anniversery985 211是什么意思思

[例句]Pakistanis are observing the 7th anniversary of devastating 2005vɜ;;ˈ 周年纪念的;ri]
美[ˌ 每年的;ˈn&#618:rsəvɜri]
周年纪念日; 年年的;
ː]美 [;s(ənɪsə)r&#618,æ'vɝv&#604anniversary英 [æ'nɪri]n
anniversary 周年纪念,周年纪念日,周年庆
出门在外也不愁Great Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas for Every Year
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Photo: Johannes Kroemer/The Image Bank/Getty Images
April 14, 2016.
Anniversary Gift Ideas: |
| The tradition of giving a specific gift on a specific anniversary dates back to the Middle Ages. (See our article
for a complete history.)Here are some ideas to help you celebrate your wedding anniversaries. Both the traditional and modern gift suggestions for 1st through 100th anniversaries are listed.
The anniversary gift lists are based on the anniversary lists provided by the .Anniversary symbols and ideas for celebrating your anniversary are included.1st Wedding AnniversaryTraditional Gifts: Modern Gifts: Celebrating: Related: Readers' Suggestions:
A great gift to celebrate your first year of marriage is a new smart TV that you can both enjoy on your next movie date night. .2nd Wedding AnniversaryTraditional Gifts: Modern Gifts: Celebrating: Related: Readers Suggestions: Gift your loved one a comfy new cotton robe to celebrate your second year of marriage. .3rd Wedding AnniversaryTraditional Gifts: Modern Gifts: Celebrating: Related: Readers' Suggestions:
Celebrate your third year of marriage by gifting your spouse a lovely leather watch. .4th Wedding Anniversary Traditional Gifts: Modern Gifts: Celebrating: Related: Readers' Suggestions:
Gift your loved one a sleek new espresso machine for your 4th wedding anniversary. .5th Wedding Anniversary Traditional Gifts: Modern Gifts: Celebrating: Related: Readers' Suggestions: A new cutlery set is a a great 5th wedding anniversary gift for the spouse that loves to cook at home. .6th Wedding Anniversary Traditional Gifts: Candy or IronModern Gifts: Celebrating: Related: Readers' Suggestions: Our favorite gift idea for your 6th wedding anniversary is a new easy to use digital camera. .7th Wedding AnniversaryTraditional Gifts: Modern Gifts: Celebrating: Related: Readers' Suggestions: A new Kitchen Aid mixer is a great gift for your loved one who loves to baked. .8th Wedding Anniversary Traditional Gifts: Bronze or PotteryModern Gifts: Linens or LaceCelebrating: Related: Readers' Suggestions: Surprise your spouse with a stylish new Apple smart watch for your 8th wedding anniversary. .9th Wedding Anniversary Traditional Gifts: Pottery and WillowModern Gifts: Related: Readers' Suggestions: Celebrate your 9th anniversary by gifting your loved one a leather weekender bag to take on your next getaway. .10th Wedding Anniversary Traditional Gifts: Modern Gifts:Celebrating: Related: Readers' Suggestions: A perfect 10th anniversary gift is one for the home that you can both enjoy. .More Anniversaries:
Celebrate All Your Anniversaries With These Gift IdeasUSC - Department of Chemistry
Congratulations to Anna Krylov Anna Krylov has been appointed an inaugural Gabilan Distinguished Professor in Science and Engineering. This distinction recognizes academic excellence as well as contributions to the WiSE community.
Williams group turn greenhouse gas into hydrogen fuel In an article highlighted by USC News, Travis Williams describes how his group's latest catalyst turns greenhouse gas into hydrogen fuel.
The Chemistry and Molecular Biology graduate programs at USC will launch a NIH T32
training grant program in July 2016.
The National Institute of Health-funded Chemistry-Biology Interface training grant is led by Director Susan Forsburg (MCB)
and Co-Director Matt Pratt (CHEM).
It will support several Chemistry PhD students with fellowships and a unique training in two mentors laboratories.
The award timing is excellent, coming in the first year of a new
in the Chemistry
Department and the arrival of the
that involves several of the department's faculty.
08/31/2016: Organic-Materials Professor Nathaniel Szymezak U of Michigan"Catalytic Hydrogen Transfer Reactions Enabled by Ligand Design"12:00 p.m., Olah Library
09/01/2016: Departmental colloquia Professor Gregory Scholes Department of Chemistry, Princeton University"Using Coherence to Enhance Function in Chemical and Biophysical Systems"3:30 p.m., tba
09/06/2016: Inorganic Professor David Ji Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University"TBA"12:30 p.m., Seaver Science Auditorium
&copy 2015Web at 25: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Invention of the Web
Birthday greetings to the Web in 2014!
Here are a few from around the world:
On 12 March 2014 the
announced the launch of this
site as a shared space to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Web
and raise awareness about key challenges ahead. We received thousands
of birthday greetings from around the world. We’ve highlighted a few of our favorites.
The launch a year ago was just the start of working with
organizations and people around the world on technology and policy
issues to help ensure the Web will remain “for everyone” into the
future. Here are some of the highlights:
We collaborated
with the Webby Awards on the Webbys
25 for 25, a collection of essays, art projects, films, and Web
The Web Foundation launched the
movement to bring people together from around the world to defend, claim and change a Web that is for everyone. This has included putting together the world’s first
with London’s Southbank centre - the closing weekend is 28-30 May 2015.
In April 2014, Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff
the first Internet Bill of Rights &the Marco Civil da Internet& into law.
In August 2014, Tim Berners-Lee gave a
where he called for a “Magna Carta for the Web”
In October 2014, W3C celebrated its 20th anniversary at a , including presentations from Vint Cerf, US FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, Fadi Chehadé, Darren Walker and many other luminaries.
In December 2015, the WF
edition of the , which measures the Web’s contribution to social, economic and political progress in countries across the world. At the launch, Sir Tim Berners-Lee called for the Internet to be recognized as a basic human right.
In February 2015, US FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler
proposed rules supportive of net neutrality, which the WF hailed as
even as there remains more work to do.
has a lot more from the year of activities.
We would like to thank all of the Web25 sponsors who supported this
work: the Ford Foundation, ICANN, Intel XDK, the John S. and James
L. Knight Foundation, Twitter, and Yahoo!
With this post we are “freezing” this site. But the work is not
done to ensure the Web remains available to all. We invited you to
follow the
more importantly, get involved in ensuring the Web of tomorrow is
the Web We Want!
In 1989, Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
, this is the official anniversary site hosted by the
to honor that important event.
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May 29 2015
Web We Want is an extensive celebration of how the web has changed our lives. Explore some&
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