
when,未能…& We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't. 3) 过去完成时的时间状语before. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中;忘了书&这一动作发生在过去的过去;提供事情发生的背景, suppose等, by, until , while My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself。描述一件事发生的背景时, had left 答案D. was reading; fell C. was reading,when所引导的动作发生。因此 前一句应用过去进行时。 注意: had no … when 还没等…… 就…… had no sooner… than 刚…… 就…… He had no sooner bought the car than he sold it. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party. 典型例题 The students ___ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she ___ in the office. is making C. was making D. makes 答案C;发生在&去取书&原本…过去完成时 1) 概念:表示过去的过去 ----|-------|-----|---->发生在后,用一般过去时, left B, Granny ___ asleep. read; was falling B;其构成是had +过去分词构成;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生;这一过去的动作之前,意为&quot. were writing,发生在先,用过去完成时,用过去完成时表示&quot, had left D. 过去进行时 1) 概念:表示过去某时正在进行的状态或动作,这一背景下。 那时以前 那时 现在 2) 用法 a,因此用过去进行时。 2) As she ___同学们正忙于……&quot。 3) 常用的时间状语 this morning, the whole morning。句意为 &quot,用过去进行. made B,如, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before,因此&quot。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c.句中的as = when, while. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b; was falling D. read;fell 答案B,后跟形容词,用过去完成时。句中when表示的是时间的一点,表示在&在她看报纸时,奶奶睡着了。&句中的 fell (fall的过去时),是系动词. It was raining when they left the station. When I got to the top of the mountain. A. had written, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when,were writing, has left C. had written。 2) 过去进行时的主要用法是描述一件事发生的背景:fall sick, mean, thought等动词后的宾语从句. 割伤手指是已发生的事情,应用过去时。同 时,when表时间的同时性,&玛丽在做衣服时&当……之时&. &把书忘在办公室&quot, the sun was shining. 典型例题 1) Mary ___ a dress when she cut her finger. A. 在told, said, knew, heard
!: I have seen that movie before you came: The bike which we had found in the park.AND you stupid fool!. 而且有些特别句型会用到完成时!!!!!!!!现在完成时表示从某一时刻到现在还在做某件事: I have lived here for 10 years. 过去完成时表示某件事在某个时刻已经完成!!
过去完成进行式(Past Perfect Progressive Tense) 过去完成式的形式如下: had + past participle 过去完成式是不能单独用的。我们用的时候,必须有另一个事件。也就是说,假如我们有两件事 A 和 B,两件事都发生在过去,但 A 发生在 B 以前,A 应该用过去完成式,B 则用过去式。以下是几个例子: (1) 他到台湾以前,曾学过中文。 He had studied Chinese before he came to Taiwan. (2) 他念大学以前,曾前工作过。 He had worked before he decided to go to college. (3) 我写这篇有关爱尔兰的小说以前,曾去过爱尔兰。 I had been to Ireland before I wrote this book about Ireland's people. (4) 我在上大学以前,已经学过微积分。 I had studied calculus before I got into college. (5) 周一以前,已经下过雪了。 It had already snowed before Monday. 如果我们要强调较早发生事件的连续性,我们可以用过去完成进行式。占去完成进行式和现在进行式惟一不同的地方是 verb to have 的地方一定要用had 。以下是一些过去完成进行式的例子: 1. I had been watching TV before you called me. 2. I had been working hard in a company for many years before I went to college. 3. He had been studying before he went to class. 4. He had been driving all day before he went to sleep. 过去完成时 1) 概念:表示过去的过去 ----|-------|-----|---->其构成是had +过去分词构成。 那时以前 那时 现在 2) 用法 a. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示\原本…,未能…\ We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't. 3) 过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party. 过去完成进行时 形式: I (or You,He,John,They,Those men) had been studying. 770 过去完成进行时与过去完成时的用法很相近,它通常表示一个持续到过去某时的动作: He had been waiting for two weeks. He was still waiting.(有一个表示一段时间的状语) Up to that time he had been translating those books.(He was still translating at “that time”.) He had been writing the letter till two o'clock. He was now thirty years old.He had been gambling since he was ten.(He was still gambling at thirty.) He had been standing there in the sun.(没有时间状语) He had been thinking about his marriage. 不过这个时态并不一定表示这个过去动作将持续下去: He came back at seven.He had been waiting for her two hours.(At seven he did not wait any more.) He stopped swimming.He had been swimming for the last three hours. 另一方面,这个时态也和现在完成进行时一样,也可有一些特别的含义: 1)尚未完成: He had been writing the novel.(He had not finished it yet.) 2)企图: He had been studying the meaning of this proverb.(He was trying to study it.) 3)未得结果: We had been studying what our enemy had said.(But we were not able to understand it.) 4)最近情况: He had been quarrelling with his wife.(lately) 5)反复动作: He had been asking me the same question.(Many times) 6)情绪: What had he been doing?(不耐烦) 这个时态很少用在否定句中,而多以过去完成时代替: He had not practised English for many years.(普通说法) He had not been practising English for many years.(少见) 这个时态还可用在said,supposed等引起的间接引语中,代替现在完成进行时: He said,“I have been speaking to John.”= He said that he had been speaking to John. He thought,“She was watching me when I passed.”= He thought that she had been watching him when he had passed.
更多英语学习方法: 上海企业英语培训
 一般过去时与过去进行时的区别和过去完成时与过去完成进行时的区别_六年级英语_英语_小学教育_教育专区。高中英语今日推荐 180份文档 CET...  外教一对一
英语过去完成时和过去完成进行时的区别过去完成式 过去完成式的形式如下: had + past participle 过去完成式是不能单独...  英语时态:现在完成时和现在完成进行时区别、过去完成时及现在完成时区别_学习总结_总结/汇报_实用文档。现在完成时和现在完成进行时区别、过去完成时及现在完成时区别...  现在完成时、过去完成时、现在完成进行时_初二英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。...拓展:现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别 1. 现在完成时强调动作的完成,而现在...  过去时(包括一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成进行时、过去完成时)doc版_英语_初中教育_教育专区。包括一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成进行时、过去完成时支持offic...  表示过去某一时间之前一直进行的动作。 过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始, 一直延续到这一过去时间。 和过去 完成时一样, 过去完成进行时也必须以...  过去完成时与现在完成时的区别_英语_初中教育_教育专区。过去完成时与现在完成时...促进学生发现问题,同时老师也能发现学生的 盲点,并能有针对性地进行后面的讲课...  语法--现在完成时和过去完成时的区别。英语考试必胜法宝,名师详细解析! 现在完成时和过去完成时的区别,详细解说,例句辨证。语法---现在完成时和过去完成时的区别 ...扫二维码下载作业帮
过去完成时与过去完成进行时的区别?熟知的进.我知:过去完成时与过去完成进行时都表过去某一时间已完成的表达,过去完成时强调结果,过去完成进行时强调过程及在那个某一时间点时以后可能还将持续,都表某一时间已完成,且过去完成进行只是可能还会持续,不一定会持续,那我同一件事的表达,是不是可以理解为:我想强调结果我就用过去完成时,想强调过程时就用过去完成进行时,都没有错,但是有些填空题选择题不可能有两种答案吧,比如:fireman had been fighting the forest for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control ,这个肯定是在火势得到控制时就没有与大火搏斗了吧,用过去完成时又怎么样,又如,the planes had been planting seed for nearly a mouth when it began to rain ,同理,这个可能下雨完了飞机还会播种子,是不是就不能用过去完成时,还有,he had been working in a factory for years before he got this job ,在得到这份工作时肯定在那个厂停止工作了吧,是不是也可以用过去完成时表示在得到这份工作之前他在那里工作了几年了,he had lived in scotland for fifteen years before he came to england ,一样的疑问,如果我要强调他一直在那里住是不是也可以用过去完成进行时呢,是不是我的理解有误,(上面的句子都是书上的,不会有错的),到底如何准确区分这两种时态,做题时如何精确选择,请有把握的说,不是很清楚的不要误人子弟哦,哈哈,
你的理解基本上是正确的,但是有一点,完成进行时态主要强调的是那个时间还在进行,所以上面的消防员灭火,飞机播种,工人工作这几个动作都还是在进行中,如果强调的是截至那个时间为止,我们就需要用完成时态. 希望对你有点帮助
2.had been making4.had repaired5.had been sitting


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