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(C) 2010 OptYourLife && | &&
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Is It Worth Buying? Here’s My Take On It…
So you’ve heard of Mike Ramsey’s “Stop Sweating Start Living” book and all the buzz surrounding it, but the question remains “Is it worth the price?”, and “Does it really work?”.
This article is going to get to the bottom of whether or not this book will be a worthwhile investment for you.
In , Mike Ramsey makes the bold claim that through his program, “you can lower underarm, hand, face, foot and overall sweating by as much as 95%”.
He also states that you can stop excessive sweating within two weeks!
Bold claims, but the question is can they be backed up?
So I decided to find that out for myself.
I decided I’d be the guinea pig and went out and purchased the book.
The first thing that I noticed when I opened up the book was that it was a short book, only 18 pages.
At first I was a little wary as to how effective a short book can be, but as I read on, I realized that this book was all about getting the facts out onto the table, and not beating around the bush.
The pages are very detailed in their documentation of exactly what you need to do to fully implement this solution without any filler or fluff, which I can respect.
In addition to the
book, you also get two bonus books.
“No Sweat!” Which is a 40 page book on additional ways to treat facial, hand, foot, back and other excessive sweating areas.
And “Overcome Embarassing Toenail Fungus”, not something I needed, but would probably be useful for those who have excessive foot sweating.
The “No Sweat!” book is a particularly nice addition as it has a lot of new, natural solutions I had not read of anywhere else on the internet.
Stop Sweating Start Living – The Solution
Well, I can’t exactly give the solution to you as that would not be right, but here are some things I CAN tell you:
It is Very Unorthodox
The solution is something you have not heard or read about anywhere else, it’s totally out of left field.
It is Very Counter-Intuitive
You would never think when reading this that the solution suggested would work since it goes against what you would normally do to solve the problem!
You’ll Need A Few Tools
Nothing you can’t find at your local Walmart or Drugstore for cheap.
I picked up what was recommended for under $10.
It takes about 30-60 Seconds a Day
You need to put in 30 seconds a day to properly treat yourself.
Actually 60 seconds might be pushing it.
What Others Think:
Here are some actual testimonials I found of people who have tried it:
I would start sweating right after getting out of the shower and my shirt would be wet as soon as I put it on. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me.
Your cure sounded too good to be true. Nothing in life is ever that easy. Like most of these things, I figured there would be some kind of catch.
But you delivered on your promise and I’m so glad you did. It really is as easy as brushing your teeth.
I started noticing a big difference after the third day – and I think it was around the tenth day that I realized it was gone.
It was really “no sweat”
Jenny Bluitt, Huntsville, Alabama
My sweating was so bad I thought nobody could have it as bad as me. If I was around anyone besides my family or friends I would sweat horribly. I couldn’t believe it when I read your website because everything you say sounds totally like me.
I hated having to hug people because I was always afraid they would feel my wet shirt. And I always tried to figure out how to not have to get up in front of class or get in front of people.
I have been very happy with the results so far. It’s probably been 7 or 8 days since I’ve been doing it and I’m not sweating. You need to tell everyone that they have to try this. Thank you!!!!
Megan Cuff, Edgewood, Florida
I bought your ebook around 6 months ago and it has changed my life. Before reading it I thought I had a problem. I would sweat all day, I couldn’t lift my arms up, and all I could think to do was put on stronger and stronger antiperspirants. It was embarrassing.
I came across your book because I had had enough and decided to search the internet for surgery options to remove glands under my arms. I read the feedback on your site and decided that for the cost it was worth a punt. To be honest, after my first read I was skeptical as it seemed way too easy, however, I noticed improvement immediately and after a few weeks I was completely ‘cured’.
I thought I would write you this email because I am now 6 months down the track and can’t even believe I used to have a problem.
Thanks, your a legend!
Vincent Walker (England)
I found many more to testimonials just like this, so it seemed as if many people were having success with .
So after reading the book, I finally decided it was my turn to give it a go…
My Results:
The first few days I began with the Stop Sweating Start Living program my underarms were a little red from the treatment, which was not unheard of, but over the coming days my body got used to it.
It was hard to believe as I was doing it that something so simple could actually solve my problem!
But I kept at it… Sweating seemed to actually increase for me the first few days.
In hindsight, I believe it was my body’s way of unclogging my pores from all the years I caked on antiperspirant.
I trimmed my underarms to make the treatment easier on me and by Day 5 I was noticing SOMETHING was happening.
By day 9 or 10 though I was starting to get excited, the sweating had gone down substantially!
I was not dripping from my underarms throughout the day, I was not leaving to the washroom to pad out my underarms every half hour, I couldn’t believe that after everything I had tried I had found something that was working.
To this day I have made
a part of my daily life and I have had a very noticeable change in how much I sweat and ultimately in my quality of life.
I don’t even THINK about sweating even half as much as I used to, it is surreal.
So, is it worth buying?
For me it was the best $44.95 I’ve spent.
Will it be just as effective for you?
Well, there really is only one way for you to find out.
One of the things which helped me take the plunge was the fact that not only can you see results within 2 weeks, but there is also a 2 month money back guarantee.
I thought to myself “Well, I’ll try it out for the 2 weeks and if it doesn’t do anything I’ll return it!”.
Thankfully that day never came and I’m a lot happier for it…
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Our #1 Recommendation:
Stop Sweating and Start Living
By: Mike Ramsey
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