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soldier: [ 'səuldʒə ]& &n. 士兵,军人词形变化:动词过去式:soldiered 过去分词:soldiered 现在分词:soldiering 第三人称单数:soldiers &例句与用法:1.The trade of the soldier is war.&士兵的职业是打仗。2.The walkers soldiered on although the weather was terrible.&尽管天气恶劣, 但竞走运动员还是勇敢地继续前行.3.I believe he is meant to be a soldier.&我相信他天生是要当军人的。4.The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.&那个腿部受伤致残的士兵正沉浸在悲哀之中。5.H one is a teacher, another (is) a soldier, and the other an artist.&他有三个兄弟:一个是老师,一个是军人,而另一个是艺术家。6.The soldier saw a gun jutting out from a bush.&那士兵看见一支枪从矮树丛伸出来。7.Should a soldier value honour above life?&军人应视荣誉重於生命吗?8.The soldier received a serious wound on the chest.&这名士兵胸部受了重伤。 英英解释:名词soldier:1. an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army2. a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colony动词soldier:1. serve as a soldier in the military
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soldier是什么意思 soldier在线翻译 soldier什么意思 soldier的意思 soldier的翻译 soldier的解释 soldier的发音 soldier的同义词 soldier的反义词
soldier英 ['s??ld??(r)] 美 ['so?ld??(r)] soldier第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:soldier 基本解释名词士兵; 战士; 军人动词坚持; 硬挺着soldier 反义词名词soldier 相关词组1.
: 迎着困难干, 坚持着干;soldier 相关例句不及物动词1. The relief workers kept soldiering on.&&&&救援人员不屈不挠地继续工作。2. He was taken to task for soldiering on the job.&&&&他因磨洋工而受到斥责。名词1. How long has your brother been a soldier?&&&&你兄弟当了多长时间的兵了?soldier 网络解释1. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD1. 军人:人类技术包括:为了对吸血鬼战而使用特别制造的剑和刀的武士(WARRIOR)系列, 和使用步枪、狙击枪等武器的军人(SOLDIER)系列,使用对吸血鬼多样的攻击魔法向对应的恢复魔法和祝福的圣职者(PRIEST)系列.2. 兵人:尽管拉塞尔也演过不少文艺片,如和梅丽尔斯特里普、切尔合作的<>(Silkwood)、和梅尔吉布森、米歇尔菲佛合演的<>(Tequila Sunrise)等,但总体来说还是他演的动作片最深入人心,比如<>(Soldier)、<>soldier 双语例句1. No word on any powertrain changes, but we expect the 3-Series coupe and convertible to soldier on with their current six-cylinder offerings.&&&&没有任何动力的变化,但我们预计,3系列轿车,并转换为士兵与他们目前的6缸产品。2. 2. So off she ran to her grandmother`s chest and she brought him a hat of the very, very best and the soldier put it on.&&&&她跑回去翻祖母的衣柜,找到一顶非常漂亮的帽子;士兵把帽子戴上。3. 3. And patients themselves often feel their role is to be heroic and to soldier on, against the odds, with yet anothetreatment or intervention.&&&&而病人本身觉得他们好像扮演着英雄和士兵的角色,迎难而上,这也是另一种治疗方法。4. 4. So off she ran to her grandmother`s chest and she brought him a coat of the very, very best and the soldier put it on.&&&&她跑回去翻祖母的衣柜,找到一件非常漂亮的外套;士兵把外套穿上。5. Pump for yabbies and spot armies of soldier crabs on the beach on a guided fishing tour.&&&&在导游带领的垂钓之旅中,在海滩上搜寻小龙虾,或发现寄居蟹的踪迹。6. So off she ran to her grandmother`s chest and she brought him a pair of trousers of the very very best and the soldier put them on.&&&&女孩跑回去翻她祖母的衣柜,她找到一条非常漂亮的裤子;士兵把裤子穿上。7. Each soldier has been provisioned with four days worth of food.&&&&每个士兵配备了四天的口粮。8. 8. My soldier is I the princess combine but shout an earthquake a day with a building.&&&&我的士兵为我与一个楼兰公主的结合而欢呼震天。9. 9. We can put the enemy soldier to the question if he doesn't want to tell the truth.&&&&如果敌军土兵不讲出真情,我们可以拷问他。10. The third rule is re-Takenaka: treatment of the strength of the feeling back a single soldier for the team, not cow B, once the team of soldiers, then the number is quite objective&&&&第三个是竹中重治:治疗感觉回复的兵力对于单个兵队,不是很牛B,一旦兵队多的话,数量是相当的客观11. He is a soldier in Tibet. he have many milistary exploits for country. but as a husband he cannot see the last sight of his wife. he is a man although genuflection.&&&&&&他——是一位西藏运输兵,军功章代表着他为祖国立下的汗马功劳,可他连自己的妻子难产死亡都没来的及看上一眼。12. This poem describes the scenery of the frontiers of the country and the rencontres of the soldiers, while what is better emphasized is the affliction from which the soldier and his wife suffered.&&&&&&不好意思,我今天的回答机会用完了,但是答案是我用心写的,这种翻译没有严格的对错,只是各人领会的境界不同而已。但愿能帮到你。13. But its founder, Ren Zhengfei, was a former soldier in the PLA.&&&&&&但其创始人任正非曾在中国人民解放军当过兵。14. soldier14. A statue of a soldier was emplaced in the square.&&&&&&一座军人雕像被安放在广场上。15. soldier15. Quietly watched his life has been rough sea erosion, a grass can also be the same as a soldier survived.&&&&&&静静地看着自己的生命被波涛汹涌的大海侵蚀,一株小草也可以像一名战士一样屹立不倒。16. 16. You see, I have been a soldier ever since I attained manhood&&&&&&你看,我成年以后,就是一个军人。17. He enlist as a soldier in the army as soon as he is old enough.&&&&&&他年龄一到就入伍当兵了。18. 18. We killed two. Aron was hurt, but he's a brave little soldier.&&&&&&我们杀了两个人,亚朗受伤了不过他很勇敢19. In 1895, the military rank enrolled the imperial fourth cavalry regiments by second lieutenant. Latter because of the hope risk life of struggle, has joined Spain successively by the volunteer soldier and war correspondent's status to Cuba's colony war and the English army in Indian, Sudanese, South Africa's war, battles heroically, dares the shoe danger to worry is well-known.&&&&&&后因渴望冒险的战斗生活,以志愿兵和随军记者的身份先后参加过西班牙对古巴的殖民地战争和英国军队在印度、苏丹、南非的战争,以作战英勇,敢于履险犯难闻名。20. But Xiang Yu, although the soldier many will be broad, the influence is formidable, because actually bad chooses a person for a job, defeated finally in the Liu Bang hand.&&&&&&而项羽虽然兵多将广,势力强大,却由于不善用人,最终败在了刘邦手中。soldier 词典解释1. 士兵;战士;军人&&&&A soldier is a person who works in an army, especially a person who is not an officer.相关词组:soldier 单语例句1. Former Justice Minister Haim Ramon lost his job this year and was convicted of an indecent act for forcibly kissing a female soldier.2. The decision was hailed as a victory by gun enthusiasts, sports shooters and supporters of Switzerland's citizen soldier tradition.3. Military sources said that in addition to the nine soldiers who were killed on Friday, a soldier perished in Jaffna when the suicide cadre's bomb exploded.4. Another inquest ruled that a second British cameraman was murdered by an Israeli soldier in Gaza.5. He did not identify the instructor or the soldier, who are shown in camouflage uniforms in a forest.6. The attack came just hours after Kurdish rebels released a kidnapped Turkish soldier they had held captive for more than three weeks.7. Shalit remains captive in Gaza, but Johnston said he heard no mention of the soldier.8. Palestinian militants in Gaza have been holding an Israeli soldier captive for more than three years.9. A fourth soldier was charged on Saturday with dereliction of duty for failing to report the case.10. Hu and other leaders also joined a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier yesterday.soldier 英英释义soldier的意思noun1. a wingless sterile ant or termite having a large head and powerful jaws adapted for defending the colony2. an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army&&&&e.g. the soldiers stood at attentionverb1. serve as a soldier in the militarysoldier是什么意思,soldier在线翻译,soldier什么意思,soldier的意思,soldier的翻译,soldier的解释,soldier的发音,soldier的同义词,soldier的反义词,soldier的例句,soldier的相关词组,soldier意思是什么,soldier怎么翻译,单词soldier是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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soldier creek有谁知道这个是什么意思 当我经过一个桥 然后下面是下河流的时候 桥山都会有这个牌子 叫士兵河吗
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