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忍辱负重 基本解释忍辱负重[rěn rǔ fù zhòng]词典swallow humiliation and bear a heavy load:忍辱负重。词典bear disgrace and a heavy burden:忍辱负重。词典bear responsibility and blame:忍辱负重。词典discharge one's duties conscientiously in spite of slanders:忍辱负重。忍辱负重 汉英大词典忍辱负重[rěn rǔ fù zhòng]swallow humiliation a bear disgrac bear resp discharge one's duties conscientiously
endure humiliation in order to carry out
grin and bear it忍辱负重 双语例句1. 1. 庞青云、赵二虎、姜午阳兄弟三人带着108人投奔狄公时,首先遭来几个官员的一顿耻笑,但三人能够忍辱负重,随着用自己的子弟兵赢得一场又一场的战斗胜利,也赢得了众官员的刮目相看,信任也随之增加,兵力由原来的800人增至一个营,后又到四个营……,这一切不是开始就有的,是通过他们三人的努力争取来的。&&&&All these is not some beginning, come being that the effort passing their three people strives for.2. 好在人类历史上,曾经诞生过英雄,虽然他已成为一个遥远的记忆,似乎我们只有揩拭了历史的蒙尘、透过硝烟弥漫的古战场;或者,在某一个星光黯淡的子夜,方能依稀窥见英雄高大的身影--慷慨悲歌、舍生取义、忍辱负重、侠肝义胆,置生死于度外,视信念为唯一生命,为友情、友谊乃至爱情义无返顾。&&&&Luckily, in human history, there was hero born though he has become a distant memory. Anyway by wiping away the historical dust, through the smoky ancient battlefield, or at the midnight with gloomy stars, we appear to visualize his lofty silhouette - bounteous threnody, sacrifice for justice, suffer in disgrace and insults, errantry and righteousness, regardless of life and death, faith-supremacist, pursuit for fellowship, friendship and love with no turning back.3. 人的生命也不只是在抗暴的人手起刀落恶官人头落地时才得到尊重,应该在很多被侮辱的人忍辱负重的时候就得到尊重啊!&&&&People's lives not only in the uprising of the staff officers from knife head off evil when landing to be respected, should be an insult to a lot of people bear to be respected when ah!4. 忍辱负重的意思4. 在这样的环境中成长,爸爸最大的收获是造就了以后他的忍辱负重、勤劳、不服输的个性,同时他极爱自己的子女。&&&&During that horrible environment, dad also learned something and created his ever-lasting personality of enduring humiliation and indiligent and persistent sentiment, at the same time, for his child time unjust treatment, in his later life, he loved his children much.5. 现在的这支队伍,体现在人们眼前的,是在乙级征战一赛季的忍辱负重。或许,更多的是他们正在努力净化自身的形象。&&&&Once on it, Juve has shown that being humbled for a season, or more, may have done it some good as its tries to cleanse its image.6. 从我的外婆,我学到了忍辱负重,高尚的人格,平和的脾气。&&&&I learned forbearance, nobility of the character, and a steady temper.7. 7. 为完成这项重要的任务,我不得不忍辱负重。&&&&In order to carry out this important task, I had to eat dirt.8. 我的建议是,要么学会忍辱负重,找到听过就忘的方法,要么冒险辞职,找一个更为平静、善于创造更宜人工作环境的新雇主。&&&&My advice is either to learn to live with the abuse and find some way to block it out or to up sticks and take the risk of finding a new, calmer employer who creates a more congenial working environment.9. 有时为了追求更大的成功,不得不忍辱负重,做出小的牺牲,蒙受小的损失。&&&&Sometimes, the pursuit of greater success, had to bite the bullet and make a small sacrifice, suffered a small loss.10. 而他的妻子则在上海独守空闺,白天在服装厂打工,晚上照顾女儿的学习和生活,同样为了心中的梦想,忍辱负重,从不抱怨。&&&&Day in and day out, he kept doing it for 15 years on end. Meanwhile, his wife, back in Shanghai, worked at a garment factory by day and took care of her daughter by night, cherishing the same deam and bearing no grudge agianst the odds of life.11. 记住,如果任何事令你感到痛苦,不要想到:这是不辛。而是想到:忍辱负重是好运。&&&&&&So here is a rule to remember in future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter and hurt: do not think, 'This is a misfortune, 'but'to suffer with it worthily is a good fortune.12. danci.911cha.com12. 通过温和渐进与持续稳定的努力可以培养出一种忍辱负重、直下承担的耐力。&&&&&&The patience of perseverance, through a gentle and steady effort, keeps us from succumbing to doubt, discouragement and fear.13. 如果不去想父母为了我们的生活更幸福远赴他乡含辛茹苦打工挣钱,他们可能在他乡忍辱负重、尝遍辛苦;&&&&&&If parents do not want our lives to the well-being put up with all kinds work to earn money to go home, they may bear with the situation in the home, 14. 此间舆论认为,在解决外高问题上,俄既不想一味强硬、也不会“忍辱负重”,而是采取强硬与和缓并举的灵活外交政策。&&&&&&Observers here believe in addressing the issue of high outside Russia do not want to just tough, and will not " bear with the situation, " but both tough and gentle and flexible foreign policy.15. 中国有句古话“忍辱负重”,如果世界上的“恶”都被完全消灭,那么“善”何以存在?&&&&&&An ancient Chinese saying goes " enduring humiliation, " If the world of " evil " has been completely eliminated, then the " good " why?16. 韩信为追求实现自己的人生价值以及为之不惜忍辱负重的牺牲精神,都直接与司马迁的感情产生了强烈共鸣与契合。&&&&&&His commitment and sacrifice to fulfill the life values produce strong resonance and direct accordance with Sima Qian's feeling.17. 他在罗马强盗中间已听说过阿尔贝那暴烈的脾气,所以很惊奇他会突然这样忍辱负重。&&&&&&He could not understand how albert's fiery nature, of which he had seen so much among the Roman bandits, had suddenly stooped to this humiliation.18. 她断言自己身处劣势但会终成王者:“那些被贫穷与不公困扰的人们,默默承受着不幸,承担支离破碎的贫苦、还要忍辱负重地支撑家庭生活。”&&&&&&In her speech, she asserted herself as the champion of the vulnerable: of " those cries of silent distress, those poor broken lives, those humiliated families, ravaged by poverty and inequity. "19. 尤其是在表现朝鲜族女性的勤劳、贤惠、忍辱负重等品格时,作者刻意在具有浓郁民族特色的典型环境&家庭中予以着力塑造,获得了良好的艺术效果。&&&&&&Especially when displaying the Korean National female industrious, virtuous, endures humiliation and so on moral characters, the writers gain better artistic effects in the typical environment of the national characteristics.20. 妈妈,我作业太多了,忍辱负重了。&&&&&&Mom, I have too much homework. I can't stand it.忍辱负重是什么意思,忍辱负重在线翻译,忍辱负重什么意思,忍辱负重的意思,忍辱负重的翻译,忍辱负重的解释,忍辱负重的发音,忍辱负重的同义词,忍辱负重的反义词,忍辱负重的例句,忍辱负重的相关词组,忍辱负重意思是什么,忍辱负重怎么翻译,单词忍辱负重是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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忍辱负重(rěn rǔ fù zhòng)解释【解释】:为了完成艰巨的任务,忍受暂时的屈辱。【出自】:《三国志·吴书·陆逊传》:“国家所以屈诸君使相承望者,...国家所以屈诸君使相承望者,以仆有尺寸可称,能忍辱负重故也。各在其事,岂复得辞!军令有常,不可犯矣”(《三国志·吴书·陆逊传》)。4、司马懿巾帼之辱,装病不朝。...关于成语忍辱负重的故事,以及忍辱负重的典故解释。...【典故】国家所以屈诸君使相承望者,以仆有尺寸可称,能忍辱负重故也。《三国志.吴书.陆逊传》...忍辱负重-概述 忍辱负重(rěn rǔ fù zhòng)解 释 忍受耻辱,承当重任。指为了重任而忍受暂时的屈辱。出 处 晋·陈寿《三国志·吴志·陆逊传》:“国家所以屈...日...河南人形象的深刻内涵二:忍辱负重河南人,...有一种信念 让你我肃然起敬 □斯点 忍辱负重,其内涵的力量令人感动。在人生的路途上,总会遇到各种各样的委屈...
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拼音rěn rǔ fù zhòng注音ㄖㄣˇ ㄖㄨˇ ㄈㄨˋ ㄓㄨㄥˋ词性基本解释◎ 忍辱负重 rěnrǔ-f&zh&ng[endure humiliation in order to carry out an important mission] 忍受羞辱,以负重任 国家所以屈诸君使相承望者,以仆有尺寸可称,能忍辱负重故也。&&《三国志&陆逊传》引证解释忍受屈辱,承担重任。《三国志·吴志·陆逊传》:“国家所以屈诸君使相承望者,以僕有尺寸可称,能忍辱负重故也。”《孽海花》第二七回:“以后还望中堂忍辱负重,化险为夷。” 赵朴初 《感遇一首为周总理作》诗:“忍辱负重,艰难劳止。”相关汉字、、、||
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