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中文翻译n.(pl. anthraces ) 【医学】炭疽(病)。&&&&炭疽&&&&炭疽抗原&&&&炭疽抗毒素&&&&炭疽杆菌。 &&&&炭疽杆菌&&&&炭疽病细菌&&&&炭疽病畜&&&&皮肤炭疽&&&&炭疽病指引&&&&炭疽皮&&&&炭疽皮&&&&睑炭疽&&&&炭疽牧地&&&&炭疽性肺炎, 肺炭疽&&&&炭疽蛋白&&&&炭疽血清&&&&炭疽芽胞&&&&炭疽杆菌芽胞形成&&&&炭疽毒素; 炭疽霉素&&&&炭疽接种&&&&炭疽活菌苗,皮上划痕用炭疽活菌苗,人用皮上划痕炭疽活菌苗; 炭疽活疫苗; 炭疽菌苗&&&&红宝石&&&&卒中型炭疽&&&&内脏炭疽&&&&碳污方解石&&&&溶蒽素黄v
例句与用法Anthrax is primarily a disease of herbivorous animals .炭疽病主要是草食动物的疾病。The work on anthrax abruptly ushered in the golden age of medical bacteriology .于炭疽病的研究突然将医学细菌学引入了黄金时代。The history of anthrax is intimately associated with the history of bacteriology and infectious disease .炭疽病的历史与细菌学和传染病学的历史是密切相关的。Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for anthrax炭疽诊断标准及处理原则- they ' re in a band called anthrax . - hello-他们在一个叫做anthrax的乐队里。 -你们好。 They ' re in a band called anthrax . - hello他们在一个叫做anthrax的乐队里。 -你们好。 Can anthrax spread from person to person炭疽病可否以人传人的方式传播? As if weapon - grade anthrax grows on trees他好像觉得生化武器级的炭疽病毒会随便从树上长出来Intestinal anthrax can be fatal without early treatment患上肠炭疽病而不及早治疗,亦会致命。 Are you making anthrax ? - excuse me你是在做炭疽吗? -对不起更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释a disease of humans that caused by infection with Bacillus anthracis followed by septicemiaa highly infectious animal disease (especially cattle and sheep); it can be transmitted to people同义词:,
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中文翻译sell 的过去式及过去分词。&&&&热衷于&&&&销售帐&&&&(药物)在本港市面有售&&&&远销国外&&&&论个儿卖&&&&出售一空; 卖光了; 全部卖/售完; 售光了&&&&被出卖&&&&卖出支票&&&&卖出日期&&&&已销售货物&&&&售出之物&&&&卖出数字&&&&超卖&&&&置换售往&&&&销售的产品&&&&出售的数量; 销售量&&&&仿佛薄; 售货簿&&&&现款出售&&&&退货商品; 已售货品&&&&销售品发货清单&&&&已经出售的物品&&&&售货总帐; 销售分类帐&&&&售货单; 销售记录&&&&售完&&&&减价出售的&&&&舍尔钦
例句与用法Most nurseries sell certified trees .多数苗圃都出卖合乎标准的苗木。Goods of that quality will never sell .这样质量的商品绝对售不出去。Your best bet is to sell them now .你现在最好的办法就是把它们卖掉。The new commemorative stamps are all sold out .新纪念邮票全卖完了。I manage to scrape a living
by selling my pictures .我靠卖画糊口。He sold it for a consideration .为了换取一点补偿,他把它低价卖掉了。Goods are sold with money-back guarantee .售出商品质量不符保证退款。Money is a medium for buying and selling .钱是用来买卖的一种媒介。Sorry , the larger ones are all sold out .对不起,大号的都卖完了。You did well to sell when the price was high .你趁价高卖出做得聪明。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释dispos "this merchandise is sold"
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中文翻译n.1.男子名 〔Solomon 的爱称〕。2.【罗马神话】太阳神;太阳。3.〔s-〕(炼金术中的)金。n.【音乐】全音阶第五音。n.(pl. sols) 索尔〔秘鲁货币单位〕。n.【化学】溶胶,液胶。n.【天文学】火星日〔长24小时37分22秒〕。&&&&太阳虫&&&&酪朊溶胶&&&&凯索&&&&胶休溶液; 溶胶&&&&强的松龙间磺苯酸钠&&&&代夫―索尔&&&&代夫索尔&&&&双尾藻&&&&双熔剂的&&&&埃尔索尔; 太阳报&&&&弹性溶胶&&&&滴鼻液&&&&双醋胺偶氮甲苯&&&&外来溶胶&&&&是一种抗贫血药&&&&进带继电器&&&&赤霉素,赤霉酸,九二○; 九二○&&&&金溶胶&&&&亲水溶胶; 亲液溶胶&&&&疏水溶胶; 憎水溶胶&&&&不可逆溶胶&&&&亲液溶胶&&&&疏液溶胶; 憎液溶胶&&&&遮盖液&&&&当量气温&&&&索基尔布拉克
例句与用法He could not feel the soles of his feet .脚板,似乎已经没长在他的脚上了。I saw that emerson had even scrubbed the soles .我发现埃默森把鞋底都给擦干净了。A sol considered as a whole cannot have a net charge .一种胶体,就其整体而言可认为不带净电荷。He could feel that in his hands and through the soles of his feet .他双手和脚底都能感觉得出来。This procedure is obviously much more tedious than sol analysis .这一方法与溶胶分析相比过于繁重。A sol that consists of solid particles suspended in a liquid is a colloidal suspension .由固体微粒悬浮在液体中所组成的溶胶叫胶态悬浮体。The sol phase is probably in a state of active equilibrium with the underlying epithelium regarding water content .溶胶相的会和量可能与其下面的表皮细胞会和量处于动平衡状态。Every time a football player goes out to play his trade, he's got to play from the ground up--from the soles of his feet right up to his head .每次一个橄榄球员上场献技,都要全力以赴--从脚底到头顶。The boy was bending forward and pulling up from the soles of his feet, using all the leverage of his body and all of what weight he had on each lift .孩子躬身前倾,凭借着一双脚底板的力量,加上整个躯干的杠杆作用。每提一次都使足了力气。Gently rub his spine , shoulder blades and soles of feet轻扫背脊、肩膀和脚底。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization同义词:, , a colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid同义词:, ,
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中文翻译报头开始标头开始符起始字符素索赫&&&&苏雅各&&&&苏秋平&&&&乌鲁苏山&&&&段开销&&&&苏秉用&&&&苏秉用&&&&乌鲁苏山&&&&光莹社&&&&西京&&&&双鱼&&&&绍豪; 峡; 新视界&&&&仁波切&&&&庄八; 宗八; 佐八&&&&索涌&&&&高眼鲽&&&&西归浦
例句与用法Still in his 20s , soh has worked for some of the best hotels in singapore苏年纪三十不到,却已在多家新加坡顶级酒店掌过勺。 In view of its program being an applied science soh puts exceptional emphasis and efforts on enriching students with practical experiences口腔卫生学为一门应用的科学,非常注重实务的经验。 School of oral hygiene , soh , founded in 2001 , boasts both the newly established faculty and the first of the kind ? “ oral medicine faculty ” in this nation成立于2001年,是新创设的学系,也是全国第一个设立的口腔卫生学系。 And just when i thought the meal couldn ' t get any better , soh served up a fantastic sichuan rack of lamb cooked perfectly with a combination of spicy fermented black beans and dried chillies , which infused the tender lamb with haunting aromas正当我对这道菜叹为观止的时候,他又上了一道四川烤羊排,豆豉和干辣椒的味道已经完全渗入鲜嫩的羊肉,香气扑鼻。 With its establishment soh expects new horizons in three areas : upgrading overall dental and oral care env building up the infrastructure for college of oral medicine by integrating the existing school of dentistry , graduate institute of oral rehabilitation and the newly establishing graduate institute of oral science and thus enabling tmu to make a big step towards wor and setting a milestone in women ' s employment market in this nation本系之成立除了对国内整体口腔医疗环境之提升外,将结合现有之牙医系,口腔复健医学研究所及新增设之口腔科学研究所,形成口腔医学院之基本架构,进而促使本校朝向2010年世界大学迈进,将为国内女性就业市场另立一个里程碑。 &&
英文解释the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization同义词:, ,
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中文翻译索尔斯索莱斯鞋底跖,足底&&&&n. 【天文学】火星日〔长24小时37分22秒〕。 &&&&备用鞋底&&&&脚心痛,脚下痛&&&&五心&&&&保尔?索尔&&&&脚板红&&&&橡胶鞋底&&&&手足心&&&&成型底,单元底; 后跟底层&&&&前脚掌&&&&楔形胶底高面鞋&&&&五心&&&&鞋底上色机&&&&手足心热&&&&足底摩擦水疱&&&&手足心热&&&&手足心热&&&&掌跖角化过度&&&&仿皮鞋底&&&&铁脚板&&&&掌跖扁平苔藓&&&&长出了水泡&&&&掌跖牛皮癣&&&&膝风摩涌泉&&&&纳鞋底
例句与用法He could not feel the soles of his feet .脚板,似乎已经没长在他的脚上了。I saw that emerson had even scrubbed the soles .我发现埃默森把鞋底都给擦干净了。A sol considered as a whole cannot have a net charge .一种胶体,就其整体而言可认为不带净电荷。He could feel that in his hands and through the soles of his feet .他双手和脚底都能感觉得出来。This procedure is obviously much more tedious than sol analysis .这一方法与溶胶分析相比过于繁重。A sol that consists of solid particles suspended in a liquid is a colloidal suspension .由固体微粒悬浮在液体中所组成的溶胶叫胶态悬浮体。The sol phase is probably in a state of active equilibrium with the underlying epithelium regarding water content .溶胶相的会和量可能与其下面的表皮细胞会和量处于动平衡状态。Every time a football player goes out to play his trade, he's got to play from the ground up--from the soles of his feet right up to his head .每次一个橄榄球员上场献技,都要全力以赴--从脚底到头顶。The boy was bending forward and pulling up from the soles of his feet, using all the leverage of his body and all of what weight he had on each lift .孩子躬身前倾,凭借着一双脚底板的力量,加上整个躯干的杠杆作用。每提一次都使足了力气。Gently rub his spine , shoulder blades and soles of feet轻扫背脊、肩膀和脚底。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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