写给梁警官写给老师的一封信信 英语

给李华的一封信 英文
给李华的一封信 英文
学习啦【英文书信】 编辑:丽芬
  Dear Li Hua,
  Glad to hear from you. How is everything going now? From your last letter, you said you were just home from a trip to Hawaii with your family. I am so happy for you to have such a great trip. From your description, I realize how a beautiful place Hawaii is. I hope I can travel there one day. I am a little stress now, because I am going to take my final exam for this term. I am confidence in English, Chinese and math, but I am afraid I can&t do well in chemistry. You know that I am always bad at chemistry. I am afraid I will screw the whole final exam. Oh, forget my trouble. Christmas day is coming. You must busy preparing for it. I wish you Merry Christmas in advance.
  Dear Li Ming,
  How is everything doing nowadays, i havent seen your letters long time, and i miss you exceedingly. So our examination is over, mow i have a leisure time at home, and so busy doing everything .espicially today, lots of housework i need to do, but my homework havent finished, beside, i also should walk with my dog, water the flowers and do the shopping. Recently, my daddy bought me a computer, and in the everning, i need to the computer class for learning. with the knowledge, i have learned how to send a e-mail to friends already.
  Your friend,
  Wang Peng
  Dear Mr Wang,
  I write to you telling you how we feel about your teaching in our class. All of us students think highly of your way of teaching, as you can always make your class lively and interesting. In addition, you are such a learned man that we can learn a lot from you and most important of all, you are patient with us. Frankly, you have built up our confidence in learning English well.
  Some of us are still poor at English and need your help. We hope you will speak a little bit slowly so that we can understand you better. Besides, would you please spend more time with us, joining in our after-school activities so that we have more chances to practice our oral English?
  I believe we can make great progress with your help.
  Li Hua
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I am writing this letter to you to express my concern about the sports facilities on campus. I have noticed that our university has very limited resources in terms of opportunities to participate in sports, especially given that the number of students on campus is increasing every year.
As we both know, sports are very important for the sound growth of young people. If they have access to quality sports facilities, young people are able to choose a healthier lifestyle, to boost self-esteem and confidence, and to build a positive outlook and sense of achievement.
My proposal is to build a new sports area. It should be designed with soccer players, basketball players, and ping-pong players in mind. It should have a different section for each activity and be available to students all year round. I believe such facilities will meet our sporting needs.
Thank you for your reading this letter.
Yours faithfully,
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在以往的岁月,父母为我们生活中的点点滴滴关心备至,格外呵护。用一封英语书信来回报父母吧,让他们为我们骄傲,让他们为我们成功的学业而自豪。愿天下所有父母,幸福安康,Happy forever!
Dear parents:
How are you?I haven't seen your for a long time.I miss your very much.Don't worry about me,I'm fine.I like studing very much,I'm work hard.I'm very busy ,so I can't go home now.But when I have a long holiday,I will go home and visit your.Look after yourself and happy every day.
Love from.
your daughter
dear:mama papa
so many years has past ,and so many years i have been witn you!so many years your love and care shined me!I can't see some words perfectly here,but i am feeling by heart everyday!your smile and your tears ,all around me !I know clearly that every parents want their childern be great in the future ,but i can just swear here :maybe ,i can't be a good student ,but i must be a good child ,yes ,a good child of yours! &&just for you
Dear father、mother:
Nice to meet you!
Dad,mum,you give me everything,give me the world.You told me:&Nothing is empossible .&I remeber it.Dad,mum,you are the best people in my world,I can'tleave with you.
Mum,I think you are the best chinese teacher.You teach me chinese,let me know that what is china.You work in my old home,that's a pretty city.Maybe I will work in my old home one day,too!I think,you will be a good writer one day!
And,dad,you are a good enjineer!!You teach me enginsh and math.Thank you!
Dad,mum,you teach me many things,thank you ,and ,Ilove you!
Dear parents,
How is everything these days? I miss you very much.
I am very happy at my new shool. My teachers and students are very friendly to me .They ofen help me with my study.Now I am not worried about my English because I make a lot of progress in it anb I become more and more intrested in it. My shool life here is also wonderful. I take part in many part-time activities . I make many friends there and learn lots of learning methods.
Now final exam is coming. I am busy preparing it . I will try my best to do well in it.
I am glad that the summer holiday is coming. I want to take part in a GREEN CITY GROUP.I think I should make a contribution to protecting our environment.
It's hot these days but I can take good care of myself.You should pay more attention to your health.
Best wishes to you.
Dear mom and dad,
It has been two weeks since I last wrote to you. I am so sorry that I dont write you very often.
However, I have been busy with my preparation
for the final exams. As you know, Im coming home on Jan.14th. But before that, I have to take the final exams for all six classes Im taking this semester. Recently I have been in and out of the library a lot to do some research on the term paper for one of the classes. Most professors gave out the review problems already so that the students can study for the final. I think Im doing okay studying for the final.
Besides reviewing materials, Im also planning to host the New Year party of my department. You know there are so many talented people in my Communications major, but they picked me to host the party! Great, isnt it?
Well gotta go talk to you soon.
dear parents,
though today is not thanksgiving day, i still want to tell you i love you and thank you for what you've done for me.
i know you are not successful people, but you give me lots of love. i know you love me more than anything else in the world. i know you spend lots of time and money on me. how can i return the love to you? i am deeply touched. sometimes i argue with you and make you angry and sad, but you always smile to me. you never change your love to me.when something worries me, you always make me laugh. you play pingpong with me and tell me funny stories. though i am very busy with my homework, i never feel stressed. i lead a happy life because of your love.
believe me, i will try my best to be a successful person and let you be proud of me in the future. i love you!
lots of love
yours daughter
Satrurday, March 20, 2010 Sunny
Dear Mom and Dad,
The time has come: I&m graduating, and I thank you both for all your help during these 15 years. I still remember when you guys used to say, &You can be whatever you want.& I&m so glad you are my parents, especially when I hear kids say they don&t get along with theirs. I&m glad we do, and that you support me in my decisions. You always try to help, and that&s important to me.
Dad, I remember when you first took me fishing. I loved going even though I never caught anything. I also remember when you would get mad at me. I realize you were only trying to show me the right way. When I would cry, you would always be there to try to cheer me up. That&s what I call a good, loving, caring dad. Sometimes you and Mom don&t agree with the decisions I make, but you are there by my side in whatever I do, and that&s why I love you both so much.
Mom, we have our girls night out every Friday and I hope that never changes, even when I am in college. I love te the best part about you is that you listen. Not only do you have great style, but you love to have fun, and Dad does, too. You always give me your opinion and I listen. And when I don&t, you are usually right!
I thank God every day that you are my parents and that you guys brought me up right. I&m very fortunate having the two of you by me side when some kids don&t have this kind of relationship with their parents. It makes me know how lucky I am that you two are still together and get along so well. That&s what makes you both so special to me and I take in every moment that I get with you guys. Love always,
May 3, 2008
Dear Family,
You must be greatly surprised when you get this letter, not from anyone else but from your dearest son, since I have never written a letter for ages in such a traditional way. The purpose of my writing is not so much to express my gratitude for bringing me up, as it is to tell you something about my college life.
It has been more than two years since I started my college life and I have adapted myself to the new environment here, even though at the very beginning, I was not quite used to it. My classmates are pretty friendly and they offer to help me whenever need be, which is really precious for me. My teachers tell me the differences between college life and high school life and give me some necessary advice on how to learn in college. Because of their kind-hearted help, I learn to know the importance of cooperation and communications between each other, especially when in Group work.
In the past several months, I have been busy preparing for TEM 4.Therefore, most of the time, I stayed at school and seldom ke I should have been ashamed of this. But now it is completely finished, and I will never do that again. In my spare time, I usually go to play basketball to keep fit since you always ask me to practice more to keep healthy. What is more, I like to go to the English Corner to practice my spoken English in order to improve my oral English level, which is of importance as English major.
Finally, I would like to specially thank you for providing me the best education and experience. Without your support and understanding, it wouldn't be the same. In regard to the future, I will make every effort to study for my degree and make the dreams I had envisioned come true.
Take good care of yourselves as you have asked me to.
Best regards,
Dear Mom and Dad,
I love you!I love you so much!I love you with all my heart!This letter to you is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much for bringing me up!Thank you so much for raising me.Iknow how hard you've worked during the past years.I can imagine how many difficults and obstacles you've conquered.I can imagine all the problems you have faced and all the sweat and tears you have shed to make my life better.I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. You've been very patient with me.You've encouraged me and you've helped me.You've tried your hardest to give me the best things in life.You've made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices.I also know that you have great expectations of me.You want me to be very successful and happy .You want me to be the best person I can be .You want me to do great things with my life .You want me to make the world a better place .I know you have so many hopes and drems for my future.
Today I want to tell something extremely important.
Today I want to tell you don't need to worry about me any more.I'm grown up !Iwill be responsible for my life and for my future .I will study very hard .Iwill exercise every day to keep fit . Iwill read English every morning and every night.Iwill make the best use of every space minute.I will be happy,confident,positive,and energetic every day!I will develop good habits and use them to constantly improve myself .Iwill never do anything that would harm my body or my mind .I will learn as much as I can and become smarter and stronger every day .I have learned by watching you that the best way to reach my goals is to work hard and never give give up .You'my best role models.You set a great example for me .
I have so mang great dreams.I know that realizing all these dreamstakes a lot oftime and effort.But don't worry about me .Ihave strong confidence in myself.I know if I keep trying ,keep working hard,and keep dreaming,Iwill definitely realize all my dreams.I wiil be somebody specil.But I will not only care about myself.I will contribute to my school,my hometown,and my country.Iwill contribute to society .I will use all my abilities and talents to help my family and my country have a glorious future.I will make a difference in this world.
Dear Mom and Dad,you will be proud of me! You will see great results from all your hard work and sacrifice.Thank you very much for your continued support!Thank you very much for your patience,love and understanding.I love you !I appreciate you !I am very proud of you !
Exercise every day to keep healthy!Enjoy life every day and stay happy !My only hope for you is for you both to enjoy continued healthy and happiness.You brought me into this world to share your life.I will do my best to make sure each day of it filed with joy and pride.Mom ang Dad,you are the best parents in the world!I don't know what I would have done without you.
All My Everlasting Love,
Your Son/Daughter
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