在美国政治中disappointed的意思 as ...

作者:苏珊娜·谢里(Suzanna Sherry)
University Law School)的赫尔曼·勒文施泰因(Herman
Calls: Separating Law From Politics in Constitutional
Cases,2008)、《探根究底:对宪法基础的错误探求》(Desperately Seeking
Certainty: The Misguided Quest for Constitutional
Foundations,2002),以及《不可理喻:对美国法律真理的极端攻击》(Beyond All Reason:
The Radical Assault on Truth in American
在近两个世纪以前,深入研究美国生活和习俗的著名人士阿历克西·德·托克维尔(Alexis de
大法官威廉&布伦南(William Brennan)由共和党总统杜怀特&艾森豪威尔(Dwight
Warren)和大法官威廉·布伦南(William Brennan)均是共和党总统杜怀特·艾森豪威尔(Dwight
Read more:
Influence and Independence: Politics in Supreme Court
President Bill Clinton and his Supreme Court
nominee, Stephen Breyer, at the White House in Washington in 1994.
Breyer remains among the liberal Supreme Court judges.
This is part of the book , published by the State Department's Bureau of
International Information Programs.
By Suzanna Sherry
Suzanna Sherry is the Herman O. Loewenstein Professor of Law
at Vanderbilt University Law School in Nashville, Tennessee. She
has co-authored three books on constitutional law and
constitutional theory: Judgment Calls: Separating Law From
Politics in Constitutional Cases (2008), Desperately
Seeking Certainty: The Misguided Quest for Constitutional
Foundations (2002), and Beyond All Reason: The Radical
Assault on Truth in American Law (1997). She has also written
dozens of articles and co-authored three textbooks.
Sherry acknowledges fears that a given justice’s political
opinions shape his or her rulings. These fears, she concludes, are
greatly overstated. Many factors, both personal and institutional,
outweigh a justice’s political leanings in explaining his or her
Almost two centuries ago, the famous student of American life
and customs Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, “[T]here is hardly a
political question in the United States which does not sooner or
later turn into a judicial one.” That statement is still accurate
today, and it poses a unique dilemma for American courts. How can
judges resolve issues that, by their nature, are political rather
than legal? The answer lies in the structure of the judicial branch
and the decision-making process in which judges engage.
Unlike judges in many other countries, American judges are drawn
from the ranks of ordinary lawyers and installed on the bench
without any specialized training. Not even Supreme Court justices,
although they often have prior experience on other courts, receive
specialized training beyond the legal education of every lawyer in
the United States. And while individuals (including future Supreme
Court justices) studying to become lawyers may choose to emphasize
particular subject areas, such as employment law or antitrust law,
there are no courses that aim to prepare them for a judicial
Supreme Court justices, then, begin their careers as lawyers.
Their backgrounds, their political preferences, and their
intellectual inclinations are, in theory, as diverse as you might
find in any group of lawyers. This diversity on the Supreme Court —
especially political diversity — is somewhat narrowed by the
process through which justices are chosen: Each is nominated by the
president and must be confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate.
Once appointed, justices serve until they die
there are no fixed terms and no mandatory retirement. Vacancies on
the Supreme Court are thus sporadic and unpredictable, and the
political views of any particular justice will depend on the
political landscape at the time of his or her appointment. A
popular president whose party is in the majority in the Senate will
likely make very different choices than a weak president faced with
a Senate in which the opposing party has the majority.
At any particular time, the Court will consist of justices
appointed by different presidents and confirmed by different
Senates. As the Court began its term in October 2012, for example,
the nine sitting justices were appointed by five different
presidents — three Republicans and two Democrats. The diversity of
political views on the Court and the periodic appointment of new
justices guarantee that no single political faction will reliably
prevail for long.
Differences aside, all of the justices share a commitment to
uphold the Constitution. Their fidelity to that goal makes the
United States a country governed by the rule of law, rather than by
the rule of men. The justices, in interpreting and applying the
Constitution and laws, do not view themselves as Platonic guardians
seeking to govern an imperfect society but, instead, as faithful
agents of the law itself. The Supreme Court can, and does, decide
political questions, but does so using the same legal tools that it
uses for any legal question. If it were otherwise, the Court might
jeopardize its own legitimacy: The public might not regard it as an
institution particularly worthy of respect.
Personal and Political Views
Nevertheless, justices do have personal views. They are
appointed through a political process. Observers naturally must ask
how great a role their political views actually play. Some scholars
argue that the justices’ political preferences play a large role,
essentially dictating their decisions in many cases. They point to
the fact that justices appointed by conservative presidents tend to
vote in a conservative fashion and those appointed by liberal
presidents vote the opposite way. The confirmation battles over
recently nominated justices certainly suggest that many people view
the justices’ personal politics as an important factor in judicial
decision making.
Republican President Dwight Eisenhower (left)
selected William J. Brennan for the Supreme Court. Brennan became
one of the most liberal justices of the 20th century.
But we should not so quickly conclude that Supreme Court justices,
like politicians, merely try to institute their own policy
preferences. A number of factors complicate the analysis. First, it
is difficult to disentangle a justice’s political preferences from
his or her judicial philosophy. Some justices believe that the
Constitution should be interpreted according to what it meant when
it was first adopted or that statutes should be interpreted by
looking only to their texts. Others believe that the Constitution’s
meaning can change over time or that documentary evidence
surrounding a statute’s enactment can be useful in its
Some justices are extremely reluctant to overturn laws enacted
by state or federal legislatures, and others view careful oversight
of the legislatures as an essential part of their role as guardians
of the Constitution. A justice who believes that the Constitution
ought to be interpreted according to its original meaning and who
is reluctant to strike down laws will probably be quite
unsympathetic to claims that various laws violate individuals’
constitutional rights. If that justice also happens to be
politically conservative, we might mistakenly attribute the lack of
sympathy to politics rather than judicial philosophy.
A justice’s personal experiences and background also may
influence how he or she approaches a case — although not always in
predictable ways. A judge who grew up poor may feel empathy for the
poor or may, instead, believe that his or her own ability to
overcome the hardships of poverty shows that the poor should bear
responsibility for their own situation. A justice with firsthand
experience with corporations or the military or government bodies
(to choose just a few examples) may have a deeper understanding of
both their strengths and their weaknesses.
In the end, it seems difficult to support the conclusion that a
justice’s politics are the sole (or even the primary) influence on
his or her decisions. There are simply too many instances in which
justices surprise their appointing presidents, vote contrary to
their own political views, or join with justices appointed by a
president of a different party. Two of the most famous liberal
justices of the 20th century, Chief Justice Earl Warren and Justice
William Brennan, were nominated by Republican President Dwight
Eisenhower — and Warren was confirmed by a Republican-majority
Senate. Between a quarter and a third of the cases decided by the
Supreme Court are all the justices, regardless
of their political views, agree on the outcome. One study has
concluded that in almost half of non-unanimous cases, the justices’
votes do not accord with what one would predict based on their
personal political views. Moreover, some deeply important legal
questions are not predictably political: We cannot always identify
the “conservative” or “liberal” position on cases involving, for
example, conflicting constitutional rights or complex regulatory
Other Factors in Decision Making
The structure and functioning of the judiciary also temper any
individual justice’s tendency toward imposing personal political
preferences. The most important factor is that the Court must
publicly explain and justify its decisions: Every case is
accompanied by one or more written opinions that provide the
reasoning behind the Court’s decision, and these opinions are
available to anyone who wants to read them. They are widely
discussed in the press (and on the Internet) and are often subject
to careful critique by lawyers, judges, and scholars. This
transparency ensures that justices cannot bend the law
their discretion is cabined by the pressures of
public exposure. And any justice who does not want to be thought a
fool or a knave will take care to craft persuasive opinions that
show the reasonableness of his or her conclusions.
Deliberation also plays a role in moderating the influence of
politics on justices’ decision-making. Before reaching a decision,
each justice reads the parties’ briefs, listens to (and often asks
questions of) the parties’ lawyers at oral argument, and converses
with other justices. The justices may also discuss cases with their
law clerks, recent law school graduates who may bring a somewhat
different perspective. After an initial vote on the case, the
justices exchange drafts of opinions. During this long deliberation
process, the justices remain open to persuasion, and it is not
unusual for a justice to change his or her mind about a case.
Because the justices, the lawyers, the parties, and the clerks
represent a diverse range of political views, this process helps to
focus the justices on legal, rather than political, factors.
Finally, the concept of stare decisis, or adherence to
the decisions made in prior cases, limits the range of the Court’s
discretion. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the Supreme Court
will follow precedent — the cases it has previously
decided. Even justices who might disagree with a precedent
(including those who dissented when the case was originally
decided) will almost always feel bound to apply it to later cases.
As decisions on a particular issue accumulate, the Court might
clarify or modify its doctrines, but the earlier precedents will
mark the starting point. History is full of examples of newly
elected presidents vowing to change particular precedents of the
Supreme Court, but failing despite the appointment of new justices.
Stare decisis ensures that doctrinal changes are likely to
be gradual rather than abrupt and that well-entrenched decisions
are unlikely to be overturned. This gradual evolution of doctrine,
in turn, fosters stability and predictability, both of which are
necessary in a nation committed to the rule of law.
No system is perfect, of course. In a small number of cases, one
likely explanation for particular justices’ votes seems to be their
own political preferences. These cases are often the most
controversial and usually involve political disputes that have
divided the country along political lines. It is no surprise that
they similarly divide the justices. The existence of such cases,
however, should not lead us to conclude that politics is a dominant
factor in most of the Court’s cases.
Many factors, therefore, influence the Supreme Court’s
decisions. The justices’ political views play only a small role.
Were it otherwise, the Court would be less able to serve as an
independent check on the political branches, less able to protect
the rights of individuals, and less secure in its legitimacy. The
public would not have as much confidence in a Court seen as just
another political body, rather than as an independent legal
decision maker. The justices (and other judges) know this, and they
safeguard the Court’s reputation by minimizing the role of politics
in their own decisions.
The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily
reflect the views or policies of the U.S. government.
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