
New Year Spring Festival is a favorite of children a day, I was no exception. This year's Spring Festival, I am particularly pleased that you want to know why? It is better for me to tell you it! Danian Ye because, I must personally against the write affixed to the door. I hope that you hope that you and so on and so on, until at last the day. Good morning, my mother and breakfast, began to put the couplet. I wrote a lot of the couplet, "day by people Zengshou years, the Spring Fu Man on earth" and "the motherland spring, more than the well-being of the people." The election which piece? Her mother said: "The days of the years by people Zengshou, the grandfather of this to be more appropriate, we have a home which you elected Grandpa to be more appropriate, we have a home where you decide the election. "I thought, elected on a couplet of this couplet on the Alliance are: good spri Xia Lian is: well-being of many people. Couplet selected, the mother began to put her in the upper right corner of the couplet , In the lower right corner, the upper left corner, a transparent plastic affixed with a lower left-hand corner. When I am in the side assistant, a short while couplet posted on it. Couplet looked at the site, as if I saw the prosperity of the motherland, to see if the motherland is in the spring So vibrant, but also to see if the mother's life of the people happy, they are better today for the motherland and Acura. At this moment, I can not help Recitation of this couplet from: "The motherland spring, more than the well-being of the people." Father then walked over, patted me on the shoulder and said: "You write very well, I had more than once."高一英语演讲稿 250词主题不限 250词左右(= =)顺便说一句 某人我水平有限...高一的水平就可以了..._百度作业帮
高一英语演讲稿 250词主题不限 250词左右(= =)顺便说一句 某人我水平有限...高一的水平就可以了...
高一英语演讲稿 250词主题不限 250词左右(= =)顺便说一句 某人我水平有限...高一的水平就可以了...
列如My mame is hetianrui you see walka farm hahaha and sheep on engsdfs vcdcvdb cdcv dssd dsdbsvdbs sdvsbdvsbd sddsdsd sdsdsdsdsd fenfd heeh 怎么样?关于爱国的英语演讲稿 高中水平 3~~5分钟_百度知道
关于爱国的英语演讲稿 高中水平 3~~5分钟
Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a population of over twelve hundred million. Beijing is its capital. We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious revolutionary tradition. We drove out all the enemies. In 1949 the People's Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country. Children are regarded as “flower of our motherland”. In our country children are taken very good care of. Special laws have been issuedto protect them. Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children. The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future翻译:爱国就是对祖国的忠诚和热爱。历朝历代,许多仁人志士都具有强烈的忧国忧民思想,以国事为己任,前仆后继,临难不屈,保卫祖国,关怀民生,这种可贵的精神,使中华民族历经劫难而不衰。爱国的内容十分广泛,热爱祖国的山河,热爱民族的历史,关心祖国的命运,在危难之时英勇战斗,为祖国捐躯,都是爱国主义的表现。在中华民族五千年的发展历程中,中华民族形成了以爱国主义为核心的伟大的民族精神。 捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归,正是由于对祖国的深切热爱,勤劳智慧的中华儿女共同开拓了辽阔的疆域,创造了辉煌灿烂的文化。肩负着实现中华民族伟大复兴的我们,要热爱祖国的大好河山,积极维护祖国的主权独立和领土完整,祖国的领土寸土不能丢,不能被分裂侵占;要热爱祖国的历史和文化,提高民族自尊心和自信心,为创造更加辉煌的民族文化而尽心尽力。 今天,我国已步入新的历史时期,加入世贸组织使我国与世界各国的联系更加密切,机遇与挑战并存,我们将面临越来越多的新情况、新问题。推进我国改革开放的伟大事业,加快社会主义现代化建设的进程,更需要我们不断弘扬爱国主义的优良传统。只有这样,中华民族才能重振雄风,为人类文明与进步做出更大的贡献。 少年兴则国兴,小年强则国强。我们要适应时代发展的要求,正确认识祖国的历史和现实,增强爱国的情感和振兴祖国的责任感,树立民族自尊心与自信心;弘扬伟大的中华民族精神,高举爱国主义旗帜,锐意进取,自强不息,艰苦奋斗,顽强拼搏,真正把爱国之志变成报国之行。今天为振兴中华而勤奋学习,明天为创造祖国辉煌未来贡献自己的力量!
出门在外也不愁2013高考英语复习写作专题讲座课件: 应用文(四)――演讲稿_图文_百度文库
2013高考英语复习写作专题讲座课件: 应用文(四)――演讲稿
21高​考​英​语​复​习​写​作​专​题​讲​座​课​件​:​ ​应​用​文​(​四​)​―​―​演​讲​稿​由​状​元6整​理​分​享​。
School ,Childhood and Poetry  One time,investigating in the backyard of our house in Temuco the tiny objects and minuscule beings of my world,I came upon a hole in one of the boards of the fence.I looked through the hole and saw a landscape like that behind our house,uncared for,and wild.I moved back a few steps,because I sensed vaguely that something was about to happen.All of a sudden a hand appeared,a tiny hand of a boy about my own age.By the time I came close again,the hand was gone,and in its place there was a marvelous white sheep.  The sheep's wool was faded.Its wheels had escaped.All of this only made it more authentic.I had never seen such a wonderful sheep.I looked back through the hole but the boy had disappeared.I went into the house and brought out a treasure of my own:a pinecone,opened,full of odor and resin,which I adored.I set it down in the same spot and went off with the sheep.  I never saw either the hand or the boy again.And I have never again seen a sheep like that either.The toy I lost finally in a fire.  I have been a lucky man.To feel the intimacy of brothers is a marvelous thing in life.To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life.But to feel the affection that comes from those whom we do not know,from those unknown to us,who are watching over our sleep and solitude,over our dangers and our weaknesses,that is something still greater and more beautiful because it widens out the boundaries of our being,and unites all living things.  That exchange brought home to me for the first time a precious idea:that all of humanity is somehow together.That experience came to this time it stood out strikingly against a background of trouble and persecution.  It won't surprise you then that I attempted to give something resiny,earthlike,and fragrant in exchange for human brotherhood.Just as I once left the pinecone by the fence,I have since left my words on the door of so many people who were unknown to me,people in prison,or hunted,or alone.  That is the great lesson I learned in my childhood,in the backyard of a lonely house.Maybe it was nothing but a game two boys played who didn't know each other and wanted to pass to the other some good things of life.Yet maybe this small and mysterious exchange of gifts remained inside me also,deep and indestructible,giving my poetry light.  学校,童年和诗歌  有一段时间,在我家后院的微小物体和极小西面的生命我的世界,我来到了一个洞的围墙的木板.我从洞里,看到这样的景色,没房子后面,而疯狂的.我搬回了几步,因为我感觉到含糊的那些东西有将要发生的事情.突然,一只手出现细小的手的男孩对自己的年龄.我走近的时候,手了,并且在它的地方有一个奇妙的白绵羊.  羊的羊毛就消失了.其车轮逃走了.所有这一切只会让它更真实.我从未见过如此奇特的羊.我回头穿过这个洞童子却消失了.我进了房子,拿出自己的财富:松果,打开,充满香气和树脂,我最尊敬的人.我把它放在同一个地方,后来和羊.  我从未见过的手或童年.我从未见过一只羊再那样.我失去了最后的玩具在一场火灾的.  我一直是个幸运的男人.感受”的兄弟是一种不可思议的事情在生活中.觉得我们所爱的人的爱是火,把我们的生活.但感觉,来自于那些不为我们所知,从那些不为我们所知,他正在看了我们的睡眠和孤独,我们和我们的弱点,危害更大的,是一件更美丽,因为它扩大了我们全人的边界,并将所有的生灵.  那个交换使我平生第一次宝贵的想法:所有的人类都不知何故结合在一起.那个经验又来了之后,这一次它突出醒目的背景下,对他的麻烦和迫害.  它不会令你感到惊讶的那一刻,我试图把一些类似,芬芳的人类兄弟换.就像我曾经留下了由围墙,松果之后离开我的言语的门上这么多的人,人们还在监狱里,或猎捕、或孤独.  这是最伟大的课我学会了在我的童年,在后院的一幢孤零零的房子.也许这只是一场两个男孩打谁不知道对方,要通过其他一些好事的生活.也许这个小和神秘还交换礼物依然在我里面的,也深刻的,不可,给我的诗歌.


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