (China Daily)
China's age-old remedies could help the West develop tomorrow's new drugs, thanks to a database released last month.
The Chem-TCM is the most comprehensive database of its kind and translates more than 12,000 chemicals from more than 300 Chinese herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) into Western terminology.
"Future researchers will now be able to better understand the chemical basis of remedies that have been in use for thousands of years," says David Barlow of King's College London (KCL), who has helped to develop the database.
TCM chemicals are rarely used as raw materials to develop Western drugs because their complex nature makes the registration process difficult.
The database may also answer one of TCM's regulatory challenges in the United Kingdom. An EU directive came into effect in the UK this May that makes it illegal for individual practitioners to sell TCM over the counter, except for varieties registered with the UK drug safety watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Agency.
TCMs to be registered as herbal products in the UK must be shown to have been in use for at least 15 years in the EU, which proves challenging for TCMs that have recently entered the UK market.
The alternative is for TCMs to enter the EU as pharmaceutical products.
To bypass this technical difficulty while taking advantage of TCMs' thousands of years of wisdom, the database would identify Western chemicals with similar biological activities to TCM chemicals that have a good track record in curing specific symptoms.
Already recognized by Western regulatory bodies, these Western chemicals can then be built into pharmaceutical products as lead compounds.
"Traditional Chinese medicine has undergone a remarkable renaissance in recent years," Barlow says.
"However, the unique language used to describe categories of medicines has hindered effective understanding of one of the most developed and mature systems of alternative medicine in existence."
Professor Peter Hylands, another KCL researcher for the database, hopes new information made available would make this process easier.
"Pharmaceutical products entering the UK need to undergo stringent safety, quality and efficacy studies, which are very challenging unless the regulators can learn about TCM ingredients in terminologies already familiar to them," Hylands says.
Michael McIntyre, chairman of the European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association, says the development of TCMs into pharmaceutical products is not a practical solution to TCMs' regulation challenges in the EU.
"Statutory regulation of TCM practitioners is a low-cost, low-tech and timely way to enquire the safety of TCM medicines in the UK," McIntyre says.
Britain's health secretary Andrew Lansley approved a plan earlier this year for the Health Professions Council to establish a register of practitioners supplying herbal medicines not registered with the HMRA. But it's uncertain when this process will finish.
McIntyre puts it this way: "It's a great thing to know as much about herbal medicines as possible from a pharmaceutical point of view. But we must be careful to preserve the skills of TCM practitioners. Treating herbal medicines as pharmaceutical chemicals could risk losing sight of a great tradition."
KCL has 100 percent ownership of the database's intellectual property rights and licensed the database to TimTec, a company that has commercialized the database.
Hylands' team started working on the database five years ago with researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica.
"Our next task is to add more rigor into the analysis and quality control of chemicals in our database," Hylands says.
China Daily
(China Daily 11/22/2011 page18)Translate into Chinese:_百度知道
Translate into Chinese:
and prevent myself shrinking out of your path, a man of means.For a day. You still have cherished the secret suspicion that I had seized an opportunity of fathering upon you.I renounced society.Think (the way I am phrasing it sounds trivial). For being of no account.I am not making any charge against you, for being plain,and was intoxicated with delight at the mortifications, the child of another loverLetter from an Unknown Woman (1922) Flowers on a coffin will offer consolation in one phrase or another, I marked your coining, or importunate


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