It's eight twenty eightnow什么意思

走遍美国中英对照―Grandpa’s Trunk 祖父的行李箱
A Piece of Cake
I am exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard. 我太累了。我那里的健身班太难了。 Your new exercise class?你的新健身班? Yeah. My new advanced exercise class. 对。新的高级健身班。 Why advanced? 为什么是高级? My instructor thought that 我的老师认为 the beginner's class was too easy for me. 初级课程对我来说太容易了。 Too easy for you? 对你太容易了? Don't laugh. In the beginner's class, 别笑。在初级健身班 they give you a chance to rest between exercises. 你有机会休息。 So? 那又怎么样?The advanced class is nonstop. 高级课程班是没有休息的。 I lift weights every morning for sixty minutes 每天早晨我举重六十分钟 without stopping. 中间还不是没有休息。 No problem. 小事一桩。 Listen, Richard, 听着,Richard,doing aerobics for an hour is a lot different than lifting weights.一小时的有氧运动可与举重大不相同。 Yeah. Quite a bit different. 是啊。相当不一样。 I think aerobics is easy. 我觉得有氧运动很容易。 I could work out in your class with no problem. 如果我去你的班上做运动一定不会觉得有问题。 You think so? 你这样认为? Oh, without a doubt. 哦,毫无问题。 When's the next class? 下一次上课什么时候? Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. Try it. 明早上午十点。试一试吧。 Tomorrow morning after lifting weights, 明早举完重, I'll try aerobics. 我去试试有氧运动。 It's a nap. Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. 简单得很。明早十点。 Aren't you going to the aerobics class this morning? 今天上午你不去上有氧运动课吗? Of Course. Easy. No sweat. 当然。小事情。 绝无问题。 You are not going to be able to move 你会动都动不了 after this and the aerobics class. 在你做完这个又去上有氧运动课之后。 Are you kidding me?你在取笑我? It's going to be a piece of cake. 这种事不费吹灰之力。 You want to bet? 想打赌吗? Yeah. What's the bet? 好啊。赌什么? I bet I can go one hour in your class this morning 我打赌我今天在你的健身班运动一小时之后 and not feel a thing! 丝毫不累! The bet is -- I win, and you cook dinner for the entire family. 这样赌好了: Or you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family. 要是你赢了,我替全家做晚餐。 It's a bet. 一言为定。 Ok. Call my instructor, Jack Davis, right now. 好,给我的教练Jack Davis打个电话,现在就打。 His number is 555-8842. 他的电话是。The advanced class starts at ten o'clock. 高级健身课十点钟开始。 Well, it's eight twenty now. 现在是八点二十了。 It only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class. 骑自行车去上有氧运动课只需要八分钟。 Give him a call. 打个电话给他。 Davis Aerobics Center for Good Health. Davis有氧运动健身中心。 Jack Davis, please. 请找Jack Davis。 This is Jack Davis. 我就是Jack Davis。 Hello. This is Richard Stewart. 你好,我是Richard Stewart。 My wife, Marilyn Stewart, is a member of your program. 我太太Marily Stewart是你的学生。 I'd like to come to 我想 the ten o'clock advanced class this morning. 来上十点的高级健身班。 Oh, fine, fine. Be here a few minutes early. 哦,好,好。要早几分钟到这。 You need to complete some forms before the class. 上课之前你得填一些表格。 Thanks. I'm on my way over. 谢谢,我马上就来。 Good-bye. 再见。 Bye-bye. It's all set. I'm going. 再见。都安排好了。我现在就去。Bye. 再见。 See you later. 待会见。 Good luck. 祝你好运。 Don't forget about the bet. 别忘了打赌的事。 Dinner for the entire family. 给全家做晚餐。 And that includes Susan. 包括Susan的。 Don't you forget. 你自己别忘了。
I think aerobics is easy. It's easy. No problem. It's a piece of cake. No sweat. It's easy. No problem. It's a piece of cake. No sweat. It's a snap. It's easy. No problem. It's a piece of cake. No sweat. It's a snap. My new exercise class is so hard. It's not easy. It's rough. It's difficult. it's tough. It's not easy. It's rough. Really difficult. It's hard and it's tough. It's not easy. It's difficult. It's rough. It's very hard. It's difficult. It's hard and it's tough. Tough. Tough. I think aerobics is easy. It's easy. No problem. It's a piece of cake. No sweat. My new exercise class is so hard. It's not easy. It's rough. It's difficult. It's tough. It's easy. I think aerobics is easy. It's not easy. Why are exercise classes so hard? It's easy. I think aerobics is easy. It's not easy. It's a snap. A snap. No, it's tough, tough, tough.
OK, Richard. That's terrific. 很好,Richard。 真不错。 Your pressure is 120 over 75, and that's fine. 你的收缩压是120,舒张压75。挺好的。 Now stand up, please. 现在请站起来。 Good, it's 122 over 80. 好,收缩压122,舒张压80。 You can sit down now. 现在你可以坐下了。 When was your last complete physical? 上一次全身检查是什么时候? Six months ago. 六个月以前。 Good. Do you have any back or knee problems? 好。你的背部及膝关节有什么毛病吗? Nope. I am in perfect health. 没有。我身体好的很。 What do you do for a living, Mr. Stewart? 你是做哪一行的,Stewart先生? I'm a photographer. 我是摄影师。 Interesting. What do you photograph? 很有意思。你拍什么样的照片呢? Everything. The American scene. People, places, events. 什么都拍。美国风光。人物、地方、事件。 Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class? 你想过拍摄有氧运动课吗? No...I can't remember taking pictures of people exercising. 没有……我记不起拍过人们练健身操的照片。 But don't you think it'd be a good subject? 你不觉得这是个好题材吗? Sure. 当然是。 I need some good photos for my advertising, Mr. Stewart. 我做广告需要一些好照片,Stewart先生。 Maybe you can photogragh a class, 也许你来拍一节上课的情形, and I can give you and Mrs. Stewart 那我让你和你太太 a month of classes ree. 免费上一个月。When can I photograph a class? 我何时拍? Anytime. 什么时候都行。 How about today? 今天怎么样? Terrific! 太好了! Hi. 嗨。 Oh, hi. 噢,嗨。 Are we ready to go? 我们可以开始吗? Yeah. Yeah. Let's get in our lines. 是,是。让我们排好位置。 We're going to take it slow first. 开头我们要做得慢一点。 Stretch up...and we're going to go left first ... 伸展……先向左 …… 2,3,4 ... now switch. ... 2 3 4……现在左右交替… OK, hold to the right. 好,在右边停住。 Sunrises. Stretch it out. Flat back. 双手捧日。尽量舒展。平背拉回。 Bring it up ... and twists ... and side ... 2, 3 ... 身体打直……摆动……侧身……2,3 …… and left ... push ... push ... turn ... hit the floor. 向左……推……推……转身……触地板。 Take it side again .... OK, and switch. Stretch it out. 再侧身……好,左右交替。尽量伸展。 And we're going to warm down with a tango. 我们用探戈来舒缓。 Left, right. Enjoy it. 左,右。继续。 Richard, did you go to the Davis Aerobics class today? Richard, 今天你去上Davis的有氧运动健身课了? Yes, I went to the aerobics class today. 去了, 我上有氧运动课了。 What is wrong with you? 你怎么啦?Nothing. I am in excellent health. 没什么。我身体好的很。 I have ideal blood pressure. A perfect heart. 我血压很正常,心脏也很好。 In other words, I'm in wonderful condition. 总之,我身体很棒。 Richard, did you go to the aerobics class, really? Richard 你真的上了有氧运动课? And don't forget to invite Susan for dinner. 别忘了,请Susan来吃晚餐。 And your legs don't hurt? 你的腿痛不痛? Hurt? What do you mean? 痛,什么意思? What about your arms? Lift your arms up like this. 你胳膊怎么样??手抬起来,像这样。 And they don't hurt ot even a little? 一点也不痛? Nope. 不。 You are in great condition. I can't believe it! 你的身体太好了,我简直不敢相信。
Pronunciation man. Pronunciation man. Pronunciation man. Listen. What do you do? Excuse me. What do you do? You are not speaking clearly. I asked what you do. What you do? You mean what do you do. Yes, what you do? Well, I speak English slowly and clearly. I don't understand your pronunciation. But a lot of people speak English the way I speak English. Listen. What do you do for a living, Mr. Stewart? What do you photograph? What do you mean? I don't believe this. Who do you mean? I mean they are pushing the sounds together. That's right. Did you like listening to them? What? Did you hear me? Yes, I did. Did you really say didja? Did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class? He said it too. Don't you love it? Don't cha. More pushing together. But don't you like this pronunciation? It's very common. Very frequent. Very interesting. I suppose. But don't you think it would be a good subject? Maybe we can change the subject. O.K. Maybe we can change the subject. We can talk about something else. Maybe you can photograph a class Ohhh, what can I say? whadya, didja, donchya! Ahhhh!
Grandpa, Ellen, Philip, Robbie, you and me. 爷爷、Ellen、Philip、Robbie,你和我。 That's six steaks. 六份牛排。 Don't forget Susan. 别忘了Susan。 Seven steaks. 七份牛排。 Cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy. 给全家人做饭真不是件容易的事。 The shopping: the salad: 购物单:色拉: tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and onions. 蕃茄、莴苣、黄瓜、洋葱。 The main course: steak and potatoes. 主菜:牛排和马铃薯。 Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people? Richard 七个人吃需要多少花椰?Marilyn, I have to tell you something. Marilyn,我得告诉你一件事。 At today's exercise class... 今天上健身课的时候…… Yes, Richard. 说吧,Richard。 Well, I didn't really exercise. 嗯,我没有真的上健身课。 I knew it! 我想也是! I wanted to, but Jack Davis needed a photographer. 我真的想参加,但Jack Davis要我拍照。 I'm sorry, Marilyn. 对不起,Marilyn。 I don't understand. Did you exercise or not? 我搞不懂你到底作了健身操没有? No. Instead of exercising, I photographed the class. 没有,我给他们拍照而没有锻练。 And you didn't exercise? 你没有参加健身操? No. 没有。 There's another advanced class today at four o'clock. 今天下午四点钟还有一次高级班。We'll go together. 我们一起去。 What about the bet? 那打赌的事呢? Oh, the bet is still on, but you shop for the groceries. 打赌仍然有效,但你去买菜。 Remember, you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family. 记得吗,你要是赢了,我给全家做饭。 You win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.你赢了,我给全家做饭。 Including Susan. 包括Susan的。 Four o'clock at the advanced exercise class. With me. 四点钟去高级健身班,跟我一起。 Don't forget to breathe. 别忘了呼吸。 Skip, hop, front. 跳,蹦,向前。Twist... again.... OK, now... scissors. 扭腰……再来…好,现在……张腿合腿。 This is fun. It's a piece of cake. 有意思,毫不费力。 Yeah. Just wait. 哦。等着瞧吧。 5, 6, 7, go right, 1, 2, back, 5,6,7,向右, 1,2, 向后, 2, 3 , 1, 2, 3, pony, pony... 2,3,1,2,3, 小马步,小马步 …… 1, 2, 3, kick... 1, 2, 3, kick... pony. 1 ,2,3,踢 ……1,2,3,踢……小马步。 And twist, twist. 扭摆,扭摆。 OK. Let's pick up the pace. 好。把节奏加快一些。 How are you doing, Richard? 现在怎么样,Richard? I can barely move. 我简直动不了。2, 3, 4, front. Now we're going to run it off. 2,3,4 ,前踢。现在我们来快跑。 Front... knees up, knees up. 前踢,膝盖抬起,抬起。OK. Finish off by jogging in place. 好,结束之前原地慢跑。 OK. Keep those knees up. 好,膝盖抬高。 All right. That's it for today. 行了。今天就这些。 Thank you, everyone. See you next week. 谢谢大家。下星期见。 Thank you, Jack, but no thank you. 谢谢你,Jack,但不该谢你。 The advanced exercise class is not so easy, huh? 高级健身班不是那么容易吧,对不对? No, no, you were right. I was wrong. 确实不容易,我小瞧它了。 Come on, Richard. Get up. Let's go. 好啦,Richard。起来。走吧。 You have to cook dinner for the entire family. 你今晚得替全家做饭。 Marilyn, I'm exhausted. I can't move. Marilyn,我太累了。简直动不了。 Oh, you'll do it. It's a piece of cake. 噢,你办得到。这不费吹灰之力。 Excuse me, Richard, Marilyn. 打扰一下,Richard Marilyn。 You are a terrific instructor, Jack. 你真是个了不起的教练,Jack。 Thanks. But I have a question. 谢谢。但我想问一个问题。Is this your very first advanced aerobics class? 这是你第一节有氧运动高级班吗? Yes, it is. 是的。 You are in great shape, Richard. 你的身体状况好极了,Richard。 Very few people last in this class 很少人能够 for the full hour the very first time. 第一次撑完满一小时的课。 It's true. You are in great shape. 这是真的。你身体很好。 Thanks! 谢谢! I think we'll cook dinner together. 我想我们还是一起做晚饭了。
We'll cook dinner together. They're going to cook dinner. Cook dinner together tonight. For how many people? Grandpa, Ellen, Philip, Robbie, you and me. That's six. Don't forget Susan. That's seven. You can count them so you ask how many. How many? You can count them so you ask, How many people? What's for dinner? Steak and potatoes. Richard, how much broccoli do I need for seven people? How much broccoli? You can't count it. So you ask how much. How much? You can't count it so you ask, "How much broccoli?" What's the dinner? A salad. We need tomatoes, lettuce, cucmbers and onions. Tomatoes, Hmmmmm. You have tomatoes. You can count them. How many? You can count them. So you ask, "How many tomatoes?" L hmmm. You have lettuce. You can't count it. How much? You can't count it so you ask "How much lettuce?" Cucumbers, hmmm. You have cucumbers. You can count them. How many? You can count them so you ask, "How many cucumbers?" Onions, hmmm.
I started this QQ group named CZ (Chenzhou) English club two months ago. It has twenty-eight members now. It is an English chatting place. Now we need some more friends who are interested in chatting in English.Please remember the rules for our group members.★ Everyone in our group must speak in English with each other. Don't keep silent for ten days. ★ The main aim of this group is to improve our English. ★ Chatting in English doesn't mean we pay more attention to English. I think Chinese is my first language and it's the most important.★Don't send advertisements or any pictures here.If you don't follow the rules above, we will ask you to leave.【小题1】This QQ group is an English chatting place.【小题2】Everyone in this group must speak in Chinese with each other.【小题3】The main aim of this QQ group is to make friends.【小题4】The writer thinks English is more important than Chinese.【小题5】If you send advertisements or any pictures here, you will have to leave.
【小题1】T g搜题网【小题1】F【小题1】F【小题1】F【小题1】T解析:【主旨大意】写“我”参加郴州英语俱乐部,以及俱乐部的相关情况和规则。【小题1】事实细节题。根据第一段第三句话It is an English chatting place.可直接确定陈述句子正确。答案为T.【小题1】事实细节题。根据第一条规则Everyone in our group must speak in English with each other.可直接确定陈述句子错误。答案为F.【小题1】事实细节题。根据第二条规则The main aim of this group is to improve our English. 可直接确定陈述句子错误。答案为F.【小题1】事实细节题。根据第三条规则I think Chinese is my first language and it's the most important.可直接确定陈述句子“英语最重要”错误。答案为F.【小题1】细节理解题。根据最后一条规则和最后一句话“Don't send advertisements or any pictures here.If you don't follow the rules above, we will ask you to leave.可知问题陈述是正确的。答案为T。


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