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  Generation Gap  At present,never is the issue concerning generation gap failing to attract our eyes.Many educators and parents present their opinions from different angles.As I see it,there are three following factors contributing to this risk and also,three solutions can be outlined respectively.  As for its causes,I think that three reasons are worth mentioning.To begin with,people receive different education and form different outlooks of the world.The education children receive today is different from that of their parents,thus causing that parents want their children to follow the traditional values as a rebellion,So,conflict between parents and children seems unavoidable.In addition,lack of communication also accounts for the fact.Many parents fail to realize the importance of communication and in their minds,children should obey them and it id natural.However,in children's minds,their parents do not value the modern development ,advanced technology,their real thoughts,to mane just a few,Both parents and children do believe that they themselves are right.In this way ,they do not wangt to communicate with each other.Finally,it is due to the big influence of media which wsually exaggerates the importance of individuality that many children regard rebellion against their parents as cool and fantastic.Hence,misunderstanding and prejudice will be produced.  To sovel this problem,I do believe the following measures should be taken.First,parents ought to communicate positively with their children and give them more person-to-person services.What is more,a looser educational enviorment should be created in every family and free speech should be advocated.Last ,a range of knowledge should be given to children and they should be encouraged to understand their parents and think in their parents' positions.  In conclusion,only when these practical measures are taken will this problem be dealt with step by step and be gone with the wind.关于代沟的英语作文_兼职吧
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【英文天天写】130412 不可逾越的代沟
发布于: 20:00:16
& Good evening, everyone ! I am Winnie, the new host for today`s program ~ Hope we can have fun here every Friday!&
大家晚上好~! 我是新来的周五节目主持人 紫韵he涟漪, 大家可以叫我Winnie. 很高兴以后每周五可以和大家相聚在【英文天天写】, 我们可以一起讨论时政,说说情感,诉说心事, 希望在这里大家玩的开心~!
【节目规则】 1、本节目是一档写作类节目,目的在于提升大家的英语写作能力。每天一期,每晚20点发布。2、每期节目选取当下国内外热点槽点话题,由主持人给出写作提示和范文后发布。3、节目参与形式为:1)沪友递交自己的作文。2)除首层楼之外,其他参与沪友对自己楼上的沪友作文进行点评。3)主持人按照点评标准选取作文进行点评。4、写作字数限制为100个单词左右。由于主持人时间和精力有限,不能对所有沪友递交的作文进行点评,因此采用如下点评标准:1、写作字数在100个单词左右。2、除首层楼的沪友外,其他参与沪友要对自己楼上沪友的作文进行简单点评(可以从拼写、语法、遣词造句、行文结构等方面进行点评,不求多么精确,但求互相鼓励。因为主持人受限于时间和精力可能照顾不到每一个沪友,因此希望大家能够多多互动,多多交流,多多讨论。讨论和交流的过程本来也就是一个进步的过程。)。3、在节目发布后的24小时内递交作文。4、递交作文对所有沪友开放。因为点评数量有限,如果设置了“仅楼主可见”,那么其他参与沪友只能看到主持人的点评,却看不到作文。这样就白白浪费了一次汲取经验的机会。5、符合以上条件的沪友,会按照回复楼层从上到下进行点评。每期每个小编至少点评10名,大家要珍惜机会噢。注:考虑到有一些沪友会提前抢占楼层,随后才递交作文。因此,实际点评顺序以小编值班时的作文楼层顺序为准。
【今日话题】不可逾越的代沟 Generation gap is not an unfamiliar term for us. Whether kids are in their adolescence or not, there always seems to be a lack of understanding between parents and children.They dislike the thoughts and behavior of each other while children often complain that their parents cannot understand them. Nowadays, the problem of generation gap becomes more and more serious.
【Topic】 1 What is the cause of generation gap? 2 How to deal with generation gap? 3 How to get along with parents with harmony? 4 Who do you think is responsible for the generation gap? 5 Anything related to generation gap you would like to share with us.
【例文1】 by Winnie(捂脸飘走) It is not demanding to explain the existence of generation gap. What is widely acknowledged is that distinctive upbringing background is the predominant reason. The social background in our parents` time is fairly different from ours, as a result of which there is a stark contrast between our personal values and our parents`. Another factor contributing to generation gap is the lack of tolerance and respect. Parents want us to obey them all the time while we, more or less, own a sense of rebellion. Thus, here comes the conflict. The ensuing consequence is that parents and children tend to communicate with each other less and less, which is the very third reason of generation gap. This is a vicious cycle. In other words, conflicts lead to less communication therefore it gives rise to more conflicts. Fortunately, generation gap is, at least, not that challenging to make of. Countless children get along with their parents well.
& Some notes: 1 demanding adj. 要求高的,费力的 2 what is widely acknowledged is that... 众所周知的是,大家都承认的是 3 contribute to 导致,做贡献 4 ensuing consequence 由此引发的后果 5 vicious cycle 恶性循环 6 in other words 换言之 7 lead to= give rise to = result in= cause 导致,引起 8 make of=deal with 处理 【大家有什么看不懂得地方也可留言哦,我来解答~】 &
by songcheng628
The generation gap, a frequently discussed issue, exists not only in adolescence, but also in other age groups. It is a thorny problem in some families, which could probably lead to a family break-up in the last. To smooth away generation gap, in fact, requires pivotal techniques for both parents and offsprings. However, hardly did people pay enough attention to it.The first solution, in my opinion, is love and devotion. It is believed that parents' love and devotion could strengthen family bonds as well as give their children a sense of obligation. 'Putting your feet in other's shoes' is widely acknowledged as the second solution. Owing to China's fast development, people from different generations are raised up in different social backgrounds. Naturally, they stick to different perspectives. Trying to acknowledge the divergence and understand each other are the right way to go. Finally, mutual respect is helpful for solving the problem as well. Parents should look on their children as friends. And they have to get accustomed to giving advices instead of making decisions for their offsprings. In contrast, children should value parents' suggestions rather than scorning parents as old-fashioned poor guy.
Some notes:
(songcheng628对大家的话哦 我就原文摘上来啦)
词汇:1、adolescence n. 青春期2、not only...but also... 不但…而且…3、thorny adj. 多刺的;痛苦的;令人苦恼的4、a family break-up 家庭破裂5、smooth away 消除6、pivotal adj. 关键的;中枢的;枢轴的7、offspring n. 后代,子孙;产物8、love and devotion 关爱。英语中两词经常搭配使用9、family bonds 亲情、家庭纽带10、a sense of + n 一种XX感觉(如a sense of achievement,一种成就感)11、put your feet in other's shoes 换位思考12、Owing to = Due to = Because of 用于句首,意为“由于”,表因果关系。13、be raised up = be brought up 被拉扯成人/被抚养大14、stick to 坚持、信守15、divergence n. 分歧16、mutual adj.相互的17、look on … as 将某物/某人看做…18、get accustomed to (doing) sth. 习惯于19、scorn vt. 轻蔑;藐视;不屑做20、old-fashioned = outdated adj.过时的,老旧的
句式和写作风格:1、如果是论证观点,如第一和第二个topic,写作中注意使用书面英语(简单说几点):&&&& a. 不要使用缩写。I'm && I It's && It is&&&& b. 使用口语词汇。Lots of &&
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &more and more && an increasing number of&&&& c. 拼写混乱。英式英语就英式拼写,美式就使用美式拼写。&&&& d. 不允许在文中出现you。有些同学在写作时,特别是在论证观点时喜欢用you,似乎给
&&&&&&&& 他们一种与读者交谈的感觉,实际上,书面英语不允许这样。
&&&&&&&& 可以用被动语态或one, individual等替换掉。&&&&& e. 尽量少使用主动语态(此点尚有争议)。
&&&&&&&&& I, we可以使用,但最好少用。且被动语态可以给读者你表述客观的感情。&&&&& f. 不要使用祈使句、感叹句和感叹号。
&&&&&&&& 强烈的个人倾向只能给别人你不够理智和冷静的印象,从而降低了文章的可信度。2、回到本文,可以看到范文中有意识的变换句式,带来多变的阅读感觉,不会让人感到单调。同位语、状语提前、插入短语、倒装句式、副词的使用、主动语态和被动语态和从句的使用等技巧给文章句式多种变化的可能。3、连词的使用。一片好的文章需要内部逻辑的丝丝相扣,也需要连词的适当使用。这样可以给读者行云流水般的感觉。特别是表述逻辑关系的连词,大家可以尝试者找找。
逻辑:第一段:开篇讲述generation gap的普遍性和严重性。并提到解决它需要技巧。自然而然过度到第二段。第二段:分三点论述解决技巧。在选取论据时,可以结合句式需求选择。即有意识的组织论据,并通过适当的连词来形成多变的句子结构。第三段:由于字数要求,此文没有第三段。但需要加入也是非常简单的事情。即可以讲,掌握这“三点”技巧,解决问题指日可待; 也可以说,解决generation gap的技巧需要得到人们更多的关注。总之,写作是一个系统工程。它涉及到语法、词汇、素材和逻辑等多方面的内容。提高写作绝非一朝一夕的事情。但我认为,提高的方法出了抄写揣摩范文之外,反复“修改”甚至是“重写”自己的文章才是“捷径”。我们重质不重量。
Winnie 和 songcheng628 在这里等大家的作业~
3 How to get along with parents with harmony?
Everybody is individual with independent thought and dissimilar experiences. It is a tough mission to see eye to eye with each other, especially for different generations. As they are raised up in entirely different social environment, generation gap is inevitable.
As a family member, most of them are intolerant and refuse to understand the values of each other. Mutual understanding is crucial. We should be more considerate and try to imagine being in each other’s shoes. If both teenagers and parents are willing to communicate together, the generation gap is no longer a difficult task.
We should bear in mind that communication is the bridge between people. If everyone is willing to respect each other, undoubtedly, they can live in harmony.
^_^ 主持大大, 我寫好了, 別哭別哭, 秀秀
你想表达独特,我认为unique跟准确,individual有点“独立”的问道。2、try to imagine being ... && try to be ... 我个人感觉不用想象了,直接去做试一试。另外,请注意imagine to do sth和imagine doing sth的区别。imagine to do 我想着去做某事,强调有做某事的意愿iamgine doing 我想着在做某事,强调做事的状态3、If everyone is willing to respect each other,这里又一次使用willing to do... 和上段重复,能不能尝试换个说法?行文和结构:流畅,特别是连词使用得恰到好处,让人印象深刻。长短句搭配,收放有度。之前讲到的技巧都得到使用,很不错。希望阿雪能够坚持下去,虽然开始会比较的慢和痛苦,但很快会有长足的进步。逻辑:没啥好说的。已经很不错啦。总之,文章写得不错,加油!
The reason why generation gap always exists between parents and children, I think, is that different generations have different values which guide their lives. All parents want to give their children the best love and devotion. They do the things that be considered good for the children with their values. However, children don't acknowledge their parents' actions which make them feel unhappy and pressured when they do what their parents ask them to do in their value. In other words, children regard what their parents do as command instead of love and devotion. On the other hand, parents often cannot understand children's thoughts and also feel angry when their children don't listen to their words.
with their valuesin their value
1、However, children don't acknowledge their parents' actions which make them feel unhappy and pressured when they do what their parents ask them to do in their value.个人感觉这句话有歧义,但是不知道怎么写比较好。2、They do the things that be considered good for the children with their values. 这里的be应该是are吗?水平有限,只能看看多学习学习了,O(∩_∩)O~
又见勤奋的小隐。恭喜你,写作功力与日俱增。每次都能活学活用,明显感觉到你的进步呀!我点评一下啊,欢迎探讨:1、第一句have different value which guide their lives && have different value systems.2、第三句 that be considered good for the children with their values && that be considered good for the children3、which make them feel unhappy and pressured && which make them unhappy and pressured. make + 代词 + 形容词 4、On the other hand,典型错误。请记住on one hand ... on the other hand绝对不是表示递进关系(即中文里讲的”一方面...另一方面...),而是对比关系。On one hand后的内容和on the other hand后的内容是完全相反对立的。行文与结构:1、值得表扬,插入短语等技巧用得恰当,连词用得不错。文章读起来流畅。2、稍显啰嗦,特别是在论证阶段,可以合并观点,精简文章。逻辑:1、论点清晰,代沟的形成是因为不同时代人们之间价值观不同造成。2、论据不能很好的证明论点。需要再仔细思考下。你的论据讲的其实是不同年代人们持有不同价值观后造成的现象,即父母的好意子女不能领会; 子女的行为父母的不能理解。尝试缓缓论点看看?
PS :补充一句,你的哪个in other words用得很好。但我告诉你,这个实际上是个很有用的小技巧:在作文考试的时候,如果发现无话可说时,可以用“换句话说”来重复刚才的内容,这样又多了几十个字。
我就补充我们的点评嘉宾几点哦~1They do the things that be considered good for the children with their values. &&They do things that are considered good for children.2 regard what their parents do as an command 3 我不知道对不对啊 但我总觉得dovotion用的怪怪的 我会用 dedication 同学可以多查一下这两个词 比较一下差异~继续加油哦~
感觉第三句改为&They do everything for their children as long as that is helpful from their perspective&
雪漫漫说:with their valuesin their value恩,我知道啦,value应该用复数~
yu说:1、However, children don't acknowledge their parents' actions which make them feel unhappy and pressured when they do wha...1、你觉得这句话歧义在哪里呢?我想表达的是:孩子们按照自己的价值观去做事的时候,他们不会认可父母那些让他们觉得不开心和有压力的行为。2、恩,这句写的不好,楼下的同学改的很好:They do everything for their children as long as that is helpful from their perspective.
songcheng628说:又见勤奋的小隐。恭喜你,写作功力与日俱增。每次都能活学活用,明显感觉到你的进步呀!我点评一下啊,欢迎探讨:1、第一句have different value which guide their lives && have di...谢谢彼得潘~我基础是很差的,所以每次写作都看看能不能模仿下范文,以及运用之前作文节目中学到的句型来写。得到表扬很开心,继续一起加油哦~1、第一句value systems改的很好啊2、第三句我觉得楼下的同学改的很好They do everything for their children as long as that is helpful from their perspective.学习了3、make + 代词 + 形容词 的用法从现在开始记住啦4、那是不是这里是要去掉On the other hand就可以了?我写的时候是想表达对比的意思,因为前面是讲children,所以就想用一个对比的词组来说下parents。有适合的词组吗?论证方面这篇写的的确不给力啊,不能很准确地表达出代沟是因为价值观不同造成的,只是在很罗嗦地说一些表面的东西,也就是你说的现象。
紫韵he涟漪说:我就补充我们的点评嘉宾几点哦~1They do the things that be considered good for the children with their values. &&They do things t...love and devotion似乎很常见啊,Winnie谷歌一下看看。
紫韵he涟漪说:我就补充我们的点评嘉宾几点哦~1They do the things that be considered good for the children with their values. &&They do things t...谢谢Winnie~1、command前面要加a么,我记住啦~2、devotion的用法我是看到范文里有“8、love and devotion 关爱。英语中两词经常搭配使用”我才这样用哒一起加油哦~
peterzhuo说:感觉第三句改为&They do everything for their children as long as that is helpful from their perspective&改的非常好!谢谢童鞋~O(∩_∩)O~
紫韵he涟漪说:我就补充我们的点评嘉宾几点哦~1They do the things that be considered good for the children with their values. &&They do things t...牛津同义词词典:love: the feeling of caring about sb very much, especially a family member or friend.e.g. People say there is nothing greater than a mother's love for her children.devotion: great love, care and support for sb.e.g. His devotion to his wife and family is touching.
The reason why generation gap always exists between parents and children, I think, is that different generations have different values which guide their lives. ( have different value which guide their lives改成have different value systems.)All parents want to give their children the best love and devotion. They do the things that be considered good for the children with their values.
( 这句改为They do everything for their children as long as that is helpful from their perspective.会好一点)However, children don't acknowledge their parents' actions which make them feel unhappy and pressured ( 去掉feel,改为which make them unhappy and pressured. 这是“make + 代词 + 形容词”的用法 )when they do what their parents ask them to do in their value. ( value少了s,改为values)In other words, children regard what their parents do as command instead of love and devotion.( command前面加上不定冠词a,改为a command)On the other hand, ( On the other hand,典型错误。请记住on one hand ... on the other hand绝对不是表示递进关系(即中文里讲的”一方面...另一方面...),而是对比关系。On one hand后的内容和on the other hand后的内容是完全相反对立的。)parents often cannot understand children's thoughts and also feel angry when their children don't listen to their words.
禾城一隐说:谢谢彼得潘~我基础是很差的,所以每次写作都看看能不能模仿下范文,以及运用之前作文节目中学到的句型来写。得到表扬很开心,继续一起加油哦~1、第一句value systems改的很好啊2、第三句我觉得楼下的同学改的很好They do eve...When it comes to children...
children 可以改為teenagers, the youth等等, 太多children 換一換可以更多變化 regard what their parents (request) as a command instead of love and devotion.加油^^
songcheng628说:When it comes to children...那就把On the other hand换成When it comes to parents, they often cannot understand children's thoughts...
amysying说:children 可以改為teenagers, the youth等等, 太多children 換一換可以更多變化 regard what their parents (request) as a command instead of ...阿雪的建议很好啊,是可以改成teenagers, the youth这样类似的词语的,一样的词用太多,不好,我记住啦~
禾城一隐说:那就把On the other hand换成When it comes to parents, they often cannot understand children's thoughts...That's good!
禾城一隐说:谢谢Winnie~1、command前面要加a么,我记住啦~2、devotion的用法我是看到范文里有“8、love and devotion 关爱。英语中两词经常搭配使用”我才这样用哒一起加油哦~恩恩 好滴~
I used to be a wayward girl, but since I worked alone outside, I haven’t been willful any longer. Seeing the topic, I begin to think of the reason why generation gap always exists.
On the one hand, adolescents are not mature enough to handle their own emotions. Besides, after so many years of being protected by parents, they are eagerly to show themselves. And that’s why they always have conflicts with their parents.
On the other hand, parents always treat the adolescents as little kids, and also take it for granted that they should arrange everything for them, including the university, their major, or even their marriage.
写得不错!一点点评,欢迎探讨:1、I used to be a wayward girl, && 句号。2、adolescents are not mature enough to handle their own emotions这句我想handle换control是不是更好?我们说handle the problem, control the emotion.3、they are eagerly to show themselves句中eagerly && eager.4、On the other hand,典型错误。请记住on one hand ... on the other hand绝对不是表示递进关系(即中文里讲的”一方面...另一方面...),而是对比关系。On one hand后的内容和on the other hand后的内容是完全相反对立的。5、treat the adolescents as little kids换为treat their children as babies是不是更精确点?
1、eagerly -& eager2、最后一句是否应该改一下?including which university they should go, which major they should choose or even whom they should marry.
补充楼上~1 And that’s why they always have conflicts with their parents中其实可以把and省去哈2 , and also take it for granted 中 and前不用加逗号哈3 or even their marriage &&even their marriage就好啦同学总的来说写的不错 但是总是感觉缺个结尾段哦 不然总感觉没有写完呢~加油~
songcheng628说:写得不错!一点点评,欢迎探讨:1、I used to be a wayward girl, && 句号。2、adolescents are not mature enough to handle their own emot...恩恩。很有理呢。 我在下笔的时候,也觉得handle怪怪的,但又想不到好一点的,然后刹那间脑海里飘过hold住,,于是就直接用这个词了。eager,恩,没注意。treat their children as babies是精细很多呢,把意思表达很透彻。然后,至于on one hand, on the other hand.
紫韵he涟漪说:补充楼上~1 And that’s why they always have conflicts with their parents中其实可以把and省去哈2 , and also take it for granted 中 and前...哈哈。我发现我很喜欢用and,这个要改。哈哈。然后,结尾段嘛,我也觉得,然后点了下数字统计下,然后,算了懒得写。哈哈。我临时补个。。o(╯□╰)oAll in all, that's why generation gaps exists. The only way to erase it, in my opinion, is to think from the standpoint of each other.
peterzhuo说:1、eagerly -& eager2、最后一句是否应该改一下?including which university they should go, which major they should choose or even wh...enen恩恩。是呢。写的时候总是觉得怪的地方总是么认真去推敲。以后一定好好推敲推敲。谢谢赐教。O(∩_∩)O~
雪漫漫说:恩恩。很有理呢。 我在下笔的时候,也觉得handle怪怪的,但又想不到好一点的,然后刹那间脑海里飘过hold住,,于是就直接用这个词了。eager,恩,没注意。treat their children as babies是精细很多呢,把...Meanwhile
雪漫漫说:哈哈。我发现我很喜欢用and,这个要改。哈哈。然后,结尾段嘛,我也觉得,然后点了下数字统计下,然后,算了懒得写。哈哈。我临时补个。。o(╯□╰)oAll in all, that's why generation gaps exist...好滴啦 看到结尾了哦 赞一个~
I think the misunderstanding happens not only between different generations but also prevails between different countries and cultures. the problems caused by the misunderstanding can be solved if we are willing to be open-minded and listen to others' opinions carefully.
同学好哈~总体来说是木有什么问题滴~但是貌似有点 太短小精悍啦~有个小问题是 not only...but also...是个连词,所以前后的结构应该是一直滴~所以呢,我觉得改为这个更合适哈
not only between different generations but also
between different countries and cultures
1、not only...but also需保持一致。即but also后去掉 previls
恩恩 考试加油哦 等你明天来写作业哦~
It seems that most people would attribute the generation gap to the different experience, environment of growing up, culture or something like that. But in my opinion, the most essential reason is that we are not open-minded enough to our parents or children.
When I was in high school, I liked Jay Zhou's music very much but my parents didn't. And because of that every time I was listening to some music about him on TV, my parents always left the living room and did something else. Undoubtedly, they could not stand any longer for the music. Obviously, that made contribution to change the difference to gap. When I was in college, my mother lost herself in dancing. At the very beginning, I could not accept that because it looked like some old ladies doing exercises on the square and it was so funny. But after I talked to my mother later, I found it so interesting and healthy that I chose to go with her every time I was at home.
From my perspective, there is only generation difference originally and only when dealing properly with that difference can we prevent the difference from changing into a gap. The most important thing is to be open-minded enough. 答题用时:[35:44]
同学同学缩减词数哦 这也是一门学问呢~!有几个问题哦 我们可以一起探讨~1
to the different experience 木有the哈2 essential这个词貌似没有比较级和最高级的诶 所以不能用most essential哦3 and because of &&删去and4 I was listening to some music about him &&i was listening to his music/songs5 they could not stand any longer for the music&&they could not stand the music6 Obviously, that made contribution to change the difference to gap.??这句没看懂哦 that 指代不明哦 而且用法也不太对哦7
But after I talked to my mother later去掉later,重复啦9
only when we deal with that difference properly can we prevent if from changing into a gap总的来说 还不错哦 继续加油~
紫韵he涟漪说:同学同学缩减词数哦 这也是一门学问呢~!有几个问题哦 我们可以一起探讨~1
to the different experience 木有the哈2 essential这个词貌似没有比较级和最高级的诶 所以不能用most essent...Thank you very much.
我还老怕字数不够哈。。写了半个多小时,好慢啊。。学习学习了啊,6的问题,把that 改成these actions 是不是会好些。8、chose 不是choose的过去式吗?
写得很好。赞一个!个人补充的一点点意见,仅供参考:1、environment of growing up && different backgrounds2、 I chose to go with her every time I was at home 是不是掉了when? 时态 chosed逻辑:1、Undoubtedly, they could not stand any longer for the music. 这句重复,因为你前面已经讲了父母不喜欢周杰伦的音乐,而且还有个 because of that。总的不错,加油!
peterzhuo说:Thank you very much.
我还老怕字数不够哈。。写了半个多小时,好慢啊。。学习学习了啊,6的问题,把that 改成these actions 是不是会好些。8、chose 不是choose的过去式吗?6 这样改可以哈8的问题Winnie昨天脑子缺氧了 = = 忽略忽略~
When I was a child, I thought that no one could really understand me, especially my parents who always told me to do or not to do something. From my point of view at that time, generation gap equals misunderstanding, though I had actually felt their love to me. When I grow up, the major trouble is that not everyone, especially my parents, is willing to acknowledge that I can do so many things for myself as well as for others. Mother and father are still trying their best to help me, while I think that they themselves are the ones who should be taken care of. It is inadaptation of
the roles reversal that causes the generation gap now. At the same time, I realize that the generation gap between parents and I has always been in the form of love, which hasn’t been appropriately told and been understood.
1 From my point&&from my point of view2 When I grew up to be an adult的表达略重复哦,可以直接是when i grow up
紫韵he涟漪说:1 From my point&&from my point of view2 When I grew up to be an adult的表达略重复哦,可以直接是when i grow up谢谢指正,已改。
写得不错!个人一点补充意见,仅供参考:1、while I think that they themselves are the ones who should be taken care of. 你想强调可以尝试使用:while I think that it is them who should be taken care of.it is him/her/them who ... 强调句型,正是他...2、has always been the form of love 是不是掉了个in?in the form of sth. 以...的形式出现。3、 which hasn’t been appropriately told and be understand. 后面一个be是不是要换成been?前后一致?逻辑:很有条例,以时间为线索,从小时候降到长大, generation gap的不同,最后讲述其实都是爱,很清晰,不错!
songcheng628说:写得不错!个人一点补充意见,仅供参考:1、while I think that they themselves are the ones who should be taken care of. 你想强调可以尝试使用:while I t...谢谢点评。
Generation gap apparently a cliche topic today. Usually it exist between kid and parents.In my opinion there are several reasons for the rise of
this phenomenon in current.Firstly,inadequate and improper communication will easily give rise to misunderstood or even resentment between kid and parents. Most of time, youngers are not likely to accept the views hold by their parents as their gorwing environment are totally defferent. Seconly, the hobbies can also decide whether younger and elders share the common topic. Youngers from nowadays have more access to new type of devices such as ipad, laptop,etc.but olders might not knowing how to fiddle with it. while youngers might not patient to teach them how to use it and leave them alone.There are more countless reasons for increasing generation gap, but if both side willing to enhence mutual understand by communicating and spend more time together, the gap between these two generation will be narrowed.答题用时:[38:07]
写得真心不错。赞一个!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、Generation gap apparently a cliche topic today这句话掉了is吧?2、比较级名词化,我想应该是“the + 比较级”吧?所以,younger, older是不是前面要加定冠词呢?这点我也不是很确定,翻了翻语法书,好像也没有明确的说一定要加。欢迎探讨啊。3、Most of time && mostly 更加简洁。4、defferent && different5、 to new type of devices && to up-to-date devices6、but olders might not knowing && while ... 表对比关系。7、while youngers might not patient && And the youngers ...8、more countless && countless9、generation gap && the generation gap10、mutual understand && mutual understanding11、two generation && two generations行文结构:1、总体非常好,但既然第二段和第三段讲的都是论点,为何不合并他们呢?
songcheng628说:写得真心不错。赞一个!一点个人意见,仅供参考:1、Generation gap apparently a cliche topic today这句话掉了is吧?2、比较级名词化,我想应该是“the + 比较级”吧?所以,younger...多谢多谢!平时比较粗心,往往对细节的关注度不够。今后一定多多注意。不写不知道,所以平时还是要多写多用用脑的。嘻嘻 ~~~~~~~
The Generation Gap is a term popularized in Western countries during 1960s,referrning difference between
younger generation and their elders.
especially parents and children do not understand each other, because of
they are different life experiences, habits, opinions and behaviors.
The gap started widening more and more to the world in 1990. The new technologies as Mobiles phones, computers, TV games, I Pad-- etc, a big change in lifestyle of people. Today, young people totally depend on these new devices and elders still like to working on old way. It's increasing generation gap, even can destroy the family relationship.
From my point of view, respect to each other, more communication, toleration, love are good way to solve this problem.
写得不错。一点意见:1、is a term popularized && is a term which popularized2、referrning && referring3、difference && differences4、especially && Especially 因为前面是句号5、because of
&& their6、The gap started widening more and more to the world in 1990 && The gap started widening increasingly during the 1990s.7、Mobiles phones && mobile phones8、-- etc , && etc. , 缩写后面要有点 如:e.g. , A.M.9、a big change in lifestyle of people && is a big change in lifestyle to people.10、even can destroy the family relationship && and it even can..11、, love && and love12、are good way && are good ways总的不错,加油!
songcheng628说:写得不错。一点意见:1、is a term popularized && is a term which popularized2、referrning && referring3、difference &gt...Thank you for revised my essay, and congratulation you too.
Generation Gap?
This topic again?
I believe that the gap can be reduced rather than being rooted.
Generations comes from distinctive background, different certain social and family enviornment. These backgrounds help to shape their world outlook. People of different views can look at the same thing from different perspective.
Meanwhile, different generations stand in different shoes and parents cannot figure out what their children want.
Therefore, conflicts occur.
看样子你写过不少关于代沟的话题啊。哈哈。我的一点意见啊,仅供参考:1、rather than being rooted && being eradicated (我想你要表达的是根除的意思吧)2、Generations comes from && Generation gaps come from3、distinctive background && distinctive backgrounds 要么复数,要么冠词 + 名词单数,不能裸奔。4、different certain ??两个形容词删除一个。5、outlook && outlooks 前面有their6、can && would 我想你表示的是 “将会”,而不是“能够”吧?逻辑:1、开篇说代沟可以减少但无法消除,简单明了。2、论证时听出,代沟的形成有不同的背景或社会家庭化境造成,但后面的论点只在证明背景的差异造成的不理解。其他的两个没有说。3、People of different views can look at the same thing from different perspective.
有点过度论证的嫌疑。或者直接变从句,合并到前面一句中。&, which lead to different perspectives towards different things.&4、既然有内部逻辑,那么也请注意句子间连词的使用。
songcheng628说:看样子你写过不少关于代沟的话题啊。哈哈。我的一点意见啊,仅供参考:1、rather than being rooted && being eradicated (我想你要表达的是根除的意思吧)2、Generations c...是啊,写了不少。好几年不用英语了,用的时候,脑子空空。I believe that the gap can be reduced rather than being eradicated. People of different generation come from distinctive backgrounds, different social and family enviornments, which help to shape their world outlooks. For example, my parents were born in a poor China. Food was precious for them while now we are more concerned about houses. People of my grandparents did not value the children's education as our parents do. Therefore, what my grandma told to my father most was to master a certain skill to make a good living. But now parents wish that we can go to college to learn lots of knowledge to live a qualified life. People of our fathers generation used to get married because of a matchmaker while we now can enjoy a sweet
romantic relationship. These differences lead to different perspectives. No matter how hard we try, children and parents can not share exatcly the same idea. Therefore, conflicts occur and generation gap takes shap.
(Laugh and grow fat)
FlyingJackie说:是啊,写了不少。好几年不用英语了,用的时候,脑子空空。I believe that the gap can be reduced rather than being eradicated. People of different ge...Nicely done and only a few tips.......第一句being去掉或者改为bewhat my grandma told to去掉towish 改为hopefathers generation改为father‘s generationbecause of a matchmaker改为thanks to 更为合适个人意见,不对之处多包涵
(Laugh and grow fat)
Generation gap, it’s a universal phenomenon. For one same thing, because of different family background, education, standpoint, people can have diversified opinions. And since people have the inclination to stay together with someone who agrees with him, the distance or the gap between him and the others just appear.
In China, the discussions and debates about the generation gap often go wild. As for that our country is in a constant change we have never seen before, the younger generation and the older generations, sometimes they are like two groups of people who live in different planet. Their habit, their ideas, the angles they observe the world around them are never the same. And the worst of all, if the younger generation disobeys their elders, it’s against the traditional value – filial piety, the cornerstone of Chinese Confucius philosophy. But the younger generation they are more and more independent and rebellious, then the generation gap gets deeper and deeper.
So how should we build a bridge over the gap? Communication based on respect and understanding. The older people should not impose their ideas and thoughts to their children, not to mention the manipulation of their life. And for the younger generation, during the process of conflict of diverse ideas, they should try their best to explain, to update, to communicate, because we are younger and easier to learn the fresh and new stuff, and it’s our duty to explain it.
同学太长了啦 看的Winnie 我眼睛疼 TAT1 Generation gap, it’s a universal phenomenon.>> Gneration gap is a universal phenomenon2 for one thing or for the same thing3 because of different family background, education and
standpoint4 the younger generation and the older generations,sometimes are like two groups of people who live in different planets.5
if the younger generation disobey the elders,6 But the younger generationare more and more independent 7
Communication should be
based on respect and understanding.8
impose their ideas and thoughts on their children,9 to update and to communicate同学的错误都很相似 希望总结一下哈 记得点评楼上文章~
(Laugh and grow fat)
紫韵he涟漪说:同学太长了啦 看的Winnie 我眼睛疼 TAT1 Generation gap, it’s a universal phenomenon.&& Gneration gap is a universal phenomenon2 for ...嗯嗯, thanks ,应该写完了多检查下的。辛苦妹子了。楼上的我点评过了......Nice to meet you.....
Maybe most people will think the reason that leading to generation gap is lack of love and devotion from parents.but my opinion is that understanding is essential reason which gives rise to generation gap.
I believe that most of us were raised up by our grandparents not by our own parents directly,especially in rural area .As their parents must go to cities to work to make money and give the money to their grandparents and want their grandparents to bring them up instead of their parents.just because of this,their parents did a real sense commitment to looking after them,this is a great love,but only few children understand it.
In sum,if every child could put their feet to their parents'shoes,understanding parents,they will have a good surprise.
1.but首字母大写。2.essential前加个an3..I believe that most of us were raised up by our grandparents not by our own parents directly,especially in rural area .As their parents must go to cities to work to make money and give the money to their grandparents and want their grandparents to bring them up instead of their parents.感觉代词指代的东西好乱。3.just首字母大写。4.understanding用原型可能才对吧。
补充楼上~ the reason leading to ...不用that的然后同学注意大小写啊 好多句首都没有大写哦 这在正式考试中要扣分的呢
As far as I can see, one cause of generation gap is lack of communication and bilateral understanding. In modern times, individuality has been emphasized not only in school education, but also in the workplace. The people who has amazing personality will be highly thought. In order to get praises, some children pursue special characteristics and give up some qualities that get from their parents. On the other hand, parents may not accept or appeciate the differences between their children and themselves, so they disagree with their children sometimes. Due to many reasons, the children always don’t or can’t explain it, then they will think their parents are too old-fashioned to understand them. They both complain about they are not understood, which makes generation gap, instead of making an open conversation.
同学点评了楼上作文 赞一个~然后我们来看自己的作文哦1 The people who has amazing personality 中 people 前没有the哈2 be highly thought of/ spoken of3 get from their parents可以升级为 heritate from their parents4 the children always don’t or can’t explain it it 指代不明诶 主持人我看的晕晕乎乎的5 最后一句也是晕晕乎乎的 instead of 和那个并列呢?


