
今天跟大家分享20个常用的英语口语,希望能让你的口语更加的出彩~1 be up for it。这个口语表达的意思是be ready to do something,即“准备好做某事”。It’s a long walk. Are you up for it?有很长的路要走,你准备好了吗?After a long day atwork I wasn’t really up for a party.一天漫长的工作下来,我真的不想去参加聚会了。下面我们再看几个和这个英语表达有关的例句:We’re going mountain climbing tomorrow if you’re up for it.如果你准备好了的话,明天我们去爬山。It’s a big challenge and I’m up for it.这是个巨大的挑战,我做好准备了。2 “大姨妈来了” 英文怎么说?生活中最常用来表达“大姨妈来了”的单词是“period”,大家都知道“period”有“周期”的意思,那么就很容易想象为什么用这个词了,这里“period”特指月经周期,也就是大姨妈。My period is coming today.我今天“大姨妈”来了。I’m having my period./I’m on my period.我现在是月经期。My period is over.我月经期结束了。除了“period”,英语中还有一个说法是“Charlie’s come”,也可以表达“来大姨妈了”,实际上这个词语在俗语中可以指任何不快的、难以启齿的东西。
“大姨妈来了”其他几种常用地道表达That time of the month 或者 that time(也就是每个月的那几天)The doctor says that women at that time of the month should avoid doing heavy work.医生说女性来例假时不应干过重的活儿 。MC(Menstrual Cycle,月经周期)What does exercise mean for the menstrual cycle?锻炼对月经周期有什么影响?Aunt Flo 弗洛姨妈是的,她们也叫“姨妈”,而Flo则是玩了个文字游戏,暗指”flow”,也就是每个月的”流血事件”。比如,Aunt Flo’s in town.弗洛姨妈来城里了。Aunt Flo is visiting.弗洛姨妈到访。3 play hooky。hook是“挂钩、鱼钩”的意思。hooky做形容词,是“钩状的”意思。但是hooky在这个口语表达中作名词,是“逃学者”的意思。这个表达play hooky的意思就是:be absent from school or stay away from work and duty without permission or an excuse. 没有理由或没有允许就不去上学或上班。中文里对应的意思就是:逃学、旷工。这个表达也可以表示擅自不参加活动或会议。The lectures of that professor are boring. I’m thinking of playing hooky this time.那个教授的讲座很无聊,这次我不想去了。下面我们再看一个这个表达有关的例句:Why aren’t you in school? Are you playing hooky?你怎么不在学校?你是在逃学吗?play hooky 是一个美式英语表达,英式英语中常用skive 或 bunk off。澳大利亚和新西兰习惯用另一个词wag。当然你也可以使用通用表达,skip class,avoid work,or play truant。4
a bad egg。这个口语表达的字面意思就是:一个坏鸡蛋。那在常用口语表达中大家能猜出来是什么意思吗?就是我们常说的“坏蛋,混蛋,坏家伙”,指的是缺乏道德的人。– In my book, he’s a bad egg, you’d better stay away from him.– 据我所知,他一肚子坏水,你最好远离他。乍一看,怎么像中式英语,只能说老外真的和咱们想到一块儿去了。这样的表达还有很多。丢脸 lose face玩火 play with fire酸葡萄 sour grape纸老虎 paper tiger以牙还牙 a tooth for a tooth沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean下面我们再来看有关的例句:You know what? He stood me up yesterday, he is such a bad egg.你知道吗,他昨天竟然放我鸽子,他真是个坏蛋。5 用keep one’s nose clean表达“远离是非,少惹麻烦,安分守己”keep one’s nose clean。这个口语表达可不是“把鼻子擦干净”的意思,而是“远离是非,少惹麻烦,安分守己”的意思。相当于:keep out of trouble, avoid getting into trouble。They are in hot water now, so they are trying to keep their noses clean.他们正处于水深火热之中,所以他们尽量少惹麻烦。下面我们再来看有关的例句:Students have to keep their noses clean or they might be kicked out of school.学生应该少惹麻烦,否则他们可能被撵出学校。6 用turn a blind eye表达“假装看不见,熟视无睹,视而不见”turn a blind eye。这个口语表达的意思是:pretend you don’t see it,也就是“假装看不见,熟视无睹,视而不见”。
I know what you are up to. I can’t turn a blind eye. Keep it up and you’ll end up in jail.我知道你在干些什么勾当。我不能视而不见,再这样下去你会进监狱的。注意哦,turn a blind eye 后面跟对象的时候,一般用介词to。也就是:turn a blind eye to someone or something.If we turn a blind eye to the problem, our community will go from bad to worse.如果我们对这个问题睁只眼闭只眼,我们的社区将每况愈下。下面我们再来看有关的例句:You have to put up with it and turn a blind eye.你必须委屈求全,视而不见。另外还有一个口语表达和 turn a blind eye 很相似,那就是 turn a deaf ear.You always turn a deaf ear to what I say.我说的话你总是置若罔闻。7 用haters gonna hate表达“有些人就是看什么都不顺眼”haters gonna hate。hater是“仇恨者”的意思,Haters gonna hate! 这个口语表达的意思是:There will always be those who criticize anything and everything,也就是“有些人就是看什么都不顺眼”,换句话说,就是不要在意别人的看法,走自己的路让别人说去吧。Keep your shirt on, please. You can’t please everyone. Haters gonna hate.你别发火,你不可能取悦所有人,有些人就是看什么都不顺眼。下面我们再来看有关的例句:Take it easy and keep your nose clean. You know, haters gonna hate.别太激动,少惹麻烦。有些人就是看什么都不顺眼。Just do what you are supposed to do. Haters gonna hate.做好你该做的事儿就好,走自己的路让别人说去吧。8 用That’s it表达“问题就在这儿”等4种意思That’s it。这个口语表达常见的有四种意思:第一种表示找到了问题所在,意思就是:“问题就在这儿”。– This printer has broken again. We need a new one.– 这个打印机又坏了,我们需要个新的。-That’s it. But we don’t have enough money.– 是的,但我们没有足够的钱。第二种表示“没有别的了”“完了”“到此结束了”。– Anything else?– 还有其他事吗?– That’s it. You can leave any time.– 没别的了,你随时可以离开了。第三种表示对某事感到失望或反感,可译为“好了”“算了”“够了”之类的意思。Well, That’s it. You still firmly hold your point of view. There’s nothing I can do about you.好吧,算了,你还是坚持你的观点,我拿你没办法。第四种意思是:“这就对了,就是这样”。在口语中,用来表示赞同。That’s it. You’ve done a great job!对啦,就是这样,你做的很棒!9
in hot water。这个口语表达可不是在热水中的意思,它是指 to be in or get into trouble,也就是“遇到麻烦,处于水深火热之中”的意思。That’s it. Our company has already been in hot water this year owing to the rise in the cost of raw materials.问题就在这,我们的公司今年由于原材料成本上升,已经陷入困境。下面我们再来看有关的例句:Unfortunately, her innocence will land her in hot water.不幸的是,她的天真,会让她处于水深火热之中。Her marriage is in hot water and she’s desperately unhappy.她的婚姻陷入困境,她为此非常郁闷。10 work on something。这个口语表达的意思是 to try hard to improve or achieve something,也就是“从事于某事,努力改善或完成某事”的意思。– You really need to work on your pronunciation a bit more. Take my word for it.– 你真的需要再加把劲改进发音,相信我的话。– Okay, I got it.– 好的,我知道了。– What are you up to?– 最近在忙什么呢?– I’m going to work on my music to release an album this summer.– 这个夏天我要开始准备出专辑了。– Wow, good for you!– 哇,恭喜你啊!Sooner or later you will be able to resolve this problem as long as you continuously work on it.只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。11用bite my tongue表达“忍住不说话,尽力忍耐保持沉默,欲言又止”和“别人说的话不受欢迎,乌鸦嘴”bite one’s tongue。
首先,这个口语表达可以作为字面意思用。平时生活节奏很快,有些人吃饭也很着急,不小心就要到舌头了,就可以说:Ouch! I bit my tongue! 哎哟,我咬到舌头了。但是作为口语里的常用习语,还有其他的意思。咬住了舌头就没办法说话,那这个口语表达的意思就是“忍住不说话,尽力忍耐保持沉默,欲言又止”。My friend asked me what I thought of her new dress. It’s really ugly, but I couldn’t say that to her, so I just bit my tongue and told her it was nice.我朋友问我觉得她的新裙子怎么样。这个裙子其实挺丑的,但是我不能直接对她说。所以,我忍住没说,而是告诉她挺好的。(口是心非,有木有?)下面我们再看两个和这个口语表达相关的例句:I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her what I really thought.我必须忍住不说话,不能告诉她我的真实想法。I sat through that whole silly conversation biting my tongue.那是个无聊的对话,我坐在那里一言不发。另外,Bite your tongue! 还常用在祈使句中,表示“别人说的话不受欢迎,乌鸦嘴”。– I heard it’s going to rain tomorrow.– 我听说明天会下雨。– Bite your tongue! I’m supposed to go on a picnic tomorrow.– 别乌鸦嘴了,我明天想去野餐呢。12用a long shot表达“可能性不大的事情,成功希望不大的尝试”a long shot。这个口语表达的本意是打球时的“远投”“远射”,既然是远投远射,成功的机率就很小,这个口语表达的意思就是“可能性不大的事情,成功希望不大的尝试”,an attempt or a guess that is not likely to be successful but is worth trying。My favorite basketball team is in the final at the weekend. I hope they could win, but it’s a long shot.eat是什么意思
  英 [i:t]
  美 [it]
  现在分词: eating 过去式: ate 过去分词: eaten
  1. It makes sense to eat a reasonably balanced diet when slimming.
  2. Jovial ladies chivvy you into ordering more than you can eat!
  3. Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.
  4. &What would you like to eat?& & &Anything'll do me, Eva.&
  5. Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.
  6. He has had to eat his words about the company being recession-proof.
  7. Responsibilities at home and work eat into his time.
  8. The crew of the ship gave them nothing but bread to eat.
  9. Wendy popped in for a quick bite to eat on Monday night.
  10. &Helen had something to eat before she left,& put in Cecil anxiously.
  11. Some of them couldn't eat a thing. One couldn't even drink.
  12. Maybe I eat too much and that's what makes me dozy.
  13. A feverish child refuses to eat and asks only for cold drinks.
  14. &Eat before Jul 14& was stamped on the label.
  15. As a whole we do not eat enough fibre in Britain.
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Nick Schwartz
Nick Schwartz is an editor and writer at For The Win. He believes The Rock should have his own emoji.
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R英 [ɑ:(r)] [ɑ:] R 基本解释名词英语字母表的第18个字母; 国王,女王; [电影]狱中困斗手机查看R的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 R 即可R 情景对话Getting Started-(成立公司)A:Let's review our start-up plans. When do you think we will be able to move into our new office?&&&&&&我们再看一遍我们的初步计划。你想什么时候我们可以搬进新的办公室?B:Well, we can move in any time after July first, but moving in and actually getting started are two different things.&&&&&&七月一号之后我们随时可以搬进去,不过搬进去和实际开始工作是两回事。A:Good point. Anyway, I have our new marketing manager, Helen Parker, helping us get set up.&&&&&&说得好。无论如何,我会要我们新任的市场经理,海伦.派克帮忙我们打点一切。B:What is she doing?&&&&&&她是做什么的?A:She's overseeing the purchase of equipment and so forth.&&&&&&她监督机器设备的采购等等。B:Does she have a background in that sort of thing?&&&&&&她有那方面的背景吗?RA:As a matter of fact, it turns out she practically ran her last company, from marketing to finance.&&&&&&事实上,她上一个公司从行销到财务,实际上都是她在运作的。B:I'm looking forward to meeting her.&&&&&&我期待认识她。A:Have you begun to investigate factories? I'm so glad we aren't going to try to run our own factory at first.&&&&&&你开始调查工厂了吗?我很高兴我们没有先试图设立自己的工厂。B:Yes, I've started. And I've found some good people for R and D, too. Then there are the art people designing our logos-&&&&&&是的,开始了。我也替研发部门找了些好人才。然后有一些美术人员设计我们的商标——A:Oh, no! Millions of details: logos, slogans, letterhead, name cards . . .&&&&&&商标,标语,信头,名片……B:You thought setting up a company was going to be easy?&&&&&&你觉得创立一间公司会容易吗?R 双语例句1. Fo r parallel reaction systems, whether or not the undesired reactions are neglecte d, should not only consider the rate of the undesired reaction, but also the ent halpy of the undesired reactions.&&&&对于平行反应系统,判断副反应的取舍,不应只从副反应速率本身的大小来考虑,还应该考虑副反应的热效应。2. Whate ve r he said was right.&&&&无论他说什么都是对的。3. 3. In order to increase the reaction rate of the heterogeneous Fenton-like oxidation, the catalyst of Fe3+C2O4/R was used to catalytically decompose H2O2 for the removal of malachite green in aqueous solution under the visible light irradiation condition.&&&&为了强化多相类芬顿反应的速率,在可见光下采用以草酸盐为配体的三价铁草酸络合物(Fe3+C2O4/R)为催化剂催化过氧化氢降解水中孔雀石绿。4. R的意思4. Methods The effects of increased ICP on flow velo city, diameter of the c erebral bridging veins and pulsatility index were measured by using colo u r Doppler ultrasound in 7 Damsh landrace pigs. ICP was increased stepwise from ba seline (about 1.3kPa) to 2.7kPa and 4.0kPa by infusion of mock CSF into the cisterna magna.&&&&选择7头丹麦白约克猪,通过向枕大池灌注人工脑脊液,逐步增加颅内压,从基础值(大约1.3kPa)到2.7kPa和4.0kPa,用彩色超声多谱勒测量正常和过度换气状态下,颅内压增高对于脑桥静脉的血流速度、直径和脉冲指数的影响。5. Effects of the physical characters and chemical content of cottonseed on germination and emergence were studied in this paper.&&&&研究了棉子的物理性状及化学营养成分对发芽率和出苗率的影响,结果表明:发芽率与子指存在极显著的正相关r=0。6. Effects of Proportional assist ventilation on inspiratory muscle effort in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute respiratory failure[J]. Anesthesiology, -91.[10] Ranieti VM, Giuliani R, Mascia L, et al.&&&&在Schulze A的实验中,单独对容量信号进行放大可显著减少正常和急性肺损伤猫膈神经冲动,而单独对流速信号进行放大对正常和急性肺损伤猫膈神经冲动无显著影响[4]。7. 7. HH Farmer, Towards Belief in G R Hazelton, On Proving G J Hick, The Existence of G D Hicks, The Philosophical Basis of T AJ Hoover, The Case for Christian T S Jaki, The Road of Science and the Ways to G CEM Joad, God and E J Maritain, Approaches to G EL Mascall, The Openness of B G Mavrodes, The Rationality of Belief in G A Plantinga, ed., The Ontological Ar RC Sproul, If There Is a God, Why Are There Atheists?&&&&个HH农民,对信仰的上帝与r黑兹尔顿,就证明上帝; j hick ,上帝存在; d希克斯,哲学基础的有神论;的AJ胡佛情况基督教有神论; s jaki ,道路的科学和如何向上帝;杰姆joad ,上帝与邪恶; j旦,途径上帝下午马斯科尔,公开性被100 mavrodes ,理性的信仰上帝;普兰丁格,版,本体论的论点;钢筋sproul ,如果有一个上帝,为什麼有无神论者?8. The most stable geometry of 1 is the anti conformation of 2S, 3R (or 2R, 3s) diastereoisomer.&&&&最稳定的几何形态是防1两秒,r(或2R,diastereoisomer 42.9%)。9. 9. Chapter five, study of reforms in land requisition power of P R C.&&&&第九章,1994`税制改革后的土地税、费。10. Based on these results and inferred to related reports from other labratories, it was possible to make some analyses and conclusions or inferrences:(1) CD〓AK with tumoricidal activity were induced and expanded in number througth costimulation of PBMC with anti-CD〓 McAb. and r IL-2; (2) CD〓AK induced and expanded in such manner did exibit more potent proliferation·ability and cytotoxicity which maintained for lonser time than those of LAK cells, thus CD〓AK was a new variety of antitumor effector cells worth to be explor (3) CD〓AK could mediate MHC nonrestricted cytotoxicity and kill tumor target cells through inducing necr (4) Normal mature lymphocytes of PBMC could be induced to proliferate and /or to die from apoptosis when they were costimulated by anti-CD〓McAb and rIL-2. Both proliferation and apoptosis were existing in the same cultivation system sugsesting that the presence of rIL- 2 might provide some accessary signals for apoptosis.&&&&以这些结果为基础并参考其它有关文献可能做出如下分析与结论或推论:(1)用抗CD〓单抗和rIL-2共刺激外周血单个核细胞能诱生扩增出具有杀瘤活性的CD〓AK细胞,(2)与LAK相比,用这种方法诱生扩增的CD〓AK增殖能力强、细胞毒活性强而且维持时间长;CD〓AK是一类值得开发的抗瘤效应细胞;(3)CD〓AK能够介导MHC非限制性细胞毒活性,可以通过诱导靶细胞坏死和/或凋亡杀伤肿瘤细胞;(4)正常外周血单个核细胞中的成熟淋巴细胞在受到抗CD〓单抗和rIL-2共同刺激后既可诱导增殖也可诱导凋亡,两者并存于同一体系,推测rIL-2的存在可能为细胞凋亡提供一些辅助信号。11. If this symptom appears, you should adjust you r bite and sup, do not take too much acid food, take alkalescence food&&&&&&有此现象时,请注意饮食的调节,勿食用过多的酸性食物,应多摄取碱性食物,每日的食用量为碱性四份、酸性一份。12. The Quanrong, a barbarian tribe to the west of Zhou territory.&&&&&&quǎn róng 周朝西部的少数民族部落。13. 13. A b s t r a c t:practical jurisprudence argues against jurisprudential theories of the past, but it inherits rational aspects of them.&&&&&&实践法学是对以往的法学理论的反对,但同时又承继了它们的合理性特质。14. A b s t r a c t: the enactment and enforcement ofthe real right law of prccan be regarded as one of the most famous legal events since the foundation of our country.&&&&&&《中华人民共和国物权法》的颁布施行可以视为建国以来最为著名的法制事件之一。15. A b s t r a c t: system building in administration provisions is one important contents in the building of government by law, which must follow the request of the administrative provisions` core principle.&&&&&&行政规定的制度建设是法治政府构建中的一项重要内容,须遵从依法行政核心原则法律保留的要求。16. 16. A b s t r a c t:because the new four states of asean have similar market characteristics and common development qualities, they are suitable for researching as a whole of investment after market segmentation.&&&&&&东盟新四国由于有着相似的市场特征与发展共性,适合作为细分后的投资整体区位来研究。17. A b s t r a c t: the current world has come into an era of risk society. the states are confronted with huge tension in srtuggling with crimes.&&&&&&当今世界已经进入风险社会时代,国家在惩治预防犯罪中面临巨大的压力。18. 18. Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Chemical Engineering Journal Waste activated sludge hydrolysis and short-chain fatty acids accumulation in the presence of SDBS in semi-continuous flow reactors: Effect of solids retention time and temperature a b s t r a c t: In the presence of surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate, the effects of sludge retention time and temperature on the hydrolysis and short-chain fatty acids accumulation during waste activated sludge anaerobic fermentation were investigated in semi-continuous flow reactors.&&&&&&目录清单可在科学化学工程学报废活性污泥水解和短链脂肪酸的积累,在场的十二烷基苯磺酸钠在半连续流反应器:影响固体停留时间和温度摘要:在表面活性剂存在的十二烷基苯磺酸钠的影响,污泥停留时间和温度对水解和短链脂肪酸在废物积累活性污泥厌氧发酵进行了调查,半连续流动反应器。19. Results The main variables affecting tumor recurrence were bFGF, IGF-ⅠR, Fas and PCNA.&&&&&&结果 影响肿瘤术后复发的主要蛋白是bFGF、IGF-ⅠR、Fas、PCNA。20. R的反义词20. Result The difference of DPT in leads placed in the RVOT and RVA was not statistically significant (median: 15 J vs 17.5 J, P=0.48). And, at time of device implantation, pacing impedance, R wave amplitude, pacing threshold were all comparable in the RVOT and RVA. The difference of the incidence of inappropriate detections and therapies was not also statistically significant (4/11 vs 1/8, P=0.267). Conclusion The efficiency of defibrillation and pacing in the RVOT and RVA are similar.&&&&&&结果 RVA的除颤阈值和RVOT相比,差异无显著性(中位数:15J vs 17.5J,P=0.48);在ICD植入时,两个部位的起搏阻抗、R波振幅、起搏阈值的比较,差异亦无显著性;RVA和RVOT不恰当识别及治疗事件的发生率无显著差异(4/11 vs 1/8,P=0.267):结论 RVOT的除颤和起搏效率与RVA相似。R 词典解释1. 英语字母表的第18个字母&&&&R is the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet.2. 国王,女王(书面缩略形式,为拉丁文rex或regina的简写)&&&&R is a written abbreviation meaning king or queen. R is short for the Latin words 'rex' and 'regina'.&&&&e.g. ...Elizabeth R.&&&&&&&&&&&伊丽莎白女王3. (用于首字母为r的一些单词的缩写,如在地图上代表river)&&&&R is used as an abbreviation for words beginning with r. For example, it is used on maps as a written abbreviation for 'river'.4. R级电影(美国电影分级,17岁以下未成年人需由成人陪同观看)&&&&In the United States, some cinema films are marked R to show that children under 17 years old are only allowed to see them if an adult is with them.R 单语例句R是什么意思1. Talented David Tao is entitled the godfather of R & B in China.2. NEW YORK - The Bratz universe was humming along as usual this week at the Toys " R " Us flagship store in Manhattan.3. The movie has its music scored by Oscar winner A R Rahman.4. PHOENIX - The Los Angeles Clippers rebounded with a capital " R " to win Game 2 of the Western Conference semifinals.5. The right to apply for a patent mentioned in Article 8 means the right to apply for a patent for the R & D achievements.6. But wearing a red, bleeding " R " probably won't intimidate the Spurs.7. Wen said Singh is a personal friend and that thei r friendship also helps strengthen ties between China and India.8. Recently it conducted a test drive of its powerful R models in southern city Zhuhai to let more people experience the " fast and beautiful " cars.9. A couple of Jack Daniels under his belt, and he's having sudden insight into R Kelly's I Believe I Can Fly.10. Brackets R Us is a long established TV brackets provider that is renowned for its great prices.R是什么意思,R在线翻译,R什么意思,R的意思,R的翻译,R的解释,R的发音,R的同义词,R的反义词,R的例句,R的相关词组,R意思是什么,R怎么翻译,单词R是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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