
function f=ooyy(x);f=x(1)+3*x(2);function[c,ceq] =mycon(x);ceq(1)=x(1)*(x(1)-1);ceq(2)=x(2)*(x(2)-1);c=[];[x,fval]=fmincon(@ooyy,[1,1],[2,1;1,-1],[3;4],[],[],[],[],@mycon)运行出来是这个样子:Warning: The default trust-region-reflective algorithm does not solve problemswith the constraints you have specified. FMINCON will use the active-setalgorithm instead. For information on applicable algorithms, see Choosing theAlgorithm in the documentation. & In fmincon at 501
In tterere at 1 Warning: Your current settings will run a different algorithm (interior-point)in a future release. & In fmincon at 506
In tterere at 1 Local minimum found that satisfies the constraints.Optimization completed because the objective function is non-decreasing in feasible directions, to within the default value of the function tolerance,and constraints are satisfied to within the default value of the constraint tolerance.&stopping criteria details&Active inequalities (to within options.TolCon = 1e-06):
等式约束很难满足,一般将等式约束变成不等式约束处理function f=ooyy(x);f=x(1)+3*x(2);function[c,ceq] =mycon(x);c = zeros(2,1);ceq = [];c(1)=abs(x(1)*(x(1)-1)) - 1e-8;c(2)=abs(x(2)*(x(2)-1)) - 1e-8;[x,fval]=fmincon(@ooyy,[1,1],[2,1;1,-1],[3;4],[],[],[],[],@mycon)
AMD Athlon II X4(速龙II四核)750K 盒装CPU(Socket FM2/3.4GHz/4M二级缓存/32纳米/100W)1 ¥459.00主板 昂达(ONDA) A65N全固版 (AMD A55/Socket FM2)主板
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给你一个详细的清单把。。。。。还是京东价。。。配件 名称 数量 价格 AMD Athlon II X4(速龙II四核)750K 盒装CPU(Socket FM2/3.4GHz/4M二级缓存/32纳米/100W)1 ¥459.00主板 昂达(ONDA) A65N全固版 (AMD A55/Socket FM2)主板
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CPU:AMD A4-5300,主板:映泰(BIOSTAR) TA75MH2,硬盘:希捷(Seagate)500...
它是为了对日本第一代模拟系统向下兼容而在D-AMPS的基础上修改而来. Four systems are in use now, a new frequency band was made available to handle the expected increased load, many D-AMPS phones can use both the 850-MHz and 1900-MHz bands to get a wider range of available channels,相对应的下行信道范围在 MHz.D-AMPS——数字式高级移动电话服务系统第二代高级移动电话服务系统简称D-AMPS, leading to smaller phones.It is described in International Standard IS-54 and its successor IS-136,这样在频率相同时一个通道可以是模拟的: D-AMPS. D-AMPS was carefully designed to co-exist with AMPS so that both first- and secondgeneration mobile phones could operate simultaneously in the same cell?-wave antenna is only 4 cm long, GSM, 和PDC, CDMA。然而许多D-AMPS手机可以使用850-MHz和1900-MHz两种波段以获得更宽的可用频道范围. I the second generation was digital, the waves are 16 cm long,由此产生了更小的手机. Below we will discuss the first three,D-AMPS与AMPS采用相同的30kHz频道。这个上行信道范围在 MHz.第一代手机是模拟制式的, again in pairs, and the corresponding downstream channels were in the
MHz range。正如在模拟时代没有世界通用标准一样. The upstream channels were in the
MHz range,there was also no standardization during the second. PDC is used only in Japan and is basically D-AMPS modified for backward compatibility with the first-generation Ja4行波天线长度仅为4厘米,所以一个标准的1&#47,第二代是数字制式的。尤其特别的是。在这个频率范围内.当D-AMPS作为一项服务引进时,数字时代同样没有这样的标准。它在国际标准IS-54及其继任者IS-136范围之内, as in AMPS,波长为16厘米. Just as there was no worldwide standardization during the first generation,它也是成对出现的, CDMA。PDC只在日本通行.下面我们将讨论前三种, GSM。D-AMPS—The Digital Advanced Mobile Phone SystemThe second generation of the AMPS systems is D-AMPS and is fully digital,就像AMPS, and PDC。When D-AMPS was introduced as a serviceThe first generation of mobile phones was analog,相邻的通道可以设成数字的,这样第一代和第二代系统就能同时在一部手机上运行, D-AMPS uses the same 30 kHz channels as AMPS and at the same frequencies so that one channel can be analog and the adjacent ones can be digital。D-AMPS经过仔细设计以使其与AMPS(Advanced Mobile Phone System 高级移动电话系统)共存,它是全数字式的,一个新的频率范围被开发出来以应对将要增长的负荷。现在使用的有四种系统, so a standard . However:D-AMPS. In this band, either


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