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Recent updates
16 January
(Samples of the new 4-Cubes Background & 3 of the VR themed Backgrounds)
:Q:beh:negative1::The :atlas: has six all new emoticons and six new backgrounds for you to unlock and discover! From the iconic floating tree :floatingtree: to all four main cubes grouped together :qbehs:, as well as the power giving energy cube :energyqbeh:, you will have all new ways to emote your first person puzzling experiences! Start collecting and trading for them today!
Don't forget - all the critically acclaimed experiences found within Qbeh-1 is available on both Windows PC and MAC!
1 December, 2014
This small update fixes couple of bugs that snuck in to the 1.1.3 update.
Fixed missing sky texture in level 6-2
Fixed Rage Quit achievement
“A simple idea has been taken and turned into a complex puzzle game, with stunning visuals and relaxing music. If you've not played this great indie title yet, I highly suggest you give it a go!”
10/10 –
“It’s peaceful, intellectually rewarding, and of all things a stress reliever. Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube, is great.”
9/10 –
“Qbeh-1 take’s everything that made Portal’s puzzles great and mix’s it with elements of MineCraft and even Tetris and blends them all together to create something unique yet familiar. Its Rift implementation is the best we have seen yet from a previously released 2D game so much so that it’s hard to imagine that it was not originally designed with VR in mind. Qbeh-1 is well worth your time and money as it’s a modern classic and a must play experience.”
4/5 –
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Get Virtual! Oculus Rift DK1 & DK2 Support now Included
About This Game
QBEH-1: The Atlas Cube is an atmospheric 1st-person puzzle platformer by Liquid Flower that takes players on an inspired quest through a variety of divergent worlds, each filled with new mysteries and secrets to uncover. In each world, players find special cubes that must be collected and used to navigate to the next portal. Some cubes will simply be used as stepping stones to new areas while others are imbued with magical properties such as gravity and propulsion.
Created by Liquid Flower, QBEH-1: The Atlas Cube is a prequel to their much beloved Qbeh, a small student project that found its way online and into the hands of gamers and journalists alike who wanted more after feasting on the appetizer. Now, QBEH-1: The Atlas Cube builds on the core concept and aesthetics introduced in the original and brings even more polish, passion and gameplay into the new game.
Solve elaborate puzzles using a variety of Cube types such as Building Blocks, Energy Cubes and Gravity Manipulators
Explore atmospheric Worlds, each with 6 challenging levels and unique themes
Discover alternate paths, intriguing platforming elements and secrets to unlock an unfolding mystery
Experience an immersive & mesmerizing Soundtrack that pulls you into the adventure
Uncover the game’s narrative through interpretive imagery
Oculus Rift Support (supports DK1 & DK2)
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista/7 /8
Processor: 2 GHz (or 4 GHz for CPUs like Celeron/Duron)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9.0 integrated or very low budget cards may not work
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 3000 MB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
OS: Windows Vista/7 /8
Processor: 2.0GHz x86/64
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 256MB GForce 8600 or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 3000 MB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.3 or later
Processor: 2 ghz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible graphics card, 258 MB video memory
Hard Drive: 3000 MB available space
All trademarks referenced herein are the properties of Liquid Flower and their respective owners. Digital Tribe Games (C) 2014. All Rights Reserved.
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10.9 hrs on record
Qbeh-1. Score 9 / 10Qbeh-1 is a tough 3D Puzzle PlatformerCollect Blocks that you then use to Build Access and unlock the Next Part of each level.
Differently flavored Blocks have different Powers. Mix-match-pattern-repeat. [Secret] There are hidden areas ! [/secret]Move around this [Beautiful] floating 3D world and prepare to fall to your death while platforming. Most of the save points are reasonable... but when you intersprese platforming with puzzle elements sometimes I would quit when I fell too many times in a row. I got a Steam Achievement for this and it's called &Rage Quit&. Self-explanatory No? I swear I had Angina.I enjoyed this game tremendously for over 10 hours.... and I will come back to this over the next year until I eventually finish it.
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2.5 hrs on record
I am horrible at parkour. Unfortunately, this game has some, mixed in with the puzzles. After having to restart a level multiple times, I finally shut the game down. A few seconds later, I got the achievement &Rage Quit - Well, that escalated quickly.& Of course, I had to go back in and finish the level.10/10 this game can read minds
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52.2 hrs on record
This is an excellent game. I the levels reward exploration and there are plenty of good puzzles.The best levels are great. Sometimes a level feels a little contrived rather than having a smooth organic feel to play through - they are still a lot of fun and I think this can be forgiven in an indie developer who is learning their trade.Overall - I'd definitely recommend the game :)
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15.1 hrs on record
Great puzzle game, and not too hard, not too easy. The scenery is beautiful and the soundtrack completes the atmosphere of the game.
Difficulty, and even size of each level, increases gradually as the player progresses through the levels and worlds.The levels are occasionally tricky to navigate, plus they're airborne, so falling off is definitely not recommended, and to add to the challnege there are no maps or compasses, though they are not labyrinths, outright.
There are very rarely alternate paths whose dead ends you cannot see from the beginning, so the correct way forward isn't hard to find, or create.
You only have to take detours to find hidden rooms and crevices containing items you may need to continue.I wish the game was longer.
Absolutely recommended.
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76.6 hrs on record
Hop around on cubes up in the sky and in mysterious rooms, solve puzzles at your own pace in indoor and outdoor environments, with daytime and nighttime lighting.
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4.8 hrs on record
At first I enjoyed the game because it is highly atmospheric and feels somewhat like a Myst game because of that. But after a while it got boring. The platforming aspect is played up more than the puzzle aspect. The puzzle aspect of the game is nothing special. None of it is particularly difficult. In other words, too much precision jumping, not enough mind boggling.
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34.7 hrs on record
Minecrafted towers, where you have to find your way out of them.Puzzle difficulty not so difficult, but not so easy either. Exception is the last World 6. Really painful.Great ambient music.The game makes you fear of heights :(
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7.1 hrs on record
Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube is a beautiful little atmospheric first person puzzle platformer. A good comparison game would be Q.U.B.E., both Qbeh-1 and Q.U.B.E. feature a very atmospheric world where the story is without narrative and open to interpretation. One of the most notable differences is that, unlike in QUBE which had some color puzzles and other such puzzles, Qbeh-1's puzzle mechanics, although varying, focus around different ways to move your character around a level. In this sense I found the game captured something of older platforming collect-a-thons, the levels themselves get rather large and many times you find yourself scaling a large tower...and add in the secret golden pyramid on each level and it really homes in on that collect-a-thon feel. This game also does a good job in encouraging you to explore, don't expect every piece of the puzzle to be out in the open for you to get your hands on, sometimes you need to look around and check the nooks and crannies to find what you need, something I wish other puzzle platformers did just a bit more.I really don't think there is much else to say, the gameplay is superb and the aesthetics really set a nice mood (the music is stellar!) I'm glad I bought this when I did and I'm glad I played it. I found the six hours playthrough to be satisfying, and despite having a huge backlog to get through, I am looking forward to continuing by finding the remaining golden pyramids and unlocking the bonus world. Highly recommend to puzzle platformer fans!
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19.3 hrs on record
the backgrounds are beautiful, the soundtrack is captivating and the gameplay hooks you. if you liked portal two, or just enjoy wonderful puzzle games, GET THIS NOW
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31.8 hrs on record
This game is pleasant to look at and enjoyable to play.
It gets the difficultly right without being confronting.
The levels are cleverly designed with the game set high in the sky.
You rarely get led up the garden path and if you do its for a good reason.
While players aren't provided much guidance, intuition should kick in. For example, I just knew there had to be hidden secrets.
The lack of attaining a corresponding achievement after completing the first world confirmed my suspicions.The art direction is understated.
Ambient music only plays on the occasion.
The lighting is effective and varies for each level. The sporadic plant-life spruces up the spartan levels nicely while the background clouds are gorgeous.
Its easy to recommended this game.
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4.2 hrs on record
QBeh-1 is an atmospheric 1st person puzzle based on simplicity and elegant looks: it’s a relaxing experience that it should be taken note by everyone who enjoyed games like Portal, Antichamber or Q.U.B.E. It is very similar with those mentioned titles but it maintains its own personality too. Mainly, it is an exploration game that is taking place in four distinct worlds, all of them created by cubes. Each world contains six stages: you have to navigate into tricky mazes and thus finding the final door that leads to the next stage. The primary game mechanic has to do with obtaining and managing the special cubes that lay sparsely on the map. There 3 or 4 types of different colored cubes : the most common type is the orange one, which is used like footstool for creating platforms and steps that help you move into other areas. The blue one serves like a switch and is used for opening doors or operating elevators and there is a purple one that alters gravity in the surrounding area. Each stage contains a hidden rotating pyramid that waits patiently for you. In order to locate it you have to use your wits and find alternative routes that will often send you in seemingly inaccessible locations on the map. What is it for you if you find all the pyramids you ask? Well, nothing really except for the sheer joy of doing it! QBeh-1 excels in gameplay but it also looks surprisingly pleasing to the eye: the graphics are lacking in detail but they have a unique art design inspired loosely by Minecraft. Combined with the excellent ambient soundtrack, they create a very soothing, relaxing experience that you will definitely keep you occupied for a long time. In a nutshell, I highly recommend QBeh-1 to everyone who looks for a good and challenging puzzle game.
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7.9 hrs on record
Awesome game :)Definately worth the time playing.The Golden shards are tricky to find but really fun working out how to get them.9/10
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18.7 hrs on record
In this first person puzzle game, you find cubes that do different things to help you navigate the floating worlds. There are four different colors of cubes: red (structure - build structures), blue (energy - power doors and platforms), purple (gravity - decrease gravity), green (growth? - moving platforms). The cubes can only be attached to certain areas of the world (yellow anchor points).The gameplay isn't difficult, at least not initially. The first four worlds (there are six levels in each world) go by fairly quickly. The fifth world is a little more interesting as you have access to all the cubes and the designers mix up the puzzles appropriately. The sixth world, which feels like a bonus since it is accessed after the credits roll, is much more complex, yet still not difficult (in my opinon)However, the joy is spent trying to find the secrets. Every level has one, and finding where they are hidden is what (in my opinion) is the fun in the game. It can be frustrating to get a vantage point in a level and see the yellow pyramid way back in the level. You also learn to &look& at the architecture to determine where the &best& hiding places may be. In the initial levels the roof isn't very accessible, but the later levels - particularly world six - that accessibility restraint is still true but there may be one (maybe two ways) to get up there using the blocks you have or gathering some and backtracking. As I said, the game play isn't very difficult. It is a &zen-like& experience especially with the background music. The world is a lonely place, occupied by you alone. It does seem long for what it is and slightly underwhelming in retrospect.Difficult to recommend as there are other games that are more &fun& to play.
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12.2 hrs on record
I'll mainly write this from the perspective as an Oculus Rift user and how I experienced this game in VR.Qbeh-1 is a puzzle game with pretty straightfoward mechanics, taking place in simplistic but atmospheric environments. The music and presentation make it very enjoyable to play in VR. The fact there is a hidden token in every level also encourages you to be aware of your environment and spot hidden routes.However there are a few downsides for the VR player at the moment:* Movement isn't too VR friendly. This is mainly because of the continous turning of the player instead of having the option to enable incremental turning (the aptly named &VR comfort mode& pioneered by Cloudhead Games). Jumping might feel a bit abrupt too and can be a bit heavy on the stomach for those that are sensitive to it. I'd recommended new VR users to acclimate to VR a bit with other demos before jumping into this game.* Framedrops in some levels. Even on my high-end rig, some of the larger levels dip below the recommended 75 fps for some reason (while my CPU and GPU remain underutilized). This could be in part due to the current Oculus drivers and the performance impact of using the Rift's Direct Mode, but anyway, it ruins the experience.* Some spots in the game might require you to stretch your neck a bit in order to reach spots that are right above you (and might make your headphones fall off, as in my case). This is to be expected if the game wasn't initially designed with VR in mind, but it's still playable. Just something to keep in mind.
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8.4 hrs on record
This is one of the best and most immersive games I have ever played. Once I started playing I could not stop until I had reached the credits scene. I highly recommend playing this game, it is absoluteley brilliant.
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3.5 hrs on record
Wow, just wow. Let’s get started.I – Story [10/10]Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube is a first-person puzzle platformer from Liquid Flower. There is no real story in this game, nothing. Somehow though, you feel compelled to keep going, as if you just know there’s something greater going on behind the scenes. It’s a difficult thing to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it first hand. The atmosphere is just amazing. I’ve never seen a game do something like this with so little. You really have to play it to understand what I’m saying.II – UI [10/10]The user interface is incredibly simple. Menus are bare-bones and well done. The HUD is very minimal to allow for a more complete sense of immersion. By way of HUD, you have a small dot reticle and some fading tabs that show you how many of each type of cube you currently have. Most of the time, you won’t even notice that it’s there.III – Gameplay [9/10]Playing Q1:TAC is an amazingly relaxing experience. Going into it, I had no idea what to expect beyond I was going to be solving puzzles. It’s so much more than that though in it’s entirety. The gameplay itself is as basic as can be. You can move around, move around slower, you can look at things, you can jump, and you can collect and place cubes in certain areas of the world. That’s all there is to it.The puzzles are brilliant. There was a never a puzzle that I encountered that seemed impossibly hard. Some required more though and experimentation than others, but I was never overly frustrated by something. The only real problem that I had with Q1:TAC was the sparsely placed (and sometimes not very helpful) checkpoint locations. It didn’t detract from the game in the least, but it made things a bit tedious at times if mistakes were made.IV – Content [9/10]Rarely have I ever played a game with such a small amount of content that felt so very full. There are five types of cubes you can pick up and use in total and that’s it. (There are some secrets that you can find by exploring the levels, but you can’t do anything with those after you find them.) I would have liked to have seen a few more types of cubes, but it’s no big deal.V – Visual [10/10]Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube is a beautiful game. Merely rushing through it, trying to complete it as fast as possible is a disservice to yourself. Take the time to wander and enjoy all the beauty that the world of Q1:TAC has to offer. The environment is absolutely stunning (especially when it is coupled with the superb soundtrack). VI – Audio [10/10]If you ever play a game that has a soundtrack that syncs up with it more perfectly than Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube I demand that you notify me immediately. The music was, without a doubt, the best part of the entire game. You may have come here to solve puzzles and not to feel, but I will be damned if you make it out of this game without getting on the feels train at least once. Bravo to Launchable Socks to one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard (or felt) in a game.VII – Overall [9.7/10]Overall, Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube is more of a blissful, reflective experience than a game, and it is sheer brilliance. If you’re a fan of Portal, you’ll be into this. On sale or not, this one is worth every penny.
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22.6 hrs on record
Play this game if you enjoysimple but atmospheric environmentsworlds that are mostly linear but with a lot of side tracksbeing rewarded for exploringpuzzles that require seconds to figure out, not minutes (but with some trial and error)platforming that may take a few triesslowly learning to use your tools better being part of the experienceDon't play this game if you wanta game without the possibility to diehigh difficultya lot of varietyunpredictable elementsMost of the time that I played this game was spent trying to do impossible things, because I either wanted to be unnecessarily frugal with my cubes, or I was looking for the level's collectible in the wrong places. The checkpoint system is a bit frustrating if you die a lot, because it isn't always at the place where you keep dying. Otherwise the level d they do a lot of things with the simple mechanics the game has.There are a few bugs though, but they aren't a big problem.
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7.5 hrs on record
This is a pretty wonderful puzzle game, the difficulty is manageable, the soundtrack is great, the game is really pretty, and you can accomplish the puzzles in some out there ways (I ended up traversing the entirety of the outside of one stage, places I wasn't even supposed to be able to go, to get the secret and complete the stage, just through sheer will and stupid ideas on how to complete the puzzle). I greatly recommend it and you can get the soundtrack here:
. If you end up purchasing the game, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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21.3 hrs on record
I couldn't recommend this game any harder. It's got everything: Puzzle solving. And nothing else. And I think that's fantastic - I really do.It's first person puzzle solving involving cubes you pick up that do various things. And you just navigate around the environment, trying to find your way through the level. Also there are pyramids to collect in each level if you want. It's seriously good. It's clever without being too hard. If you're stuck, wander around until you're not. I only had to look up a single thing, and it turned out to be blazingly obvious, really. Buy it. If you like puzzles, seriously get this game. It's one of my all time favorites.
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1.4 hrs on record
1. Open your eyes.2. Search the cubes.3. Find paths.4. Use the cubes.5. Reach the exit.Nice, relaxing puzzle game. Recommended.
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Includes 14 Steam Achievements
Title: Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 15 May, 2014
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